>a military faction consisting almost exclusively of women
>is shit
woah who would've thought?!
>a military faction consisting almost exclusively of women
>is shit
woah who would've thought?!
They'd sell a lot more if the models weren't ugly as fuck.
The fucking male guardsmen are more attractive looking.
>Pol shitposting on Veeky Forums
>Nothing better to do
woah who would've thought?!
That's because GW wanted the PG13 audience and had to tone down the boobs and fetish elements.
>GW doesn't give a shit about a faction or it's fans
>is shit
Oh shit this thread still exists.
Kinda sad really. And I'm sad about this. If I got into 40k I'd play either Guardsmen or Sisters. Guardsmen because some of the units, like Elysian drop troopers or tanks, tanks 'n more tanks look really cool and fun, and Sisters because I love the idea of Catholic Space Nazi Nuns who hate everything that's not human and not on fire. Space Marines are too far from 'baseline human' to really do it for me, who wants to play with mutants?
What the fuck is wrong with your own board, /pol/? We have two of these threads up simultaneously, and you've been fucking up numerous threads besides that. You have you padded cell Moot made for you, go back and bang your head against the walls some more, dipshits.
I can't wait till the fucking election is done with, you cunts are getting too fired up for your own good.
They purge enemies of the Emperor with fire and their blood wards off the taint of Chaos! SoB confirmed for holiest of the factions! And they actually do a lot of non-military stuff to, so they aren't just a military faction!
>who wants to play with mutants
any non boring person
Are you kidding? It's only going to get worse when their spray-tanned god emperor loses and then starts crying IT'S RIGGED to anyone with ears.
I swear to god, at least the furries learned to shut up about their furfag shit over a period of years. /pol/ just fucking stays /pol/. Way to fall for a stormfront social media campaign, enjoy being pawns of white nationalists who couldn't give half a shit about you.
Your bullshit won't fly here. The second you put someone in power armor, the physical differences in strength become meaningless.
So unless you have another argument, besides physical strength, you don't have much to stand on. Remember in 40k the Sisters are raised from a very early age to be soldiers. You don't have the attention whoring and gold digging issues we have with women in the military today.
>GW wants sales
>jacks up prices and targets kids with no money
"Sir, the ship is sinking!"
Hey speaking of Nazis IRL and 40k, why don't these /pol/lacks dress more like the Imperium? Or actual Nazis? Why are neo-nazis so less fashionable? That's the one thing the 3rd Reich had going for them.
I bet they would suck my cock for one bolter mag.
Black is slimming, but they're still too fat to fit in an SS uniform.
>bolter mag
>as if user would have anything more than heavy stubber rounds
Get back in line, trooper.
I know right, shit, the Wehrmacht had actual fashion designers make their uniforms and shit. Nazi Germany was a genocidal evil empire with class.
Holy shit, again?
Somebody summon the SageDjinn
Probably not, when they could just rip you in two.
And we all know the only cock they lust after is the Emperors'.
>Your bullshit won't fly here. The second you put someone in power armor, the physical differences in strength become meaningless.
Psychological differences persist, however. And as difficult as it may be to believe, testosterone and estrogen aren't meaningless in terms of brain chemistry. Not only do these two hormones alone influence brain development, but they also have very different synergy with other hormones present in the brain. And even if you ignore that, boys and girls are literally born with different brain structures.
Men from birth seek to assert dominance in one way or another, women from birth only seek to assure their own survival and that of their offspring. Evolutionarily speaking it makes sense: women are going to get laid anyway so the safe option is always the best option. On the other hand, men who pick the safe route don't stand out so men are selected for their agression and/or ability to stand out. This also influenced IQ ranges: men are near the top and bottom while women cluster around the average. Why men who are extremely intelligent are obviously attractive, the same applies to the extremely unintelligent in less obvious ways: the unintelligent are more prone to crime, and the overrepresentation of men in crime may be explained by crime simply being an alternative reproduction strategy (just think of how glorified thugs and gangsters are, and how many male mass murderers (as opposed to female ones) get love letters and even marriage proposals from women they've never met) [ehbonline.org
So to make a very long story short: power armor doesn't suddenly make women men. It makes them very strong women, so they go from being a liability to being a very strong liability.
Your wish is my command.
Someone's never touched a puss and is taking out their sexual frustration on a fictional faction, I see.
It's because most of these 'Neo-Nazis' are poor white trash and that doesn't lend itself to having money which in turn means no fashion budget. Dressing like a 'Boss' costs serious money user. And anyone that could dress well wouldn't usually be drawn to be a 'Neo-Nazis'. More likely to hedonist druggies really which would be in line with the actual Nazis.
They're the actually cool version of Space Marines, so I don't really mind if they suck. Surviving off pure mettle, and snug right between the shitty state of Imperial Guard's just being human in a universe filled with monsters and the Space Marine's overpowered juggernauts in powerarmor.
It's a shame GW ignores them and the other human factions that fall in that same area.
humans should be wiped out
You literally asked for another argument, I provided it and now you're mad. I even went as far as citing a source. What's wrong with you?
And if their codex got an update once every epoch.
Better than both Guard and CSM
It is done. No longer shall we be bothered by this man's obsession with the girl who refuses to touch his dick boiling over again.
Strange how your source 404s
I don't know if that's necessarily true, DEldar got a bunch of updates and I still don't see any of them at the FLGS
>That picture
You actually just like them as a waifu faction.
You are over looking the effect military training from early childhood would have on female soldiers. There are differences between male and female brains and body chemistry, and no amount of training or mechanical assistance can turn one in to the other. However, training will greatly diminish the aspects of female behavior that are seen a negatives in a military sense.
That is why we have the issues with women in our armed forces currently. We are trying to take a standard woman that has been raised with and taught all of these militarily disadvantageous behaviors and turn them in to a solider. It be much more successful if they didn't need to be "deprogrammed" and then trained, because in this setting they never learned the negative behaviors and thought patterns in the first place.
It doesn't for me. But if you want to look it up yourself the source is "Evolution & Human Behavior" November 2014 Volume 35, Issue 6, Pages 481–488.
Here's an alternative link.
This is like the 12th /pol/shit thread that's crept its way onto Veeky Forums. What the fuck, mods? Someone go complain on IRC or something.
Other than that weak narrative reason, all the resources given to SoB would be better spent on males. It doesn't matter though because this is fiction so who really cares if there's an implausible army of Nazi-ladies.
There's more than one way to pay for nice clothes. Time is money. They should man up and learn to sew.
Hey that's great, you think a single article on ANYTHING is definitive. Let me tell you something, as an actual professional in the field of biology:
Citing a single article to defend a position basically means your position is either to new to have any data or two poorly-supported to be defensible
The statistics defending the assertion don't have much power. It's very unlikely that this data arrived by chance, but it's also not that likely that this data arrived because of the hypothesis. Having a large N by the way is not always going to give you a strong conclusion.
Man has had him some waifus for ten thousand years and here you are, fucking up a perfectly good tradition.
Kill yourselves. All of you.
Planning on it, but I've got some more miles in the old machine yet before I have to trade up to a new one, much less think of quitting the races. Still, better a bang than a whimper.
A-hyuk. Bang.
Like gunfire.
Or like sex, which you'll never get. Ka-pow.
Oh no.
I have been Batman punched by the cruel user.
Such is the fate of /t/hu/g/s.
Not the same guy, plebian, but I'm sure I can't convince you, so I'm just going to say I'm actually having a good giggle at all your virgin anger shit.
Thank you, O Mighty SageDjinn! Your wisdom is infinite! Two more wishes are within your power to grant!
And my second wish, O Mighty SageDjinn...is to have a picture depicting Sisters of Battle in a scenario most enticing and frivolous, barely teetering on the edge of red board territory!
>Linking to articles is recognized as spam by Veeky Forums
Come the fuck on! Anyway, here are my more than one sources, as opposed to all of your nothing.
The only thing I'm angry at is this website's supposed spam recognition, friend.
Can we just hijack this thread to talk about villainous fashion sense for as long as it takes to sage it into the ground?
Really? Clearly you do have some issues if you feel the compulsive need to bitch about how a faction comprised entirely of fighting women is wrong and shouldn't exist, and all that frustration comes from somewheeeeere!
>compulsive need
You literally asked for a source, and then you literally asked for even more sources. I did nothing more than comply to your request, within the context of the subject designated by the OP. I don't understand from whence you get this impression that I'm in any way mad.
If you think what I'm doing is in any way wrong, then I'm sorry to disappoint you but overanalyzing affairs related to traditional games is quite literally what this entire board is dedicated to. Musing about the effectiveness of the Sisters of Battle falls under this.
You sound like a spoiled brat 2bh.
>good giggle at all your virgin anger shit.
>O Mighty SageDjinn
> and all that frustration comes from somewheeeeere!
You should seriously get your shit together, because your massive insecurity is showing and it's pretty fucking embarrassing to deal with
Told you I'm not the same guy, I don't care if you have a source or not, because you're getting butthurt over women fighting in a fictitious setting and you deserve to be trolled for your shit bait.
You mean the insecurity that OP made a thread about?
I'm just riding this rock all the way down to page 10.
/pol/ isn't majority natsoc, most can be described as Jeffersonian.
What in the hell kind of mental backflips makes /pol/ resemble the philosophy of Jefferson?
Also what's "majorty natsoc". The nice, friendly Nazis? Shut the fuck up.
Well, Jefferson did write that one "scientific" study that showed the inferiority of negroes, so that kind of tracks.
And I think he's claiming that nazis are a minority on /pol/. Which I guess you could argue, but they sure seem to be a loud minority.
And the posterchildren of the board, and the official logo...
From what I've seen most pollocks share these:
focus on Constitutional rights
democratic but hate universal sufferage
extreme focus on traditional values and morality
semi-isolationist foreign policy
distrust of centralized power
distrust of any elite; political business or intellectual
belief in significant racial differences that cannot be explained by culture
Pretty much checks all boxes on Jeffersonian Democrats, with a racial bent.
Honestly, it's edgy roleplay for the most part. Yeah the natsocs are there, but even the ones that are there hate Stormfront and neonazis. Go try posting Stormfront content on there sometime, especially on 8pol.
>anti-government isolationists who are openly racist and think some folks shouldn't be allowed to vote
That's not Jeffersonian "wtih a racial bent", that's just modern neo-nazis.
lmao every time I posted fucking yaoi on /pol/ they were asking for source they are a bunch of closet fags
Not really, the largest difference is that modern neonazis still believe that the economy must be heavily regulated and centrally controlled to work for the betterment of their race. They also tend to want to remove all democracy rather than restrict the voting base.
But yeah you can totally describe /pol/ as white nationalist.
This is a shit thread full of shit bait, and the only good thing that comes out of it is a reminder that Veeky Forums is not utterly flooded by /pol/tard bullshit and I still have a reason to come here
It's so frustrating that the only 3 options seem to be Tumblr, /pol/, and reddit lately
Yes, /pol/ is full of faggots
I mean where else are the fags going to go when the current leftists want to import Islamists who want to throw them off buildings.
You just described a hardcore right-wing ideology, not to mention straight-up lying to make them look like they're not authoritarians, and pretend it was libertarian-leaning centrism. You're an idiot. Nazis, and they're neo counterparts, are good for wholesale slaughter as movie and video game mooks, and nothing more.
Sage, sage, sage
/pol/ is just as authoritarian as tumblr they just like to pretend they're the rebellion
And it fucking sucks for Veeky Forums, every board, and any moderate fucking anywhere. It's the whole reason things are fucked over here in America. You have two groups of insane people screaming at each other, and the more they scream the more what moderates remain get dragged in with them. You have two sides of equally authoritarian radicals who have more in common with each other than the moderates, polarizing damn near everything.
It fucking sucks and it's not goddamn sustainable, to culture, politics, or sanity.
Yeah it's right wing compared to the current overton window, especially if you're European. Was centrism about a hundred and fifty years ago. Quite a bit has changed.
And I get why you consider them authoritarian, yeah if you're in one of the out groups (eg, jew, black, marxist) you'd likely be part of a genocide. Their whole rationalization is that it's to maintain the freedom of the in group, which would retain constitutional rights.
The flaw that would occur in practice is that finer slivers of the in groups would be sliced off into the out groups and subsequently purged. This would pretty much kill any notion of rights, and the ideology would be subverted to make another dictatorship.
I ain't a pollock, I've only studied them.
When you live in a society of hate addicts, it's only a matter of time until you're up to the plate
And if you aren't with them, you're against them. Our board culture has pretty much been repurposed by swarmfront for their own political posturing.
JFC this thread is STILL here.
Hehehe, their helmets look like panties on head
Dummies keep bumping it, and there's no hope of mods showing up it seems.
I hate /pol/luters as much as the next user but can someone explain to me why people assume shit like OP is genuine while shit like is bait?
The women who don't act like men wash out of the program.
>democratic but hate universal sufferage
Not actually a requirement for democracy surprisingly.
Yep, sounds about right
>Silly /pol/ thinks they support democracy
>b..but muh waifus!
>>is shit
>Hold the entire Emperor Palace against siege of Imperial Fists Legion and Mechanicus forces.