>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
Looking for some Feedback on my current Alesha build! I've been tuning it through a few weeks of playing, and I think it's alright. But sometimes it takes an outward eye to see something wrong, or something that should be changed or adjusted.
I do think maybe I need a couple more mountains, but I'm not sure. I have good fixing in my artifacts, and ways to get access beyond just a basic land.
Also, my artist proof of Alesha! Definitely one of my favorite pieces of mtg 'stuff' I own.
Caleb Martin
Eli Sanders
Personally I like it as a decent budget/fun deck but I assume other players will shit on it. Nice proof also!
Jackson Bell
Yeah. It's semi-casual. The mana crypt was added because I opened it in a draft. I'm also in a bad spot for fetches, since two of the ones I'd need are from Zendikar. I'll upgrade it as I go along, but I'm just happy to have a deck that is fun to play, even if it's not great or super creative.
Anthony Harris
Kraum obv t.b.h. fampai
Jace Lee
I've wanted to do Alesha but decided on Nekusar as my RBX deck.
Jordan Perry
Nekusar is pretty fun, from what I've seen of it played. The guy who runs it at our commander nights rarely wins, but he always has a blast playing.
Alexander Roberts
I only win from Wheeling into a combo or somehow lasting long enough to deck everyone else out. It is tons of fun tho.
Nathan Gonzalez
I wish Atraxa could have come elsewhere and been all five colors. I would have built the mother of all Superfriends deck with her. Still probably will but lacking red takes away some of my favorite walkers.
I gotta figure out a few cheap tune-ups to each of the five precon decks for some casual tabletop fun among friends. Remove some of the janky fluff to make the decks a bit more deadly.
Nathan Miller
Noob here with a dumb question. I mostly just pay standard and kitchen table games, But I'mtrying to get into this format. Should I buy one of the new 4 color decks when they come out or should I try to build a deck from scratch?
Joshua Wilson
Do you run Grafted Exoskeleton, or is that just not the gameplan you're looking for?
Tyler Perez
I would buy an older precon with less colors. If you like it then you can upgrade/make your own/ect
Connor Wright
I have it in my "sideboard" and before I play I'll put in if I wanna be an asshole.
Justin Wilson
I will always suggest Reconnaissance for every Alesha deck.
Kevin Torres
Meh, I feel it's better to make her unblockable than to remove her from combat after her trigger. Things like Key to the City, Rogue's Passage, Whispersilk Cloak, etc.
Daniel King
Thanks user
Benjamin Gutierrez
Obviously unblockable is better, but Reconnaissance lets you untap your team if things go wrong
Plus you can use it after dealing damage for fake vigilance.
Wyatt Baker
No see I would consider playing a 4/4 flying haste that occasionally drew me cards for 5, maybe even 7 if I could conect with it that turn. Birdman is garbage, and snaketits needs deathtouch for me to even think about it.
Liam Williams
Yeah, that was something i was considering too. I haven't been able to find it at a card shop, and I usually try to make the rounds before I buy online. It's definitely good though, and it's on my radar. It's nice to get "when X attacks" triggers without really needing to put them in danger.
Dominic Stewart
my table groans every time i play reconnaissance. the card is painful as hell
Leo Bell
I think my deck got lost in the shuffle last thread
After much more Deckbuilding and Acquiring the pieces Ive been missing...I think my Deck is just about ready. Any suggestions/comments from /edhg/ about certain choices/exclusions/still pieces missing.Its starting to play alittle faster after drop the mana curve down under 4. I wish I had the room to include more mana rocks, but I dont feel I can cut into my equipment package or creature suite.
Sorry for the autistic rant/blogpost, but how do you guys actually get to building a deck? I'm fairly new and my biggest problem is having a million ideas for decks and then looking up cards and getting a million more ideas from those and then I just get worn from just going through all the different ideas and don't want to build a deck anymore.
I've always been told by the group to just toss together your best cards and go from there, but I only really got into the game during theros, while the second newest to the group started all the way back in original innistrad. All the amazing cards for me are few and far between, so when I want to make a deck that can stand up to theirs I have to resort to lists online and that just bring me back to the problem at hand.
Julian Brown
jesus christ just go on youtube or google you dumb fuck
Brayden Morris
finally settled on my breya build i think
the eggs version could win turn 3-4 but it was inconsistent and not as fun as id hoped
this version is more fun, more consistent, but slower and combat oriented, more suited for friendly playgroups
ive settled at 34 lands, i still flood sometimes but i have some big card draw effects so the important thing is just hitting my first 3-4 land drops so i can play my mana rocks and such on time
so far in testing its been really fun and surprisingly strong considering the main wincon is just beating down slowly and killing everybody's creatures
Will probably replace Gorilla War Cry with Phyrexian Altar since I just realized it doesn't target. Also probably want some space for Ruination and Blasphemous Act/Chain Reaction
Jose Peterson
I'll give you the same advice I give every new friend, and the same advice I once received: >7-10 draw cards >7-10 pieces of ramp >10 things that win you the game >the rest facilitates a single theme, including removal
You can get fancier than that but as a rule, a deck built like this will make use of all the things you're running as best as it can. If your idea is garbage, you'll figure it out very quickly when you have all the draw and ramp you need, but nothing worth playing.
user, that is neither helpful nor needed and instead of acting like a jackass, help them get better. You're the one who doesn't belong here, not our polite new friend.
Isaiah Murphy
So,I'm new to EDH and I wanted to start playing it with one of those Commander 2016 prebuilt decks.Since I've got my eyes on the Atraxa one, do you guys have any suggestion on how to improve it? Which cards should I absolutely remove/add from/to it?
Nicholas Smith
If you're new, buying a 4c deck is a mistake because you won't understand why it doesn't work. I suggest buying a 14 or 15 precon and working your way up. The new products are very poorly built.
Ryder Robinson
i don't belong here? i guarantee i've been on Veeky Forums for much longer than you have, kid if some newfag doesn't know how to use google, they are beyond helping
Caleb Morris
Look, I understand you're trying to look cool on the internet, but your attitude and demeanor makes you look like a teenage autist projecting your feelings of inadequacy. Next time, say something helpful, or say nothing at all. A poster who has been here for 11 years would know better and act appropriately.
Michael Parker
I do think that a 4c deck for a beginner like me may be difficult to understand and I share your opinion that buying a 2014 or 2015 prebuilt may be better (I do like Daretti), but those are pretty hard to find here. Atraxa seemed to me like a very versatile commander and I wanted to experiment a bit with her,since I'm a casual player that mainly plays with friends and I care more about the fun I can have with a deck than the results I get with it
Ayden Sanders
Alright, thanks a lot! I'll see what I can whip up with this.
Easton Jones
The reason I don't like 4c decks has to do with the manabase. It's neither an easy nor cheap fix to make it more efficient, whereas the other ones are generally more playable with more definite upgrade paths. If your group is casual, I suggest just buying it and rocking it out of the box. Building something and improving it are two of the most fun aspects of edh. I just would hate for a new player to draw a hand with three lands, no playable cards, and have no idea how to fix what's wrong. Tricolour decks are durdle prone, and after some playtesting half the time you can't even play your cards in 4c let alone develop a strategy and implement it.
Jaxson Garcia
He's fun as fuck, enjoy.
In 1v1 don't skimp on 1 and 2 mana weenies
Mason Moore
the 4c decks will be a bit more difficult to pilot, but there is a lot more room for personal flourishes and improvements. In the monocolor decks, the ideas of them are pretty clean cut. Atraxa is the most general of the options, and losing out on red isn't a very bad deal considering what you get. It all depends on how you want to build the deck. If you want to focus on +1/+1 counters, Anafenza the Foremost is a good commander to look up on EDHrec. You'll find tons of ways to put counters on your army and swing in for damage. For that sort of strategy, look into cards like Mycoloth.
Xavier Morris
Yeah,Anafenza immediately came to my mind after seeing this deck,alongside with Doubling Season and the Experiment Kraj. What pw do you think would have a good sinergy with Ataraxa and the deck's mechanics in general?
Jose Howard
Well, all of them. Proliferate will add loyalty to every planeswalker. If you want one with +1/+1 counter synergy though, Nissa Voice of Zendikar is an easy inclusion, and relatively cheap since she just got put into a duel deck. Ajani Steadfast will also give your planeswalkers more loyalty, and becauseof Atraxa's proliferate, it will essentially be a -1 ability instead of -2
Jacob Lopez
I focus on my major strategy. I also tend to avoid little tricks unless they are beneficial to the deck. Basically, have a couple of wincons and avoiding having multiple strategies that clash with each other. Since you have stated that you play in a casual group, just buy it and playtest. Upgrade to the direction you want or taking out cards that you don't like. The deck can give you an idea of how a deck is built.
Jeremiah Wilson
Yeah,I know that proliferate works on pw too,but I didn't think of Ajani Steadfast,that seems a fairly good pick.
Parker Smith
I just wanted to do some minor changes,in order to get rid of some cards that seem useless/unnecesary to me like the Signets,the Vulturous Zombie and the Necroplasm
Xavier Young
does such a thing as budget super friends exist?
Matthew Torres
... Half I'd say. Stick to the cheaper planeswalkers, avoid Urza, Karn, Jace mind sculptor, stuff like that.
Finally got it to a place I'm happy with, at least until C16/Aether Revolt release.
Any further suggestions anons? Or is it pretty good?
Ryder Collins
Didn't we go over this last thread? No it doesn't really exist
That said, the meaning of the term "super friends" is kinda loose, some people call a deck with only 7-8 planeswalkers superfriends, not enough to be the only theme of the deck but enough to maybe be the most prominent theme, especially if the rest of the deck is basically goodstuff and doubling season
Now obviously doubling season is expensive, but ignoring that, a deck with only 8 planeswalkers could be made on a budget potentially
Easton Nguyen
>Shit op image >Shit op
Henry Butler
Ugin maybe
Josiah Edwards
>Not having Urza
Isaac Bell
In your dreams old nostalfag, you don't have any power here
Aiden Taylor
are there more cards like grand architect's tapping ability?
Alexander Baker
Pretty unique effect, but yeah Sorta, there's that blue 2 drop that was reprinted in the Breya precon that gives your artifact spells Convoke
Lucas Perez
The answer entirely depends on what you're interested in building. Some precons are efficient buys for certain deck archetypes, but mostly I just recommend building with singles.
this retarded deck/concept is going to be the new meren isnt it, fucking everyone is going to be playing it
Nolan Ross
superfriends will
Lucas Butler
atraxa is literally a super friends deck
Xavier Scott
Is Pox a viable ( viable in the sense of can win games in any meta that isn't "cards I own.dec") strategy in multiplayer? I've been testing a few lists and it all seems too slow or too easy to beat.
Julian James
Got a buddy who built this deck. It is brutally effective.
William Turner
It's the new hotness fampai. People are excited for new cardboard to play with. It'll pass in time.
William Flores
Signets are really good. I would advise you to try them out first. Why is loli chandra there? I think you need more ways of filling up your hand. Moonlight bargain looks like its perfect for alesha. You'll face her and you'll like it
Jackson Roberts
I just outright blow up the field.
Mason Long
Slobad master race.
Though Death Cloud can be fun too.
David Taylor
Isn't pox just a specific brand of stax?
Don't see why it wouldn't work, but death cloud and such are definitely on the slower end of good stax effects so you'll need lots of really good fast mana to make it work in a competitive meta
That's pretty true of stax in general, it doesn't really work in competitive metas unless you ramp super hard with artifact mana and sol lands
Blake Torres
While looking through my old binders of stuff for interesting Atraxa tech, I stumbled upon this gem. If not dealt with, the proliferation (or multiple proliferation sources) will mean a steady supply of 7/7+ saprolings. If I have doubling season out, even more obscene.
Ryder Scott
pls respond
Brody King
It would be viable if Braids was unbanned.
Aaron Torres
Edhg told me not to run carnival of souls in endrek. I pulled the trigger.
>playing endrek V maelstrom V tasigur >have a total of 9 mana >on table is 5 thrulls, a few mana rocks, endrek, lands, a few smallish black creatures >cast carnival of souls >tasigur smirks >maelstrom casted jin-gitaxias last turn, smirks. >I have two cards in hand and 45 life. >I cast abhorrent overlord, I get 7 thrulls, sac endrek, and get 6 harpies. >carnival of souls hits me for 14, I gain 14 black mana in pool. >I laugh, and cast the last card in my hand with all the mana i have left, including some from a few swamps. >death cloud , x=13 >tasigur tried to respond, didn't have an answer. Looks IMMENSELY butthurt. "Well. That's enough edh for tonight. *calls friend* want to play standard? " >maelstrom guy is laughing,the entire board is in shambles apart from my abhorrent overlord and about 5 harpies. >club the maelstrom player to death with abhorrent overlord
I love edh
Nicholas Campbell
Young Chan-dere is there because she's a reanimation target for Alesha, and if she does get reanimated she'll likely survive the attack. Then I can cast a single red spell after combat to untap her, and then tap her to ping and transform her (if I have Anger in GY or Greaves out). And yea, that looks like a neat card to add, but I'd have to think about what to cut for it.
Ryan Long
Go get a 2015 Commander deck. Just avoid Kalemne.
The best ones to get are either Meren or Mizzix, imo. Ezuri is pretty good and Daxos is meh.
Ryan Cox
The creatures that give mana surprised me. Looks like you're doing something like storm but for safe measure, add a couple of spells that pump up or gives something like trample to your creatures. For draw,renegade tactics and expedite are good
Brandon Rodriguez
Hire did I just now realize this card existed? It seems amazing. Has anyone tried it?
Caleb Williams
>Yidris precon is more akin to what you would see in Nekusar
What is the reason behind this?
Evan Torres
start from scratch. i'd recommend grenzo, dungeon warden doomsday like in landdestruction.com/grenzo-doomsday/ It's not super expensive for the most important cards, and most the expensive cards are tuned for 1v1 or easily substituted for.
James Carter
Could you untap a first striker before normal damage?
James Reed
John Jackson
I might sub that in for my Rolling Earthquake, but honestly half the time I'm casting it I need over 4 and don't want to wipe artifacts in my RB Doomsday and never want to kill artifacts in Maelstrom Wanderer.
Jacob Cooper
>Even considering running X spells in Maelstrom Wanderer