Game Finder!
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Game Finder!
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Other urls found in this thread:
>System Preferred
Eclipse Phase
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST Nights
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord/roll20 | Text
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
If you saw the previous ad, I'm revising the game terms a bit. Biggest change is that I'm not going to require players to co-GM. It's certainly welcome, but I'm fine with doing the GMing by myself.
Anyway, basic summary of the game: Eclipse Phase is a fairly hard transhuman space/sci-fi game which has strong horror elements. It's set in the wake of an apocalyptic event which rendered Earth uninhabitable, or at least, quarantined, and players are drawn from the extremely ranks of transhumanity to 「SOLVE PROBLEMS」.
My campaign specifically follows the players on a journey of human relationships and conspiracy, the central theme is the Chinese concept of "guanxi", which is kind of like a system or market of relationships, obligations, and favors. The chief kind of gameplay that will happen in this campaign revolves around investigation, though combat is certainly going to happen. Life is really cheap in EP, though, and character death is really common, especially if you have a bioconservative outlook on life and death.
Adult themes abound, including a heavy focus on crime. Sex is as much a part of this as you want it to be. Contact me with the Discord, if you don't want to do that but you're still interested, reply to this post and I'll set up a more private conversation.
Any 40k games up, babes?
I ran an Only War one-shot the other night. It was fun, Catachans squad sent on a Search & Rescue, ended up killing everyone with flamers and knives. Including the hostages.
Dope, sounds fun
>System Preferred
I'm not familiar with many systems, but the ones I have the most experience in are Mutants and Masterminds 3e, D&D 5e, Pokemon Tabletop United.
>Method of Play
Any system where I can communicate through text.
>Contact Info
hit me up on skype at nimbuscloud26
>Additional Notes
I'd like to try some Monsters and Other Childish Things at some point. It seems really fun, as a system.
Whoops, I'm a massive faggot.
>Times Available (With timezone!)
Most evenings EST. Contact me for further details.
Player, years of GM experience. Can co-GM games that I play in, offering advice on encounters and stuff, but I wanna focus on playing.
>System Preferred
Pathfinder, 3.5. Please no more 5e. I've had my fill.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
Any time after 1:00 PM and before Midnight CST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Skype, Discord, Roll20, etc. I'm adaptable.
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
I would vastly prefer text-based games, or games that have Text IC and voice OOC. I struggle to roleplay over voice, but roleplaying is my favorite part of D&D.
Why don't you try playing something that's not D&D?
I have. I have a lot of games under my belt. My RL group plays a rotating game of Shadowrun and Only War. I enjoy it, but D&D/Pathfinder is fun for me, too. That's what I'm looking for.
Any day after 9pm Eastern, except Monday.
Ant text based is fine, but fuck roll20
My Skype is ironscale1
I'm willing to play the necessary role in a party missing whatever support, although I prefer various kinds of auged up riflemen.
>System Preferred
Atomic Highway
>Times Available (with timezone!)
All Times after 5:00PM EST Mon-Thurs, we'll work it out so it's best for everyone
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 Text Only
>Contact Info
[email protected]
Reply with or email me your Skype name mine is cringy as fuck because it's old so I won't post it here
>Additional Note
Atomic highway is a post apocalyptic RPG with a simple system that is good for new players as well as old players, with focuses on vehicular combat and customization, so If this sounds like your deal shoot me an email. Expect dastardly villains, raiders, nomads, scavvers, lawmen, barbarian kingdoms, and a focus on the vehicular part of the Wastes
I would also be interested in DH2e
There's a DH2e game someone posted on the last thread that's still recruiting, but I think it only has one slot left. Piety Aflame on Roll20.
>System Preferred
Played DnD 5 and 4, but I want to try fantasy craft and stuff. Basically something fantasy, I am have my fill of sci-fi
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
No sci-fi plz, I am up for either voice or text.
Same, but I'm bad at GMing otherwise I'd offer
>GM or player
>Timezone/times available
Pretty much any time from 11 AM to 3 AM, EST, every day.
>Voice or Text
Text, either live or play-by-post.
Exalted 3e or 2.5e, oWoD or nWoD, Savage Worlds, GURPS, aSoIaF, Burning Wheel, Shadowrun, FFG Star Wars, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Black Crusade, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Apocalypse World, Night's Black Agents, and pretty much anything you want to run other than D&D or Pathfinder.
>Contact info
[email protected]
You can contact me by email or plug that into Skype.
>Additional info
I'm looking for someone to run a solo campaign. "Wow," you might ask. "Who could be so extraordinarily selfish and narcissistic as to request a solo game?" Well, me- because you'll never get a game if you never ask.
If you're recruiting for text-based group games for any of the titles above, I'm also interested.
>But why you?
I'm a reliable player and a decent writer who can craft characters with believable motivations and ambitions. I'm fine with whatever kind of story the GM wants to tell, but my characters always have clear goals and a desire to achieve them, so they also won't flounder in a sandbox. If there's something specific you want from a campaign, or something you wouldn't want to try with a group, I'm your Huckleberry.
any god damn mutants and masterminds games?
>System Preferred
5e, FFG Star Wars, SWN, Deathwatch, Dark Heresy
>Times Available
Usually EST weekends. Week nights depends on work schedule, which changes from week to week.
>Method of Play
>Additional Notes
If it's a FFG Star Wars game, I would absolutely love playing an Imperial focused game, playing as Imperial soldiers/pilots/etc.
I'll save you game finder
Why save it, though?
Maybe. When? T/V?
>System Preferred
DnD 5e, Wild Talents, Black Crusade, M&M 3e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
All week, except Tuesday, EST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20, Discord
>Contact Info
Mr. Vex #4491 (Discord)
>Additional Notes
Unfortunately, I can only join RP's that are text only due to not having a microphone.
Email sent.
Hey, what's your email?
Anyone running DH2E?
Game is now full at 5 people.
What time would be good?
I'll give ya my Discord instead.
Verz #4050
>lasers and feelings is basically a simplified startrek rpg
i want that
me too
2e DnD
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Thursdays at 7:30PM EST
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
Starting a new game based on the Ancient Greece source book. 2e is fairly simple for players, so don't be too freaked out if you haven't tried it before.
I already have three players that I have played with for years. Looking for three more. Starting our first game next Thursday. BYOB.
We try to be fun and relaxed. Don't be weird.
I would like to play in a game where the party has singular, unifying goal with an interesting spin to it. Something that could be done in about 9-ish sessions and have the game end after that.
I prefer heavily modified 3.5.
Evening (6.00-11.00PM). EU timezones.
I'm open to using any site/software.
Contact info is [email protected]. I'm happy answer questions, provide examples and give links.
That all you need? Jeez.
>Don't be weird.
>Pathfinder, 3.5. Please no more 5e. I've had my fill.
That's like saying 'I'm tired of pizza, let's have pizza rolls.'
It's closer to saying "I'm tired of store-brand frozen pizza, let's have my goldfish make homemade pizza instead."
I'd have gone with comparing Little Caesar's to frozen grocery store pizza, personally. But I'm forgiving.
ah, I prefer voice personally, especially with something as informal as EIJ
In a comparative sense.
Is your game full?
Not sure if sarcasm.
I think I'd go with the frozen pizza in that instance.
>System Preferred
DnD, Rogue Trader, Pendragon, Reign
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mostly weekends, maybe some weekdays after seven PM PST.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I don't know, I've never done it online before.
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I have a lot of experience with DnD 3.5, but that's mostly it. I'm open to other systems, though.
Do GM's recruit from these threads?
Once in a blue moon maybe.
As in contact the players who post
I've done it before.
Oh, in that case, as a GM I definitely don't.
I recruited on here a while back, and wound up with a mix of flakes and solid players.
>Preferred system(s)
New World of Darkness
Black Crusade
-5 CDT Saturday, Sunday nights are preferable but available all week nights as well.
>Contact info
(My skype is the one with the ship being lifted by a kraken. Also, kraken city)
>Additional Stuff
Longer sessions are also a plus (5+ hours)
I prefer do to things in Roll20 or Maptools. Skype text for OOC/General stuff.
>System Preferred
Any really. I am experienced with Dresden Files, FATE, GURPS, Pathfinder, CoC
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Sunday to Wednesday evenings are best. GMT -6
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 would be prefered
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
I've not had any real experience with playing. I'm always running the games and never really get a chance to play really. I'd love to try new systems out, or even just play one that I know.
Any text games of Only War or Dark Heresy games running on Wednesdays?
>Preferred system(s)
Black Crusade
-5 CDT Saturday, Sunday nights are preferable but available all week nights as well.
>Contact info
(My skype is the one with the ship being lifted by a kraken. Also, kraken city)
>Additional Stuff
Longer sessions are also a plus (5+ hours)
I prefer do to things in Roll20 or Maptools. Skype text for OOC/General stuff.
Come at me bros
>lfg in Veeky Forums
Best of luck to you lads, but I don't think this can go well
I built a pretty good group off Gamefinder. We ran for about a year before IRL stuff broke us up. Other folks have had similar results. Granted, gamefinder now is kind of poor compared to then. (Shitposters chased a lot of people off I think.)
I want scurbs playing Black Crusade
Why does no one ever play those games such that no one can ever play anything but D&D?
>System Preferred
Pathfinder this time around
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturday nights during USA timezones (exact time TBD) for about 6-8 hours
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Roll20 with Discord and Obsidian Portal
>Contact Info
Discord server invite:
>Additional Notes
Last call for PF Kinmaker-styled game. I've got six seats, and I'm making decisions this weekend. You must be 18+. You must not be a douche bag. Spare me your edition wars and tier lists. This game is not about munchkinry.
Or fucking anime lolis.
>(Shitposters chased a lot of people off I think.)
Subtle. But I think it was too subtle for the shitposter to really catch your hint.
Text or voice?
>System Preferred
Most of the 40k systems, nWoD or oWoD if I'm given some time to read up on it
>Times Available (with timezone!)
I'm in GMT, but I've got no real schedule.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Preferably something text based
>Contact Info
faggotry2 on Skype, got a few others if people prefer.
>Additional Notes
I haven't played a lot recently, so I might be rusty.
Could you post your time zone differently? Im having trouble understanding it?
I think it's basically -10 UTC
Requesting to add
to the pasta so no one will bitch about 'what timezone' is it anymore.
requesting that all times be given in UTC and that people actually remember to put their timezones and that people actually use the form given in the op
>Shitposters chased a lot of people off I think.
It's the life and death cycle of the game finder, as well as a seasonal thing. Just wait until summer, it'll go like this:
>Newfriends show up
>Most find a game
>Some get kicked out of said games
>They keep showing up in the threads as perpetual game rejects
>Shitposters show up to warn people about said perpetual rejects
>The gamefinder turns into a meme-show of baitposters and retards who take the bait
>The gamefinder dies and is reborn come summer.
You're welcome.
(You)'s are shown separetely for different devices. I know that, I often post from my tablet sitting in the toilet with the same provider.
My current group of PCs was mainly from Veeky Forums and we've been together for many years. We have very different political views and social morays, but we have fun every Saturday.
I did find a game on here but the DM has become so flaky that it might as well be dead.
So I am looking for another game. I find that most DMs tend to overestimate their own abilities and endurance.
and those that don't never GM
Anyone running any power armor/mech games? I've been looking for one for a while.
Shut up Ryan
>D&D 5e Dungeon Crawler
TBD, GM is EST / GMT -5
Discord Voice, Roll20 other
no player cap
here is a link to discord
>Current Dungeon
Simple Labyrinth Prison
Features a lot of purple, magic traps, undead/cosmic enemies and loot
Minimum: 3 Players
Maximum: 6 Players
Are there gonna be beautiful womens in this game. Cause I've nothing better to do.
Anyone around GMT+3?
No I have my own game.
Fucking Veeky Forums. These threads always go like this
>I like any edition of D&D, WoD, warhammer, whatever.
>Anytime is good.
>One hour every day between 11:00am and 2:00pm. I will mail you a pager and you must be ready to go within five minutes of my page!
Desperate beggars
Kings on high who can afford to be choosy. also, why complain about "nothing else"? When you GM, do you say, "Okay, guys, I want to run thing." and let the players tell you otherwise?
Let's try this again...
Game master
We're playing the UESRPG (unofficial elder scrolls rpg)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
The games will probably be held around 6pm PST. Though times may change when more people have come by
>Method of Play
Audio, voice over Skype. We're also going to use roll20
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
For those acquainted with the elder scrolls timeline, the game will be set during the Middle Dawn in Yokunda. I'm going to try and keep the deeplore stuff more subtle so those that aren't well versed in it aren't intimidated by a sudden change in the setting.
I've never used the UESRPG before, so it may be clunky the first few session until I get things sorted out. I am also totally open to people who have never played a tabletop RPG before so don't be shy!
>System Preferred
Fantasy Craft, Shadowrun, Pokemon, Want to try out a 40k rpg (I have no experience)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon-Wed, Fri: 1200-0300 GMT -6
>Method of Play
Voice games only. Have most voice platforms.
>Contact Info
Steam: /id/humbleColumn
Discord: humbleColumn#6314
Ask here if you wish to contact me on another platform.
to the next day
5th Edition D&D
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Prefer around noon EST, Sundays
>Method of Play
Roll20 for tabletop, discord for voice / text.
>Contact Info
discord: SushiSandwich#2440
>Additional Notes
Took a yearlong break from GMing and looking to get back into it. Have 10+ years of experience. Bring your friends.
New players are more than welcome.
Requirements: Sense of humor, fluent in English, working microphone.
Mite b cool.
Sent a friend request.
friend request sent
>US timezone
>New players welcome
Either you're a troll or you're about to get forty or so people asking for a game.
I sent a friend request too
Is there somewhere you can go to find text based games?
Maybe, are you a quality buddy?
If I get along with people I like to think so