Was he really the villain? It seems to be he was just a political realist, and the record was just skewed against him by buttmad catholic nobles.
Was he really the villain? It seems to be he was just a political realist...
Has there ever been a more excusatory phrase than "political realist?"
>literature and history aren't Veeky Forums
No, you go, and take the japanese jew with you.
Now it's Veeky Forums related.
Faggot, is the board so crowded. Are your poor, measly general threads getting squeezed out by the big bad tangents?
No? Then fuck off!
Veeky Forums shines where other boards falter. We deal in settings and tropes. Right now we're looking at a famous villain in an attempt to better create our own villains.
Depends on the rpg.
He's a positive figure in Les Lames du Cardinal (blades of the cardinal) and Mouquetaires de l'Ombre (shadow musketeers; a pretty fun setting, you have to capture aliens in 17th century france).
He's almost the antéchrist in All For One: Regime Diabolique.
Yep. Lenin was in love with the word's counterpart, "naive." He wrote a polemic attacking his anti-statist rivals that was pretty much him opening a thesaurus to "naive" and trying to fit every word in. Because he was a "realist" and they were not.
>Removed Habsburg from the premises
What's not to like?
>buttmad catholic nobles
Kek, as far as religion went Richelieu was brilliant while still *technically* doing nothing wrong
>Side against the "Holy" """""Roman""""" "Emperor" and singlehandedly finance the Protestant, Anti-Catholic Swedes
>But it's okay because Hugenot genocide best day of my life
>Keeps killing Hugenotes until he has generated enough Faith Mana to justify a war against Spain because why not?
>Meanwhile he uses priests across Europe as his personal spy network because Cardinals can do that
I don't get why Civilization VI went with Maria de literally who. If they wanted a sneaky Frenchman with skill in espionage and intrigue, who's a better candidate than Richelieu? He's probably the most famous Frenchman who was neither a king nor an emperor. Then again, Firaxis probably had to fill its pussy quota.
>Right now we're looking at a famous villain in an attempt to better create our own villains.
I'm gonna be a contrarian and say """"""""""saint"""""""""" Olga of Kiev makes a great villain.
>Inb4 waifufags
Veeky Forums is as shit as the other boards and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll stop being such a buttmad bitch
Now take your lame Veeky Forums thread to Veeky Forums
>loyal loving waifu of vengeance
>Veeky Forums shines where other boards falter. We deal in settings and tropes.
The only thing shit about Veeky Forums is the moderation. Other than that it's the best board on the whole damned website and you know it.
>Mass murderer
Pick one. Yes, just one. Even Jeanne is 2pure to be a good waifu.
What did he even do, Veeky Forums?
It really isn't. All it is is endless reposts in the That Guy threads, Stormfront insurrectionists and /pol/ retards derailing any discussion with even a hint of politicks, and useless debates over shit that is totally relative.
But like, whatever you say, user.
Wow, you have, like, the opposite of rose-colored glasses.
A jade pince-nez?
Seriously, Veeky Forums is as diseased as any other board. Don't fool yourself.
it's the only board i am really using. sometimes /tv/ and rarely /pol//
All of Veeky Forums is diseased, nobody doubts that. But to say that a board that's literally defined as being a "containment board" is on the same level as something like Veeky Forums or /cm/ is overzealous. Some boards are more diseased than others.
He was french, that's enough
No, we deal with Traditional Games. Take your shit back to Tvtropes, and take your shit thread to Veeky Forums where it belongs.
>board police
Please, if you think it's off-topic, report it and move on. What you're doing is just pointless shitposting
He had no ennemies except those of the state.
Basically, he invented a new category of villain, the mustache twirling civil servant. Lawful Neutral with Evil leaning tendancies.
It helps that he had a fantastic portrayal in The Three Musketeers.
He'd make a fine inquisitor, too.
>Carry on any enterprise as if all future success depended on it.
>Ultima Ratio Regum - The final argument of kings (had it engraved on every french artillery piece)
>War is one of the scourges with which it has pleased God to afflict men
>Godness causes love; power causes fear.
>Might makes right
>Deception is the knowledge of kings
>Secrecy is the first essential in affairs of state
>We may employ artifice to mislead a rival, anything against our enemies
>Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of state is for the public good; no greater crime against the public interest is possible than to show leniency to those who violate it
>Had Luther and Calvin been confined before they had begun to dogmatize, the states would have been spared many troubles
>Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men, and I will find something in them to hang him
>(upon his deathbed, speaking to the king) I have the consolation of leaving your kingdom in the highest degree of glory and of reputation
I can't quote it ad verbatim, but he actually had a (disturbingly theologically sound) justification for all his treachery. His belief was that come judgement day, all men in the world would be judged but not the nations of the world. The nations would simply cease to exist and be remembered by nothing but their own achievements. Which meant that in interstate interaction, there was no fairness, no morality, no lasting consequences (other than direct political consequences) and therefore everything was justified.
A less known but very important fact is that he was also the founder of the Academie Française, the (still existing) academy that formalized the use of the French language. As a result French spelling and pronunctuation (though at first glance counterintuitive) is actually very consistent. I also unironically support the change from oignon to ognon, though I would've preferred ognion.
>Basically, he invented a new category of villain, the mustache twirling civil servant.
Weren't the Chinese doing that for centuries? You know, the "evil prime minister manipulates righteous emperor" cliché? As well as literally creating an entire writing system purely to prevent peasants from ever learning how to read?
Veeky Forums was Veeky Forums before the latter even existed.
Veeky Forums is still a better Veeky Forums to this day, /pol/fags and memes ruined any possible discussion
You and your double dubs are entirely right, yet I greatly enjoy Voltaireposting despite not being fond of the man at all.
>Weren't the Chinese doing that for centuries? You know, the "evil prime minister manipulates righteous emperor" cliché? As well as literally creating an entire writing system purely to prevent peasants from ever learning how to read?
And useless evil Eunuchs! You can't forget about them.
I bet whenever /pol/ish threads are made you respond with yet by your logic anything is Veeky Forums. Politics can certainly be relevant to campaigns.
>Politics can certainly be relevant to campaigns.
When I say /pol/, I don't mean politics.
I mean the rabid stormfront bullshittery to which /pol/ sadly fell victim.
And it's not the opinions they hold that bother me, hell I share most of them, it's the way they go about them and how they poison every discussion.
Ironically, despite everyone hating on the "& Humanities" part of Veeky Forums, it's the only subject you can talk about somewhat decently. 90% of historic shit devolves into shitflinging & memes, or get derailed
He's portrayed more often as a hero, it's just unfair that his most famous role was as a villain.
I mean, I walk by his Post Office every day. He's well respected by historians, it's just that he got on the wrong side of the wrong author.
With regards to the Three Musketeers?
No, his spy was just too good at her job for him to keep her under his thumb.
He was the antagonist, not the villain. Milady was the villain.
Doesn't that still just make "[political] realist" the most excusatory? Since it's what Lenin explained himself with?
Oh sure, the "Yep" was agreeing with the other user. I guess that wasn't clear from my post, though.
>163x series
Muh nigga
This. The movies always fucked it up and made Richelieu into some kind of Emperor Palpatine type figure, when he was fairly neutral in the book.
And the Musketeers themselves were basically greedy murderhobos only slightly better than Milady and Rochefort.
Even Milady isn't all that much of a villain when it's revealed that she was mostly motivated by revenge after she survived being hanged by her husband, Athos the musketeer.
Implying Jeanne wouldn't have gone into a good Christian marriage once her visions were achieved. Perfidious Albion ruined everything so hard that the Pope had to personally retcon that shit.
Nah. You *muh* nigga!
She was cheating on him, and it's implied they wanted to assassinate him, or at least rob him.
But the Three Musketeers in really devoid of modern values; D'Artagnan beating his valet for wanting to leave his service when he's too poor to pay him, and raping milady, are good examples.
The Musketeers even accept to work for him at the end of the book.
The king would probably have her assassinated after the end of the war.
Nonetheless, I've seen a conspiracy history book where the author claimed that Jeanne d'Arc escaped before the stake and had a couple other adventures before settling down for a nice family life somewhere in France.
He wasn't an outright villain when Charleton Heston played him in the '70s version. Tim Curry, on the other hand, chewed the scenery.
>The king would probably have her assassinated after the end of the war.
Why would he assassinate the woman who's the only reason he got crowned in the first place? Against all odds and all reason, Jeanne went ahead and launched an invasion against Rheims purely and specifically so the king could be crowned in the same cathedral as all other kings ever since the first Frankish kings. I don't see why Charles would want her dead. He did refuse her request for more gunpowder, but actively kill her?
>Nonetheless, I've seen a conspiracy history book where the author claimed that Jeanne d'Arc escaped before the stake and had a couple other adventures before settling down for a nice family life somewhere in France.
There are conspiracies like those everywhere about people who died so I wouldn't value them too much. Especially because the best part about Jeanne, and one that popular depictions of her often gloss over, were her top tier bantz during her trial.
So the events of the PSP game have a basis in conspiracy theory?