>everyone in town is constantly chewing
>they're chewing tiny oozes that live in their mouths and clean their teeth
>everyone in town is constantly chewing
>they're chewing tiny oozes that live in their mouths and clean their teeth
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Ok, that's nice little fantastical titbit, inventing new tamed animal from a typical fantasy creature.
So, fantasy Australinas then?
Sounds like they have a mouth full (baba tsss)
Don't act so surprised. If this was a thing in real life, everyone would kill for it.
That's a legitimately really cool idea as long as you managed to fluff why the acid from the oozes doesn't harm them.
So like gum? But it cleans teeth? Yeah it sounds great. Sing me and the rest of America up!
>go to an outhouse
>look down the hole
>see three eyes stare back up at you
>it's a baby otyugh
Yeah but when you stop chewing they move around in your mouth on its own.
And sneezing or coughing can be pretty uncomfortable but thankfully they don't like being in your sinuses either, and will try to make their way out your nose
The real trouble is when you swallow them...because then they can take root and start to grow
Because they're babies, their acid isn't strong enough to really damage flesh from limited exposure. However, nobility/people obsessed with having pearly white teeth tend to have tooth problems in middle age, as over time constant use destroys the enamel and their jawbone decays.
So it's like what little kids think gum is? A stand-in for brushing, and it'll fuck you up if you swallow it?
Still founds fucking awesome. I want a toothfairy-slime. Do they come in designer colors?
Where's the traditional game?
Were you looking for stats?
I think these could be adapted for a ooze of fine size. Or do you think it makes more sense to treat them as an item, or better yet, to just go ahead and get 5e stats?
Or do you want to discuss the economics of a town that would be raising these, and potential adventure hooks (like what happens when the seemingly benign merchant releases the "Reduce Ooze" spell, and the entire town is swarmed by oozes erupting out of people's mouths?).
I hope you die a painful death if you imply Veeky Forums should be /generals/ only.
magic acid
They're an alkaline subspecies.
Or some shit like that. Not like I really know non-fantasy biology.
I was looking for ANY mention of a traditional game. That may be stats, or a specific setting, or just the words "in a game" in the OP.
Veeky Forums should be traditional games only. Nothing more, nothing less.
>Discussing a staple variety of monster from a common and iconic traditional game shouldn't be allowed
Are you salty that your stick-and-hoop general doesn't keep traction?
Are you so morally bankrupt you can't even imagine someone giving a damn about the rules as written for any reason besides jealousy?
>or just the words "in a game" in the OP.
Can we amiably settle this just by acknowledging the obvious implication?
How do the oozes reproduce? Do you have to suck a baby ooze out of someone else's gob to get your own? What about when the townie dies, does their ooze die a slow death or eat the person's corpse?
RAW and RAI are two different things. Every ruleset, for systems both game-related and pertaining to actual law established by governments, has at least one rule that is written in such a way that what is specifically written, when taken literally, specifies nowhere near what the framers of that ruleset actually intended the rule to specify.
No, there was no specific game system mentioned in the OP, but the classic, common assumption is that when you mention "an ooze" or otherwise talk about a fantasy setting, you are discussing ideas for D&D. This is an implicit colloquial understanding based on the ubiquity of D&D.
>being a rulsefag on Veeky Forums on one of the slowest boards
Fuck off cunt
>The ooze keeps growing so long as it consumes matter
>Everyone is buried in stone crypts, and the gravedigger knows Shape Stone to smooth the lid to the rest of it, creating a hermetic seal
>the graveyard is full of crypts, hundreds of them, going back centuries, each being filled and sealed to contain the oozes
>an earthquake hits
>Veeky Forums
>one of the slowest boards
Not even close. Veeky Forums is in the top quarter of boards in terms of posts
I'm assuming they're grown in small vats and don't live very long.
But the idea of people keeping them around for years, sticking them to their bedposts each night, is almost too appealing to dismiss.
>sticking them to their bedposts each night
I appreciate the reference, but I prefer spittoons. Every night you hock the ooze into a big brass jar, where it wriggles around trying vainly to climb out for 8 hours while you sleep. In the morning, you tip it out and begin chewing again.
>morally bankrupt
Nice autism lad
No, because if it's just assumed unconditionally, then all threads are on topic and it's impossible for a thread to be deleted for being off topic, which I know is not true.
Can I post a thread about a piece of dog shit stuck under my shoe, and say IT'S IMPLIED TO BE WORLDBUILDING INSPIRATION FOR PIECE OF DOG SHIT RPG SETTING when called out for literal shit posting?
I heard about a squig like that
>wee-ooo wee-ooo
>Board policeman, nobody move!
Specially bred to not harm living flesh and teeth
>No, because if it's just assumed unconditionally,
It's not assumed unconditionally. It's assumed when discussing a common monster type from a well known role playing game, as in the case of this thread.
I really don't even understand why you're trying to go so far as to try and pretend "in a game" wasn't obviously implied. I think it may be best to just realize that OP's heart was in the right place, and was not hoping to post off-topic material, but to generate discussion about something strange people might encounter in a game.
Never swallow the dentic.
Older 40k ork lore was great.
They have a special type of squig that's for eating.
They live at the plops, which is the ork outhouses.
The gretchen are forced to work in shit to tend to them.
>They live at the plops
You mean "the drops".
I feel like a lot of what made 40k tolerable has been lost in the modern era. 40k used to have a strong sense of humor, and now is too caught up in taking itself too seriously.
>Light up a pipe
>The ooze comes out and chills with you
I never knew how much I wanted a mouthwash familiar.
this is weird but also kind of neat
neat enough to res the thread, in fact
Orks do this in 40k.
they have a chewing squig that cleans their teef and they can chew on while thinking or enjoying not thinking
An ooze familiar is also insanely useful.
It can squeeze through cracks to spy around, disguise itself by jumping into a bottle and pretending to be a potion, or even just flattening itself on the ground like a puddle, and then delivering touch spells onto anyone who steps on it.
The biggest weakness of an ooze has always been that they're not intelligent enough to make the best use of their natural abilities. Making one a familiar makes it adorably terrifying.