I'm building a TTRPG based on Ancient Greece and Greek Mythology, what are some weapons and armor I can use to add variety to the game.
Players will be able to play as city-states belonging to the empire, barbarians living on the outskirts and allies from a desert kingdom.
Greek weapons and armor
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Linothorax, a type of greek armor that was almost entirely cloth. There are no surviving examples
They also made it of leather. As shown here.
Northern parts of greece with thracian interaction could have a gorget
It doesn't have to be just Greek, any culture they had interactions with will work too.
Slings with lead bullets, leather straps for throwing javelins at 100m, machaira, xiphos, kopis, wicker shields with leather skin, large round shields with leather "apron" to protect the legs from arrows.
Done in Ancient Greece, check Thu 4.100.1
Depending on the amount of magic in the setting sling bullets etched with magical enchantments would be a neat thing to have.
Might want to look into the Net & Trident set.
Seen more in Rome than Greece, but still a classic weapon set.
>Thu 4.100.1
Νot OP but this is not exactly the same as in the above picture. From what I read they built a big, stationary flamethrower to burn down the walls, which is impressive nonetheless.
For those neighbours you could use some stuff from the Assyrians
The book you want is called: From Stone to Steel by Aaron Stimson . Written for D&D 3.5 but lavishly illustrated with plenty of well researched info on arms and armor of all periods. 352 pages and the single best historical RPG weapons and armor reference I have seen. Been gaming since the late 1980s. You can buy it in PDF or find a bootleg.
Medieval setting:
>arming sword
>bastard sword
>long sword
>battle axe
>pole axe
Ancient Greek setting:
No indeed it's not a handheld flamethrower, it's more like some sort of flamethrowing-tank. Plus it was used to burn the gates and the walls as you said, so it wasn't used like a modern flamethrower, which was mostly about indirect killings via air poisoning, but still like an ancient device (there is a target and you want it to burn).
It's very funny to read a tale that is 2500 years old and realizing that they were making some pretty crazy engineering back then (and this is not talking about the giant siege towers of Demetrius Poliorcetes). It must have been a little bit too cumbersome as it had little occurence past this exemple, very very impressive feat still.
To keep up, you could have handheld stone throwing crossbows or even larger ones, sling darts or even hand held lead darts.
Sica, Rhompaia, Khopis, javelins made totally from iron called saunions/soliferrum, falarica/pilums, throwing axes, axes, two handed axes, two head axes, axes with a pick in the other head, gladius/ethnic shortswords, poignards/pugios, wide poignards, long swords, all kinds of heads for spears and ethnic knifes, maces of all kinds, from stone to steel, wood reinforced sticks, all kinds of stone knifes or weapons, slings/pole slings, darts, throwing spikes/knifes from the top of my head. and only counting Yurop.
Also doing something related, but inspired more in the "barbarians" side point of view (and lots of settings than I like bunched together).
For armor you really can do lots of "mixed", like a linothorax with scales, metals circles or whatever. From full plate to mixed plate really, specially going in ancient times.
And of course you can mix fantasy metals or whatever, like adamantium or spirit/gods imprisioned in the weapons/armor like fetish from WoD or Glorantha.
Posting some armors than could do, from fantasy to historical. I prefer a plausible look tough.
Some persians, because you can't have Greeks without they worse enemies.
And don't skimp in describing color. Purple for the very rich for example, like Patricians or Rich Phoenician merchants. Also depending of the age (I presume you want a more classical age Greeks) they fought very distinctly, from heroic combat one vs one with chariots and stuff in collapse, to the hoplitai clashes of the "dark age", the mixed hoplitai and skirmishers in the Peloponesian wars, to the phalangitai, thorikitai and all that from the Diadochai until the Romans.
Some helmets.
Your ignorance is cute.
m8 half of those are Roman...
Greek lived at the same time than the Romans (than were hugh Greek-lovers). I don't see why any of those wouldn't be used in a Greek setting. Also the Romans copied they weapons and armors from others peoples.
For example, this pugio? Arevacian, from the center of the Iberian peninsula. The Romans copied it when besieging Numantia, like the Sagum. Or the Gladius Hispanensis after cannae or the Gallic mail and Coolus helmet, the cataphracts from the Persians etc.
Greeks live at the same time as now too but presumably OP wanted a bronze age setting.
Then he posted lots of images after that (600 bc at the latest of the bronze age and those guys are from the ERE nearly a 800 years after) and even then there were tribes than used all those weapons outside the romans. I don't see how a Kopis breaks the immersion, being an iron weapon, worse than a sica or rhompaya, axe or gladius or whatever. As for OP I think he wants a Classical age feel more than a bronze only feel.
The Polis from Theros always seemed kinda neat. Shame they got so little focus.
senseless mix of roman and greek stuff, pteryges are way too long and there's too much of it, gauntlets are overall anachronical...
Well it's a Greek inspired setting, not an historical accurate one, so it goes here. It seems good enough to wear too, a Dendra armor is way more restrictive.
>No good RPG with not-Thracians orIllirians in it.
Such a shame.
'Member when the Romans were the biggest Helleniboos? I 'member...
Easy access to that boi pussy
Some non-soldiers for flavor
Fucking lit bro
One of my all time favorite hoplite depiction
Back to soldiers
(skip to 8:14, you'll see)
If you care about historical accuracy, you need to think about what era you're thinking about. When most people think of Greece, they really mean 5th centuryish Athens. That's not the same type of gear as the Bronze Age, or like what you'd see in the Roman period.
I'm going to assume 5th century or so. Shields are important. So much so that people will use it as a general term for all military gear. Spears are the main weapon because they're cheap and easy to use in big formations. Ranged weapons are mostly javelins and slings. Archery is a thing but it's rare for a lot of reasons, mostly economic. Being a hoplite is glorious, but it's often the skirmishers that actually decide the battles. People pay for their own gear, so affordability matters more than utility on the battlefield in many cases.
Bronze age stuff is often more distinctive. I'd also call it cooler. Check out the Boar's tusk helmet and the Dendra panoply for cool stuff that you won't see in other eras.
What said, Dendra style armor is on the right.
That looks incredible. Is it from a reenactment group?
Good luck getting through that. You'd have to knock em over and go for the eyes, head, or legs
Finally someone wearing linthorax. After all that piss old armor.
That or from an educational source. Sometimes textbook creators or even television networks recreate some neat costumes.
Also, who needs a spear? Just fucking hurl a rock at your foe. Why not? You're wearing dendra
Sea person next to the dendra wearer
Gotta remember too, the Hellenic peoples went EVERYWHERE back in the day. Either as traders, colonizers, immigrants, mercenaries, you name it.
Might be in Kraut, but you get the idea
Hellenic sword diversity is really something to look into. They never seemed to settle on one
And the swords were not always a smooth slope to the blade. They had divits, angles, and even cut outs
What a qt anime shield
>soon as you said that, all I can see is a ":3" face
thanks user
Thracian shields best shields.
And I'll end with our favorite meme warriors
It didn't protect the head and in an age where slings were plentiful... I'd go for more head protection
Rocks are a good thing to bring up. Rocks are cheap. Everyone can afford a sling. Those suckers are lethal. RPGs like to model them as dinky little toys that can't do anything, but that's not really accurate. If you want to go Greek, don't make rocks underpowered.
Frecking Hun influence, that shit they did to they heads was fucked up.
You can make one out of some grocery bags. Just... wear a helmet
The problem with slings is the training. To be an average slinger you needs lots of practice, even more than with a bow.
They must have looked inhuman to the Romans and Celts. Scarred face, bow legged, mishapen skull, burn and scar marked... they certainly looked like the bringers of the apocalypse.
You're both right, they were powerful but in the right hands. If the player has enough skill, most likely dexterity based, then why not make them as powerful as they should be?
Read mythology in general, but more specifically the Odyssey, Iliad and Aeneid and just rip all the items from there. Shields with over 9000 cowhides, golden bronze indestructible armor, bows that nobody else can use, the helmet of invisibility, hydra blood arrows etc.