Can anyone 1v1 a WoC aside from named characters?
Can anyone 1v1 a WoC aside from named characters?
Definitely. A true Warrior of Chaos is incredibly tough, but they still lose out to any non-trash Ogres, Blood Knights, Vampires, Battle Wizards and all that stuff in the fluff.
They're at the higher end of high-tier, but they're not top-tier in terms of combatants in WHFB.
Rules Wise? No idea. Fluff wise? Yeah a couple things. Blood Dragons, some Black Orcs, some Ogres, Saurus Old-Bloods.
Probably some Elf units and Dwarf units, but I haven't read their fluff in too long.
Lore wise most Ushabti can smash a WoC like he's a small child
It helps to be the spirit of a powerful warrior inserted into a giant stone statue that is directly blessed by their respective god.
Adding monsters isn't really fair.
Then basically every faction has something that could easily smash a WoC in single combat, simply by virtue of being enormous.
Warrior or generic champion?
It's been a while, but from what I recall:
Veteran saurus like the Temple Guard
Vampire blood knights
DElf assassins, possibly their elite sword guys
The elite High Elves like the white lions and shit.
For humans, some of the high-end knights maybe
Possibly some of the black orcs.
Possibly some old dwarf longbeards, they've at least got the armour for it. Slayers probably can too, though that'll likely be a mutual kill.
There's generic character versions of all of these for a Champion, but all of the above will likely just be a kinda fair fight rather than a straight stomp
This, more-or-less. Chaos Warriors are basically only matched by the proper elites of other factions, or the hyper-elites of the Empire. Which is still really powerful once you consider how each of these slaughter their way through a rank or two of spearmen in fluff (absolutely crazy considering the way fighting works with these kinds of weapons.)
I'd say your average Ogre is about equal.
sounds like they are fucking Mary Sues like Marines in 40K the only difference is they have chaos armor instead of power armor
>"liek space mariens" when Chaos Space Marines exist.
>Doesn't know that you used to be able to take CSM as a special choice when WHFB and 40k shared a universe.
>Uses muh M-Mary Sue incorrectly.
>When it's been stated numerous times in this thread that they're in no way unbeatable or the best, and they're not even portrayed as such.
Gotta remember that Chaos Warriors are the elite of the elite of the Marauders. It's suggested that each Warrior used to be a Marauder Champion before they donned the Chaos Armour. So basically a bunch of super veterans got together, started wearing superplate and the like. That being said, they're not quite as bad as space marines, a full two ranks of Empire soldiers will skewer a lone Chaos Warrior.
Grail Knights, maybe even a Questing Knight, could probably 1v1 them. I think maybe even a Knight in the Realm might have a chance, albeit a slim one.
Grail knights, questing knights, any vampire, Skaven assassins, any elf that isn't rank and file cannon fodder tier, any wizard, ogres, any elite dwarf, awesome mortals like Felix...
...Lots of stuff really.
Can a Black Orc solo a Warrior? They both fight their whole lives after all.
Age of Reckoning...lest we forget.
Black Orcs and Chaos Warriors seem to be about on the same level.
Vampires (even shit ones) tear them apart like paper mache, grail knights can fuck them up and wizards can usually fuck them up in combat as well. That's just human sized opponents as well, you still have big shit like ogres and the like.
Chaos is actually much weaker in fantasy compared to some factions. They are only "strong" because of a combination of individual power and numbers.
Grail knight vs. Chosen Chaos Knight
Mournfang/Rhinox Cavalry.
Shit loads of variables but fluff wise any heavy cavalry is going to have a fair chance at bringing down a Chaos Warrior with a solid hit on the charge.
It kinda falls into the same category as the smaller monsters like ogres in terms for being a little unfair.
I know Bretonnians rarely fight dismounted, but I'm sure things would still be fairly even if they were. Grail Knights are pretty superhuman, horse or no horse.
>Grail Knights are pretty superhuman
Ghouls cannot be superhuman.
What you on about Strigoi
This guys right, theres plenty of big beasts that rape WoC.
But like Said, Any vampires, saurus old bloods and some ogres can take them
>Veteran saurus like the Temple Guard
even regular saurus can do it just fine
I know the AoS stats are fresh in people's minds, but in WHFB saurus are proper heavy infantry. Temple Guard are on the tier of chosen.
>but in WHFB saurus are proper heavy infantry.
None cares.
if no one cares, they wouldn't have made this thread
S4/T4/A2, heavy armor, shield. Stat-wise they're fairly close.
The thread about AoS.
Says who?
OP, by asking question about AoS.
He asked a question about Warhammer Fantasy.
>Warhammer Fantasy.
No such thing.
He never said if it was AoS or WFB. I don't even know if a Warrior of Chaos is still a thing in AoS, or if they've been overtaken by those half-naked Khornate guys.
Games Workshop can stop printing the books, but they can't make the game disappear.
That's like saying because people stopped printing Mein Kampf Nazi's stopped existing.
then why did you wait until the end of the thread to sperg out about WHFB, when half of the thread is talking about it
Any normal human should be literally incapable of harming a Chaos Warrior given that they wear plate armor so thick it should be immune to arquebus fire, lance strikes, and swords. But there's a lot of shit in Fantasy that's meaner than a human.
Absolute lies. Regular humans down Chaos warriors all the time in the fluff, the armour is big and spooky but not invincible.
1v1 lots of skilled/lucky people could from most races
No, you lie!
Archaon was said that he cannot be harmed by mortal weapons or means.
Archaon was not an average Chaos warrior. He also got beat up by Grimgor Ironhide.
>He also got beat up by Grimgor Ironhide.
Nope, retconned. Archaon defeated the Incarnate Grimgor.
And even if you want to cite SoC, then know that Archaon defeated Valten and Huss. One is an Incarnation of Sigmar and other is a holy warrior of Sigmar. When Grimgor came, Archaon had lost the will to fight after seeing Valten's birthmark.
But that besides the point. Normal weapons cannot hurt Archaon. He is the best example of WoC.
Best example =/= typical example.
A kick to the balls followed by a headbutt does.
Fuck Endtimes.
Fuck Retconcharon.
Fuck AoS.
Mein Neger.
I'd say grail knights are a match for WoC
>Slayers probably can too, though that'll likely be a mutual kill.
So, exactly how a Slayer would want it then?
Those new not-space-marines could go toe to toe with them
I don't even remember what they're called. Angels of Sigmar or something. You know what I'm talking about.
>Games Workshop can stop printing the books, but they can't make the game disappear.
It's already disappeared.
Good guy WoC can go against Bad Guy WoC? Who knew?!
Says you.
Says reality, there is no more large events or tournaments with WHFB, while AoS becoming more popular.
That doesn't mean it disappeared. It still exists, we can still talk about it.
>. It still exist
Where? In your damage brain?
>we can still talk about it.
Not here.
No, in the books on my shelf and on the tables at my LGS.
And tough titty.
The setting still holds a close place in lots of peoples hearts. Total War Warhammer is doing fantastically in the vidya market and introducing more people. I recently bought a lot of 2ed WHFRP books. If people want to enjoy Sigmarines thats all well and good but floofy hats and baggy pants against armour made of daemon dwarf steel is still a pretty rocking image.
well this thread took a turn for the worse
>The setting still holds a close place in lots of peoples hearts
1.5 =|= lord of people
>Total War Warhammer is doing fantastically in the vidya market
>Meanwhile on Steam page
>is still a pretty rocking image.
>lots of people
Why couldn't we talk about it here? Veeky Forums talks about dead settings and games no one else plays all the time.
Because morons reply to obvious trolls.
can't have Orcs doing something funny and awesome right?
Fuck GW. The Chaos wank was so massive I'm honestly surprised they didn't write Archaon solo'd entire setting.
Gordrakk is pretty awesome.
I'm sure there are some angry trees that could