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CYOA General
Logan Bailey
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Brody Richardson
Nooooooo, you've been just a tad bit faster
Ian Rogers
Carpe diem, or something.
Jose Mitchell
What are some upcoming cyoas being made I should be excited about /cyoag/?
Connor Morales
I'll have one done in like a three or four hours. But I dunno if being excited is the right emotion for it.
Christian Butler
No guarantees I'm gonna do it, or the quality if I do, but if I make a cyoa, what would Veeky Forums like to see?
Jace Carter
I need to sleep, get up and get to work in three to three hours.
Two hours would'v been okay...
Carson Flores
I'll have one done in maybe a week. It's kinda big.
Camden Howard
Um... whacky magotechnological hellscape adventure?
Ayden Reyes
Jaysus, man. That sounds awful. Get to bed. The CYOAs can wait.