None. I haven't played or seen any duo applications.
Parker Rivera
Anyone know some good games currently take application? Anyone want to do some duo, triple, or quad apps of The Conquerer and his Generals?
Jayden Martin
If accepted, me and someone else are doing a dual-app to that RotRL/Jade Regent ad that got posted here.
Cooper Gray
I'm currently playing a in game with one of my friends that we duo-apped for. She's a naive noble sorceress driven by wanderlust and I'm her world-weary, silent protector Warder.
Jonathan Smith
There are worse fates.
Dominic Brooks
What are you planning to do with the characters, user?
Hey! Hey! No! That was my character, not yours!
Juan Edwards
I, being the arrogant piece of shit I am, want to play the Conquerer himself. The generals and he would be a merry band of bros, until the Conquerer is eventually betrayed in the final hour by either the Cunning Strategist or the Willy Trickster after the Stoic Muscle is murdered and has his murder covered up just before this. Then if I survive I blame the wrong one of the two and alienate my last friend, just as the other wanted. Or perhaps they both sought to betray me.
Brody Cook
Yeah, I guess I could be playing pathfinder.
Colton Brooks
Not sure yet, really. One of us will likely do something with a Warder and be the protectory type, and the other is likely either some sort of mage/squire/healslut.
Isaiah Richardson
There's a lot of ways you can go with that combination, actually; there's always the memetastic build of lustful Qadiran sorceress and the Ulfen that loves her, but something I've always taken a fancy to is the temple knight and his clerical charge, or the knight assigned to guard the oracle whose prophetic visions force her beyond the confines of a castle wall.
Think Eygon and Irina, only sweeter.
Blake Perez
Charles Stewart
>All thes duo apps I hope y'all remember to play with the other players in the gruop
Jaxon Collins
It's not really a duo app since it's my regular table, but I'm currently playing as a lower body most of the time. My friend and I are ratfolk vigilantes fighting to end prejudice and violence against monstrous races. During the day, we masquerade as Rotta Niviventer, respected elf scholar and outspoken activist for racial equality. At night, we become Tooth & Claw, the dreaded dynamic duo - fighting to bring down evil men and raise up our monstrous kin to their rightful place in society! It's a lot of fun, both mechanically and otherwise.
Parker Watson
>Someone actually went with the "two ratfolk vigilantes in a big coat" idea
Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
Jayden Watson
Gargoyle man in Dark Souls 3, has a voice like two granite slabs grinding together and an attitude as ugly as his armor, but behind all the foul temper he's genuinely devoted to Irina and defending her from harm (as knights from his land would devote entire careers to serving one woman.)
The backstory behind the characters is that Eygon's a knight of Carim, a theocracy that places great emphasis on faith, especially when told by blind priests or priestesses.
Irina was one such priestess, and a maiden Eygon swore to keep as his lady. Irina failed to become a Fire Keeper due to an extreme presence of Dark within her, Eygon took her and fled to Lothric as a failure of her magnitude in a place like Carim would probably spell a knife in the back or poison in her porridge.
And that's where you meet him, sitting outside a well-defended jail cell that houses Irina and insisting she's a worthless whelp you shouldn't bother with, and if you ever rescue her he's on you like a sheepdog with his flock.
Now, there's a lot more to their story from there, but that's pretty much the backstory. The gist is Eygon's a gruff knight devoted to defending a blind woman.
Robert Wilson
Does it count as a duo-app if there's only two players?
Parker Ward
I'm considering applying for the lewd RotRL, and I'd like your opinion of my character concept.
She's an Aberrant Aegis/Symbiat who was born and raised in a cult dedicated to the Old Ones, and had a horrorterror melded into her mind by the cultists. She's since escaped, and has decided to live her life to the fullest and have as good a life as she can before the Old Ones devour the world and regurgitate it as a place of madness and despair.
And as for the lewd tentacles, she hasn't realized that they have any other use than fighting.yet. Hell, she may end up being the most vanilla party member when it comes to sex.
Cooper Butler
I've never been able to actually play a wizard. I know all the theory behind it, but have never been able to put it into practice. I normally play martials (last few characters were a Fighter, Barbarian, Slayer, and UC Rogue), and occasionally I play 6 level casters (Alchemist being the most common).
I just really want to try wizard, but no one seems to want a wizard around.
Kayden Watson
Did that WotR game ever choose players?
Caleb Cruz
That actually sounds really cute, I'm getting some real Laori Vaus vibes from her (the good ones.)
Dylan Watson
Wizards are only ok if the player intentionally doesn't play it properly or doesn't know how to do that A properly played and built wizard is the stuff of nightmares for a reason
Angel Wood
Yo! New author for Spheres of Power here. The Creation Sphere Handbook is now in open playtest, tear it apart to help me fix it up, enjoy it, yell at it, do what you do.
Evan James
>A properly played and built wizard is the stuff of nightmares for a reason It only presents an issue if the player intentionally tries to use one of the broken strategies, like optimized summoning span, or exploits actually non-functional parts of the game, like blood money or the simulacrum spell.
If the player does not intentionally try to break the game, or chooses to play one of the more broken casting styles (mainly just optimized summoning spam) it's fine. Also if the setting has logical consequences of wizards who abuse their power (the kind of "just mind control everyone" thing people spout doesn't fly in the vast majority of settings with any kind of government because mind control should be highly illegal).
Easton Clark
So mentioning Wyrwoods (and refluff potential for them) in the last thread got me to actually go take a look again, and... How does the Construct creature type interact with some of the spheres? Are there any spheres that don't play nice? To look at a specific example, the life sphere's Cure is positive energy like normal heal spells, but there's also Revitilize's fast healing. While the positive energy heal obviously wouldn't work on a construct, the fast healing should work, correct?
Honestly, the idea of playing a refluffed Wyrwood Incanter with a hefty dip into the Life sphere amuses me greatly.
Ryan Walker
John Foster
I tried not to. Let me know what you think!
Landon Bennett
>Creation FINALLY! After so long of other spheres pilfering it's goods, we can now have a reason to play it. Gonna check it. Hopefully it's enough to transmute my dick to adamantium
Jeremiah Sullivan
Quality work so far, I'd say. I greatly appreciate the Gate of Babylon archetype and specialization.
I know this isn't a useful comment, but it's all I've got to say. Looks good.
Ian Thompson
I would assume the Life sphere's fast healing is positive energy, and would not work on constructs either.
Dominic Phillips
Lingchi Warrior vs Psychic Armory, FIGHT!
Jordan Nguyen
>Gate of Babylon No anons, that would be the Soaring Blade Armorist. Lingchi is obviously UBW
PsyArm is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
Christopher Wilson
I am of the opinion that Armorist blows ass so I wasn't aware, my bad.
Samuel Martin
What's the best way to make this actually worthwhile?
Any chance we could get the Avowed playtest in the OP?
Isaac Morris
wtf is a plasma blade's stats? You should be including stuff like that.
Julian Torres
didn't get any responses on this so i'ma post it again
just looking for some feedback on it
Jose Torres
What's wrong with the armorist?
Chase Torres
Should that be Spirit Totems? I mean, it seems fine, but I'm not really getting any character concepts from that alone.
Nathan Phillips
Is there an imgur album for Blood of the Beast?
Jacob Hughes
I'm very tempted to use the idea for a BBEG and his subordinates. or run the game myself, if I can find the time
Carson Taylor
Spirit totems, yeah, herp.
Andrew Long
In upstate NY, I ran a PF game in the Forgotten Realms for a married couple.
The husband was a Paladin of Helm. The wife was a Cleric of Tempus.
The fought sea monsters together on the Sea of Fallen Stars.
Grayson Nguyen
>tfw nobody to duo-app with in that RotRL campaign
Jordan Smith
I wanna be from the meth woods!
Dominic Miller
Base armorist is the Monk of SiP >2+Int skill points on a Wis based martial class >Class abilities are just discounted magic weapon and armor >shity scaling on equipment >Most equipment features/qualities locked behind needing to buy them with abilities, limiting your access to the better ones >very poorly/not future proofed >1/2 casting isn't enough to make up for lack of good features >only good option is to take Bound Staff to boost your weaker casting Archetypes help mitigate these problems, but there's only so much you can do with the chasis
Daniel Young
Soaring Blade is from the Telekinesis handbook, and is pretty serviceable, especially since it allows you to store Gargantuan weapons and smash people with them from a distance
Dominic Stewart
what rotr?
Noah Fisher
When I ran the campaign (1370 DR), it was inhabited by chimeras, genocidal elves, crusading gold dwarves, and a green dragon that was one of the Chosen of Tiamat.
It was not recommended as a starting region in Player's Guide to Faerun, but I might have allowed it.
Justin Kelly
Rise of the Runelords
Juan Price
no what rotr campaign fag
Benjamin Moore
The lewd one recruiting from here that's running in January and has like 20 people already gunning for the spots.
Josiah Jackson
Zachary Martin
So, how would you go about making Pinky and the Brain?
Cooper Jones
got a link if its times work for me we could duo-app :^)
Jaxon Edwards
>duo-app :^) It's amazing how people can make memes out of nothing.
Ryder Cooper
>FMA inspired Drawback Noice Does that mean going through the Door let's you buy off-the-wall Drawback in exchange for your bodyparts?
Wyatt Young
whats meme about that
Cameron Bell
Has it even been spoiled yet?
Adam Harris
It isn't out yet, even for subscribers, try again mid-month
Henry Morgan
What are some good adventure hooks for a first session of 1st-level characters that aren't "You're in the middle of battle/a fire/a tavern, wat do", and that allow them to come together out of mutual interest instead of being stuck working together?
Chase Ramirez
will it have a furry panther that rapes you and turns you into a busty furry panther chick
Samuel Brooks
You're all at the wedding of a person everyone knows.
Alternatively, you're all at the funeral of a person everyone knew.
Be sure to include eulogies or SPEECHES.
Michael Ortiz
A letter has been delivered to each of them at their homes, asking them to meet a reclusive noble at his villa, and promising wealth beyond their wildest dreams.
Bonus points if, when they arrive, the noble has no idea who they are or what they're doing here.
John Fisher
>tfw have to do the tavern start because of a mistake i made i have sinned, my fellow GMs
Hudson Williams
Angel Parker
I let them make characters weeks ahead of time and told them to think of why they would be in the starting region.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Tyler Edwards
You've all been sentenced to death, regardless of your (petty and insignificant) crimes.
As you approach the gallows to be hanged simultaneously, you are unwittingly saved by the BBEG, who also reveals his plan to devour all mortal souls. Seeing as you do not like having your soul eaten, you all bond over your shared experience and go to save the world.
Ethan Jones
Calm down, Bethesda.
Liam Ortiz
I saw a mudcrab the other day, nasty creatures.
Evan Baker
>Let me monologue so you know I'm evil!
Andrew Cox
>GM tells us to make characters and gives us chargen rules >Doesn't specify anything about the campaign >Ignores requests for information >Doesn't ask for backstories >Replied to mine with "thx my dude" It's time to play... Great GM or shit GM! Place your bets, place your bets!
Charles Sullivan
Ravenloft campaign.
Christopher Ross
Ling chi is actually this guy.
That being said, having to wait till 15th level to just be able to draw a weapon is kinda dumb. Why not allow it as a draw equivalent action instead?
Joseph Jenkins
Shit DM! Shit DM! Give that dork a swirly!
Bentley Harris
Whoops, forgot picture.
Camden Johnson
At least someone got the joke. Thanks, user.
Bentley Rogers
So, like... What's even happening with that WotR campaign now? It's been open for weeks and we ain't heard nothing from the DM! What's up with that?
Cameron Thompson
hahahahaha kill meee
Justin Cooper
How far do people roleplay that they had to add this item into the game? Who play's a female character and roleplays the red tide every month? Are there even rules? Roll constitution or be sick/in pain?
Liam Martinez
See . The GM said the applications are still open and he's currently busy.
Carson Reed
I have been planning to pilfer some Paizo ones and modify them slightly.
CoCT: The PCs all find a playing card somewhere on their person or in their surroundings with a message promising them the location of a long-elusive foe that has hurt each of them some time in the past. They have no idea how this card appeared there.
RoW/Suicide Squad:
The PCs are criminals sentenced for execution. They may be innocent,small fry or scum deserving what they get - but as they are being led to their gallows on a particularly horrible day, a strange figure materializes near them and offers them a deal - swear to serve its master and live, or refuse and die. If they agree, they find out that their word IS indeed binding - though this one requires a bit of cooperation from the players and a DM who is not a complete asshole.
Aiden Anderson
which doesn't make it any less annoying
Colton Sullivan
Honestly? I kind of like fluff items like that.
Oliver Bailey
They added it in because Paizo is a Progressive Company that loves to throw in epic references to modern medication so they can stay relevant.
It's literally liquid birth control, that's all that item is. It's so you can take one swallow of that tonic and do more than just swallow any time you wanna spend time with a man.
James Gonzalez
What's wrong with "my dude"?
Cooper Sanders
Aha! But then you discover Bachelor's Snuff, the male birth control, causes your fingernails to turn sickly yellow as a clear indicator you're taking birth control!
Take that, men! Now everyone knows when a man is being promiscuous, the slut!
Luis Allen
heal check to know safe period 1d20 to see if preggers, dc x 1d2, boy or girl
Noah Taylor
Eh, you can say that's what it costs and takes to make if a player says their character wants that. I don't know how many times I've taken alchemical kindness on a character, and I don't remember any DM ever busting out the hangover rules.
Chase Thompson
What are you nattering on about now?
Owen Harris
>1d20 to see if preggers, dc x
user please, everyone knows the proper way to determine pregnancy is roll a 1d100 and determine a random percentage in that 100 which, if you land in it, the girl's knocked up.
Humans have a 30% risk, so if you're giving her the pleasure of being cummed inside than you'd tell the player to roll a 1d100 and if it hits between 31 and 61, congratulations dat is how babby form.
Makes me wonder how Constitution factors into this, though.
Austin Roberts
I'm just having a bit of fun pointing out how Night Tea and Calistria's Kindness are basically risk-free, highly effective forms of birth control for women, but when a man wants something to shoot blanks it comes with gradual, and very visible, drawbacks.
Nicholas Robinson
>Aasimar LN Monk 1 (Scaled Fist) /Sorcerer (Draconic) 1/Eldritch Knight 1 Is it good or am I going to be killed instantly
Kayden Baker
Ayden Hernandez
thats not even possible you dumbass they errata'd that early entry shit
Nathaniel Peterson
C'mon, no need to be rude! Given how awful much of their errata is I can't blame people not looking. Besides, the errata can be a pain in the butt to find on their website!
Caleb Fisher
Which improved familiar have the best STR for the purpose of Beast shape (and other polymorph) spell?
Small Earth elemental?
Nolan Sanders
Is there even a way to optimize an Artisan? I mean, it's basically "Crafter: The Class" and doesn't even have any archetypes!
Is it "grab Minor Creation and World Forger, you big dumbie?" Because it seems like that's the only "must have" ability in the class.
Well, that and "Efficient Crafting" and "Efficient Enchanting."