What's the most unwelcome you've ever felt at a table?
What's the most unwelcome you've ever felt at a table?
When I went for dinner at my mom's after I told her I was gay.
When I went for dinner with my gays and told them I was a mom
When I went for gays with my mom and told them they were dinner.
>my sides
Veeky Forums why you do this to me.
My DM's repulsive girlfriend kept trying to make out with him. And then she put her hands down his pants and I left.
When I dinner for gays at my tolds's after I her mom I went was.
witch a qt
When I gay'd to my telling and mommed her after I were.
Never had this happen in D&D , I've always been with close friends, or when I ran a club in high school, and everyone there was always super stoked to see what would happen next.
I've felt uncomfortable in 40k though when my opponent has a terrible round of rolls, and then I roll perfectly, effectively winning an otherwise balanced game on turn 2, but you go through the motions and play to the end anyways.
But I think everyone's been there for that one.
Agreed. Dark girls are sexier.
At a convention there was a separate small area dedicated to trying new and less popular systems as per sponsored by the retailers. I joined a table that was running Shadow of the Demon Lord. We were handed out premade characters, surprise surprise, and we got to the game.
Now Shadow of the Demon Lord is grimdark multiplied by edgy divided by over-the-top and that all is to the power of hopeless bleakness, so it comes as par for the course to be edgy while playing it. The orcs are mutilated, ugly patchwork shocktroopers for mages, goblins live in shit ridden slums in normal cities and elves are old germanic elf levels of dicks and there's a spell that makes your dick go *pop* if you fail the save. Also a point to make here that giving into your edgyness and murderhobo tendencies have negative effects in the form of corruption, to which the final effect is, after getting 10 corruption, is to die on the spot and get dragged to hell with no chance of resurrection. This being a demo session we racked up corruption and other nasty stuff at ten times the normal pace to demonstrate the effects.
Even knowing this from the get go from owning the actual core book I decided that I wouldn't take the edge beyond a certain point. The other players did NOT have the same idea. They would carve the enemies into bits after the fight, rob and rape any and all friendly and neutral NPCs and resolve every inter party conflict through PvP. Me not joining in on the "fun" was shunned from any interaction beyond "hit thing till dead if it's hitting us" with PCs or NPCs during the game. I could just feel them judging me as some noblebright paladin circle jerker for daring to not revel in wanton murder. I just sacrificed my character on a trap and excused myself.
I've been blessed with pretty good tables, or a level of social obliviousness hitherto unknown to man.
Never felt unwelcome at a table.
Gay was I her told I after mom's my at dinner for went I when.
When my son came over for dinner right after telling me he was gay. Jokes on him; the little faggot is adopted.
Most uncomfortable 40k game I've ever had was with the boyfriend of one of the people I was living with at uni.
>Boyfriend was goth as fuck, but not the chill kind
>Believed in solipsism with no nuance besides "I'm the centre of the universe", short tempered, generally inconsiderate
>Consensus among everyone in the house apart from his girlfriend was that he was a bit of a twat
>Still, we'd be seeing him a fair amount, so we decided to try and be civil
>Turns out he plays 40k, I figure that's decent common ground
>he rolls up with his IG, me with my Tau
>My Tau are amazingly unoptimised, and at the time I was using the 4e codex (so no riptide bullshit or what have you)
>We begin, I luck out and manage to wipe one of his squads
>He's visibly salty about this
>Demolishes the rest of my forces, he's won outright
>But he's still clearly angry that I took one of his squads out
>Only just manages to shake my hand after the match before packing up and leaving
To me it was bizarre; I can understand a sore loser, but the winning player going away in a huff because he didn't get a total curbstomp in his favour boggles the mind.
Sounds like the super obsessed Chandra player I used to have at casual local FNM.
At the start of every game night. It gets better as we start playing and I re-confirm for myself that they don't all hate me, but it's still a shaky couple of minutes.
I joined a group with my latest girlfriend.
Said group consisted of my ex(the DM), three beta orbiters she found somewhere and a random tranny.
I thought she was over it, I was wrong.
>I brought my new girlfriend to play D&D with my old one
On what planet is this a good idea?
Not that user, but I've done it before, it didn't turn out that bad. She just pulled a knife on me, but I only date NEETS. I just knocked it outta her hands, gave her a smack and a hug.
Women are dramatic creatures, but rarely actually dangerous, at least in my experience.
Fuck it I posted this before, but didn't save. I'll bump the thread with storytime
Bit of info before getting into it, players are:
>Chandra-obsessed player I'll call K
>gf, who is also K's little sister
>Tribals player call C
>turbo casual Hydra player B
Ok so we played every Friday, just play free for alls either as commander or regular decks. Nobody hates anyone, or let grudges carry over more than a game. Until one fateful night.
>playing human soldier tribal
>K playing monored Chandra
>everyone else irrelevant
>K going to Chandra ult next turn
>Odric+ 3 1/1 soldiers hit Chandra
>K looks like I fucked his sister's ass in front of him
>rest of table relieved
>neither of us win
>his hate-filled glare doesnt leave me
>next game
>focuses all his burn
>guess where
For the rest of that day, and the next two months, I was his exclusive target.
Every. Single. Game.
This of course sets off an arms race, with the both of us building decks leagues above our casual counterparts.
This continued until the day his work switched his schedule on him, so now he cannot show for game nights anymore. And now that we're not playing MTG together anymore, we have became friends again.
>Tfw still fucking his sister
God, these guys are the worst.
>"F"LG opens up within walking distance of my place
>Since I usually host the wargaming tables, me and my mates decide to check it out on a game night instead of staying home
>All of us roll up with 1000pt W40K, 1000pt Fantasy, and decently kitted Warmahordes lists and models
>Half the players are unpainted
>Other half painted poorly
>All are over-optimized as fuck, rules-wise
>We all get stomped
>Those Guys laughing because we weren't perfectly optimised
Our group has a houserule where our army lists HAVE to be at least 10-20% different every time we show up to play, so that we don't get locked into endless "optimal strategy" situations where we're doing everything right but it's whoever gets luckier on their bell curve that wins.
FLG went out of business, and good riddance to that stupidity.
We hadn't been a couple for like two months, she should have gotten over it by that point, I thought she'd be over it.
>goes to LGS mtg edh night
>all the friends i'm close with can't make it
>played with a bunch of fucks i barely know
>be closeted biscum
>go to Pathfinder Society at FLGS out of desperation for a game
>usually not a bad time, That Guys aside
>this time get grouped with this hideous, disgusting fat guy
>making crude jokes the whole time
>preparing cup ramen at the table
>picking at his scabs
>barely understands how to even play the game
>coincidentally mission is to rescue a bi werewolf in slavistan
>fat keeps making off color AIDS jokes while slurping ramen, then executes our target for being gay
>GM at a loss for words, tells the rest of us we won't count that
>makes a pass at my gf as we're leaving, she grabs me and pulls me out of the store saying she almost threw up
Never went back desu. Normally I don't care about gay jokes or any kind of joke really but on top of everything else it was a bridge too far.
Damn. son. I can understand being a little annoyed if your new toy gets hit first turn before you get to use it, but that's the only scenario I can imagine even the slightest amount of salt, especially if you're winning anyways.
>go to lgs edh beerhall night
>playing with a few regulars who I kinda know and one guy who is new
>new guy is playing colorless artifacts
>game goes like most edh games until about 20 minutes in where new guy mindslayvers the whole table ( there were 4 of us total)
>the rest of us decide to be a dick to mindslaver player and make him play out all of our hands for 45 more minutes
>after realising we would actually make him playout the rest of the game by himself he scoops
>next game playing melek RU chaos deck
>get left alone because sen triplets is the biggest threat
>get melek out and next turn cast a thieves auction off the top of library and cast it twice
>tfw everyone scooped in response
After that game I no longer play my wacky wizard chaos deck at my lgs for fear of getting hated out early.
No wonder she was livid, we need more time than that you piece of shit, learn to be more sensitive
I dunno, ain't two months a lot of time? That's like 1/10th of a year, that's a lot of damn time.
See, this is why you should just cease contact with exes. It's just too much walking on eggshells.
>No wonder she was livid, we need more time than that you piece of shit, learn to be more sensitive
Tits or GTFO
Also, it's not like she didn't bang at least 6 people in that time
A friend invited me for a halloween themed one-shot session with people I didn't know yesterday
DM kept isolating my character and everyone was generally an asshole to me even though my friend was trying to keep the peace.
I left the game-midway and the DM messaged me later about being a poor sport. Maybe I was being a sensitive bitch but generally I just felt unwelcome as fuck.
Dude in dress detected
Two months is blink and you'll miss it time. It's nothing.
post feet
Pic hurts so much, literally every attention seeking slut dresses up as Harley Quinn for every con, then complain about being objectified and muh misogyny when they themselves chose to dress as a scantily clad, make-up caked character with little to no personality besides Chaotic Neutral. This character is cancer.
Whiny cunt
>responding to fa/tg/irls
Have a rare Ivanka instead
That sounds like an amazing game, actually. What ruleset does it use?
When my girlfriend tried to shoe horn me into her group. It got better after I told her that I'd love to join a game she was running, just not this one because it was obvious her friends cared about this game a lot and most have them had been burned by games being ruined by someone bringing in a bf or gf as a new player.
Nah fuck that guy 2 months is plenty
i felt moderately unwelcome during my first campaign. My best friend introduced me to the group but they didn't like me much.
They were mostly ex-mormons and my friend recently came out, i'm out and maybe that played a part of it
He introduced more people and eventually the group swelled to 12 before disintegrating into smaller groups.
I kept the embers alive with the dm and his gf and now were staring a new group with some people fresh to tabletop.
To be honest we were all had shades of that guy, rules lawyers and trolls.
I'm glad it's over
>Get invited to pathfinder game by a coworker
>Show up, game table actually looks pretty cozy
>Plenty of snacks, drinks, candles scattered about to build atmosphere
>Game group consists of my 42 year old coworker, two highschool kids, and a fat dude who hardly ever spoke.
>Doing a gestalt game, so I make a true neutral fighter/bard
>Get a comment or two about my originality
>Quiet dude constantly gives me looks like he's suspicious of me.
>It's whatever, start playing
>Party had just saved a city from some cult
>Noblewoman adventurer lady asks the party to come raid an ancient crypt for treasure with her
>One of the highschool kiddies playing an orc barbarian decides to try and seduce her at every turn, even making 'witty' quips at her during combat
>Roll my eyes at this, proceed to solve a puzzle involving the candles and dealt with a poison gas trap, shitspank some elite undead guarding a coffin full of loot
>Orc kid without prompting any of us takes the most valuable item in the pile (A bejeweled skull worth about 6000 gold) and offers it to the noblewoman as a gift
>Interject that we should actually split the loot before he decides to give away shit
>Says he's just playing his character and that it'll build rapport with this noblewoman we hardly know
>Counter and point out that the chalice is more than 50% of the total haul and that my character would definitely have a problem with being screwed out of his cut
>Awkward silence
>GM calls it there and everyone packs up and leaves.
>Get a text later on that I was voted out of the game
Was I the asshole?
Your dm shouldn't have packed it in and found a way for you two to reach a compromise without compromising the campaign or the players enjoyment.
That's odd behavior of you, user, when she was trying to make you come.
>I dunno, ain't two months a lot of time? That's like 1/10th of a year,
>Trump married a commie
Reagan would have a heart attack
Not a table, but I got invited to an IRC channel by a friend.
My friend was super obsessive over me wanting me to build a character based around his, not only did it make me uncomfortable as he tried to waifu-y me into the game but it made everyone else get touchy until the conversation just divebombed into silence.
I dropped the game softly and never spoke about it again. He still tries to recruit me into his other games, still wanting me to be some love interest.
is she cute?
It was at a con. One table played a one shot of warhammer fantasy roleplay and since I loved WHFB at the time I joined.
Now everyone at the table was well into their thirties, while I was a barely 18 year old babby.
The game itself was amazing, but the jokes about me being basically a toddler kinda got to me,because I was a stupid teenager...
Although in hindsight one guy repeatedly making a "barely legal" joke at my expense should have weirded me out more than it did.
That was so bizarre. Why the fuck couldn't that be resolved IC?
>Why the fuck couldn't that be resolved IC?
I wonder about that in so many cases.
90% of non-antag shittery and "sabotage" could be solved by the crew.
But that would require that someone can be assed to play as security and that we get competent engineers.
And a chain of command that isn't one Captain or Hop going braindead in the Armory because it wouldn't fit in his bag.
>me and friend are jaded on status of video games
>friend wants me to get into tabletops with him
>gives me DnD 5e pdf links and seems pretty neat
>make a few characters, study the pdfs, and am really thinking it will be fun
>friends gets other people, some I know from our gaming group and others are new but I know every one of our game members are going to be faggots the entire time
>first session, friend is DM
>character intros are being had and we are doing our own personal intros one by one
>wants me to go first because he knows the other guys can't get through their dude-bro mentality on their own
>attempt to be in character and immerse into the world, use manners and common sense when speaking to NPCs, ask for descriptive details to help myself (and hopefully the others) into caring about the world, it's inhabitance, but most importantly the time that we are all putting into making this work
>get to the inn we will all meet up in and feel like I did a good job
>the others
>one by one it just gets worse
>one instantly rolls to "flash a titty" at a town guard to see if he won't have to pay the toll
>next attempts to steal from every NPC, all the while voicing his character as Dave Chappelle's Rick James impersonation
>other two guys seem turned off and just walk to the inn
>last guy is trying to intimidate everyone he meets while the others keep telling him to slap them with his dick, put his dick out/away, (enter more dick measuring jokes here XD)
>all attempts to give a single fuck are gone as me and the two new guys can't even begin to have serious conversations with quest givers
>accompanied by a rogue telling everyone to "fuck your (enter item here) nigga! Just buy another one EH EH EH EH!"
>a barbarian "standing with my legs apart to try and scare the noble with my barbarian dick"
>and a bard trying to fuck everything
>other guys leave and the rest keep putting me down for trying to be serious for the rest of our eventual ten hour session
>ten hour session
>of that
Did u die?
>Did u die?
Just a little more inside. I was already expecting them to be fags about it so it didn't matter.
Thankfully we restarted with some new people the next week and it went great.
Nothing wrong with that, just like marrying a muslim girl and converting her to catholism with your dong
Every time I accept to join a specific group of 3 people from my playgroup because I know they are gonna be salty as fuck since they "play for the sake of playing and having fun" and I play to win, and I do win like 95%+ of the time (against them) and they are salty again, but if I don't accept the invitation those fucks are pissed of, too, because of "muh friendship"... literally a doom loop.
you sound like a tryhard cunt though desu
Long story short. We're friends who are drifting apart and the GM has thrown together a game to keep us together. It feels pretty forced sadly, the people around the table just plainly don't care or like each other anymore. Only thing we have in common is rpgs and that's about it.
GM decides to try and get some unity beyond murderhoboing going. Has my character's mother kidnapped.
Oh no! I take the bait and run to the others and beg them for help. Responses are as follows from Lawful good paladins and rangers.
"She deserves it and you're a cunt."
"If she ends up in hell, she's a terrible person just like you."
"That's what you get."
To me it felt like being before a firing squad. The GM was clearly taken back as well. I don't know why I didn't IC'ly call them all heartless scum and leave/fireball.
Game still trundles on. Little has improved.
You sound like you don't play to win either, where is the fun in that?
Just let it go, it's already over.
Where's the fun in winning against a bunch of people who aren't playing to win?
Probably when I was playing a crossover World of Darkness campaign. I was playing a Malkavian (I guess I was begging for it, huh?) and being particularly fishmalk-y. To make things even more "I'm discluding myself from the group", I was playing an American in Russia.
So an American Malkavian from a historical society shows up to what is essentially anarcho-vamp society, does fishmalkie stuff, and then derps around being disfigured and the like. So yeah, I was kind of asking for it, but I felt pretty discluded from the group. That being said, I had a great time anyway and the GM did a great job of running a believable campaign.
My only regret is probably not trying harder to convince my GM to make the historical society a bigger aspect of the character. I wanted to go relic hunting after all.
There is no fun involved, that should have been clear since my first post.
>Tfw still fucking his sister
Is shit cash ?
Should have just fucked his sister's ass in front of him anyway.
So why don't you stop being a play-to-win tryhard?
Because there is no point in playing if you don't play to win, since winning is the goal of games that have win conditions.
>ten hours
Yeah I would have pretty much been working in the shadows to kill them all. I wouldn't even care about metagaming at that point, I'd just say fuck it and start figuring out how to kill each of their characters, preferably all at once. At that point it's really all you can do.
So you're basically saying that the money you've spent on tabletop has been buying imaginary wins?
Dude, I found him. The reason mobile pay to win games are so popular. GUYS WE FOUND HIM HOLY FUCK
It's own. Stats average at 10 and every point above 10 grants +1 to the related rolls. All tasks have the difficulty of 10. The main catch however are boons and banes. They add or deduct a d6 for the roll, counteracting each others so with 3 banes and 2 boons you roll 1 bane. You always take the highest result from the boons or banes. (example: You need to climb a cliff. It's wet and steep, so it comes with 4 banes. You have a profession that aids in climbing and have 1 boon from that and you get 1 boon to str rolls. You now have 2 banes left. You get 2 and 4, so you deduct 4 from your roll. Same applies to boons)
It bought me some material goods that give me the chance to win if the games is played the way it's intended to from me and my opponent. Winning against somebody who does not play to win isn't a win.
I suppose, but doesn't it get boring? I mean, I used to play a looot of unreal tournament back in the day, and when I got too good for small pubs or whatever I'd start purposefully gimping myself just to recover some of that challenge.
I think it's just a difference in mindset, though. Some people play games to conquer because you're totally right, winning feels good. Especially when it's earned. Sometimes, though, a close loss provides more entertainment value than just curb-stomping everyone in the session.
I'd honestly kill to to have you at one of my tabletop cyberpunk sessions, where I put everyone in charge of street gangs and have them try to take over a part of town from one another. You'd probably shake them right the fuck up.
It gets boring and the only reason I still do it is to not piss said 3 people off on a friendship level cause if I don't accept it will take like 2 weeks until I get to hear: "you don't wanna play with us and spent some time with us, is our friendship that unimportant to you?".
It's not that I can't have fun in case that I have lose a game, but I at least tried to win and did my best to do so. That's my mentality since forever, I did not go to school, to just sit there and attend, I went to get good grades, same goes for college and work. I don't work for the sake of work, I work for the sake of money... you get the point and I really can't (as pathetic as it sounds) get over this and "play to just play" since it's against the principles that I was raised with and lived on by since I left my parents house.
Please give me more infos on that tabletop, sounds interesting.
>Sometimes, though, a close loss provides more entertainment value than just curb-stomping everyone in the session.
This, oh so much this.
Are you me?
Part of the reason for this drift is how we all ended up in life. There's a clear divide between those of us who have managed to end up better off than others. Some of my high school friends have sunk into becoming such hateful, bitter things that they're only happy when others are failing and suffering. This is something that they do In Character and Out.
Out of game, nobody wants to hear about your new car/fiancée/son. That's seen as bragging and they'll bitch behind your back to the GM.
In game, they are livid when your character performs well. They've not even read the fucking book yet accuse those who have done so and made good choices of being power and metagamers which threaten their fun solely because you're doing better than them.
>Interested in rpgs, but never got a chance to play; stuck reading adventure paths and watching recorded sessions
>Friend mentions he's play a campaign with co-workers
>He's totally disinterested beyond creating comedic circumstances; he kept trying to burn down the village the party was in
>He doesn't know the system or any details of the games mechanics, but figure I could ease into it with help or research before I play
>Ask him to ask if I can play
>Dodges the issue; I'm a childhood friend, best bro's since secondary school, his parents consider me a second son, etc but he's got his own friends and all that jazz
>Fuck it, pressure some more because I want to play a game, I can normie it up with my interest in craft beer and star wars or something
>He relents, invites me to the game, but tells me I'll need to find a place to sleep unless I leave early to catch the bus back home
>He's being a dick, he has a spare room at his house in the city, and a few couches to boot
>Shrug it off, sleeping on the street for a night isn't so bad, maybe there's a hostel or something
>Arrive to the place, his friends friends house, aww yish it's time
>They tell me to sit at a table with some board games stacked on it, ohh man it's the jack-pot, they liked all kinds of games, I should've brought my mahjong set
>Friend and host are standing talking about unrelated stuff
>More people arrive and they all sit down, getting ready to play
>At another table
>I'm by myself
>"We've already started, so just play by yourself until we end this game"
>Think they're referring to a brief session, a scenario affair; they'll spend ten minutes wrapping it up and then get me to roll up a character
>Sit alone and watch them
>Before they even roll a dice, the host yells up to his roommate saying he's going out
>They all rush out the door like puerile bullies at a kindergarten or something
>Sitting there at the table confused
God damn it sure fucking sucks to be a Nagah, doesn't it?
>kill me
What? They just left you there? Why?
>get invited for a try run of the God Machine Chronicle
>get along with everyone IC, almost no OoC interaction
>session 1 ends and I thank the ST for the game
>complete awkward silence for a bit
>already feeling uncomfortable
>I just go away after session 2 without even a goodbye
>the game gets deleted on roll20
>I ask on the skype group what happened
>a player very dismissively tells me what time and day we're playing
>go away
I honestly don't know what the deal was. IC we were going along swimmingly, our dynamic was interesting, but I felt like I shat the couch pretty quick.
Also, dismissive player was a total shithead IC and OoC. Still no clue what went wrong with the others.
>new player is unaware of the railroad
>new player is kicked out for not railroading himself
good riddance
Well, they just didn't want me there and didn't have the maturity to say as much with some empathy. They must have though it funny.
Huh, I completely understand where you're coming from
Competitive as hell my whole life, school, sports, college, work. To the point where it's more or less a character flaw. Do everything in my power to win, or succeed. Never really felt like I was doing my best unless I was outperforming my previous performances and winning at the same time. It works though and I manage to constantly improve myself. Pick up gaming for the sake of fun as my outlet, allows me to goof off and not try to win for once.
While all of those guys were obviously pussies, you were something of a shithead as well. Your friend clearly showed you he didn't want you there several times, yet you insisted.
Hold on, so you killed his waifu once and for that he put you on his shit-list for the next two months?
Why are you brothers-in-law with this autist?
How old are you all?
Wow, that sounds like some grade A shittery...
If I were in your place I'd just nick everything that wasn't nailed down and fuck off...
The character itself is not the problem, HQ was actually a pretty good character in her earlier days, it's the fanbase surrounding her that's cancer and has molded her into what she is today
Wouldn't say unwelcome, but when the one of the one shots at the RPG con turned out to be a litteral touchy-feeley dream exploration session run by what is now coined a "200 pound tmblrina".
So one guy was hitting on you, trying to get in your teenage boipussi?
NU-russians are capatalist as fuck.
I too know this feel. Most of my high school friends and I have drifted apart because 90% of them never amounted to anything. Only myself and one other have been productive and I'm not even anything special, i just work in a machine shop and the most I've ever made in a year was 45k.
It's difficult for me to be around them for anything that isn't gaming, because we're all pretty good at keeping ic and ooc separate. Anything else is awkward because if we go someplace, none of them have cars so I have to pick them up and I will most likely end up paying for them too. We can't really discuss much that isn't gaming because our interests grew apart, they're all still a bunch of weaboos and talk about nothing besides their facebook naruto game while I like cars, science fiction, and firearms and haven't watched a modern anime in probably 5 years.
I've even tried to help them get good jobs, offered to sell one of them my old car for practically nothing, but they're just content to live their lives in mediocrity and mooch off their friends and family. The worst part is sometimes I envy them and wish I could do nothing and be a total Fuckin loser but my family would never tolerate it and I'd end up homeless
I hope I see no pokemon trainers because pokemon sucks and digimon is better, SUPERIOR
Fuck that's why i quit MtG, most of the guys at my local gamestore were bro as fuck with one or two twats who'd go home after a tourniment and jerk off to their ranking on the WotC website, but they were hyper-competitive "Latest netdeck that won the nationals or some such shit" where as i couldn't afford $300 dollar decks and had to be updated every time a new set came out so i just made things i liked, built around cards that had fun mechanics and neat combos (loved Urborg tomb of yawgmoth/Korlash/Tendrels of corruption/anything with swampwalk). I'd get my ass kicked but most of the time i'd have fun but eventually it just got old.
Of course when i started getting into RPGs we had a powergamer at our table who freaked out that i was playing a "suboptimal" character for funs. Guess its at any game
this reminds me of the "The Bear" story.
that was a good one.
This reminds me of a group at my FLG. Funnily enough, I'm on the opposite side of this
>start Eldar in 4th Ed
>not really a fan of aspect warriors, so I play heavily mechanized
>wave serpents, wraithguard, rangers, etc, before they were super good
>back then this build was unoptimized as fuck, and only became moreso as things like universal transport prices fell, so I had to git gud with it in order to win
>new codex is released
>suddenly wave serpents and wraithguard are fucking amazing, though this story occurs slightly before anyone had realized just how amazing
>roll up with my mates and my army
>get a game going with Tau player
>riptide riptide as usual
>fucking stomp him, holy shit, everything in my army is now killy as fuck
>dude is visibly perturbed in a way that makes it obvious that he was expecting an easy win
>never plays 40K with me again
>over the next few weeks he and his group start implying (I'm told outright saying, when I'm not around) that I'm a bandwagon WAAC, despite knowing that my army has been mostly the same for years
>this impression of me spreads until I finally lose my shit and make an entire Warmachine army so I can kick his ass at that instead
>start turning up more and more often so he looks like a coward for not wanting to play me
>eventually get into Infinity to hound him there too
>almost forget about my dissertation because I'm too busy making sure this guy has no fun ever
In retrospect, I may have overreacted.
You sound like a fun dude. Good job, user.
Chubby Harley a best