Old bread: Every thread OP forgot about edition.
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Old bread: Every thread OP forgot about edition.
Pastebin: pastebin.com
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)
I never have this much luck with rolls.
Oh cool, I've been looking for this one.
>not posting the extended version
Well, pretty close this time. I'll take it.
Full Plate, Leather, Fetish
Defense, Ley Lines, Resistance, Lingering, Solar Power, Regenerative, Eternal, Youth
Obedience, Transformation
Don't have it, sorry. Post it?
Ley Lines
Solar Power
More points than I really know what to do with. I guess I sell protection and youth collars, and offer special deals on the side. Maybe even make extra special ones that aren't for sale, as bait for thieves that's loaded with curses.
That's not an extended version, it's a remake done by someone else.
Rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10 (3d6)
Gonna roll
Well jeez, sorry senpai.
>Solar Power
>Ley Lines
>Transformation (remove all excess body fat)
Dare you wear the Banana Hammock of power
Ayylmao waifus, for those who want them. I don't think this one's been up in a while.
Staying on the ship is objectively the superior choice, but hey. Whatever floats your boat.
Hand on heart this is the only time I will post this as a WIP this time. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Well, anyway, I want your opinions mostly on how I'm going to do a points system, based on a percentage of sanity with certain traits affecting your SAN. No I am not just mashing Suitability and Fleshweaver together with the Eldritch Revelation one because I'm out of ideas. I just really like that rusted gold image that I found on pintrest.
My fingers were crossed the entire time!
I'm torn between staying on the ship (with media link so that we can compare the media of our different worlds) or going to Hugo and get played around by Artemis
Sempai noticed me.
Mine all look shit, if I'm a senpai, I am an awful one.
pg 2
I feel that. It's more fun if you can't stay on the ship, really- I'd go with Nay'Teen in that case. It'd still be exciting and different every day, and that's the real appeal of the ship to me.
Speaking of ships, this was created couple threads ago, very nice.
Come on, man, you're the up and comer. The rate at which I do shit basically makes me a non-entity. I can't help but aspire to the (You) bukkakes you enjoy on a regular basis.
As for the cyoa, maybe try going a bit less sadistic than you did with the Fleshweaver thing. A bit of further clarification as to what the insanity meter means in practical terms would be good as well.
If you can be asked, I would suggest notes for every 10 percent rather than 25.
I see you've yet to put the name of the CYOA on the first page.
Can you get one of these things in real life
Since we're talking Eldritch...
And the mystery box
I'm not the guy who did fleshweaver, that's a different guy. Who I feel for. I think he's going to disappear for a while. After writing a CYOA like that, I'd feel drained too.
I might see if I can fit in one every 10%, though it might be a little difficult space wise.
Fucking hell mate, spoiler the bloody box.
I'm still around, just trying to put together this one about minigirls. It's been slow going because I'm sick and get nauseous when I sit up for too long. But it's starting to get better, so I might have it done today or tomorrow.
Thought I did, honestly. It's been a long day.
Glad to see you're still around mate, Fleshweavers was excellent, though I think I've said that. Good luck with your CYOA, I'll probably hang off on mine until wednesday or something if you're going to post one.
Well, I suppose everyone seen it at this point anyway.
In your dreams, you can get anything!
It'll take me at least the rest of the night, so don't worry your head too much. I'd love to see your work.
Well, I might head off to bed soon, so who knows.
Ah, I forget we have people on all kinds of time schedules. If you're going to bed, I wish you a pleasant and fulfilling slumber.
What about not in my dreams?
I got what I wanted in my dreams at one point, for about 3 seconds. Massive disappointment followed.
Cheers lad. Looking forward to your CYOA.
I mean, obviously you've gotta go with the spaceship. There's a whole galaxy out there; why stay shackled to one planet? I'll pick the Vehicle as my device, unless she doesn't have any entertainment devices, in which case I'll take the Media Link. I'd like to use the Communicator to say goodbye to people first, though.
...Also, the CYOA really needs a better explanation of why you can't return home once she gets home, rather than dropping you off at some other planet.
Morin. She pings my xenophilia fetish something fierce, and I'm interested in her culture.
Communicator. I may not be able to spend time with my loved ones, but at least I can provide for them by offering them xeno-culture which they can sell.
You sure that's 'deredere' and not 'yandere'? Or is that kinda the joke?
>ITEM: Communicator
Really nice, but the grammar and sentence structure for this CYOA is terrible.
So I know I posted this before, but I really wanted some ideas from Veeky Forums.
Each origin will have 20 powers, (10 general, 5 for melee and 5 for ranged), likely about 10-15 weapons and 2 mods for each weapon, probably around 8-12 origin specific armour mods and 8-12 general armour mods.
So far for powers I want to differentiate them from Hell Invasion and make the weapons more unique as well. I intend to add stuff like plasma weapons (demons will have lost their heat immunity for X reason) but I'm kind of stuck for powers. For the general "theme" of each in terms of weapons and powers I was thinking of:
Paladin stuff, but also stuff considered by many to be sorcery or magic.
Quick, agile, precision based. Capable of brute force but cannot withstand much without dodging or using tricks to avoid harm.
Able to consume, stretch, deform under stress (kind of like Luffy), Prototype+Zerg based powers.
>Pure Rage
Stuff based off anger, such as growing hotter, making thunderclaps, charging up your weapons, all based off how angry you get.
Unique organs that can do stuff. One idea I had is a "Plasma Gland" that lets you breathe plasma streams like a flamethrower.
Edgy, dark shit like Reaper from Overwatch, or Dark Templars from Starcraft.
Kind of like a drill sergeant, basically saying, "Fuck reality I'm too manly for this shit". Some ideas I had were you just flat out can ignore harm from someone who is too afraid of you, or you can force enemies to stand still for your guns by ordering them to.
Honestly I'm not sure, combination of everything else?
I'll also probably use specific psychic powers for each specific Origin.
Idk why but the text is really jarring to look at. The actual words being said are fine, but it actually hurts my eyes to look at it.
Oh fuck yeah. Your probably one of my favorite CYOA authors.
The new stuff sounds cool as fuck and i'm definitely picking Badass or Pure Rage.
Solid white on solid black is a big no-no desu senpai.
All of them are actually yandere.
Contrast is good, but too hard of contrast is difficult to read.
Too low is something I see more often. "I'll put this slightly darker teal on this middling teal that way it's completely illegible."
I've been looking for whoever made that CYOA to include more liquids.
If you mean the houseplant one, just take a gander at the top-right corner.
My only issue, beyond the contrast problem already pointed out, is the labelling on the "Mental State-O-Meter" The curve of the L makes the first word look like "Mentac", and it's barely legible overall.
Maybe for that one use a text box but photoshop in a blurring affect of some kind to keep the spraypaint look?
By the way, you read that post, and this one, in his voice. oooEEEoooh!
Boom! Mind, taken! That's why they call him Mentok, baby!
your cyoas often seem like 6 cyoas stapled together and set in the same universe.
Thinking of making a CYOA based around a thread I saw a few months back. The basic concept is that you can devote yourself to a god and gain power, but every god demands a sacrifice. The sacrifice can be tangible, an abstract concept like "identity" or "rest", or a drawback in the power itself. At present I'm only doing Greek mythology, but I'm considering adding more gods.
Are you kidding me? It's perfectly fine.
I was actually aiming for that here, because I was going to make 1-2 pages for each origin so people wouldn't have to sift through 10 pages worth of stuff to make their build.
someone wanted waifu CYOAs and I'm here to deliver with OC a thread late.
and mystery box
I don't recognise that symbol.
That hardtack picture kinda looks like MRE bread. Am I just imagining that, or is that what the image was sourced from?
God of sacrifices that asks you to sacrifice your ability to sacrifice a sacrifice.
I'd butter that muffin if you know what I mean.
Oh god I just want to be held.
I didn't specifically go looking for MRE bread, but hardtack is designed to keep well and be durable, so it's likely they're the same thing.
>snu snu
Gotta go with Cornbread, mostly because it's my favorite kind out of the list.
shh, shh.
it's okay.
>it's likely they're the same thing.
They are.
with you there user
cornbread is delicious
I wonder what a (mostly) non alcoholic fermented good like kombucha or jun would do.
No good ol' fashioned dinner rolls?
Who would be the girl attached?
Oh, I put that in all my CYOAs.
If a liquid isn't specifically mentioned, then round to whatever you deem the closest (or infer what effects you'd think it to have, if you're creative enough for such).
> only three drawbacks in universal war
And I was gonna have fun today.
Is this a mystery box within a mystery box
Dunno, maybe something with a soft personality like pic. I was thinking mainly just that all of the breads listed were just things I put at "acceptable" tier. I like soft, non-flaky breads the most. Sure, English muffins are cornbread are pretty soft, but they're so crumbly. Yeast rolls are the best.
user plz, that bread waifu is clearly Sweetbread.
I'm actually missing the real mystery box
That's also in my list of top breads.
post best breads
1. roti prata
2. cornbread
3. naan
4. bread roll
5. croissant
Need a Viennese Bread waifu. Have delicious germanic looks and a sweet personality.
>Google search Viennese Bread to make sure it's what I think it is
That's not pastries in English?
What would be a good power and sacrifice of Charon?
Don't really care.
>Watered with
Energy Drinks; I could use the extra energy
Around human sized
Time to enjoy life with a plant person. And with all the energy will shall have combined, were not going to stop this party for a long time.
op here
this is official now
You know that thing you do where you go to a soda fountain and just put a little of everything into a cup? What would happen if I gave that cocktail of bullshit to a plant person?
Your plant person would say thanks and then cuck you.
Im not OP, and I'm not the creator of the CYOA, but I believe that your suggestion falls under energy drink or other caffeinated beverage, and is already covered.
Use a clearer font
136% woo!
Sherlock 125%
Horus 120%
Farsight 117%
Maker 105%
Siren 96%
Got 28 on random.org, nice.
Lynne is qt as fuck.
I'll take the English muffin
Pretty sure this is the mystery box^2.
i'll try again--anyone have page 2 to this?
I like the concept