Do you think it's possible to legally play Pen and Paper games in prison, such as D&D?
Asking for reasons.
Do you think it's possible to legally play Pen and Paper games in prison, such as D&D?
Asking for reasons.
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I think they used to be able to, but then someone actually paid attention and deemed it too 'violent'.
In some prisons, it's been banned for fostering "escape fantasies".
Something about gambling and encouraging gang behaviour.
It depends on the setting.
(The prison).
Some prisons let you. I have a friend in federal prison and he's had a group going for three years now. He got around the no dice rule by making a spinner that lands on numbers 1-20 and another time he drew cards numbered 1-20 when his spinner broke.
>Asking for reasons.
Bored of TV and vidya?
Fuck, drug lords in jail have it better than me.
I work in a jail. It's not quite as crazy as a prison can be, but they're comparable enough. As far as materials to play go, you would certainly be able to draw up maps, character sheets, and the like. For dice, that varies by facility. d6s are available where I work. If all dice are banned you can always use a deck of cards to the same effect.
As far as breaking up your game or confiscating game materials there are a ton of variables at play. Too many to even give a definitive answer. Rules vary from facility to facility. Generally speaking, if you and everyone playing aren't dicks then a C/O has no reason to break your balls over the little stuff like that.
drug lords in jail also have more bribe and hush money than you.
This, and also
but sometimes
Some places don't even let you have pencils, and some places give you your own TV.
Meanwhile in Kek Republic
Well, here in Idaho, my cousin just got out of prison, and he says that's a no-go. It's something that's going to vary by state.
They do it all the time, they don't use dice but they make these paper spinners.
There'd be a few white boys in the dayroom playing D&D or Pathfinder. I only ever saw those two systems (3.5, btw).
Not only is it possible, it regularly happens.
>t. Texan corrections officer
They only let you do those two systems and FATAL. Otherwise, it wouldn't feel like much of a punishment.
Had a friend who went to Prison for statuatory rape. Mega RPer, even still wants to get in on games constantly with me and my group, but we don't have time now with jobs and the like.
He said he used to run a campaign in his prison with some other guys, and this was all approved and above board and everyone the guards thought it was a good use of his time. That is, except when they spot checked his cell, to find his maps, which raised a number of eyebrows.
Basically, is right, but its a little bit easier than that.
there's some shadowrun and gurps floating around at my unit as well.
mostly pathfinder, i saw a lot of 4e when i first joined but not anymore. no 5e yet.
do I need to commit a fucking crime to get a regular TRPG session going
Yeah, in retrospect I remember one time I was passing out mail and an inmate got a package of books and it was the 3 core 4e books.
I haven't worked in corrections in a couple years but given that the penitentiary is always behind the curve on things I'd say it'll probably be a while before you'd start seeing 5e.
No, but you can be buttfucked
Just make sure it's non-violent. It's more likely to happen if you're in minimum security.
they won't let you have dice because you can gamble.
But for some reason they will still let you play penochle. If you can convince them to let you have hard copy books you could probably work something out with a monopoly spinner or something.
Do what this guy did
I remember visiting my dad in San Luis Obispo and they wouldn't let me take hardcover books in cause they said you could smuggle things in between the corrugated cardboard.
Guards are dicks, but sometimes they smuggle shit in for the prisoners. Its better at minimum security, but playing d&d in prison sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked.
Yes apparently, I remember them consulting some guy who worked on the escapists about it.
Got me wondering, do you think there are more or less instances of "magical realm" amongst convicted rapists? At least they've actually acted on their urges unlike the fucking creeps some people here seem to encounter in their games.
That looks like an ideal game room to me. Functional with plenty of table, storage, and snack space.
>playing d&d in prison sounds like a good way to get your ass kicked
Wouldn't messing with an entire group of people be a good way to get your ass kicked as well?
Inevitably, campaigns mimic whatever scifi or fantasy books (or very rarely, manga) are making the rounds on that cellblock or dorm.
Seems like a pretty sweet deal.
I can confirm this.
>t. Just finished serving 4 years.
>>t. Just finished serving 4 years.
What were you in for.?
How often did games get canceled because someone got shanked?
My C/O bro.
Getting shanked is much rarer than you probably think.
What units
I'm about to lay cash money on you saying some weak ass minimum security old folks home like ramsey or pack 1 or hamilton.
Armed robbery, and never. It was always very civil. People that would normally fucking HATE one another would play together. A guy came in to run for us initially, but had to stop. So I began to run games to continue.
I'm actually thinking of talking to my council to see if I can continue running the games. Perhaps as a form rehabilitation.
Also, this guy is right, as long as I was in I think maybe 4 or 5 guys got stabbed. And that was because of bullshit.
From the article linked in this comic's newspost, the guy who had his shit taken away was in for beating a man to death with a sledgehammer. Penny Arcade got hold of it and made one of their better comics on the subject.
>former inmate starts rehabilitation program with TTRPGs
genius idea man
I bet playing some RPG with criminals of various degrees would actually be pretty interesting. Seeing theyr insight into common RG situations.
Kind of like they have interviewed actual yakuza who play the yakuza games. I wish I had the link to the whole thing. It's good stuff.
Awwww man that's dope
You should run a villain prison break campaign
>get to play TRPG all day every day
>get laid
Is jail the new Eldorado for fa/tg/guys ?
only if you are gay
Now that a think about it, if every prison had a small Veeky Forums group, would we be considered a national gang?
Best post
>>get laid
Getting fucked up the ass by 300lb black man named Bubba doesn't count as getting laid.
>RPGs as a form of rehabilitation/positive social interaction for prisoners
Damn, thats a really good idea.
what's our gang sign?
80 kč per noc?
That's insane!
Especially considering the other one has zdarma
Thank you, I don't know how well it will go, but if I make some kind of decent progress I'll inform Veeky Forums that theri good works are being seen within the prison system.
That would perhaps be ill advised.
With all the "That Guy" stories that appear on TG..I would imagine any bad experiences with the DM or players could wind up becoming physical. Getting a beat down, or shanked by one of your players could be in the realm of possibilities.
Half the board wants to be the little girl anyway
>Not wanting to be fucked by a muscle chub named Bubba
The fuck, user? Have some taste.