How do we make the old 'adventurers meet in a tavern' story more interesting?
How do we make the old 'adventurers meet in a tavern' story more interesting?
>the tavern is on fire
>the tavern sinks into the ground into an underground cavern filled with a set arrangement of monsters
>the tavern getting shaken up by bandits
>the tavern is an ork tavern and all of them understand what's going on about a minute after they're served
>that includes the barkeep
The objective is meeting in a tavern, but it's an endgame quest, as the tavern is extremely hard to access and full of perils.
Each of them swears the tavern is in a different town, they were just there a moment ago.
It must be a magic tavern.
Hey, wait a second, what direction was the entrance again?
I don't understand. Elaborate?
Bards learn new songs from old bards singing the tales (god forbid bard spells be actual be individual songs.)
Adventurers of all types learn of dungeon locations and how to disarm some of the traps, the old coots telling the story drop hints about having to leave some of the treasure behind.
Evil pcs learn of location old timers buried some epic level friends and can go to rob their graves.
The tavern is in a pocket dimension that can only be accessed by an orb in the possession of an alcoholic lich deep within the underdark inside of a mountain in the seat of the world home to ancient red dragons and fiends. Inside the pocket dimension are three beer mugs. If drank they can either lead to a realm of unspeakable horrors, a djinn's harem, or Flint Michigan where all magic ceases to work and dreams die. Only one party member can drink and be transported, the rest are trapped forever in the tavern and must fight in a battle royale for survival over pickled eggs and beer nuts.
Decorate and/or treat your gaming environment as a/the tavern. Take a marker to pizza boxes. The first record of pizza is from the 10th century. Italian knights have been eating pizza for centuries. Non-alcoholic beer mixed drinks.
>They don't know why they're in a tavern.
>The tavern is deserted.
>All the doors are locked and windows boarded.
Are you simple?
>they're surrounded by dead bodies
>blood all over them
>there's someone outside yelling that the tavern is surrounded and they should surrender
>only clue a treasure map, a key and a letter that just says "good luck, I'll meet you there!"
The adventurers meet in a tavern.
They say "ouch."
The tavern is a mimic, plot twist the mimic is God. Another plot twist, every critical npc is actually the pcs parents in disguise, other plot twist they have magic aids and when they entered the tavern, it became airborne and now the mimic God tavern now has aids, and the mission is literally trying to save God from aids, also he's a mimic because he needs to slowly consume barmaids to sustain the fabric of the universe, another plot twist the aids was a result of a magic orgy bloodbath the pc parents joined in on, plot twist further the aids is congenital, or the parents gave it to them through black magic because of anal gay rage and jealously from a demon who lives on the alternate plane called 4chanus
> also note how I cleverly hid anus in 4chanus.
>the tavern is on fire
I came here to post this. Any story can be made more interesting if you start right in the middle of action.
Actually I'm going to try this out for my own group
>the demons name is Moot and his final form is pepe
It's incredible how "the tavern is on fire" is the most natural response to OP's question.
Please give me feedback on this idea.
I had the idea recently for a campaign where the players embark on a global legendary pub crawl. They attempt to drink in every bar in the known world.
As the GM I would introduce mythical taverns located next to active volcanos, or at the top of the tallest mountains, or deep in the earth near the border between the underworld and their moral realm.
Medieval strip club. Busty elves peeling off impractical chain mail. Kick a few GP their way and they can get their next Skooma fix.
>the tavern is on fire
Hello diablo 2
Taverns meet in an adventurer.
The PCs must find the reason for this particular event.
I dig that
> I need mana intensifies
I just thought about this today
For settings that include technology, the adventurers meet up on an interdimensional chan forum whose board is actual quests
You could link it to non tech realms by having people scry the chan
>the adventurers meet up on an interdimensional chan forum whose /qst/ board is actual quests
You better check your pockets, because I'm stealing
I am but a simple farmer tending my memes
"The adventurers meet in a tavern well, under a table, which is in a tavern, The chairs to the table are currently sailing through a window, being struck over the back of an orcs head, and being used as a shield respectively, no-one remembers what started the fight, and thanks to the almost comical size of the pub, it looks like the brawl will continue all night, so adventurers, how do you escape the Brawl from hell?"
They have no weapons, and must find the coat room before leaving, but whats this? they left their tickets in their other tunic? which as last seen attached to a hat rack, currently embedded in a Gelatinous cube in the basement? time to put those improvised weapons skills to good use.
Bonus points: the entire campaign is done inside a multidimensional Tavern of Holding with the main objective being escape.
The PCs start as employees in the tavern.
>they are all hopelessly drunk and don't remember how they got that drunk.
>for every action one takes, the DM rolls for how badly they mangle it in their drunken state.
>the hook for the adventure is finding out what caused the uberdrunkenness
>Bonus points: the entire campaign is done inside a multidimensional Tavern of Holding with the main objective being escape.
More like escape from hell, am I right, Giga Satan?
They're in the tavern to meet with the mayor of the town about solving the problem of the day. The mayor is in the tavern because the problem is ruining the town and his life and career, so he's quite busy getting piss drunk. They need to sober up the mayor enough to get the info out of him, without him being sober enough to start bawling and whimpering again.
>The tavern was cursed to be permanently on fire, with no way to stop the flames
>The fire never spreads and is always coming from the third room on the top floor and the roof
>The owner of the bar has decided to use the permanent immolation as a novelty, and has gotten more visitors than it ever did before the curse
but why would bandits attack a burning orc tavern that's sinking into monster cavern? i thought bandits prefer easier money
tavern is a mimic
Have everyone make characters like normal but tell them they may not end up playing them.
Make a bunch of full sheets yourself for the other patrons, a few adventurers, a merc, a whore, a bard, tavernkeeper etc.
Start them at the tavern playing their charcters, as they start doing in character introductions a whole mess of tribal orks roll in apparently raiding the village.
Have it be overwhelming so they have to fight there way out and flee with a real chance of them dieing.
If they do give them their pick of the other patrons sheets as there next character.
Not that user, but what would be a feasible way to make that a full on adventure, without straight up telling your players: Your objective is to meet at the tavern.
Unless of course you do something fucking lame like use that action as a cock tease and then rewind back to 2 weeks ago. Although thankfully this has a very low chance of happening in a TTRPG.
>Non-alcoholic beer mixed drinks.
hello children.
>tavern stands on the spot of the heart of a dark sorcerer king's citadel, which was ruined many centuries ago and no one even remembers
>its power has been slumbering all that time, waiting...
>the adventurers are marked by fate, and so the citadel's power awakens, wrecks some shit, but the sheer presence and defiance of the adventurers pushes it out of the tavern; it starts warping the town and townsfolk into evil, and the dark citadel starts to slowly rebuild itself, and sends a magical message to the dark sorcerer king in his tomb in faraway land, who awakens and starts moving towards the former tavern
>as the town descends into evil, the tavern remains an eye of the storm, as dark power cannot enter it and is not aware of it. at first, townsfolk don't pay attention to it - it's just a tavern, but as they descend into evil, they start noticing the tavern ain't as corrupted as everything around it and become more and more hostile
>once the sorcerer king enters the tavern he will reclaim all of his long-lost power and fuck some serious shit up
>old 'adventurers meet in a tavern' story
With only a minor change in grammar, namely
>'old adventurers meet in a tavern' story
Simply put, octogenarian adventurers meet in a tavern to tak shit about the youngters.
>Look at those greenhorns with their fancypants hearthstones and their warp points and their instant healing items. Why, in my time we had to walk to our dungeons and back for six miles, in the rain, uphill and we had to drain the blood of our enemies for healing properties. AND WE LIKED IT!
>One of those youngers walked up to me the other day, and you know what he said? 'heal pls'. The nerve! Back in my day, healers were revered and respected! Nowadays the're licentious whores that are ridiculed by even npcs! NPCs!
>HEY WENCH! Get me my prune juice and make it snappy! I saved the world seven times you know!
>I swear if that harlot gives me lip one more time I'm going to throw my +5 dragonbane dentures at her!
And then the king asks them to come out of retirement for the 37th time to save the realm once more.
Magic internet and stuff makes D&D better anyway.
it neednt be. it's just a launching pad for adventure
>children oriented tavern that serves milk, cookies and meatballs
>party has to find a missing child
>the missing child was abducted by kobolds that wanted to be regulars at the tavern "for the short 'uns."
I think it's more likely they don't want drunkenness at the table
>>At the start of the campaign, have everyone roll initiative, and immediately begin a bar fight between each of the players.
>>Players are subsequently arrested, and forced to *BLANK* together for community service
They're the only ones there. *signal assassination attempt
They've all been invited to a meeting with someone they thought long dead.
I would the elf
This makes me really want to run a series of games in the style of Memento where the PCs get their minds erased while helping some ethereal ally who they never actually see