Why do people like the Death Korps of Kreig?
>lol they arent edgy they are GRUMDARK
>Test tube babies
>Most people make them out as fucking nazis or germans due to the fucking name but look more like WW1 french
Why do people like the Death Korps of Kreig?
>lol they arent edgy they are GRUMDARK
>Test tube babies
>Most people make them out as fucking nazis or germans due to the fucking name but look more like WW1 french
Because 40k is a game of fascism, and the Imperium is the most unironically fascist faction, and of the Imperium the Death Korps are the most nazi-ish looking/sounding.
The sort of userbase that thinks the Imperium is cool will think that the Korps are SUPER COOL. The only way they could be cooler was if they were space marines. Ubermarines.
Everything you listed as a downside is, to them, exactly why they like it.
I mean, Nazi aesthetic or not, the Death Korps look damn fashionable. They're a really cool and ominous-looking army.
Tbh, I love the WW1 French "en ne passe pas" ethos
but arent Mordian Iron Guard and Steel Armageddon Legion closer to germans?
They don't get the same level of exposure. I'm honestly not sure if you are making them up or not.
Armchair generals loves disposable cannon fodder...I mean soldiers...that you can send to their doom without feeling any guilt.
Autism attracts autism. Also, once upon a time someone wrote a good book about Necrons, hiveworlds and the DKK.
Harakoni Warhawks best regiment.
I like their fatalism and how they see themselves as worthless considering how hard they fight.
I'll be honest and say I like their uniform but there are many regiments with a distinct flavour but the Death korps has had the help of Forgeworld to bring them kits to the table top. Kits which aren't monopose metal. They are must more versatile.
They are much more readily available than say Praetorians, Valhallans, Vostroyan and Steel Legion.
Hence they get a lot more exposure and so people like them.
The Death Korps of Krieg do war differently from the rest of the Imperium. When the rest of the Imperium goes to war, they goes to war either wreathed in glory, or else as cogs in a gigantic machine that abuses and squanders human lives. In comparision, the Death Korps are both fatalistic and professional. No Krieger ever got a batallion killed looking for a medal.
Plus, they look great.
>not loving autistic nazi frenchmen
I'm maskfag.
Kreigers? Those depressed fags dont know the definition of danger close
They look cool
You know how the Guard likes artillery?
Krieg REALLY likes artillery, and so do I.
No, they just get all the battalions killed because they truly think it's the best tactic.
But you're right, the selflessness in their sacrifice is refreshing.
>Autism attracts autism.
>Don't know the definition of danger close
>The gasmask and artillery fetishists
>Not knowing and practicing danger close on every battlefield
>Even in space
0/10 m8, see me after class cunt
Because they look awesome and everyone loves gas masks.
>okay okay I have an idea for a unit
>everyone is rambo, but from rambo 2 not the first one
>no its cause of their harsh planet see, it turns everyone into rambo
literally can't be gayer
they don't even resemble an actual military unit
Im PRETTY sure even if they knew the definition of Danger close they still wouldnt care
If they can genetically modify their horses to be better suited to the landscape, why don't they do the same to themselves?
Because the human form is holy, duh
Tell that to space marines.
Why is the pope there?
He was touchin little boys who could have died in the emperors name
Elysians are the patrician FW Regiment.
They're both real
Although admittedly, the Armageddon Steel Legion look the most like WW2 Germans, while the Death Korps are definitely WW1
I like the way they look but yea the backstory kinda misses the point of the imperial guard.
they look good and more importantly are the only IG regiment other than Steel legion that you don't need to paint skin
This pretty much.
Honestly, in my opinion this is the only reason to like any WH faction. I mean it's really not like you can or should be "interested" in the lore. The lore is comical and dumb on purpose to be completely 100% honest and I really don't understand people who take it seriously or have, god forbid, serious debates about it. It has some cool aesthetics though and that and actual gameplay/strategy/army building are the only parts worth caring about IMO.
*sigh* holy fucking shit. Until fairly recently the pope did not wear a miter. The miter is a bishops hat. All bishops/archbishops wear them formally. The pope used to wear a triple crown, signifying he was the lord under the trinity. More recently, the pope realized monarchy was on the decline, and wanted to appear more humble. So he wears a miter, signifying his position as archbishop of Rome.
I get you may never have seen a bishop/archbishop. I am not a catholic, fuck not even a christian. The only reason this bothers me is how common and silly the misconception is. It is like seeing a man in judge's robes, and assuming he is a supreme court justice. Yes a supreme court justice wears a judge's robe, but so do judges.
As to your actual question, 40k's eclisiarchy has always had a catholic aesthetic. Miters are pretty cool looking, so they are happy to slap them on everybody. That is probably a bishop equivilent. He probably had command of the local church, and seems to have failed in some way given the DKK had to show up. This is probably a sanctioned execution.
Jesus buddy if you're going to get that triggered you could at least spell ecclesiarchy correctly.
>this nigga
that's because Nazi aesthetic was pretty fashionable. Fascionable, you could say.
They do, but bio-organically. And only so much.
The Admech and Administratum allow it because they're like a little pet army willing to fall int certain parts of their respective ideals, if kreigers used administratum brand gear like the cadians they would be the poster child of the guard.
Space marines aren't genetically modified.
kek, gold star
Based Hugho Boss.
I really like the Tallarn, Lawrence of Arabia IN SPEHS
I've always loved Steel Legion but never made a force, how would one go about converting them?
So this is very complex, so i will try and spell it out for your incredible brain
I like them because in a world where you are almost guaranteed to die in a horrific manner, the only sensible way to go about life is by looking forward to that moment with glee.
It helps that you get the feeling these guys are dead on the inside, which kind of makes them the most tragic regiment in the Imperium. They're like a mundane version of the space marines, giving up their humanity so that the mankind may live on.
Dear god that looks so stupid and that comment was dumb
>space age society
But we're gonna give 'em pointy sticks, cumbersome gas masks(check out what a modern gas mask looks like), and they're riding horses.
Good gravy is that dumb. Literally none of those things have to be true, but they are because >muh GRIMDERP aesthetic.
Your average WH40k fan is an annoying piece of shit who wants to go back to the old ways of doing warfare. They are literally atavistic.
So just what do the Kriegers do with their women? Do they just not get produced in their artificial wombs? Do they get used at opposition in training exercises? Sent to the front lines and you can't tell cause of the trench coats and gas masks?
>what is fantasy
If a Kieger can ita serve to atone for the sins of their forefathers, they are used as target practice for live ammunition drills. Or stripped for parts and used as medical dummies. While still alive. Without anesthesia.
You need more subtlety
So no qt Krieger girlfriend then?
>Do they just not get produced in their artificial wombs
Kriegers don't use artificial wombs
>opting for GRUMDARK instead of GRIMDORK
op confirmed for retard, all shitty faction opinions aside
I honestly think thry fucked up with krieg lore. They just seem depressed instead of badass, the kind of treatment that kriegers get produces broken individuals not good soldiers.
They do, the woman are for egg spending then factory work/life fire training.
You get child soldiers. Which are for all intends the ideal soldiers until the late second part of the 20th century.
>Obey orders, no matter how insane they are
>don't plunder
>don't rape until ordered to
Sure why not, it's not written as though there's no female kriegers ever
gland-warriors exist tho.
Have the Kriegers ever actually won a battlew where they didn't march dudes into machineguns all day erryday?
This is one of the poorest attempts at bait I've seen. Huh.
>Why do people like the Death Korps of Kreig?
I dont know, user...
user, Kreigers specialize in siege warfare. They ARE the guys with machine guns and artillery. And the guys who walk into the machine guns and artillery. So yes, yes they have.
if i remember correctly they won a battle by just shelling a hive city 24/24 7/7 for ten years or so.
(As it's been said) Because they look cool, Their lore is insane, and their rules are fun. Plus, DKoK are about as hardcore (Or edgy, if you want to use that word) as guard can get.
I started playing them because Cadians and Catachans(?) look really silly to me. Both of their models stand as tall as a space marine (90% of the time) which makes me gag. Ontop of that, the models are steller and I wouldn't be suprised if they still look at least good enough in the next 5-8 years.
Now, I don't understand the Kreig wifuism, that I'll admit.
You're just mad your army isn't as cool as Kreigers.
>Gold Star
Not the best award to give a Nazi, user.
You know how some people like Rey from Evangelion? An emotionless, totally obedient clone with a penchant for dying? Yeah, DKOK females are basically an army of Rey's.
Reminder that Armageddon does what the Death Korps but without wasting the lives of the faithful.
>41st millennia
>still relying on trench warfare
>not engaging in superior mechanized warfare
good joke kamaraden, now get back to digging your own grave
Someone get a drawfag in here and draw Rey as a Krieger!
>dkok waifus
the most boring of the guard waifus, and they're like dead fish in bed
Gets me thinking about that one screencap
NEIN! I will teach her joy! With cuddles! And sex!
I think a lot of you gloss over that most of the Death Korps are a siege regiments, where they make trench networks around their batteries.
Lmao the cadians are some of the most dogshit looking models gw has put out.
I like to imagine it's like this for either gender
Just tell her your doing if for the emperor
Nick sure had alot of same face but there is something I like about his art style I dont know what
I've always had a big interest in the first world war, being English. I like Krieg aesthetically because they're a melting pot of different ww1 armies, helmets are a lovechild between the Adrian Helmet and a Stahlhelm, uniforms are closest to Russian and webbing and gas masks are German. Also, mass infantry charges, cavalry actions, and huge amounts of artillery makes them interesting in lore (in comparison with say, the Eldar who fight entirely differently) and also interesting on the tabletop.
What's really the kicker for me is that unlike most depictions of the first world war where you have masses of infantry bellowing and screaming as they fight, carrying wounded comrades and the like, the Death Korps don't. The image of thousands of silent wind-up toy soldiers charging through fire and smoke to their doom without a sound is chilling ,even in something as grimdark as 40k.
Not everyone plays them because LOLGERMANS=EVIL? RIGHT?. Wind your neck in.
Its simplicity while having detail maybe?
Bio organic, different process.
I'd rather fuck that Catachan, or get fucked by that Catchan to be more accurate
>LOLGERMANS=EVIL? RIGHT?. Wind your neck in.
Yeah im sorry about that but the only way im gonna get people to come to this thread to shit talk about the korps and bam I get posters.
I spent like a minute on that OP and I can trust if you I actually asked a full sentence and used actual reason to why the korps are bad then no one would come.
Posting the rest of this thread. Really worth a read, best piece of writefaggotry shat out here for a few years.
I get the feeling that Catachan's do it as quickly as possible, cause every second you're having sex is an opportunity for a predator to get you.
>tfw no IG unit with Adrian helmets
Krieg. File down the rim of them, they've still got ridges, especially on the officer helmets.
Yeah, i think that's it. Lad got a pretty clean style that allows him to get enough detail but not too much while keeping everything simple. Only problem is the sameface
Aww, thanks user. I'm kinda pleased 2 or 3 pieces I've written have made it into Veeky Forums's "definitive canon".
You're a skilled writer. You do this board proud, user.
Dang bud, good going, glad you're still around
>I like 40K but i dont like WW1 aesthetics
I've been around since '04-'05, and I'm not likely to leave anytime soon. Just trying to do my part and post actual content wherever possible -got to keep the signal to noise ratio high.
FW makes cool minis and tanks
FW makes lots of DKoK
Therefore Death Korps has lots of cool minis and tanks.
>ww1 gear is nazi looking
>majoritarily french uniform is nazi looking
>self-loathing faceless robots are comparable to the glorification of the popular classes present in fascism.
>nazism and fascism are complete synonyms
Would you kindly read a book before posting, user?
As with anything, it didn't prevent Veeky Forums from making waifus of them.
>Rey from Evangelion?
>Rey, not Rei
I've seen maggots eat there way out of an Africa child, and I wasn't as disgusted as I am right now.
>I like 40K but i dont like WW1 aesthetics
when did he ever say this
>40k is all ww1 aesthetics
jesus christ.
Yeah their lore does suffer from the same over the top pointless grimderp that most shit in 40k does but their WW1 aesthetic is beautiful