What's your favorite RPG company, for whatever reason?
Which RPG company do you hate, if any?
What's your favorite RPG company, for whatever reason?
Which RPG company do you hate, if any?
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nigga what?
Do not get upset by the OP pic, which I did not make. I should have said:
>pic not related
Arcanum and VtmB were just the right kind of ambitious with a coherent approach to roleplaying.
If we're talking about vidya RPG
I've always loved Pre-EA Bioware and Black Isle Studios for all the little details and extra effort they put in to their projects. Fallout 1 and 2, despite the tone changes, was basically a love letter to the old post apocalypse/sci-fi movies that I have pretty fond memories of, and despite gradually getting worse as the years went on, Bioware put a lot of work into writing up lore and subplots, even if not all of it was perfect.
Bethesda and I have a love-hate relationship. Elder Scrolls is my favorite setting, but it's gotten watered down a lot. Bring back Kirkbride and let my Argonians have magitech tree lasers and my buildings be made of crystallized music pls.
Fuck EA. It knows what it did. RIP Mythic Studios, you were too good for this sinful earth.
As for tabletop, WoTC is decent, and GeeDubz is... a thing that exists. Basically think of them the same way I do Beth for vidya RPGs. Mentioning that the concept of FATAL existing makes me want to shove my dick in a blender is kind of a given. White Wolf isn't too bad.
doesnt fucking matter. don't post this shit here
>Ooh, look at me! I curse on the internet! I'm so tough.
And no one was even talking about video games.
In fairness, I was, but that was mostly because i was confused about what kind of RPG OP meant.
Burger Games.
Because it's a one man company that makes good games.
>White Wolf isn't too bad.
White Wolf doesn't exist anymore, but I guess we're talking about any point in history.
>>Ooh, look at me! I curse on the internet! I'm so tough.
Fucking swearing on fucking Veeky Forums is just shitting par for the twatnugget course.
>And no one was even talking about video games.
Aside from the OP image being purely about vidja with the "videogames.memebase.com" banner.
You're just a complete disappointment of a poster all around really.
I have an utter disgust towards Paizo. Pathfinder might not be a big offender per se, but the linchpin of its marketing was shitting on other games and creating a cult-like fanbase, getting to the point of a MIRRION DORRAR kickstarter for a MMO that is never going to see the light of day. It's like fostering the worst that RPG communities can offer.
top tet
Just because the OP image has something to do with video games, doesn't mean that the thread has something to with videogames.
Also, cursing is just childish.
>True Neutral
They're Neutral Evil as fuck.
>We can't afford to make new games without franchising them because we can't control our budgets
>We need Uplay and aggressive DRM to control piracy
>We don't want to do PC ports because all PC gamers are pirates
>Um, Uplay is a service?
>We are very sorry our game was a buggy piece of shit. No refunds.
Evil Hat games is a terrible company run by SJWs who bully other game developers.
I like Mememto Mori for that weird lucha libre post-apoc game.
Lumpley Games does it right. Solid products that are dirt cheap and encourage hacking for other games, well done kick starters, and influential across all games for the designs.
As far as the big guns go WotC's D&D division is pretty great during 5e. Tons of good media around the game, open homebrew market, TSR material sold online, active Sage Advice and Unearthed Arcana, does a lot of charity work, engages the original creators of works when they don't have to, etc. They even let their employees do side projects - especially for Avalon games and stuff. They have the right amount of freedom from their directors to do a good job and not just push content. Product is expensive.
Now for a big player doing it wrong you just need to look at Fantasy Flight Games. Product is expensive, they piggyback off popular media and sell multiple versions of the same game, their TTRPG mechanics are largely ripped from other games with no aknowledgement, poor customer support, books look pretty but have a lot of basic errors, etc. Very much the EA equivalent to TTRPGs. Having played their board games they seem to go on forever too. The designers seem to really love people failing rolls all the time and calling that difficulty.
Dunno. Valve did ban Digital Homicide... But they are like the most hand-off company in the world, only 300 employees and all that (compare Blizzard has over 2,000 domestic and even more international employees.)
Not Paizo.
I've been fond of the guys who are porting all the JTTRPGs even though their name escapes me.
It took DH going on a full on rampage for Valve to even bother with them. And it's not like they've bothered to even try to curb all the other "developers" who harass people who have the audacity to point out their flaws.
You are 2/3rds me.
I'm a big fan of Lumpley. I don't like a lot of Baker's work, but I respect the hell out of him for how he runs the company. He makes his games in a promised timeframe, he's open to the community for conversation about the games, and I've never heard of shipping problems.
FFG is a piece of shit and I'll never forgive them for the crap they pulled with WFRP; not just the shitty 3rd edition, but taking 1e and 2e and slapping their watermark all over it, but being so retarded that they are selling the unerrated version of 2e core on Drivethru (even though the original devs made and sold the updated version), and their Career Compendium that is both incomplete and wrong, even though it's literally just a copy-paste job.
I didn't like WotC during the development of 5e and their bullshit promises about actually listening to people, so I stopped paying attention to them.
What bullying? All I know about Evil Hat is FATE, and I heard good things from Jim Butcher and the guy who does d20Monkey about working with them. complaints about SJWs are meaningless, because everyone is either thrown into SJW or /pol/
Black isle, bioware, obisidian
yeah, that was a shit motive for the protagonist of an open world game
(how many people have shot me in the past hour, I've lost count)
my rule of thumb is that any problem you're supposed to be solving while taking detours to clear out the local giant rat infestation is something you've been doing on and off for years and isn't any more urgent than taking out the trash
to be fair, NV was the only one that got me invested in the main story from the get go, Fallout 1 and 2 awesome games that still get a 10/10 from me, but the start was no diferent from randome quest giver in the tavern
Lots of people shot you, only one killed and buried you.
I mean I had to reload a bunch of times so...
>I mean I had to reload a bunch of times so..
scrub, but on a more serious note, you had absolutly nothing going for you in F1, you did not even meet anyone aside from the farseer from the valt, i did not even know why i shold give a crap about them, what if my cherecter hated it there? 2 had a similar problem, i spent like 10 minutes in the villige, nothing to make me want to save them
Honestly, the only person in the village I generally cared about was that cute dog that got lost in the gecko-infested forest. RIP Smoke.
Also, props to Fallout 2 for letting me have an army of dogs and allowing me to RP the plot of one of my favorite movies.
But I went to bed with him.
Did you at least steal his gun first?
Of course. Both of them. Then we had a gladiatorial fight. It was all very romantic.
Lucky. I went up to his room, but he had a bunch of guys there. I hated to kill the mood, but I'm not really into polygamy and we broke up over a call.
It sounds like your real complaint is that WotC did listen, but the 3aboo influence on the game was too strong. That's a different issue entirely.
Also Lumpley will always be my prime example, WotC is the non-indie doing it right which is a crowd of maybe 4 companies.
>I didn't like WotC during the development of 5e and their bullshit promises about actually listening to people, so I stopped paying attention to them.
Saying they were going to listen to people was a dumb idea in the first place. That was always going to be a meaningless PR move that only got found out because the gulf between what people asked for and what was necessary was wider than anticipated.
>complaints about SJWs are meaningless, because everyone is either thrown into SJW or /pol/
To be fair, they put out a book with some feminist bloggers about roleplaying disabled people. They genuinely lean in that direction, unlike 95% of what gets called "SJW" these days. It's all too easy to ignore to even be worth talking about, though.
>To be fair, they put out a book with some feminist bloggers about roleplaying disabled people.
What's wrong with that? 90% of people play retards with severe autism anyways
Can we consider STALKER an RPG?
Being a Revision of a Roadside Picnic I fucking love it
Nothing. Again, it's a totally pointless thing to complain about. Just that there's more to the accusation than, say, the 5e hullabaloo
I'd say Atlus.
I fucking love SMT and Etrian Odyssey, and both have been a huge influence in my campaigns. SMT for all the Law/Chaos dynamic and all the gods/godesses/demons, plus Kaneko's character design and art style is simply brilliant, and Etrian Odyssey for the sense of exploration, character customization, and the fact that it makes you prepare for any bullshit the game throws at you.
Square Enix is second. While a lot of their recent stuff is kind of mixed quality, FFXIV has some excellent lore and world building, and FFT and Tactics Ogre are two of my favorite games of all time.
I've never been too big on WRPGs, but I've liked what I played of Wizardry 8 and beat KOTOR2 and loved it.
I respect the quality FFG puts out. I like Evil Hat's community relations. I like the steadfastness of Chaosium and SJG when it comes to their respective house systems.
GW is terrible.
>Evil Hat games is a terrible company run by SJWs who bully other game developers.
news to me. care to elaborate?
Favorite: Kotodama Heavy Industries, bringing you Japan's best.
Hate: WotC and Paizo, duh.
This was made before Iwata's death.
While I don't care much for the systems, FFG's WH40K RPGs have the best lore in pretty much the entirety of 40K.
And NV is still better than 3 and 4.
FFG is consistent with its quality, even if they're overly fond of gimmick dice.