Previous Thread Player; What are you most excited about with the new racial options? Dungeon Masters; what are you most excited about with the new monsters and fluff?
Jaxson Thomas
The leaked races.
Dylan Perez
>a bugbear Battlemaster has 20 foot reach with polearms and whips >a mounted bugbear dual-wielding lances
Charles Allen
>penalty to stats I hope they never do this agian
David Flores
It's not super easy, you're correct. But your suggestion of things like forbidding certain items or things of that nature are right on point. Same with 's suggestion, because "dominating the weak" could actually fly as long as you're being outright evil
Henry Evans
Those are not all of them, of course, not even all monster races. Does anyone else feel that Wizards included "Warlord" type NPC into Volo as a middle finger to the 4e fanbase?
David King
So how many of you will actually allow the new races? Not because of balance or anything, just because you don't want players being goblins, etc
Ryder Martin
So, anyone seen any confirmation that Orcs get an ability score penalty like Kobolds? I think the last thread said they got something like +2 Str and Dex at the cost of -2 Int?
Dominic Smith
I'll be running Eberron soon and I'm allowing the whole lot, but I'll have pretty strict policies on how much work goes into their backgrounds.
Levi Watson
Yes, orcs do get -2 int.
John Young
Did things apart from those two pages in the previous thread get leaked (with actual screenshots)?
Dylan Thompson
What kind of ability score increase do Tritons get?
Dex and cha?
Andrew Clark
I personally can not WAIT to play a Lawful Neutral Druid Lizardman
I almost want to retire my character to get started on this right away
Grayson Baker
Yes, redditfag on reddit has shown a small part of aasimars. Nothing important, though, I would wait until somebody more reliable and less attention whorish gets good pics here.
Nicholas Barnes
>I personally can not WAIT to play a Lawful Neutral Druid Lizardman Samething, their mindset is what I like to roleplay as a druid
Camden Baker
Know if anyone got full orc statblock? I'm running a homebrew orc at the moment and would love to be able to convert him before next session, cheerio matey potatey.
Aaron Gomez
its the same as the half orc, but with bonus action dash and -2 int
Andrew Sanchez
now that's what I call original content
Ayden Bell
>kobolds get +2 dex, -2 str and nothing else Dream status: crushed.
Austin Cox
specifically the MM "agressive" trait
Asher Martin
Lizardman HYPE
Owen Sanchez
good jerb wezerds, good jerb.
Adrian Jones
you are illiterate
Jack Davis
Not true, they get pack tactics and can cause advantage on everyone around once per short rest.
Liam Clark
Definitely will depending on the game. I love all the goblinoids, mine are more closely tied to the fey though. Bugbears are like bogeyman who get drunk off fear and are disgusted by laugher. Hobgoblins are like the armies of the fey lords, like chess pieces on a board, goblins are wrong and forgotten cast offs formed from idle thoughts. So there's minor tweaking to be done.
Juan Fisher
>half-orcs are statistically similar to orcs why is this surprising to people?
Parker Fisher
More the fact that they put minimal effort into it. Half-elf to elf is a lot more different/distinct
Mason Gonzalez
their Bite has so many good RP uses that it's not even funny
>bite >swallow the chunk you just got while looking directly into the opponent's eyes. >roll to intimidate
This is going to be fantastic
>able to go with a full on "survival of the fittest" mindset without going down the evil route
Only way this could be better would be if they added Myconids
Anthony Perez
I really don't know what you were expecting, but I'm gonna guess that it's something highly unbalanced
Grayson Taylor
half-elves benefit from a unique social status that half-orcs don't have, comparing it to the specific half-elf subrace options from SCAG it's pretty standard what do you think they should have had instead?
Alexander Taylor
Is their Bite a racial weapon like Minotaur horns or an unarmed attack like Arakocra talons?
Alexander Peterson
One problem with druids is that most of the time people think you are playing as a treehugger, now you can just say you are a LIZARDFOLK druid
Nathaniel Sullivan
Julian Morris
Did Lizardfolk get leaked?
Samuel Smith
what exactly do you need to change for the orc statblock to represent gnolls?
Xavier Kelly
To be fair you could probably just jam rampage in instead of either the fortitude or the crit die bonus
I dunno
Chase Turner
>All these new races with Powerful Build The age of grappling is HERE
I can't wait to grab two enemies 10 feet away from me on each side as a Bugbear
Also, I notice that Goblins and Kobolds have 30 feet movement despite being small.
Owen Hernandez
I suppose the thing I'm getting at is that if gnolls didn't deserve a stat block, why do orcs?
Anthony Flores
>everyone get a +2+1 bonus >Kobold get +2-2
Jonathan Butler
Reposting from last thread since I posted it at the end:
I'm creating a Half Orc Cleric who worships Kord. However, I want him to be following a misguided cult. I want the cult to be close enough for him to still be able to derive his cleric powers from Kord, but just off enough that any other proper followers of Kord would tell him to knock it off.
Any suggestions on this?
Caleb Rivera
AND sunlight sensitivity
Samuel Diaz
One of the races - tritons, I think, has +1, +1, +1.
Nicholas Thompson
I think I read somwhere that it'd be an unarmed attack, but I can not find the source on this to save my life
Aiden Wilson
Still think tritons are just a knock off water genasi
Kayden Bennett
Play him like this.
Oliver Thompson
I know it will vary from dm to dm, but are lizard folk accepted in towns and such in FR? Are they more accepted in other settings?
Justin Richardson
Nail 95 theses onto the door of the Orthodox Church of Kord and then create the Reformed Church of Kord?
Noah Lee
do people still use the first page
Adrian Miller
>not just role playing nature themed Jolee Bindo
nigga what?
Jordan Harris
My only knowledge of FR comes from Neverwinter Nights 2. Lizardfolk there managed to hold a peace with the villagers for a long time, and in the end, if you play your cards right, they also help you in the final battle. The real answer is probably "depends on the town/village".
Isaiah Moore
I'm really upset that they decided to put stat penalties back in.
It would have been so much better to give them disadvantage on some relevant skill checks to the stat instead. Like give Kobolds disadvantage on strength checks to grapple or resist being pushed and stuff, or giving Orcs a penalty to Int saves or something.
As it stands you are absolutely ducked if you want a Kobold Barbarian. Even more than if you wanted a Halfling one.
Jace Turner
They only gave stat penalties to monster races, though. They even put the "Those are monster races, we don't advise you to play those, as they are unbalanced and may be stronger/weaker than regular races". Regular races (the ones with their own entries in the table of contents) don't have penalties. But I agree, this decision sucks anyway.
Jeremiah Wood
I'd stick with my suggestion from last thread. Have them be laws of the nation that have been worked into the doctrine over the years, without strictly conflicting.
Dominic Rogers
>Jolee Bindo who?!
Landon Rodriguez
Away from my book right now, does the DMG have anything in it on training NPC companions? My players got some slaves and want to train them for combat and such.
Jaxson Sanchez
>We'll never get a generic Minotaur PC block because Minotaurs in the only setting they publish content for are demonspawn cannibals
I'll never get to use these monstergirl tokens I made
Thomas Nelson
I mean, since one of my ideas is for the cult to be extremely pushy, you're not far off
This is very close to what I had in mind
Your suggestion was actually very good. Like your example of refusing to allow bladed weapons, that was a strong addition. I'm also going to institute a height requirement to become a cleric of Kord, and anyone under this height can never rise above a follower. Things like that are what I'm going for right now
Jordan Cook
I think it's mainly a matter of consistency. They shouldn't just throw all the rules out as far as making races goes just because these are more optional.
It would not have been that hard to try and make them work within the standard guidelines.
Jordan Richardson
>half-elves benefit from a unique social status that half-orcs don't have
Half-orcs would probably still have that unique social status if they weren't retconned to be created through consensual, happy unions between orcs and humans. It's actually funny, because since WotC pussied out on making them bastard children with a constant stigma, there's actually a lore reason to have the "intelligent, civilized" half-orcs be mechanically different from full-blooded orcs now. And they still blew it anyway.
Aiden Powell
> Kobolds have a 1 turn aura that grants combat advantage to enemies within 10 feet > How does that worIT JUST WORKS
Owen James
+1 str, con, cha
Liam Ortiz
He's a character from KOTOR, an ex Jedi living in isolation on Kashyyk. He does a lot of talk about balance, but not in the jedi sense of "good = balance", and largely wants to stay uninvolved unless something is wildly swinging towards one way or the other
you literally find him being a cantankerous old hermit in the woods. He's pretty cool
Thomas Davis
here. for what it's worth
Charles Campbell
user, it's literally on the left side of the page.
Nolan Kelly
But Tritons get +1 strength, +1 charisma, and +1 constitution, along with being amphibious, they get a swim speed, spellcasting, the ability to communicate with beasts, have resistance to cold damage, and can ignore the drawbacks caused by being on the bottom of the oceans, like pressure.
That's way better than what water genasi get.
Nathaniel Peterson
Apart from the cold resist it really isn't much. Water genasi also have amphibious, swim speed and some (slightly shittier) innate spellcasting. You also don't look like a dumb half fish that was split in two
Hudson Richardson
> mobile > reddit > social justice paladin
Anthony James
Powerful build doesn't give you increased reach, it just means that you can drag grappled opponents without worrying about encumberance.
Austin Bell
Bugbears have a separate racial that gives them +5 feet reach on attacks.
Daniel Jenkins
>goblins reach adulthood at 8 >kobolds at 6 Forget tranny elves, we shotacon now.
Lincoln Robinson
dog i just screenshotted the thread that leaked most of this crap. it was linked last thread, i checked it out, it got shit down by WotC
Juan Sullivan
Hardly shota when they've reached adulthood
Josiah Martinez
Bugbear does have long-limbed though.
Does that mean you can hold your average melee enemy at arm's length without having to worry about them hitting you? Is bugbear the ultimate older brother race?
Joshua King
Yes, grapple them at 10ft. and then whale on them and they can't do shit
Jaxon Morales
That's fucking hilarious.
Eli Brown
Imagine a party of these big guys >goliath bear totem barbarian >firbolg moon druid >bugbear champion fighter What is their quest?
Levi Morgan
What do my fellow dms do to get in the mood
inspiration hasn't hit me yet and i've been planning to make a campaign for weeks
Justin Hall
Kick ass, take names
Joshua Roberts
They're on the road to Summer Slam.
Thomas Peterson
Does a grapple attack technically count as a melee attack RAW? Because the bugbear trait specifically calls out melee attacks
Colton Fisher
Justin Robinson
It does, I was kind of thinking along the same lines as you and checked, if the reach said "Melee weapon attack" we would have a different situation...But this seems like it works, this scares me.
Austin Gomez
It is listed as a "special melee attack", so yes.
Jaxon Perry
Grappling is a "special melee attack" (PHB, page 195) so guess we have super range big brother bugbears
Ryder Thomas
Mind you, you can still be attacked since you are holding them with your arms, even if they do not have reach weapons, they will just be stuck 10ft away from you..Actually this could be a disadvantage as a wizard or handcrossbow user can attack you without penalty.
Isaac Morgan
So the Orc and Yuan-Ti traits are on p 120, right? I really want playable Yuan-Ti.
Nicholas Parker
Are you sure you are not more hype for yuan-ti? Because you posted a snakeman
Luis Jackson
Well, just because you CAN grab from 10 ft away doesn't mean you HAVE to. Against a crossbow user or mage, just move next to them to grapple. Also by RAW melee can't attack your arms when you are 10 ft away. RAI maybe, who knows.
Charles Young
>stat reductions from choosing a race Yes! I didn't think they would do this but they did! This is incredibly exciting. I'm hoping for a lot of this now.
Sebastian Edwards
>As it stands you are absolutely ducked if you want a Kobold Barbarian. Good.
Austin Murphy
Lizardman HYPE
Justin Jenkins
I am sure we will get clarification of intent from devs or an errata on this, it makes no logical sense to not be able to attack the arms of a creature holding you, no matter how far away it is, for me anyway..I don't DM and our DM does not want us peeking through the monster manual so I don't know if there are any enemies that deal with this problem already, if there is then I guess the same applies here, technically the way I see it, if you grapple over that distance you are occupying two tiles.
Jayden Johnson
This brings a question to light.
Goliaths have been basically the go-to bear totem barbarian race, because powerful build stacked with the level 6 feature, and stone's endurance was a good tanking feature.
However since WotC decided that the best way to do Large races, was instead of giving them a large size, they get the powerful build feature. However now that we have two more races with Powerful Build, their position of power is threatened.
Firbolgs don't pose a threat, since they aren't build around being a barbarian. However Bugbears, with their +2 Strength and +1 Dexterity, make great barbarians. Their TOO SUBTLE sneaky and surprise attack features are great for unarmored barbarians, which totem barbarians usually are, and long limbed is already broken. +5 feet in range to all melee attacks is ridiculous. That gives them automatically a huge area they hold a threat in, making them top-tier tanks. Goliath Bearbarians will have a hard time competing in the tanking field, especially since they no longer are the only ones who get the STRONK benefit of 4x the lift weight.
What do you think is the better go-to strongman tank guys: Goliath Bearbarians or Bugbearbarians?
Christopher Reed
You're obviously in need of some leechings.
Wyatt Morris
>implying legal shota is not the best favor
Brody Torres
Uh, the one that will fit in my party and be welcomed into towns. that's not bugbear and it's barely goliath
Dominic Scott
Do Goliaths have anything going for them besides what Bugbear has? If not, then Bugbears are now misunderstood rebels who just want to join a party of good-doers.
Dylan Gutierrez
I don't see why it should be any worse than a handling Barbarian. You're already missing out on a potential strength bonus and can't use heavy weapons at all, meaning you're stuck with scrappy two-handers.
Playing a small barbarian was already bad. They didn't need to make it outright terrible for Kobolds specifically by capping their starting strength at 13 after dumping all their points into it.
Adrian Bennett
See, here's the thing. As long as races have had ability adjustments, kobolds have taken a strength penalty. They are malnourished cavedwellers. Just be glad this isn't earlier editions, where they had a full -4 strength and -2 con.
Parker Cox
These are FR kobolds.
If it were a different setting, where they were just midget dragon people, they'd probably be something more along the lines of a dragonborn-gnome hybrid.