Bear-like mountain hobgoblins, meh
Nice to have a big-boy race that is more rooted in mythology and folklore than the goliaths.
Goblins can be fun. I'm bored of even hearing about goblins since I've had more than enough exposure to them in my D&D-playing years, but I don't have anything against them as an option for people.
Live on mountains, named after a Phillistine warrior. Kind of a bland combination of orcs, trolls, humans and dwarves to me, never found anything really interesting about them.
Biggo goblins. Same thing as goblins I suppose, hope their culture is elaborated on beyond "they are taller types of goblins that boss small goblins around".
Small crow people are cool and interesting enough to me. Different enough from the aaracokra too to simply be "another bird race".
It was unavoidable, but blech. Always found them kind of annoying. I know that's kind of the point.
I think they are more interesting than Dragonborn in appearance and lore. I know most people would rather play Dragonborn though.
You gotta have orcs. I'm wondering if this book will suggest players choose races that typically work well together, and which don't. Orcs and elves working together isn't an impossibility, but seems stupidly rare in most 1st-party settings.
Don't know what they are, this thread seems to indicate they are catgirls or some variation of catgirls. I have no love for catgirls, since they simply seem to serve the role of satisfying a fetish.
This is kind of cool. I would never feature them as a PC race outside of very water-oriented campaigns. Islands, coasts, and under-da-sea - good. Anywhere else, choose another race.
>>Yuan-ti pureblood
Snek people seem to work best as villians. I don't know, I haven't had a lot of experience with them. Just don't know how you'd make this work outside of a total edgelord campaign.