Does your setting/character/deck include gays in any way? How so?

Does your setting/character/deck include gays in any way? How so?

Yes. They exist.

I feature lesbians most heavily. Not even in a sexual way, I just find them cute.

No, my DM is horribly homophobic.

One of the High Houses, The High House of Gem, which likens itself to Depravity actually has a homosexual polygamist as its head.

Yeah, as much as any other world would.

Pretending they don't exist is like pretending water or the color green doesn't exist, no matter how you feel about it. Hate them or not, gays are just kind of a thing.

That being said the fact he is homosexual is eclipsed by the fact he is a megalomaniac rapist who has his emotions rules by a metaphysical parasite of excess.

Yes. They're present. There's a handful of them scattered about the world. Whether the players ever notice them depends on how much they care about the world, and those inhabitants in particular. Most people are circumspect about it, as, in most modern societies, it's not accepted universally and thus gays, lesbians, and bisexuals tend to come out when they feel comfortable in specific rather than to everyone they meet.


>Pretending they don't exist is like pretending water
Most of the world outside of the west on our planet does just that, and it seems to work for them. In societies where gays are punished, they hide to survive, and everyone who knows them well pretends they aren't gay.

Please die, OP.

Are you homophobic?

It's a dystopia Transpunk, so yes everyone is gay.

Go back to /pol/ or /lgbt/.
Or just die.

I guess that is a yes.

The unfortunate side effect of the recent SJW resurgence has been fa/tg/uys taking pains to appear as /pol/itically incorrect as possible to avoid association.

This. Sexuality isn't something that really needs to be brought up in a setting unless it has some relevance. If it comes up, it comes up, but rarely will it be as integral a talking point as it is in the real world. There a dragons to be slain and loot to be recovered, civil rights aren't high on most adventurers' lists of interests.

No, take your political discussion over to /pol/, instead of hamfisting it here.

Seriously, fuck off. Your political stances are not special, and they all should be tossed into that bin, because all they do is open up the same endless, mindless debates.

If this thread can't find some interesting ways to tie sexuality into tabletop (like religious biases, or magical rites requiring certain couplings, or tales of divine beings we were gay in some meaningful way) then I'll agree this thread should probably die.

However, if you're worried about mindless debates, then do your part to steer the thread away from JUST talking about political BS and actually mention some ways it can be used in tabletop to interesting effect.

How about you stop trying to justify your political spam, and realize why recognize why you made this flimsy and thinly veiled thread topic.

Seriously. Just fuck off, unless you also want to discuss all the best ways to kill homosexuals in your setting, or how it's important to maintain the verisimilitude by making everyone just about everyone despise homosexuals and treat them as undesirable deviants only fit for death or punishment.

The barbarians to the west who have recently tried to appear civilized so they're taken seriously in the greater world will do *anything.*

>High House of Gem

My settign includes gays, gay haters, lesbians, hermaphrodites, people who hate them both, murderers, rapists, serial killers, gentlemen, kind women, humanitarians, monsters, and a whole shit load of other things.

Fuck your agenda, I've got a world to run.

Go play fucking MonsterHearts, and get over yourself.

Case in point. Btw not actually OP, but clearly any attempt to creat a nuanced an interesting discussion is just going to be just shot down by /pol/tards afraid of their own willies.

If you want to discus all the ways gays are killed in your setting, then do so. It will at least be more productive than just spamming the thread with gtfo. You have the opportunity to either create something interesting, or just bitch and moan.

How about a nuanced discussion about how any setting with magic would easily cure the gay away, and how any medieval-esque setting would lynch homosexuals to thunderous applause? Those are ten times more interesting than your "does setting have gay?" retardation.

Or, how about you just fuck off to /pol/? You do realize that you yourself are a /pol/tard, considering you're just hoping to open up a political debate. Go ahead and do it on the board designed to contain that shit, instead of trying to drag your political convictions here.

Personally when it comes to settings I take an approach modifed from a Pratched quotes. Pretty much black and white and gay and whatever other substet of humanity you might care to name puts aside their differnces to gang up on green. Then expand that every which way for all races with tolerance of other races, while existing, being the sort of main social issue of the setting and the sort of thing that people could get lynched over in the worst parts.

Assuming I'm going with a fantasty or sci-fi setting.

>Telling other people to fuck off to /pol/
>In the same post he says that 'any setting with magic would easily cure the gay away'

Yes. The setting has gays, bis and trans characters but i make them rare and not plot centric.

Regardless of the ethnic group no one cares unless your cutting into their pocketbook.

[Spoiler]im the gay

However they acknowledge that there is in fact something there TO opress. It's not like they think gays are sasquatch, they just don't like them

However they have to realize they actually exist in order to hate them, that's all I'm saying

Pretending something doesn't exist is very different than disbelieving

That magic-having setting would also have to have all the influences that lead to homosexuality being so reviled, whcih I find rather unlikely as magic also fixes all the logistical issues with homosexuality.

Unless you literally just slap magic onto medieval europe setting.

But homosexuals work against all of humanity, so it makes sense to lump them in with green.

I mean, what with their explosive STD and pedophilia rates, it would make sense to take care of the enemy within the walls before trying to face the enemy outside.

>That magic-having setting would also have to have all the influences that lead to homosexuality being so reviled

Common decency, health considerations, standards for relationships, and simply not being retarded are not present in your setting? Wow, great setting you've got there, all just so you can have your "people have no reason to hate gays."

What's the issue? If we're to believe that gays are not gay by choice, than they would be the first among all to try and find some way to cure their mental disease and lead a normal life.

One quick trip to the healers, and their cravin' for misbehavin' disappears.

I can think of a great many uses for such powerful magic right off the bat than just "remove gays". If you have to power to so fundamentally alter people this universe could remove any and all diseases, mass-mind control people, or have giant magic-transhumanism wars of philosophy.

Pssh. You dumb fag, cure disease is a third level spell in D&D. That's hardly "powerful magic."

And fuck off with your "fundamentally alter" bullshit like you think there's any proof to it being anything more than a dumb fetish. And "proof" isn't "debatable evidence from politically aligned sources."

Why, the majority of the world doesn't even do you the favor of calling it a fetish or disease, they just call it a crime and kill you off.

Depends on the setting and what parts of human history you take inspiration from.

Pre-christian Europe had gays all around but the view of what is gay was fundamentally different than it is understood today.

Even during the widespread adoption of Abrahamic religions in Europe and the middle east gays and trans people lived and existed albeit very rare.

In the far east, different parts of Africa and the new world homosexual, bisexual, and transgender themes were commonplace in a multitude of cultures.



Fuck off with your revisionism.
That's always what happens with these retarded threads. You fags just use them as an excuse to launch your propaganda and not expect people to call you out on it.

>include gays
I think it not exclude them... but no necesary include

did some one sick it up your pooper?

Tell me where the bad man touched you with this doll.

They feature about as much as straight people, meaning pretty much not featuring. I have a puritan level of uncomfortability with sexuality and I pretty much always leave it out unless it's plot important

They exist, no one cares is about the extent of it.

>don't remind user of ol' Uncle Touchy

Sup Hiro

>trying to have any kind of LGBT-related discussion on Veeky Forums
>post-Stormfront insurgency

Seriously OP, are you retarded? Now look what you've done. You've delayed those dumbasses' suicides by at least another week, now that they can feel good about insulting a bunch of strangers on the internet.

As for the question, all my campaigns are gay as fuck. Then again, so is most of my friend group.

>Be me
>Be gay
>Players always ask if characters I make are gay
No, the tavern owner just has a wife he loves very much and twelve kids and only hires voluptuous barmaids as a front.

>At the start of the story the group couldn't prevent an accident they kind of caused that killed an innocent woman.
>That kind of stuff happens all the time and they did not care.
>Half way in the story they encounterd a female industrial CEO as a powerful antagonist who gave them a very hard time.
>They couldn't understand what they did to her and concluded that she was just the evil end boss who wanted to kill them for no reason.
>Just at the very end they realized that the woman from the beginnig was the newly divorced ex-wife of the CEO who still loved her.
>The divorce or rather the aftershock of the divorce and the death of the woman was all over the (local) news the whole story. They've never got it on their own...

Are you me?

Most of my NPCs are probably bisexual if a PC wants to try something with them, since there's almost always going to be -some- chance of it working.

Two of my races are nature-based and thus don't have a gender, so I guess there's that too

Plausibly. Are you sitting at work being really bored and tired? Cause that's another correlation if you are.

All feminine gays must trailed and burnt at the stake!
Except, manly one. One of our saint was homo albeit a very vulgar homo.

A few people are gay and one person in my modern setting is transgender, but these are minor details at best.

Since it's a cyberpunk-type universe where people tend to hop dimensions, they exist, sure. In a universe where you're likely to be killed on the freeways by murder robots or hunted to your home by giant armored lizard warriors, most people don't have time to give a shit about who a consenting adult wants to fuck around with.

Yes, but they'really not well liked. Major religious power puts motherhood, and while this gives women more freedom and power in some areas being lesbian would be seen as very badly selfish/sinful. Men have less expectations in the home but being gay/ promiscuous would still be looked down on rather harshly.

*puts motherhood on a pedestal.

Just got off work and my brain don't work no good

Yes/No/I dunno

We had a session with a depressed elf who had been waiting for his human lover(male) to return.
He had been waiting 50 years.

Apart from that we were attacked by some cult of pain and there was some totally non-homo shirtless fighting in the torture dungeon. It was good.

My gm only allows lesbians. Any guy wanting to handle penile has to make do with magic wands, rods and staves.

>Does your character include gays in any way?

Not really. I don't hate gays, but I do disagree with their choices, and it'd be hard for me to give them a fair representation as NPC's, so I just don't make NPC's gay. Any players are free to make their guys gay though, I don't have a problem with that.

Why the fuck would you necromance this thread from page 10.
Leave /pol/ threads to die.

>Homosexuality is shunned by everyone except the elves, who believe in free love
>Heterosexuality is still top-tier amongst elves since having a child with someone is considered the ultimate act of love
>The magical nature of elves prevents elf women from falling pregnant outside of love

Please, never post again.

I'm very sorry

This sounds heavenly.

There aren't many elves.

Part of my campaign includes a typical 'rescue the princess' subplot
whose girlfriend is the party rogue's sister.

Next campaign i planned one of the players has already said they'll be playing a transwoman.

I'm grateful all this has been handled tastefully and realistically by me and my players.

> Gay pride symbol
>Not an attack range distance template

I am an evangelical Christian with very conservative theology. You can probably give a pretty close guess on what I think of the practice of homosexuality.

I once played a gay dwarf male who self-exiled from his tribe for fear he would be outed. I played it ___straight___, he was a tragic figure with a lot of repressed emotions, chiefly sublimated anger. We TPKed before any PCs or players figured it out. I counted that as a success demonstrating that I hadn't stereotyped him.

Yeah, if being gay is supposed to be a huge thing in your setting then your most likely a raging faggot yourself.
Just introduce a character as normal and maybe surprise surprise he likes fucking dudes big deal


So, they're all going to commit suicide. Nice.

That just makes you a different kind of faggot, which is even worse because you're just at least as bad as the other kind, but you somehow think you're not as bad.

Why would you even involve sexuality while DMing?

He just wanted to discuss /lgbt/ on Veeky Forums.
Notice how he didn't even care if he was talking about a roleplaying game or card game.

>that's what always happens

user you were the one who started throwing a hissy fit over something that has no impact on your day to day life

>gays are as much present as the color green
>actually telling/showing the sexuality of your npcs to players

It's simply not mentioned.

No, I'm not straight.

Fuck off. If people want that in their games, they'll put it in their games. If they don't want it in their games, they won't. That simple. If it helps imagine it goes on somewhere behind the scenes. Honestly i myself don't really give a shit. There are homosexuals in my world, and if for some reason a player wanted to make a homosexual pc i really wouldn't give a shit, but all this is is a thinly veiled /pol/ thread designed to attack those with view different from yourself. Just leave the grognards be, let them have their escapism, just like others demand their own safe spaces.

But calling him a faggot for introducing homosexuality makes YOU a worse faggot, because if you care enough to go out of your way to call him a faggot it's because you care about the topic in some way.

How about you just go to /pol/, and spare everyone here any further posts from yourself?

>options autofills when I select it
In the group of twelve legendary heroes, there was an elven archmage who was in love with the male barbarian party member.
The barbarian couldn't into romance or sex (he was obsessed with fighting, drinking, and secret martial techniques), so it went nowhere.
He's still alive, while the barbarian is dead. The barbarian's heir, a warlord (adopted, raised by the barbarian's niece, unaware of the relationship) inherited a single token of 'friendship' from his predecessor. Until the heir died too, unaware of the token's significance.
It was destroyed when an enemy of the archmage found it in the warlord's belongings.

Yes degenerates make excellent enemies and the natural revulsion one has for them makes them easily identifiable as the bad guys.

Bait, go back to /pol/

Like real life, it never comes up.

Yes they exist, and the feelings behind it depend on the culture. There is no blanket opinion on this.

They exist, but so far have been entirely irrelevant to plots and characters we've played.

It exists. However, the majority of people are polite enough to not question about anothers sex life. That said, there's a couple instances where it's a know thing.

In the kingdom where the players are now, the Queen is known to prefer her own sex. Her marriage to her husband the King was a political one, and the two actually are quite close friends that trust and respect one another. The passion just isn't there.

The Queen has done her duty and birthed a healthy and hale heir to the throne, and even had two other children to ensure the line. The love of her life though, is actually one of the elite Ranger Captains that serves in the Army (one of the PC's). It's an open secret that the two are a pair, and the King has even met her. Hell, she saved his life when a cabal of ancient assassins tried to wide out the royal family.

The King himself is in love with another woman, though he strives to be careful. Fathering a bastard would not only strain his friendship withi his wife, but would imperial the Kingdom, since his in no way unrequited love is the High Wizard (and sister) of the current Elven Highlord. The two of them have have rather passionate and fiery relationship. The kind Bards sing songs of.

Part of why the monarchs are so flexible in this is that they're former adventurers/mercenaries themselves. This is the Kingmaker series from Pathfinder, so the Roayl family is "new blood" as nobles would say, and have extremely.../interesting/ lives.

Theres elves in My setting.

No because when I make my settings I try to make them interesting, not bog myself down with banal shit.


Go join your friends and commit suicide.

Are you homophobic?

If you mean I'm afraid of them, no.
If you mean I hate them, yes.

You hate because you are afraid of them.

What the FUCK does that mean?
-Magical burst: Well duh.
-Demon: The Descent: No, though they probably exist.
-Night Wizards: No/not on screen, certain factions cannot be gay because their power source dislikes them.
-Ryuutama: Yes, tend to be looked down upon but tolerated.
-Magical school setting: Yes. Gay marriage is rare but exists.
-Cyberpunk setting: Same as in the real world.
-Urban fantasy setting 1: Yes, but it's rare, certain factions are 100% incapable of having homosexuals in their ranks to the point a gay person would simply cease being so upon taking the vows.
-Urban fantasy setting 2: Yes, never on screen.
-Space Opera setting: Probably, never on screen, the gayness of the all-female faction is entirely a rumour since they do not feel any sort of sexual attraction towards anything or anyone while in active service.
-Mecha setting: Literally nobody cares, humanity has better things to do than to worry about who puts what where.

>What the FUCK does that mean?

It means he just wanted to discuss /lgbt/ on Veeky Forums.
Notice how he didn't even care if he was talking about a roleplaying game or card game.

Makes sense. I tried to answer to the best of my ability but unfortunately soupboxing has become all-too-common on our board these last two years.

>I tried to answer to the best of my ability

Do that in /lgbt/ or /pol/.

I only browse /pol/ for worldnews and /lgbt/ is just disquietingly thirsty and almost more of a waste of air than /r9k/.

I honestly, as honestly as I can say this, don't care what you think.

Fine by me. We've both explained out positions - such as they are - and now we once more part ways.

Fare thee well, Faceless Face Called Forth From A Throng Of Faceless Faces.

May eternity and wisdom be ever in your favour.

It's a comic setting, not a game setting.
I've not made any of the characters gay but being bisexual I tried to make them all look like someone I'd like to fuck