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1st for Chainaxes are free

nth for if you don't like someone playing their 40k space marines in 30k you're a bigoted asshole and should check your resin privilege

Friendly reminder that if you ever spend so much as a dime on FW, you are literally ruining 30k for everyone.

Jesus christ anons.
All problems here stem from the fact that you guys cannot ever tolerate the existence of an opinion different to yours

First 4 epic Horus!

Here's one for y'all. Ignoring Russ (because he's too obvious) what pet might each primarch have kept?

>8 seconds apart

I love you guys

Welcome to the Internet new friend

Off to a shit start lads,

Onto a different topic does anyone use Cadere Weapons at all I honestly think just stock chainaxes are best for Rampagers

Horus and or Morty would have kept a Komodo Dragon.

Let's get something constructive going on.

Let's make our own profile for Magnus. I elect that he would be WS: 7 with 6's in everything except attack. LD: 10 of course.

What kind of psychic powers is he going to have?

Before this devolves into shitposting:

Which Legion's special terminator elite unit is your favourite out of the ones released so far, lads?

Phoenix Terminators was what got me to start EC, so that's my choice.

>The Chimera chassis didn't exist back in M31.
It had to come from somewhere. It couldn't have been simply invented. Kek.

Painjob could be somewhat better, but considering the small scale and difficulty sculpting that shit, I gotta say I'm quite impressed.

So(H), Horus the Lupercal, brother to wolves and Primarch of the Luna Wolves, found way earlier than Russ, would have a Komodo dragon as a pet? Whatever complies your boat

Phoenix Terminator's models are so god damn sexy, but their rules give me erectile dysfunction.

Firedrakes. Firedrakes forever.

The giant chainaxe once in a great while. Nothing else. Which is a shame because thematically I love the concept of a meteor hammer with a thunder-hammer style power field.


Wait a meant only Morty. But the whole reptilian eye Horus loves to spam could be be a hint of something he likes.

I like Firedrakes but I was already playing salamanders in 40k before 30k even came about so I'm biased.
Phoenix Terminators make me want to play EC

Well it is epic....

>thematically I love the concept of a meteor hammer with a thunder-hammer style power field.
Mathematically you'd love it too
>With Surlak boosting them, a squad of 9 w/ meteor hammers & hatred will ~statistically~ kill 12 MEQ or 6 TEQ on the charge, before the enemy even gets to swing. Make of that what you will, but don't look at Palantine blades because you will get jealous

That's the face I'd do if my arms sprung from my scalp rather than from my shoulders

Salamanders for life.

Reapers of men.
And I'd love to be inside a termie suit ripping stuff apart like Butchers do, or ne a walking arsenal like Tyrants, Fulmentarii and Grave Wardens are.
...but in truth power daggers and Twin-linked bolters give me Slaaneshi thoughts
>Retrieved footage from a Headhunter's headhunting headcamera

So if Red Butchers are tied up when they get on the ship does that mean some poor serf has to had feed them?

Chaos man.

Or maybe it's intravenous

What is wrong with those scythes ? Looks like they are erect or something

Oh user, all problems here stem from the fact that other people dare to have different opinions.

Rule-wise: firedrakes.

Model-wise: probably gorgon terminators.

>"Here comes the Thunderhawk, open wide"
>"Good boy Angron will be pleased"

Nothing is wrong with those Scyther, user. And yes, I am erect.

Techmarines probably force tubes down their throats.

>people dare to have different opinions
We should enact Compliance, brother :^)


10/10 post.

Those look more like Glaives to me.

>>have 30 terminators
>only have 1 Spartan
>want to use all of them in the same army


Horus - a regular dog, used to be the Emperor's.
Lorgar - a ram, for sacrifices.
Ferrus - used to have an 80% cybernetic rhino. Then it blindly charged something and got its horn chopped off.
Dorn - don't know, maybe an elephant? Or maybe a goat.
Sanguius - a leopard, pretty sure I've seen him associated with them (in skin form at least) Or a hawk.
Alpharius - a snake, possibly a few snakes, no-one is sure.
Fulgrim - white tiger with a diamond collar.
Lion'el - actually not a lion, they give him flashbacks to the forest; he has a pet Watcher instead. Or a cat.
Perturabo - an automata in the shape of whatever animal he wants this week. Goes through them pretty quickly.
Magnus - a crow. Or perhaps an owl - looks smart, but is actually pretty dumb for a bird.
Angron - a lion or fighting bear.
Mortarion - komodo dragon, or something else that's toxic as fuck.
Guilliman - an eagle maybe? Something regal and associated with Rome, anyway.
Corvus corax - common raven.
Khan - some equine variant big enough for a primarch, or a hunting bird.
Vulkan - a salamander, clearly.
Curze - do I need to say this one? Yes, bats, duh.


Play night lords, teleport them in.

Deep strike 20 of them or buy two more Spartans.

Grave Wardens

>perhaps an owl - looks smart, but is actually pretty dumb for a bird.
>Owls are the most infamous killers in the bird world. Most of them are nocturnal with puffy heads and eyes like windows upon which are thrown shadows of nightmare. They like to confess to their killings, to the point of bragging. Owls dispatch their victims mostly through bludgeoning, and sometimes by strangulation. They're found of a bit of scalping from time to time, though mostly for fun. A woman was killed by an owl for the crime of having clashing patterns on her outdoor furniture. A case from 1971 of ow-on-human necrophila remains in dispute.

>In stark contrast to the brutality of their crimes, owls are frequently described as educated and charming, though "smelly". In the darkness before dawn they can occasionally be seen running in gangs with escaped circus clowns and Goth kids out past curfew. Their mating is an almost indescribable, difficult experience to observe, with the participants sometimes dying of pleasure. A barn owl (Tyta alba) once successfully impersonated a mailman for several months in St. Charles, Illinois. If you see an owl, or suspect someone may be an owl, play dead immediately, and play it like you're whoring for an Emmy. 134 species in the world; 18 in North America

Orbital assault I guess?

Would infiltrating/outflanking terminators be shit?

So I want to do Night Lords for 30k
With the BaC Box I was planning on doing

Terror Assault at 1500 points

HQ: 290
Praetor :170
2+4++, Paragon Blade Digital Lasers

Centurion: 120, Champion
2+5++, Nostraman Chainglaive

Troops: 665 (so close to the edge)
2x Terror Squad: 440
10 guys
Sargent: Artificer Armor and Nostraman Chainglaive

Terror Squad: 225
10 guys
Sargent: Artificer Armor and Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs

Elites: 545 Points

Apothecarion Detachment
3x Apothecary: 135

Contemptor Dreadnought: 190
Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon

Legion Terminator Squad: 220
Sargent: Nostraman Chainglaive
1x Pair of Lightning Claws
1x Lightning Claw
2x Power fist
1x Reaper Auto Cannon

Thoughts? Criticisms ?

>Or maybe a goat
My new head cannon is Dorn having a regular goat as a pet.

>Mortarion - komodo dragon, or something else that's toxic as fuck
I know of one other thing. The shocking pink millipede. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmoxytes_purpurosea


I love that book.

Or maybe a blue-ringed octopus. It's even Bare Ceramiteā„¢ coloured :^)

I actually like to imagine Perturabo having a guinea pig that he talks to a lot when nobody is looking, as it is the only living creature he trusts.

>You won't believe what Fulgrim did today Fluffems. Don't call him that, I still have to work with him for now. Yes ofcourse I don't trust him, you don't have to tell me Fulgrim cannot be trusted.

Would love the models, if it wasn't for the fucking funnels on top.

My Fireborn brother of Nocturnean Descent.

I'd imagine him having something like this instead.

the resemblance is uncanny..

Now my headcanon. Perturabo and Fluffems.

The giant maze around Perturabo's mobile sanctum is actually for Fluffems to run around in.

How else are you meant to have a Death Cloud?

I have more of a feeling those would be too small for Morty. Maybe something to throw or poison a hive's water supply with but not as a pet. Unless he views them as his children.

It all makes sense now....

Pert achieved daemon princedom and spent the next 10,000 years perfecting the perfect cat house for his only friend...

It has those vents on the chest, doesn't it? It could just have a grill on top to expel gasses. Or have vents on the back.

The Iron Cage was only a prototype..

Terror squads with bolters seem a waste. I get you're working off BaC, but what I'd do is leave the bolters off "for painting" (you should be doing that anyway after all) and try out a few games proxying them with bolters and volkite. You can always put the bolters on later if you want.

Also, do the terminators have the teleport gubbins? If not, they should.

I plan on ordering Gorgons and Justaerin soon for each if my armies. They both just cool

Nigga, his cat became the maze. That's how Chaos works. Or maybe it became a Minotaur like thing and Pert got lost in a maze he built too well.

I have 3 boxes of Calth -1 box of cataphracts
1 burning of prospero box.

I want to do thousand sons, and I want infantry slogging and focus more on defensive aspect.

What purchases will be good?

I'm thinking of getting a Sicaran, apothecaries and a Deredeo so I have some general and air defense, but nothing really set beyond that.

I have enough spare boltpistols /chainswords to convert the Tactical Squads.

The Terminators do not have the gubbins, I'm unfamiliar with what they do are they worth the points for just one squad?

they're war-scythes you pleb

scythes with horizontal blades would make awful weapons

The Iron Cage was Fluffems' idea. Pert didn't care, but Fluffems hates the color yellow.

I'm really looking forward to building a Death Guard legion, I'm just going through the Red Book and some old forum posts trying to get a grip on what I want - I really want to utilise their Terminators because they're fluffy and awesome but I have a couple of practical worries (I've been out of the game since 5th so bear with me a little bit)

I'm looking to make a 2000 point force to start and then expanding outward, but am I fucking myself over at the start by wanting Death Shrould + HQ and Grave Wardens in Land Raiders? Is that too big a sink at that point level?

I also want to do big 20 man blobs covered by artillery because that seems fluffy as fuck too for DG, but am I just wasting points on something that's going to get flattened early on without doing much?

Sorry if I'm asking dumbass questions, I'm just not that practiced!

Paints and time.

Generally, terminators spending several turns walking up the board just die like expensive bitches. Night lords can give their terminators deep strike for 15 points for the squad, which will help with this. If you're not sticking them in a transport vehicle, I'd strongly recommend teleporting them in.

Fluffems is secretly a Green Lantern?

Or can I even footslog DG Terminators?!

No. He's absorbed most of Pert's hate for Dorn though.

It's somewhat doable - they're slow, but if you pick one of their Rites all infantry in open ground can have a big chemical cloud concealing them (5+ cover save as long as no-one is within 12"), they're generally tough, mass teleport from Orbital Assualt is a valid and fluffy choice (the DG are the legion most able to spam terminators), and there's a character that gives 3 units infiltrate.

So I just finished reading Horus Rising for the first time, does anybody have any cool art of the Interex?

No such thing exists thankfully.

Is mass infiltrating terminators a dumb gimmick

More importantly is it fun dumb or dumb dumb

Whoops. Didn't mean to do that. But no Internex art exist anyway for some reason.

But that's all they are - cataphractii with trumpets on top.

You'll want some mobile elements so you can actually get to objectives or to far-away targets (plus a few tanks to keep enemy anti-tank weapons busy), but Death Guard are better at footslogging than most legions.

At 2000 points I'd be surprised if you could fit Deathshrouds AND Grave Wardens AND transports for both, in addition to some infantry blobs and artillery to hold the line. But 2000 points is small for HH. At 2500 and 3000 you should be fine.

If you have enough footsloggers someone will eventually get to far-away objectives.

Sounds like fun dumb to me but I love terminators and infiltrate allows you to take more terminators instead of wasting points in transports.

>even if your dudes retreat they will eventually get to the objective having circled the planet in the other direction
Fucking Mortarion, man.

>Death Guard

choose one

Just ram a Battlebarge into it, that will secure it.

>tfw someone parks a Hive city right in front of your Battle Barge

>Tfw your thinly veiled bait post totally derailed the last thread

Hold off until Inferno for anything beyond basic stuff, since we still have no idea what theyre going to get

Itll take you that long to paint all those troops anyway

Autists are vulnerable to bait, the pope is catholic, the bearversor is angry, yes.

But why? For what purpose could you do it? Is your life so pathetic you have to ruin threads to gain joy?

Dumb phone poster

Thanks user

Anyone else got advice for a budding Death Guard player? I'm going all in for the resin crack

Or Alpha Legion heavy cruisers for that matter

Says the dumb frog poster.

Daily reminder that if your army does not contain 33% resin atleast, you are a fake, a hack, a cheapskate and most likely unemployed.

>Hei guiez, who here knows if you can use 40k rules in SpaceMarinesLegionFight: Horus VS Imperor edition??
>what's your fave mark of armour, at first mine was MK7, not becuase my 7 year old, 4th time stripped space marine army all comes out of a tactical squad box, but becuase the hersy mks actually SUCK.
>Actually, now this betrayal at calth tm boxgame has come out, I really like MKIV, and even though the legion I picked never really used it archetypally, my guiez do and its better.
>No, wait, I now really like mkIII, and my whole army is gonna have it.
>I didn't even like contempors which were in cool poses anyway.

And finally, my favorite.
>forgeworld looks bad anyway, GW products are nicer, resin is lame.

Poorfags. Pretenders. Wannabe powergamers. Do it properly.

>33% resin atleast, you are a fake, a hack, a cheapskate and most likely unemployed.
is that by point level or by model count

While I agree with you that FW rules, you aren't convincing anyone sounding like a literal shill.

>tfw I started most of my mkiv bolter-weilding blobs with FW resin before BoP came out

Thank god I'm allowed to join the ranks of intelligent, patrician individuals.