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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Sooo, my cable internet broke. And my isp is like the fastest snail to fix it...
Didn't we have a Zone of the Enders jump, or was that my imagination?
We have Enders game if that's what you were thinking about.
Jumpers, is there anything you carry around or bring into new settings purely for comfort?
If a setting is not explicitly stated to contain an afterlife, should we assume that everyone there has no soul?
Nah, two entirely different IP's.
fanwank something.
My very favorite gun.
Also, a beanbag chair.
The multiverses most comfortable couch from 9 to 5.
As well as the worlds most comfortable couch from Invader Zim.
And the bed that gets progressively more comfortable the more people are on it.
Still looking for comfy chairs though.
I think that's up to individual fanwank.
Most everything I have for comfort fits inside my warehouse, which is effectively my home. It's even got an area cleared out in the main warehouse area specifically to act as such. I know that's the boring answer, but... my warehouse is pretty big.
Okay? Did anyone express interest in your writefagging? Are you making any jumps?
I generally assume all settings have souls unless explicitly stated otherwise. Too many powers rely on souls.
We don't...which is kinda sad, cause we had discussed making it way back in the day. It was one of the IPs that I thought people would have grabbed when I was gone, along with a couple others.
So Carnivores has a perk for an infinite amount of any meat from whatever you kill, but is there a counterpart somewhere for vegetarians?
Just grab Gardevoir in Pokemon and import her somewhere with a high regen perk. Boom, all the plant matter you can eat.
I think Digger is working on a Zone of the Enders jump.
Gardevoir isn't a plant though.
You'd want something else that's a grass type.
>bed that gets progressively more comfortable the more people are on it.
Where is /this/ from? I'm asking for a friend.
Really? She always looked like a plant to me. I figured that why she had the giant ass retarded thorn sticking out of her chest.
There where interesst yup.
I was wondering if there was a "the dark eye" jump... as i have like all corerulebooks... maybe i will make jump.
Its a weird space web with images in it. I will try to post a picture.
I'll probably add it could be either or.
animal hybrid option. It starts at 300cp without a discount, so yes any background could buy it. It just wouldn't be discounted of course.
Not that user but, Symphogear
Nope fairy.
Gardevoir is weird looking, but psychic types are usually weird.
She's actually supposed to be based off a knight.
The chest spike is just kind of there.
Not the user, but I have a question regarding Blame's item "Net Terminel Genes". Having read the manga a few months ago, theres still a lot of mystery surrounding the genes in general. I planned to get then so that I could avert Cibo's sacrifice so that I could companion her, she's easily one of my favorite companions available in the Chain.
But I have a qiestion regarding their uses. Are they essentially genes that allow pretty top-of-the-line Technopathy? Or can we expect it to be a bit more than that?
>The chest spike is just kind of there.
As someone who loves tits, the spike irritates the fuck out of me.
Ah, alright then.
I would be okay with you using that perk on any plant monsters you happen to kill, but I think that kind of defeats the point of vegetarianism.
A couple of cosmic sleeping bag pocket dimensions for me to rest in a more comfortable form. They're kinda like eldritch pokeballs, but created solely to be comfy.
I don't think the genes-the true, completed genes-have ever been seen in action on-panel. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Though considering the sheer complexity of the Megastructure, and the fact that people equipped with them were supposedly capable of living comfortably in the thing? If you get a handle on technology there, it's sorta a swiss army superpower if you use it to give yourself admin rights over bits of City-tech.
In the sequel series, it turns out delivery of the true genes has halted the City's endless expansion, began making the place habitable for humans again and even driven the Silicon Life to beyond the City's urban borders. I'm sorry to use a Worm analogy, but since it seems accurate-I got the impression that Net Terminal Genes are akin to Taylor's jailbroken Queen Administrator Shard in terms of sheer finesse and control for just a small sample to be possible of so much when inserted in the right place.
Would anyone be interested in a Ciel Nosurge jump?
>Ciel Nosurge
I'd jump it.
Well you can just have a regular Gardevoir, and still have an all you can eat. If you know what I mean.
Sure, why not?
Too obvious m8
I have no idea what that is, but sure.
Could you though?
Amorphous egg group and all that.
Implying that's going to stop people.
Okay then, for now the responses seems favorable, though I won't be able to check for more as I desperately need some sleep, so I'll come back tomorrow.
From my understanding, the spike is meant to represent a weapon she's taken for you. It's also her heart.
>Iterative Improvement
I'm surprised no one takes this. It's basically a free pass for making whatever "enchantments" you want as strong as you want. They'll even bypass magic immunity, since they're not really magic.
Maybe not successfully, but you could certainly try.
I'm just saying it's about the same as trying to sexytime this.
You can try, but it's really not meant to be
Only Ciel? Isn't that just about taking care of Ion?
Actually, will the items still work if you take a depowered drawback, or are they too closely replied to the power?
What are your origins to you?
Are they possible versions of yourself that you melded with? Are they your reincarnations? Are they some random shmuck who had their personality overridden?
Is there a canon image of bio-spider arms?
Depends on if the drawback also restricts items, which many of them do. If it does leave you with your items though you should still be able to use them.
If you consider the pokedex entries at least partially valid humans might actually be in that egg group (or at least the pre-egg group stage equivalent if you want to avoid weirdness). Mostly since Yamask and Phantump are, and their entries say they use to be human.
So probably depends.
Yeah, it's pretty great. Given enough time, you can have any other power in the jump, or anything else you might want. And sure, the abilities are linked to items, but you could just give an item the power "merges with wielder" or whatever.
>Are they possible versions of yourself that you melded with?
That's my take on it. In an infinite multiverse YOU will be born again, and again, and again, either in the same circumstances, or entirely different ones. I merge with an alternative version of myself.
Kay. Let's start from the beginning.
Averting the events that occur to Cibo in the Provisional Access Layer is a matter of proper circumstance handling. (Preventing her from needing to access/having the data in the first place, disabling the Silicon Life/Safeguard on the floor) I won't discuss the scenario, since the scenario sort of puts a twist on the whole thing.
>Net Terminal Genes & Technopathy
This largely depends on what you expect out of Technopathy. The Net Terminal Genes in their simplest definition is a set of specific access codes that interfaces with a sort of "everpresent" virtual space. The first time we hear of the virtual space in Blame! is down in the city layer when Cibo's team attempts to force entry into the system - and this essentially calls down the Safeguard for a cleanse and purge operation. The first time we see the net sphere properly is when Davine attempts to use provisional access - but even here we don't really see its functions. The last time we see the full net sphere properly is with Sanakan's last interface, where we come to realize that the Net Sphere, being completely isolated from the Megastructure proper, has essentially stagnated.
So basically in Blame! we can only infer the following: The individual possessing the Net Terminal Genes can interact with the Builders and control them completely via the stop signal (but this isn't unique to the NTG, since Cibo can establish incomplete control as demonstrated in the Electrofisher arc). The NTG possessing individual is also expressly protected by both the Safeguard and the GA - though in the case of the former it's more of a "we're not going to destroy you immediately like the Silicon Life" deal. Once the L9 is active however, the Safeguard change their mind - which does put a certain level of doubt as to the consistency of the Safeguard hivemind. But this has its own plausible explanations. (the L9 running rampant, the SL Monarchy, etc.)
A combination of possible versions of myself and reincarnations. The origin is a mold that I am born into. If I hadn't chosen that origin, another soul would have incarnated into it instead. Now, naturally, these versions don't share the same universe, but in another universe they are born, just as themselves rather then the Jumper.
Realized how closely related jumpchain and let's play youtube videos are, funny.
>implying humans aren't in the humanlike egg group.
Is there a jump/claim for Grrl power? I mean, there's probably not anywhere near enough for a jump yet, but I have a sudden desire to list out all the powers that have been displayed so far.
I go with them being a weird multiversal splicing. From some objective n-dimensional perspective, I never existed in that universe. When I enter it, my presence warps the pattern of that world around into a new configuration responding to my own. It's not quite reality warping, not quite time travel, but it results in people having memories of me and me having memories of them without needing for any mind-wiping.
Explain yourself.
Someone was working on one, a while back. They posted a WIP, but haven't been heard since.
Somefaggit was supposed to be doing it.
Yeah, I feel like it, Reverse Engineering, and Thanatos have the potential to outpace every other power given a little time. Except PtV post-spark.
>probably not anywhere near enough for a jump yet
It's almost been eight years.
Alright, with that as the premise, moving on to the actual function of the NTG, which are based off of the Net Sphere's own capabilities. This is better illustrated in NOiSE - the prequel, rather than Blame!, since the Net Sphere was in what you could call an early beta test at that point rather than functionally stagnant.
In NOiSE, manipulation of the Net Sphere allows virtual beings to manifest physical constructs without the use of Conduit Towers (only requiring an individual focal point, namely the individual with the NTG). What they can manifest doesn't appear to be limited as far as size goes, since the proto-SL that gets manifested pretty clearly defies conservation of matter laws. This ability is later adapted by the Safeguard - though the Safeguard use a farther operating range than this initial proto-SL as they are boosted by the relay Towers.
I already mentioned the Builder part earlier, but realistically any form of AI life should be temporarily hijack-able with the NTG, that was essentially what it was designed for in theory. (The Net Sphere was meant to be controlled exclusively by the highest caste, where it would serve as an information relay/control point, until it got hijacked by the SL and eventually ran rampant)
Then lastly, the most mundane function of the NTG is probably just as access codes for digital domains. That's about it as far as I can remember.
...oh boy.
Have you played Demon: The Descent? Because to me they're basically Covers.
That is, quantum disguises made up of local bits of supernatural and non-supernatural potentiality collated into something that can become an actual person, if you choose to be that person.
Which also, to me, explains the backgrounds where you "replace" a given character or become part of one's family. The Benefactor is achronal, so they went and found the exact moment when someone with your background could have come into being and tethered you to the bits of quantum potentiality, or negotiated with a local entity to "mantle" their role.
But user, I don't make a living from clickbait, likes, favorites and subscriptions.
Not saying all letsplayers do, though. Just that the cool ones are uncommon.
I think doormaker can keep up since you can get an arbitrary amound of otherwise one of a kind things by just fucking off to another near identical alt verse.
It takes more effort than the others, but the magpie factor is very very high.
So you can see this weird web space? I just want to know how you actually use those powers.
Got a link?
Six, and if I recall then it's also been less than a month IN STORY.
They're self-inserts that were retconned into existence by the elder god I work for. Until the moment I arrived, the origin as a person did not exist. The origin is retroactively added to the setting to allow my existence. It's silly to pretend otherwise.
Hey Dirge, what would happen if you take the Ouroboros perk from Siren that lets you warp sapce into non-euclidean angles around you, and then tried to emulate that space with your own Megastructure using Apotheosis from Knights of Sidonia?
Somefaggit had a WIP.
It's been a little over six, user.
And the pacing is so fucking dense that it's been less than a week in-universe.
Can we sacrifice the ability to animorph in order to gain a new, permanent alt form? What I mean is, the whole Animorph copying thing has a time limit of two hours, or else you're stuck in that form permanently, right? Could I, for example, morph into a Pillar Man, maintain that form for more then two hours, and gain it as a permanent alt form in exchange for not being able to morph Animorph style anymore?
Yeah, but it feels like kind of a waste, since you can buy the DBC.
So who's your equivalent of the God Machine?
Yes, though you'd lose whatever form you were in before morphing.
So you're saying that most LPers are annoying, self-indulgent children who contribute nothing and only survive off the hard work of actual content creators?
Yeah, nothing in common with jumpers.
I figured you could do it to overright an altform you already had to do that.
Still it's probably worth it if you find something cool enough.
I don't see why not, user.
You'd be a Pillar Man nothlit in that alt-form.
Your other alt-forms could still morph, though.
The Benefactor could go to Dead Space and and fight necromorphs but instead chooses to watch other people have fun killing space zombies.
You could buy Dead Space and play it but instead watch a youtube personality (Ex: Markiplier) play the game and have fun watching them play said game.
Jumpchain = Let's Play videos
Hey REBORNanon, I've got some more Prototype questions...
Can I just infect people myself to turn them into specific kinds of Special Spawns (mainly Evolved), or do I need the Nodes to make them at all?
Also, what would Evolved look like if just created in a Hive, instead of by infecting someone? A mass of viral biomass, a random person, or my own appearance or something?
Can I take Non-Canon Weapon and Runner Rounds with just the free version of Canon Weapon? Kinda want to turn my arms into bio-rifles...
You become an Eldritch Monstrosity that hurts people's brains when they look at you and will likely make them doubt their own sanity.
Hmm, very well, I'll have to find a form that I can stand to lose then.
The other alt-forms would still be able to morph? Huh, that's cool. Yeah, I'm going to have to figure out which alt-form to sacrifice. I suppose I could sacrifice one of the alt-forms that's basically human in all but name, that might work.
Anyway, thanks anons, I appreciate your help.
Anons, I know. It's been six years and we're still being introduced to huge parts of the setting. Like, really fundamental information.
That's ridiculous, no one likes watching Marikplier play games. People like watching him yell like a small child. The games are just there to give him something to be an idiot at.
There's a comfy chair in Magical Girl Noir.
Yup. Animorphs morphing is the single most bullshit thing in the chain. Get the thing that lets you mix morphs, then get the thing that lets you make a feature of a morph drastically more powerful. Then scan Franklin Richards, a SA Kryptonian, maybe stack some other mutants or bullshit aliens you can find. Mix then, then choose the reality warping to be buffed.
Congratulations! You're effectively God. Have fun pissing on all of Chaos at once or going toe-to-toe with STTGL.
Woah, thanks a bunch Dirge for the answer! Really appreciate it. The Genes are definitely a sure-buy for me, especially if I manage to be able to engineer my own "Netsphere" either through my own cyber-surfing (more like drive-by in that setting) or through other tech perks coming together.
Yeah, I saw them as a pretty definite buy considering I'm a fairly tech-heavy jumper. Was curious whether it was capable of crazier stuff considering its a Nihei plot, or If I could pull some nightmare-like "Establishing Direct Control" sort of deal.
First youtuber name that popped up, what about Rooster Teeth? Generally dicking around and yelling at NPCs to move out of the way.
I guess?
It seems like kind of a waste, though.
The Outer Gods as a whole would count. But as their chief representative: Nyarlathotep. It's the thing altforms are based on, actually. Thousand forms and all.
>Implying that the Benefactor doesn't just watch us because she finds our neurotic breakdowns amusing
Is there even a single jumper still mentally stable 20+ jumps in?
Yes its a physical manifestation.
Oh. Well that's a thing.
Hey we go.
>Is there even a single jumper still mentally stable 20+ jumps in?
Shit I wasn't too stable to start out between my mild pyromania and love of explosions.
Drill Sergeant yelled at me because I was smiling too much when I was waiting in line with a grenade in each hand.
>especially if I manage to be able to engineer my own "Netsphere" either through my own cyber-surfing
That should be plausible, given what the "Curator" in the Net Sphere mentions about Killy's NTG delivery: Once the NTG is successfully delivered, the NTG should be able to restructure the net sphere - a necessity in order to reestablish communication to the Megastructure, and wake up all of the dormant virtual entities within the stagnant Net Sphere.
It's presumably also the only way to save Sanakan if the plot is allowed to happen, though timeframe wise this takes a lot longer than the standard decade.
>20+ jumps in
I became a saturday morning cartoon villain by the end of my first jump. I went mad with power fairly quickly.
This would be great for the back drop of an evil lair. Can only Web Warriors purchase that or can everyone get it, with WW getting it for a discount?
Is...is that Mary Jane?
Basically you can manifest it at will.
>20+ jumps in
What's optimism like, user?
Pretty sure that's Madame Web.
>This would be great for the back drop of an evil lair. Can only Web Warriors purchase that or can everyone get it, with WW getting it for a discount?
Yeah and in that particular case I will rule its just 600cp and not having to buy web-warrior power.
No thats teenage madame web,this is mary jane.
Man, Ultimate Madame Web is a lot younger.