Would you play/include a race of sentient slimes in your game?
Would you play/include a race of sentient slimes in your game?
The problem is that most games are made for characters that are humanoid. Armor and weapons don't make sense for a slime.
If I do they wouldn't have any gender.
I think its more of a "I look this way because i like how it looks/feel comfortable this way."
What if they are the more semi-solid jello kind like rahns?
Only if they were highly sexual.
And if the game was highly sexual.
No armor but then you can also consider they can store thing in the body, like enchanted stuff.
Or you can compense the inability to wear armor with a natural resistance or regeneration.
Hmm, let me see something my "am I a faggot reading" first
Oh well, we can't do that.
Not all games rely on a magic item treadmill.
Well I had a slime Paladin once. His armor was modified to be completely enclosed so he could maintain humanoid shape. After a while he learned how to maintain shape in normal armor. He didn't start as a slime, so there where no gender difficulties, though.
No, never.
Aside from it not being my fetish, I'm wary of including player races that lack basic human weaknesses.
No player races that don't need any material sustenance or electricity.
No player races that are totally immune to a common damage type or status condition.
No player races that can fly longer than a move action at a time.
No player races that can morph through the smallest cracks or phase through matter entirely.
No player races that can wield more than two weapons at once.
You get the idea. I expect to see a dozen replies saying "no fun allowed", but I don't care. I don't want to design every map and battle in the game to still be challenging with your weird non-humanoid racial ability.
Stop playing deendee. It is trash.
I could see something like the Majins being a race in most settings, since they're more "very soft rubber" than full-on goo people. You know, except for when they get hurt badly and start regenerating, or unless their name is Buu.
You are having wrong kind of fun. Stop that immediately.
Do I smell Magical Realm?
Do you also disallow things like races that can see in the dark?
Well, if you say so...
>Play Eclipse Phase
>Get a robot that can redesign itself on the fly and likes becoming a ball of arms holding guns, an autistic murderhobo octopus, a digital intelligence hacker that spends most of its time piggybacking in the other PCs' minds/mesh inserts, and the Amazing Griefer who owns about a hundred expendable, shitty bodies
>Somehow I can challenge them just fine.
You are a poor GM.
It's funny because most of those can be sidestepped by spells anyway.
So it's like a temporary benefit at best.
The Forgotten Realms Waterdeep boxed set, I think, introduced goo people as a monster race that could have neutral/good members.
They traditionally served Ghuanadar but some broke frmo it. I forget their names but they sounded like Ghuanadar.
If I want to play my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, then I'm going to play my AD&D and you can't stop me.
Hook me up bro, I want to play in an EP game.
I agree completely. I'm all for hearing and allowing new races that I didn't contemplate in my setting, but if you try to get an abusable power you're vetoed. This is a pretty good list of common abuse-cases.
most of the races in dnd can see in the dark
>smugly compares an apple to an orange
get a load of this faggot comparing ridiculous Eclipse phase stuff to dnd player races.
I've always liked the concept of Slimes that are closely married to morphogenetic fields and don't have the capability of maintaining any form for a longer duration without any help.
Meaning that if a Slime wants to be humanoid and sentient, he needs something to prop itself up, like a skeleton inside to cling to. It can't keep that form for long if you remove the skeleton and if it can't stay humanoid, it slowly degrades and becomes a semi-sentient blob again.
I have a race in mind for my sci-fi game. They're essentially just a barely moving greyish slime that attempts to hide itself in the food of other organisms. When it finally gets eaten, it begins to multiply, take over the host body, and warp it physically. Its entire morphology is mixed around, with some organs being rearranged or removed entirely. Since the system includes hit locations, the extra limbs, regeneration, and physical mutations make it harder to kill
Seeing as this is still kind of a race in testing, I'm not sure if their motivations are anything beyond survival or if a social structure exists, but I'm open to ideas if someone passing by has one
Stop playing deendee it's not an RPG, just a shitty skirmish wargame.
I've asked this before, but never got a response.
I deconstructed Forgotten Realms and rebuilt my fantasy world from creation on up to a world inclusive of nearly all races.
I entirely forgot about slimes and did not include them, at all.
No PC race, no NPC race, no monsters.
Did make a mistake?
>telling other people to stop playing games
>on a board dedicated those games
user, I...
But what if I say pleaaaaase?
+2 Con
+2 Dex
-2 Int
Medium Size
Speed: 30
60 feet dark-vision
Boneless: Can move in ways other humanoids cannot. +2 Racial bonus to Escape artist and Acrobatics. +1 CMB and CMD
Humanoid Ooze: Cannot be Stunned, and Take no additional damage from Precision based attacks (Ex. Sneak Attack.). Immune to Poison, and Sleep effects. Does not require sleep, but must eat and breathe twice as much as a human their size.
Liquefy: Twice per day, The character can shapeshift into a liquid like form, gains climb 20ft, swim 20ft, and counts as a fine creature for moving through spaces. All gear falls to the ground, and the liquid cannot attack.
>Veeky Forums is deendee board
No, fuck off degenerate. You and your brain-rotted brethren will be strung up soon.
>ridiculous Eclipse phase stuff to dnd player races.
EP doesn't have half the ridiculousness D&D makes playable.
If your goal was to be all inclusive, you did fail. The Slime/Ooze family has legends in its midst, such as the epic gotcha of the Gelatinous Cube, or the "oh our armor can be damaged?" moment of fighting a Grey Ooze. As far as I know there's no PC or NPC race, just a bunch of monsters.
I know, but he specified 'basic human weaknesses'.
Overpowered as fuck,
First draft
It's shit even for the first draft.
How long does the liquefy last? What sort of action does it take to change states?
Eh, I assumed he meant "living humanoid", not literally Human.
More or less I don't allow racials that are more extreme than those found on the core races, unless I don't think it would be disruptive or it has tradeoffs that bring it in-line.
You forgot -4 Cha.
Good question, Probably standard action, then maybe 1 minute + con modifer rounds.
But Eclipse Phase is a trash system.
Is this a 3.5e crap I see? Begone.
Eh, it's not that bad. Stun and precision damage is typically pretty rare. The poison immunity is probably too much and there might be some need to note that while they don't need sleep they still have to rest to heal/regain ability uses.
But, it is.
And shitting on D&D while defending Eclipse Phase is an exercise in stupidity. Eclipse Phase is a horrible system.
>Game Police
You are the worst this fucking generation has to offer.
Yeah you still need 8 hours restful activity for spells, resources and what not; its just there's no fatigue or exhausted form not sleeping.
If not poison immunity then at least a +2 on saving throws.
>If your goal was to be all inclusive, you did fail.
My goal was to include any and all things that "make sense".
Halflings got written out.
Gnomes got written out and then written back in.
"A" gelatinous cube in a dungeon could make sense as a wizard's construct.
A whole race of them, less so.
The idea is that at no point does anything just exist there because it is a contrivance of the game.
+2 or +4. something along those lines should be fine.
>My goal was to include any and all things that "make sense".
>Halflings got written out.
>any and all things that "make sense".
And yet dwarves and elves are fine for you. That's actually pretty funny, you know.
I would politely answer back with a "no thank you", because you talked to me like an actually human being.
So you wanted everything "makes sense" but didn't define "making sense" so I misunderstood you.
My advice is just think of slimes as massive single-celled organisms, like monsterously large amoebas and decide if that "makes sense" to you.
Alright then.
If you can't make elves or dwarves makes sense, you're just not trying.
Halflings make the most sense as Hobbits.
I chose not to wholesale lift Hobbits from Middle Earth to my world.
If they're not Hobbits, they are not much different from tiny humans or tiny, less magical elves.
I eventually found a purpose for tiny, less magical fairies, I call them Gnomes.
Why would I need Halflings?
Well, I'm pretty sure that's the fetish of at least one of my players, so I'd probably avoid it unless they annoyed me enough that I want to make them feel REALLY uncomfortable.
As for whether or not I'd play one, sure. Could be an interesting narrative/mechanical concept.
>Why would I need Halflings?
Why would you need dwarves? They are not much different from short, bearded humans or tiny, less magical elves.
Why would you need elves? They are not much different from pointy-eared humans.
And all three races make the most sense as races from Middle Earth.
> Fetish fuel: Has to rape at least one humanoid per day.
Add -2 Str to that overpowered shit
Not him, but the point's clear. Elves come from the Faewild, Dwarves come wherever the fuck they come from. But unless you write in a Buu expy, or an epic level wizard decided to invite the entire world into his magical realm, a slime race is a challenge to rationalise.
I'll concede that removing halflings is harder to justify, though.
>So you wanted everything "makes sense" but didn't define "making sense" so I misunderstood you.
I use "makes sense" because it sums up "has internally consistent justifications without any glaring flaws, holes, or leaps in logic" and because "realistic" has horrible connotations.
Sounds like you vote on including them in my world as strange natural creatures. I might do that, but I'll have to work up how they fit into the ecosystem a bit.
I remain largely ignorant if their life cycle.
Slime-kin V2
+2 Con
+2 Dex
-2 Int
-2 Cha
Medium Size
Speed: 30
60 feet dark-vision
Boneless: Can move in ways other humanoids cannot. +2 Racial bonus to Escape artist and Acrobatics. +1 CMB and CMD
Humanoid Ooze: Cannot be Stunned, and Take no additional damage from Precision based attacks (Ex. Sneak Attack.). Immune to Sleep effects and have a +4 bonus to Saving throws against poison. Does not require sleep, but must breath and eat twice as much as a human their size.
Liquefy: Twice per day, The character can shapeshift into a liquid like form, gains climb 20ft, swim 20ft, and counts as a fine creature for moving through spaces. All gear falls to the ground, and the liquid cannot attack. Cannot hold items or grapple or be grappled, unless the grappler has a container that can hold liquid or can otherwise manipulate liquid supernaturally. This Lasts for one minute + Con Mod rounds.
Alternate Racial Traits:
Stretchy form: Can extend reach, but not threaten, 5 feet to melee attacks. Replaces Liquefy.
Why would putting effort and energy into maintaing a specific complex appearance make a slime feel comortable?
Don't crimp on his/her/its style.
No, I'm not talking about slimes - they are pure fetish fuel, I'm talking about halflings. What these guy did wrong?
Because less people will try to kill the slime when it appears human rather than a puddle of semen.
First, I worked from an inclusive, not exclusive, approach.
>Can I include this so it makes sense?
>Can I eliminate this because it's similar to something else?
Second, my elves are not humans with pointy ears and my dwarves are not short humans with beards.
I reduced the races down to core elements and worked out a path of development from creation to present races that ended up with those core elements.
Cosmetically, you can approach them at a glance and know they're elves and dwarves, but if you look at them closely, I worked to make them alien from humans.
Bouncy: Blunt strikes rebound from your rubbery hide, Gain DR5/Piercing-Slashing. Replaces Liquefy.
>my elves are not humans with pointy ears and my dwarves are not short humans with beards.
Oh, of course they are, darling. Of course they are.
>What these guy did wrong?
If you're asking why did I remove them, in addition to all I can say is that every reason I came up with to include them could be filled by a race of smaller than usual humans.
That has nothing to do with shapeshifting into something comfortable.
>Oh, of course they are, darling. Of course they are.
Kindly go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
Elves and dwarves have were clear and defined niches that don't really intersect with standard fantasy humans. Halflings on the other hand, are pretty much short humans that are slightly more into farming.
Hobbits made sense in the context of The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, being a reflection of Tolkien's idea of pastoral idyl and makign good viewpoint characters because they're not inclined to adventure or stray too far from the Shire, making all the fantastic stuff as fantastic to them as it would be for the reader.
However, in the context of your standard fantasy RPG, that doesn't carry over very well, and not-hobbits just come out as short farmers that could easily be replaced by human peasants if you just made them taller and shaved their feet. Also, since one of the core traits of hobbits was that they were not at all inclined to adventure, they'd make a pretty bad PC race choise.
Because if they're an intelligent race that regularly interacts with other sentient races it behooves them not to be just a talking puddle of snot when they do so. Maybe not with tits/secondary sex characteristics, unless I was going full magical realm.
What is Spelljammers
What is Star Frontiers
Halflings are shitty and boring, so are gnomes though, so would've been best if he'd left them out.
Since you are bringing up Middle-Earth you should know how
>They are not much different from short, bearded humans or tiny, less magical elves.
>They are not much different from pointy-eared humans.
Can easily be made false. Tolkien's elves don't even have pointy ears
Well, if you insist.
Sure, why not?
And so are dwarves and elves.
And what is comfortable form for them then? also, maybe they are made from humanoids, and they prefer to stay vaguely humanoid out of habit.
However, when I run my own setting later on I'm going to change them up a bit with aspects of a hivemind mushroom race someone posted here a while ago. An elder cluster spawns off humanoid individuals of various castes that can go out and experience the world, and are inclined to return before death to reimpart their knowledge and memories and possibly be reabsorbed into the collective. It's quite a bit like mind flayers but with less brain eating.
The gnomes are basically faye squib, more in common with David the Gnome or low powered leprechauns than d&d gnomes and they exist as a relatable interaction with fairies.
They can be.
So can humans.
Interesting is the marriage of familiarity and novelty.
The slimes are basically mindless unless they assimilate a sapient creature. However the sapience they gain this way comes with the memories of whoever they consumed. The entire species consists of either mindless anals or people with serious identity crisies.
We had a slime PC in a game, but she didn't start out that way, she turned into one overtime. Though after that she became OP as fuck and more or less created her own race of sentient slimes in her image. The epilogue assumes that eventually she ends up engulfing the world.
Sure, why not?
>Maybe not with tits/secondary sex characteristics
But that was my initial point.
No. It's one of those things that scream of "Unoriginal sci-fi/fantasy setting that's trying way too hard to be different"
Half slime is ok tbqh
What if the slime race is actually a species of degenerated humans that form themselves around the old bones of their ancestors and newly dead humans when they can get them? Like a pile of crawling muscles that can form and reform itself when given structure to work with.
yo what's the saucy sauce for this please?
How would that work?
>like rahns
>No player races that can fly
Well that's fair
I guess everyone has their opinions and tastes, I can't fault you for that if you aren't playing a campaign that allows it-
>No player races that can wield more than two weapons at once
Okay now you're just being a faggot.
I have to ask...what's the green lady in? Those don't look like pants. Or any other item of clothing I'm familiar with.
Oh sorry, forgot the plural was just rahn. My bad.
not if they're going to be anthropomorphized like that.