What happened to him...

What happened to him? Did he really stoped making videos because he found a girlfriend and doesnt need it because he is finally happy? As said in that bird watching boardgame video?

Nah, he's just lazy.

He went full grog and so opinionated that he did not have to share his biews, if you were decent people you would already share them

Who even cares at this point? With his retarded schedule that ranges from "twice a week" to "twice a year" it's a miracle he even has fans left.

I think the incident where he went crazy and got kicked out of Chanel Awesome really killed any good faith he had and then as said he has a super unpredictable schedule.

He does letsplays now

I've never watched any of his videos other than Countermonkey. It costs me nothing to stay subscribed for the once in a blue moon upload to that channel, and I enjoy them when they come, so I do so.

I do also like putting the ones I've already seen on in the background while I work, but that only happens very rarely, normally I'll use something else for that.

I don't see what there is to be upset about

Spoony is a suicidal wash up, meanwhile Paul Latza works for Disney. Long Live our God King Latza!

As much as I enjoyed Golden Era spoony, if he stopped making videos because he got/is getting his life together and is happy then no more videos is a small price to pay.

The dude was heading down hard. Aside from affecting the quality of his videos it was just sad to see him like that. I really hope things are going better for him.

I wish there was another "Tell stories about tabletop games" show that was half as good as counter monkey. Spoony is a huge neurotic flake but he has charisma.

Dude's crazy and tries to stream, poorly.

He's working on Spoony: The Motion Picture.

He went crazy?

This. He mostly does poorly planned youtube video game streams or other "youtube star" flavored crap and simply seems to have no interest in telling rpg stories anymore. It's a shame but it's better than him forcing out intolerable crazy shit pretending to be his old stuff every month out of obligation. It's time to move on and find better content.

It wouldn't be as much of a problem if he was vaguely entertaining, but god is he boring to watch on streams.

The really fucked up part is that JO who Spoony joked about raping, cucked that loser Nash out of a house and is now a transgender.

>Made a controversial video about how she doesn't approve of homosexuality
>Is now transgender
First Chris-chan and now her?
Autism + homophobia = transgender? How the fuck does that even work?

>cucked that loser Nash out of a house
How horrible. Where can I read up more about this shit?

Fuck. Off. Spoony!

No joking she said tumblr helped pushed her towards the right direction.

There is a stream called Eggkara, its on Cytube, its filled with /tv/ anons that have an insane level of knowledge of CA's dark secrets and their stream is usually occupied.

Dude, I'm telling you, look up mistress starla and sissy randy, its the same guy!

FMV Hell was the only other good thing to come out of the "angry reviewer" era other than James and Mike.

Pre-reboot Nostalgia Critic was pretty decent though. After the reboot everything went downhill fast.