What's the closest thing the imperium has to suburbs.
Are there planets entirely covered in "subhives"?
I'm asking because I need it for a campaign.
What's the closest thing the imperium has to suburbs.
Are there planets entirely covered in "subhives"?
I'm asking because I need it for a campaign.
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>What's the closest thing the imperium has to suburbs.
It's an empire of a million planets (give or take) ranging from stone age to whatever the fuck the Admech count as.
If you want a planet with suburbs, there's suburbs.
What are ghettos, what are shantytowns?
Actual suburbs like ours need livable biosphere and a strong middle class, two things hiveworlds stereotypical have little of.
Ghettos are just Hive worlds,
Also remember most planets aren't just ONE thing. Hive/Death worlds exist, Daemon/Forge worlds exist, Feudal/Shrine worlds exist
Feel free to mix and match.
What you're describing could just be a world like ours; lots of cities, lots of buildings, lots of wilderness
Civilized Worlds are those Imperial worlds who lack a more specialized classification. Certain Shrine Worlds and Industrial (not Forge) Worlds can fall under this category. In those worlds are probably some futuristic equivalent to suburbs, likely crammed full of Adminisratum workers.
What the heck would a Feudal/Pleasure world look like?
I guess I'd call it a Low-density Hives. It's still a Hive world, but with the hab blocks more evenly distributed.
I imagine it's all perfectly tiled like some kind of Simcity arrangement with services at exactly the right distance to offer perfect coverage with no waste. So long as you know the layout of a single grid you can navigate across the entire planet.
At the same time, people rarely leave their Grid because.. well, why would you? Everywhere's the same as everywhere else. In theory anyway, there's a certain amount of Grid rivalry and customisation as everyone wants to live in the Best Grid. Or at least better than those fucking neigbours, they think they're sooo special with their Aquila flags..
Nobles wear void shields and use power swords to do 'quests' as 'adventurers' in a truly authentic peasant village! Look how they die of old age and actually get sick! Observe their crude weapons and faith, then slaughter them! Great fun.
Yanno all those tales of Roman decadence?
Basically that except posh people from off world pay to go there.
Holy shit I forgot about that. Basically like that yeah. Lower density for OP's wants but retaining that perfect mathematical viewpoint.
For those curious. It's pretty much an Imperial Hive City.
Geidi Prime
>city blocks repeated prefectly, without any concern for the well-being of the inhabitants, ad nauseam.
Efficient and completely inhumane. That's truly grimdark
I ran a game once on a world whose capital city fell into this model. Instead of building upwards, the hive built outwards. There was a nice, shining centre, where everyone was rich and they had a big void shield blocking them off from the plebians. Then there's the merchants and traders around the spaceport towers and stuff. And outside that, for a hundred miles in all directions, it's favelas and slums and worker neighbourhoods and a general maze.
>pleasure worlds
Shame they're not really mentioned anymore. If I ever did an IG regiment they'd be from a nice advanced world, with the motto
>those who have nothing to lose, have nothing to die for
Geidi Prime was more of a forge/pleasure world. The non-Harkonnen inhabitants lived in squalor but the planet was covered in industrial plants and its biosphere entirely ruined by the Harkonnens stripping the planet of its resources and dumping their toxic waste everywhere.
Bask in the sunlight user
Come join me around the bonfire
Where people die of age
There must be suburbs on some rich Garden Worlds. They may perhaps be similar to a 1950's American suburb during the height of the McCarthy era
I'm playing a guard regiment from a planet with a good chunk of it's landmass covered in cities that have just grown together like mould on cheese. They're very big on motorised transport and urban warfare.
Civilized Worlds. Planets that don't serve any particular function for the Imperium besides providing manpower in its tithes. They can be anything from medieval worlds, pre-Hive World arcologies, or a reflection of our world today, with its middle class suburbanites that have 'first world' problems and complain endlessly about things...albeit they stop complaining when they get pressed into the Guard and see how good they had it when sitting in the trenches of a warzone.
And because it's the Imperium, it can be anything from blocks of houses stretching for leagues to spiraling circles of suburbs built on artificial islands raised from the ocean floor.
First post best post.
>What's the closest thing the imperium has to suburbs.
The Imperium has whatever- Oh. First post has it
Weren't those just grouped together with Garden Worlds as paradise planets that are used for nothing but entertaining Imperial elite, and giving Marines a tranquil place to meditate?