Here come the monster races for 5e
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Fuck yes! I can't wait till VGtM is scanned.
Goblins suck and are boring :(
Can we get a pic of the asimaar page? I heard they have variants
>Encounter powers
I stopped following 5e a while ago, but I though they stopped doing this shit.
reads to me like it's effectively identical to "once per round"
>those Gobbo stats
Im glad i stopped playing 5e awhile ago.
No I mean, "once per short or long rest". Fucking 4e bullshit.
Well there goes the neighborhood.
Every munchkin is gonna pick hobgoblin or kobold or bugbear, pretty much every racial they get is combat related. Like look at that shit
What? those aren't encounter powers
are you just shitposting
Why the Con bonus for Goblins?
>tfw not a munchkin
>lizardfolk are one of my favorite races
I just want to play a damn lizard folk swamp shaman person
Why not just make a lizardman Prince Akeem?
No, he's right. D&D 5e takes a lot from the bullshit Merals spat out for 4e. Basically more resource tracking and more solidifying the game around its shitty rest structure.
Second wind, bonus actions, etc... the fighter has a shitton of stuff that refreshes with a short / long rest. So do the other classes. This is Merals' solution to his lack of creative talent. He cannot balance an ability properly so he makes it once per rest (effectively once per day, don't believe his lies) so that he can make OP powers without any balancing factors.
Overall he is a fucking terrible game designer. He designed Book of Nine Swords which, although balanced, was overcomplicated and shitty and is generally considered on any competent respectable RPG forum (in other words, not Veeky Forums) to be one of the worst 3.5 splatbooks ever produced. Then, in a brilliant move that probably involved sexual favors between Merals' wife and the CEO of Wizards of the Coast, Merals became lead designer on 4e, He proceeded to turn the game into a boring redundant hugbox where you started out with 15 to 20 times the hit points of the average goblin warrior. The game was entirely based around encounter building rather than verisimilitude, and succeeded only at being a board game of high durability characters and relatively bounded damage values. The only good idea 4e had was AC bonus by level, which Merals promptly threw out in 5e because he decided he didn't like it anymore, and replaced it with a proficiency system where a level 20 character only gets 30% better at hitting things on his journey from a literal peasant to a fucking demigod. The result was a fairly well-balanced game that is bland and meant to appeal to "normies" to cash in on the big bucks for Hasbro, who care nothing for good game design and only for squeezing D&D for as many shekels as possible.
Someone sounds like a bitter 'tard.
Mearls didn't become 4e's lead until around PHB 3. He also publicly hated 4e and purposely killed it with Essentials. Then during 5e's playtesting he lied to 4e's fans and when the playtest ended he essentially told the 4e fans to go fuck themselves.
Any 4e influence in 5e is not Mearl's doing. Someone else on the team must have fought for what little 4e remains are left.
Not an argument.
>Any 4e influence in 5e is not Mearl's doing.
Except he championed it. He also went out of his way to pander to transsexuals in the new edition.
I'm a bit disappointed, especially with the kobold having nothing interesting but combat powers. I'd give up that short rest ability for something more flavorful and fun.
>Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on vision
Jesus Christ, is the whole game that much of a mouthful?
7 words vs 2
Basically. 5e tried to rip off World of Darkness to look like it had a good unified mechanic. Instead it took a rule that already exist and made it into even more word salad.
He championed what? The 4e influence? Not really. He talked about it but that was mostly just to draw the dumbass "new means better" normies to the new edition. He talked shit about 4e during both 4e and 5e.
Also at this point who gives a shit about the Correllon and elves paragraph.
More and more glad I dodged this bullet.
It's actually a decent edition. Better than 3.5 in some ways, worse in others. Overall I still prefer 3.5 but it's a strong edition. Heavily pussified in some aspects, but this is good in other times.
>Also at this point who gives a shit about the Correllon and elves paragraph.
It legitimatized mentally ill people (trannies and gays) who wanted an excuse to stick their conditions center stage. Now you can't get pissy when someone roleplays a gay character to insanely annoying levels, because "it's in the book you shitlord"
If you think this doesn't happen, try playing Adventurer's League at your FLGS. Or any game with new players from that area.
>Age. Kobolds reach adulthood at age 6 and can live up to 120 years
>but rarely do so.
>playing with randoms especially organized leagues like AL or PFS
People only play in those because they either are too stupid, freaky or, big of assholes for normal groups. It isn't a system problem. D&D/PF only suffer because they are the only games large enough for those leagues.
>People only play in those because they either are too stupid, freaky or, big of assholes for normal groups.
Explains why that user cares about them.
>Not an argument.
And what do you think you've been posting, you retarded nigger?
Who the fuck let Virt back in?
Virt's been ban dodging from the very beginning. Where have you been?
Please, don't try to keep his memory alive. Allow him to fall into obscurity, instead of trying to immortalize him as some sort of boogeyman.
I played in them for a few months when my old group broke up and I needed an excuse to meet new players.
You ignored the second part of my sentence where I explained that it attracted hordes of mentally ill trannies to D&D.
I believe that was covered in either "freaky" or "big of assholes"
The life of a kobold is pain. ;_;
>tfw kobolds shitty lives are referenced in the fluff
wasn't ready for these feels
>tfw racial alignments are back
>Racial alignments are back
Did you read the PHB? All of the races have listed the alignments that most of the race are.
But then there are always exceptions and PCs are certainly exceptions and yada yada yada who gives a shit? There's a gnoll in Out of the Abyss who went insane (for a gnoll at least, perhaps went sane) and developed empathy and a conscience.
In 4e a short rest was only a few minutes; if he doesn't know 5e has 1 hour short rests, I can see how he'd look at it as being close to the same thing.
I don't know why you tried. This thread literally had virt posting, a assblasted 4rry claim Mearls is anti-4e because he once said it alienated their core audience, the claim that "real" RPG forums know that ToB is the worst 3.5 supplement, etc.
This thread was hijacked by retards after the first post.
bugbear looks really strong
I can already think of a lot of fun things to do with Grovel out of combat. It's like an auto succeed on a charisma roll, it's actually really powerful.
Variant human will always be the best minmax race. Pretty much every class is objectively better as human. Very few of the racials are truly unique and useful, like Halfling Lucky.
Require more than one feat? Go human.
Need more skills? Go human.
Can't start with more than 15 to any score? Go human.
Want to have the best no fuss RP? Go human.
Want the best looking minis? Go human.
Is there an entry for gnolls?
No gnolls, unfortunately. In FR canon they're demons without exception.
If and when something for Eberron rolls around they might get statted for player races, though.
Gnolls are one of the few things missing. There's goddamn Yuan-ti, but no gnolls.
I don't feel like Bugbear is as strong as people are saying. In most cases, variant human with Mobile does the job better.
>No gnolls
Immediately discarded
You'll never get gnolls. Some dev there definitely hates them and has made them basically unplayable monsters via expansion of their demonic influence taken to ridiculous levels.
bout fucking time
its not enough to get me to like 5e but the lack of monster character rules was one of my major problems.
wait is it a proper savage species with rules for making your own or is it just extra races that are monstrous.
because if its just extra races whats the fucking point
i remember when 5e first came out those of us who did not like it were often accused of just being shitposting
then there was a major drop in fans as people started to realise even if you enjoyed 5e it did not have any longevity and just got fucking boring after a while
i honestly wonder if the main thing keeping the edition going is the few people who really like that theres no fucking splats (i understand they did not want as much of a flood as 3e had (although i still disagree with it) but they went way to fucking far in the other direction)
they at least need a fucking manual of the planes jesus fucking christ
but the worst supplement was the book of exalted deeds.
i mean it had a lot to live up to coming off the extremely high quality book of vile darkness (the stupidity of having deathwatch become an evil spell is not enough to bring it down from that tier as it was still (technically) a variant rule there it was 3.5 that made it core)
but jesus fuck the stuff that was just opposite to the book of vile darkness was bad enough (although i liked a couple of them) but almost everything that wasnt was horrible to there author did not even seem to understand how the alignment system fucking worked)
still it finally gave us a god of sex so thats something in its favor i suppose.
what book is this
Wake me up when it's scanned and posted.
Do you roll damage for each magic missile dart or just once and every dart does the same damage?
"Hey boss, the furries found out hyenas have enormous clitorises and are taking every chance they can to play futa gnolls"
"...alright then, shut it down"
"shut what sir-"
This is what PFags ACTUALLY believe.
>3.5 games are still going, they haven't even dropped in number
But why?
good on 5e though, cool amounts of growth.
>major drop in players
Kek do you live in your own little autistic reality or something
well shit guess i was wrong
but i have definitely seen a lot of people say they liked it for a while before they grew to hate it
Uh, user, do you know how Roll20 works? You start a game, and it stays in the database. Forever. Unless you manually delete it from your account, roll20 will always consider it going.
This is why ALL the systems have grown in number of games.
You (and probably your friends) are heavy invested on RPGs, 5e is THE casuals's edition
Holy shit, Roll20's grown heaps over the past 1.5 years.
ah. that explains things.
well im more going of what i have seen on Veeky Forums but yeah thats probably it if you dont play that much you wont get burnt out
>There's goddamn Yuan-ti, but no gnolls.
Does that mean that Best Snek is playable now? Video related.
"Playable" is a big word. They're in the monstrous adventurers section, and it's prefaced with something like "We don't recommend those races for the usual play, because some of them are too strong, others too weak". Kobolds are too weak, yuan ti and (arguably) bugbears are on the "too strong" side. Yuan ti can cast suggestion once per day, amongst other things.
did 5e tone down sugestion because the idea that a succubus should be able to use it to convince somebody to remove there armor in combat seemed absurd to me.
Yeah, okay, but there's multiple different types of Yuan-Ti. I meant, are just the humanoid ones playable, or can you play as one of the more snake-like ones?
Are there centaurs?
I agree with most that the monstruous races are too combat oriented, but I think that's because they already represent a roleplaying challenge (look at that whole "monstruous origin" thing), and there's always been a martial and skirmishing side to these particular races. Look at the Triton's statblock earlier, it's way more flavorful.
Also, that Kobold trait is fucking amazing.
It's probably to represent the stereotypical goblin cast-iron stomach.
>Require more than one feat? Go human.
No duh
>Need more skills? Go human.
Half Elves get 2 plus an extra language.
>Can't start with more than 15 to any score? Go human.
Why? Half Elves get +2, +1, +1 as opposed to humans' +1, +1
>Want to have the best no fuss RP? Go human.
What do you even mean here?
>Want the best looking minis?
That's just like your opinion man.
Plus the fact that you lack darkvision is a pretty big handicap if you want to see in the dark without lighting everything up.
>Nobody actually likes it!
>[evidence that people like it]
>Nobody actually likes it except casuals!
Angus, just because Wullie likes sugar in his porridge doesn't make him less Scottish than you and you know it.
Jesus, you just annihilated that poor user with cold hard facts.
Did you even look at it? D&D 4e went down.
Stop spreading disinfo.
You should be in prison. The 13th amendment makes it illegal to own niggas like that.
>manual of the planes
Planes are detailed in the DMG.
>around 800 fewer games
>yet 3000 more players
did they finally realize that 4e was good?
>Why? Half Elves get +2, +1, +1 as opposed to humans' +1, +1
Humans can get +1 to every stat.
>No duh
What? (Variant) Humans get a free feat, no one else can.
>What do you even mean here?
He clearly talks abotu most cities, countries and armies in fantasy RPGs tend to be, respectively, built and populated by, ruled by, and commanded by humans. Every other race may get racist comments, refusal to be worked with, spite, ancestral grudges and so on, but humans tend to be mostly regarded at least neutrally everywhere.
>Unless you manually delete it from your account
Maybe 4e players are just tidier about deleting their games when they finish.
kobolds are weak, but not impossible to play. I still plan on making a kobold DEX battlemaster, and it works out since battlemaster DCs can be str OR dex, then take medium armor mastery so i can wear half plate and still end up with an 18 ac before a shield. It can be worked around, though a kobold barbarian is probably near impossible
>What? those aren't encounter powers
Right. So I guess the obfuscating text of 5e actually works.
But Mearls IS anti-4e
Sure. Because the rest of the world is the same. PTA used to be in the listed games you know.
All pages with playable races, in an easily accessed album for your viewing pleasure:
Mearls isn't anti-4e he's pro-selling-D&D products. He was in the original design team for 4e and pushed ToB in 3.5, I think the thing he was most against was the marketing approach 4e took which was universally hated and he was given the job of bringing older players back.
Thanks dude!
When Mearls took over 4e, it was a trainwreck. And I don't mean it in a "he killed it on purpose" sense, I just think he's incompetent. Take essentials. I'm a 4e fan, and in time I grew to kinda like essentials, but the launch was terribly divisive, created a lot of confusion about if it was a revision or not (it wasn't) and in turn it threw more fuel on the fire of an already tiresome edition war. They could have came out with the exact same books, with a different campaign, and it would have been accepted better by both current fans and the fabled market of lapsed players. And Mearls was the face behind that campaign, the one who was releasing interviews and tweets and so on.
A smaller anecdote from that time: he declared in an interview that wizard was his favorite class and warlock his least favorite. Lo and behold, the last 4e books had three different wizard variants full of upsides, and a warlock variant so bad that the relative charop guide was scrapped halfway because it was unsalvageable.
After that, he was the face of the 5e open playtest, which suffered from many of the same issues. He's the worst thing that ever happened to D&D since Lorraine Williams.
You are a god amongst men, scanfag.
Based user, scanner of books
At a glance, lizardfolk are really good
They better be.
>"your allies gain advantage on attack rolls"
>charisma roll
nice try fag
They're not ;____;
Ah, Yuan-ti purebloods only? I can't make a grapple lamia?
what's wrong with them?
how about all of them?
Bugbear and Yuan-ti are the strongest choices
It's missing Firbolg and Goliath?