>Image XXXV-I: Believed to be the only known Pict image of Valhallan Ice Warrior Ferik Jurgen
Image XXXV-I: Believed to be the only known Pict image of Valhallan Ice Warrior Ferik Jurgen
Not enough psoriasis.
Caiaphas Cain is more Harry Flashman than Edmund Blackadder.
Yeah kind off. Although Blackadder is not half as gold-hearted as Cain
Captain Blackadder was on the whole a decent guy, especially compared to the previous incarnation. Blackadder the Third was the pinnacle of dickery in the series.
which is why he ended up king instead of dead like 1/4. i cant remember what happened to 2.
I always imagined Jurgen to look like a smaller Hagrid.
Killed by German Hugh Laurie
Just the one I was missing!
Thnx user!
>*sigh* what is it, Baldrick?
>it's just... do you think Mr Commisar Cain will be angry for that reccomendation to send him back to Valhalla?
>I hardly doubt it, Ciaphas has a thing for beards, said it gives him "something to hold on to" while performing his duties
This is brave, splendid and noble...
Well, good luck everyone.
Baldrick, it's the most pointless book since 'How to speak High Gothic' was translated into High Gothic.
well, now I want to see which of Commissar Blackadder's efforts are attributed to Cain
Except Cain isn't a rapist, unlike Flashman.
It was only one time and he felt bad about it.
Christ... I wasn't ready for that scene.
I mean, we all know it was coming, right from the start, but still, I wasn't ready. The fact that even Blackadder; the shirking, shrinking, weasely, cowardly, sarcastic, unrepentantly selfish git, is offering words of encouragement and support to men terrified out of their minds is just... Congratulations to everyone involved in that series; you made a comedy into one of the better works to present the futility and horror of the Great War.
the creator's said that when they first started on that season they weren't sure if it was ok to be making jokes about a tragedy like that, they eventually decided it was fine, so long as they ended the way they did
I thought that was Heinrich Himmler for a minute there
Blackadder goes forth, a british comedy series set in the trenches of WW1
why wouldn't you post the best character?
That's only the best regular character
He doesn't even like Blackadder, but this still happens
Apparently Tim McInnerny developed the twitch from being Darling as an actual condition, took him a while to lose it
Made my evening, user.
To continue the 40kification of Blackadder, muh doodz are the 2nd legion and I decided Flashheart would make an ideal primarch. The concept has come on a little since, but he's still the basis.
Underrated post.
Boom Boom Booooom
I had an idea where Commissar Balckadder comes up with a scheme to acquire a SoB disguise to finally leave his shitty regiment, only to learn the Sisters are being sent into the Eye of Terror as penance
good read, thank you user.