This is how I neutral evil
This is how I neutral evil
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You mean CE.
This is how I inquisitor.
I remember him being a CE bastard, but them again it's been a while since I've seen that movie.
What was his motive?
This is how I chaotic evil
I'd rate him as Chaotic Evil. He's a monstrous sadist with a moral code that's incomprehensible to anyone but himself.
This is how I Neutral Good.
>ends justify the means
That's pure LE mate, doesn't matter if he was right
>moral utilitarianism
>whatever actions lead to the best result for the most amount of people
>not NG
Im pretty sure it was to get the job done. He got hired to do it, and all the other people got in his way. He said he'd do it, and he did.
>Killing millions of people
>Saving billions of people
It matters if he was right if he was aiming for it.
His means were pretty fucking shit and killed possibly a few million but the US and Soviet governments had created a scenario where that was the only way out he could see and in that case millions is better than billions and the total extinction of our species and fucking up he planet into nuclear winter.
He was Lawful Good. He had a strict code of conduct and end goal he aimed for even if it brought him no joy and he saved humanity.
Glowing Blue Dong Man could have saved humanity a hundred times over in the build up to that point with minimal effort by threatening to vaporize the president and all the generals in the Pentagon should they slap the nuke button and offering a similar deal to the Soviets.
But he didn't, The Blue Dong God had abandoned humanity and then bitched when mortal men came up with mortal solutions to their problems.
Killing millions, to save billions.
Manhattan represents the worst parts of being TN
Manhattan was prepared to commit genocide by inaction and let the world burn and die and it would have cost him half an hour of fucking shit up or even just threatening to fuck shit up to avoid it.
Instead he went to camp out on Mars and eat Cheetoes and stroke his cock about how Intellectually Enlightened he was whilst every man, woman and child burned and died.
Neutral/Lazy Evil as fuck.
He ultimately breaks his code too since he has to abandon his two face gimmick for his final kill
He became a god, you fucks. How would you explain morality or love to a cockroach? That's what humans were to him. He saw and comprehended so much more of existence that we probably looked like monkeys smearing shit over each other for no reason, and fuck if he's gonna get himself dirty to do anything about it.
He's Lawful Evil
Ozy is lawful evil as fuck. Now, this guy, on the other hand...
>implying DOOM isn't lawful evil
Humans are Evil tho, so killing us is Good.
It's no use to try to pin down the moral alignments of comic book characters written by hundreds of authors over the decades. Every one has their own version of the character, whose moral reasoning and actions may even be incompatible with other versions. Doom is a prime example of this.
Doom is varying degrees of lawful evil in 99% of his incarnations. But if Ozy is Neutral Good, then Doom is Lawful Good.
If you try to make a morality that fits every iteration of the character, you're going to very much fail.
However going for a composite taht distills a character down to their basics, sort of how Doom describes himself in Loki: Agent of Asgard, one can get a solid point to lable a character with.
This is how I inquisitor
This is how I monk love interest.
This is how I play Tau.
He didn't save them though. He got his idea from an old episode of the Outer Limits. He was the man in the Black Freighter comic.
Ozy convinced himself that the apocalypse was looming, but *he* was the real threat.
Dude's a fuckin' fallen Paladin for sure.
This is how I dump stat str
So CE then
Uh, even the blue guy who was practically a god and could see the future said he was right. Near literal word of god that he was right. Atleast in the movie.
I would agree that he was lawful neutral or lawful evil if it wasn't for the fact that he feels immense regret after executing his plan. It seemed like he didn't even want to go through with his plan, but he came to the conclusion that he had no choice. I'd say he was chaotic good. He wanted the best for his people, consequences and morals be damned, kind of like a freedom fighter or something like that.
There is no evidence that she was killed.
He was LE. He had a strict moral code he followed even when it made no sense.
>Textbook example of CE
>"This is how I neutral"
In nature there is no distinction between good and evil.
People tend to periodically change his opinion. Sometimes he can become a hero.
Only god choose.
Only to drop said code the moment it no longer suited him.
And changing rules on a whim.
Thus - CE
He killed the guys that hired him, though.
Everything points to her being dead.
The whole movie makes a point about being unable to change your nature or status and when he makes his own decision instead of excusing it on fate, he gets his arm fucked up for it.
Man, I forgot how shit he looked in the movie. They really couldn't have found a buff, charismatic 40-year old man?
he was casted to look less "perfect" so that it'd be less obvious that he's the villain. it's also why he was given more flaws as a character
This is how I LE.
Very well, I can respect that. I really wish he was a bit older still. He looks like he just graduated college, rather than a retired PC. Nite Owl also didn't really pull off the "middle aged man past his prime" thing. Blue dong, comedian and Jackie Earle Haley were solid casting choices, though.
>is pic related neutral evil or chaotic evil?
I'd say chaotic neutral
>Doesn't go out of his way to cause trouble
>Dislikes government rule
>Isn't phased by the morally shady, but doesn't look for it
>Recognizes evil and may or may not avoid it
>Mostly self driven, but does sometimes help others
>I'd say chaotic neutral
>sells gun to murderer so he can play video games
>enslaves an entire planet so he has a convenient battery
>commits countless acts of terrorism against government rule
I think he has caused to much harm for very petty/selfish/greedy reasons. I don't really see him as neutral.
neutral chaotic
He doesn't believe in authority besides intelligence. He continually fucks over the law, and is self interested. but it's not like he's going out of his way to be an utter dick. He just is a dick. He doesn't particulary doing anything out of malice. and when he does go out of his way its typically for his family.
Honestly thats about how I've always seen chaotic neutral. Chaotic should be the most backwards way of doing things.
Hell if anything selling weapons to murderers isn't that bad, not doing it ended up worse, but thats basically just selling tools.
Enslaving the planet thing is pretty bad, but he never really treated them like shit until they acted up. They might have been fine there, just doing the power generation thing some of the time.
He was definitely a terrorist, but we really don't know the motives. For all we know the bureaucracy deserves it. They did try to enslave the gold making murder cloud.
>Hell if anything selling weapons to murderers isn't that bad
I give you that one. Might be still neutral.
>Enslaving the planet thing is pretty bad, but he never really treated them like shit until they acted up. They might have been fine there, just doing the power generation thing some of the time.
Well he basically stole 80% of the energy they used and threatened them with complete annahilation if they stopped creating this energy. Thats where i stop seeing him as neutral.
>He was definitely a terrorist, but we really don't know the motives. For all we know the bureaucracy deserves it. They did try to enslave the gold making murder cloud.
The galactic government seems pretty bad true. Do you remember the pilot by any chance? Their insect soldier grunts seem pretty "human" to me and rick absolutely has no problem with killing them (or civilian bystanders) for the selfish reason of getting mega seeds. His fight against the bureaucracy surely is justified to a degree but the means he uses are pretty evil.
But interesting how different we asses his alignment.
Fair enough about the slave part then, tick for evil.
But I can't consider the grunts, by that logic any soldier is some flavor of evil because usually its not the guards or soldiers who have the nefarious motives. Just like the poor fucks caught in the crossfire they're pretty much just being caught in Rick Vs Bureaucracy.
Sure its shitty, but even in the cleanest wars some civilians and soldiers are gonna die. Just like a soldier can't afford to care neither can Rick.
Yeah, I'd label him as Chaotic Evil. He does whatever he wants and doesn't care if he hurts other people. (his immediate family being the exception)
True. I guess he never went out of his way to harm the grunts. Most times they were just caught in the crossfire BUT often it wasn't in a rick vs bureaucracy situation but in a rick wants something and doesn't give a flying fuck about the consequences situation.
It was a Vs thing though, he wanted the seeds, Bureaucracy was preventing him. If they didn't try to prevent him from getting the seeds (Which they must've gone through efforts to do for those new machines and him having done it before) nobody would have died.
This is how I Dark Heresy Arbitrator.
Well by that logic every drug dealer is a freedom fighter i guess. He wasn't really harming the gal. government by obtaining the seeds and just wasn't willing to abide by their substance laws so to speak.
If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.
Eh i am pretty libertarian myself but you won't convince me that it is morally sound to start killing cops because of the drug laws i think of as wrong. A super smart and charismatic dude like rick could use a myriad of other ways to change these laws or the whole gal. gov. but he just doesn't care enough.
This is how I chaotic evil. You factoring hectopascals.
I don't really like labeling fictional characters with alignments, because if they're well written they're usually far too complex to fit squarely into one of them. If I was forced to judge Rick by them, however, I'd probably either put him down as being a chaotic neutral character pretending to be chaotic evil as some form of self defense mechanism (at least he seems less inclined to be evil than his alternate selves who supposedly don't even care about Morty, though they also seem to generally lean more towards lawfulness than him). I could definetly see putting him down in the upper parts of chaotic evil leaning towards neutrality though.
>he just doesn't care enough.
To be fair, we don't know enough about his backstory to be able to say this with certainty. He might have tried to reform the government, failed, and been unwillingly caught up in a civil war which his side lost and then labeled as terrorists, and only became so cynical because of what he witnessed and had to do during it.
He invoked literal demons and burned the world in order to save the natural order. That's lawful evil all the way.
Rick doesn't pursue any particular agenda, good or evil. He does whatever suits him and that's fine.
Pure chaotic neutral, with an extra bag of dicks.
Oh shit its Dr Pin!
Honestly I was always more annoyed with the costume designs and ending than the casting. The casting seems like a minor issue compared to those two.
This is how I Lawful Evil.
>people should be harvested for their two kidneys, as two kidneys can save two people.
He's still a shitty, evil guy.
Ozymandias is LE who thinks he's LG because of his titanic ego. You can debate his plans and whether or not they were necessary, but remember this is also the guy who murdered all his servants, all the contractors and scientists who worked on his project, *everyone*. Not for the sake of the world or concealing his operation, but for his ego. Did you all forget the chapter where he keeps comparing himself to Egyptian Pharaohs? Literal god kings who would be buried with their most useful subjects?
Hell, fuck all that, have you all forgotten he is literally named after a poem that is explicitly about the folly of hubris? How much more can Alan Moore cockslap you in the face with the message that Ozymandias is well intentioned, but believes only he can save the world because his ego is so titanic he is the only saviour he can accept?
As for Blue Dong saying he's right, Blue Dong is also a detached nihilist who has no more concept of humanity. He likes to PRETEND he's a higher being, but actually he's just autistic - when confronted with evidence he may in fact, be unknowingly killing people, he freaks out and leaves earth. His precognisance is also not infallible, as Ozymandias floods the stratosphere with Minovsky/Tech/Plot particles to block it so he could commit his act of genocide in the first place.
The only "good" people in The Watchmen are Niteowl (LG), Silk Spectre (NG), and Rorshach (CG). Niteowl and Silk Spectre tolerate the plot but are disgusted so they go off to fight crime and have great sex together under fake identities, while Rorshach who cannot tolerate evil in any form but recognizing that trying to foil Ozymandias would kill billions commits suicide by Blue-Dong as the lesser of three evils.
Saul isn't LE, he's CN. Not only is he helping run a drug empire but the tactics he uses to win court cases are very illegal. He's not doing it for malicious intent, he just wants to get his paycheck.
Fuck you do LE well
>Not LN
>but you won't convince me that it is morally sound to start killing cops because of the drug laws i think of as wrong
If someone is willing to lock you in a box for years for no good reason you have the moral authority to defend yourself however you can. Just following orders doesn't cut it when they don't have a gun to their heads. Whether it's a good idea to try and shoot your way free is something else entirely.
He had his own rules, though. Chaotic Evil would stab you in the back just 'cause. He kills you for fucking up in his eyes.
He doesn't take joy in killing either. He's extremely lawful and would willingly kill himself if his rules called for it. He thinks that he's the hand of fate rather than a mass murderer.
Murderhobos with good alignments kill over and over again. I don't see how Anton Chigurh is that much worse.
leaving decisions like killing people up to a coin toss is extremely chaotic.
Having for example: a rule that says I kill everyone wearing a yellow shirt, isn't lawful.
This is how I Traveller.
What is this from?
Don't try to tell me Fart dindu nuffin. We both know how that episode ends, moon mang.
>Implying the Watchmen had one more than one author because it's a comic
>quality post
Evil to try and do good is still Evil.
Billions were only at risk because he chased away blue dong anyway. And like Captain dong says nothing ends, he basically just delayed a problem he created for a few more years.
>>Implying that Watchmen had more than one author...
He wasn't. Read the posts he was replying to: they were talking about Doctor Doom, who HAS had more than one author.
Lawful Good is the way to be, Scout.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
He's just being cowardly and placing blame on fate as the reason why someone lives or dies. He noticeably freaks out when the lady calls him out on his bullshit and he can only make requests for the coin to be flipped.
Hell, his first kill on screen was unnecessary.
>Chaotic Neutral Cleric