hello Veeky Forums
this is my gaming group
hello Veeky Forums
this is my gaming group
Killing time while my dude makes his character.
My condolences.
> all of them fat with beards
> one specially fat beef goblin with burger king cup
> two laptops at table
> burger king drink helps explain the obesity
> shitty apartment complex
> tiny-ass table, no room for map or miniatures or even decent dice rolling
> older fat ass obscured by emo-waldo appears to be even fatter than the rest
> shitty SUV outside in driveway
> two water bottles (who the fuck pays for water in 2016??)
> subway cup on nearby kitchen stand. at least subway is slightly healthier than burger king
And, the worst offence in my opinion:
> playing D&D 5e
Never seen a thread like this on Veeky Forums. Mighty curious about what people's gaming groups look like.
Honestly, same.
Pic of mine.
From left to right.
>Fat fuck who cares way too much about game night
>Sensible guy who likes playing big buff melee dudes
>Guy that is often left out
>Someone with severe stuttering and always plays eager characters like child rouges and elf barbarians.
>GM is using a laptop. Nuff said
>muh miniatures
>5E durr
tacticool boardgame edition faggot detected
> movement rates
> reach rules
> spell area in 30 foot cones and 20 foot radius bursts
5e is just as built for miniatures as any other edition. Doesn't mean you have to use them, but you didn't have to for 4e or 3.5 either. Your "argument" does not even exist.
Nice tits
What's the story? What are your pals rolling as?
Beef goblin here, this is OP
Fuck you Miranduil.
>saving snapchats
did they eat your last gaming group
close the curtains
otherwise okay/10
This post bummed me out.
I fuckin' lol'ed.
Yes, and...?
So how's the game going? ... ?
I cast invisibility on the rogue and he opened a door and alerted like 8 bandits due to it creaking.
>self identifying as beef goblin
We basically just killed three dudes and bypassed a spike pit trap searching for lost city council members that were kidnapped by bandits.
You need superior invisibility , or a silence spell.
What we need is healing... We set off an explosive trap before we entered the mine. I'm at 8/32 HP.
We just rolled initiative.
Do you have any divine casters?
If not get that rogue a wand of CLW and some ranks in UMD
No divine casters in the party....
We'll pool gold for potions or a wand. The DM starves us for resources.
Pissed Because I don't give the party op artifacts and 15000 gold every session.
CLW is 750gp in DMG.
Make that your #1 goal in loot and purchase priority. Not having any semi-reliable healing makes the game nearly impossible.
Unless your DM is doing some sort of weird hard mode / punishing the party for not having a cleric in which case you stop that
>no artificer
>always plays eager characters like child rouges and elf barbarians
I don't even know why I chortled on reading this
Nice that you have proper figures and board.
>mac's/couche-tard drink cup
nice. now fuck off.
who cares about the editions? D&D is gamist shit anyway
you could do with a bigger table I think
>bringing identity politics into Veeky Forums
Posting in epic bread
Sounds par for the course from my experiences, except nobody has a car.
What, you guys are all stock photo six-figures-a-year-job 20-somethings that the rest of us should aspire to be?
Good luck with that one.
Go to any LGS.
Go to any con.
>Beef goblin?
That's a term now?
One of former GMs was about as rotund and was also working on a receding hairline last I saw him, but still the best GM I'd ever had and an overall cool guy to hang out with.
Now THAT'S a gaming group.
pic related is my gaming group
I agree with you more than him, but there's a huge difference between everyone being a barded lard and your example.
My group are mostly /soc/ 7-8/10s (so, roughly, real life 6/10s) with two 9/10 women. Lot of the guys are bearded, only two of us are a bit chubby (had a legit fat guy, but he was also a cunt, so he's gone). One of us is even really fit (though not a Veeky Forumsizen. Surprisingly, total /b/tard).
Is that Louis C.uc.K.?
at least you have someone to play with
That must be more than a ton of human blubber dispersed between 4 people present in that room at that moment.
Good thing it looks like you live on the ground floor.
>actually spending time around fat people
>t. scrawny fuck who thinks he's Veeky Forums
Overweight people are sickening. I don't know how anyone can stand interacting with them for extended periods of time.
Nice projection there kiddo. I actually put on a bit more fat than I wanted to during my last bulk(to around 15% I think?). I'm currently working on adjusting to a plan where I can stay at around 10% year round while lifting five days a week instead of the bulk/cut cycling I was doing.
Just because you don't lift and look down on fat fucks doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.
and no fuck was given
>Mighty curious about what people's gaming groups look like.
This is one of mine
>with two 9/10 women.
You mean 9/10 for a gaming group so 4/10 in real life, right?
The thing which you have invested a great deal of time and effort into is not as important to other people. That's why you've invested a great deal of time and effort into it and they haven't. You've got a serious bug up your ass about fitness and weight, so you lift, and denigrate people who don't (because if they're not WRONG and BAD, what the fuck are you doing?)
Most people really don't care that much. I work out four times a week, because health is a priority for me. My best friend doesn't, because his career is his priority. I weigh less than him, he makes more money than me, we're friends.
Really, hats make everything better.
> them scrawny arms
In the state of nature, you would die first.
Now this is podracing
>not liking 5e
You're waifu a shit.
Cool. Here's our table.
Are those beers ?
If yes, why is there alcohol on your gaming table ?
Also, what kind of savage drink beer in can ?
Maybe it's scenery
"Trapped within the green runes you can feel the platform moving across the cosmos, around you stands the void, supported by the 7 pillars of creation, you can also see the great cauldron oozing the black taint your foe is planning to release upon the stars."
Those are beers, yes. Not sure who was drinking those shitty Millers. Probably fuckin Mike. The shorter cans are an excellent local pale ale. I used to be a bottle snob as well, but the DM there and the guy who's house we're in are both professional brewers and they could probably learn you a thing or two about good canned beers. They exist.
Also this
>probably learn you a thing or two about good canned beers. They exist.
Not that user, but he was probably referring to the idea that beer tastes better in a glass, not that all canned beer is crap. Beer is certainly more perishable in a can than a bottle though, as long as the bottle is kept out of sunlight.
Oh yeah, no argument there. I just drink out of the can because I'm lazy or don't care. You should see this guy's dark room beer closet. Filled with shit I've still never heard of and we've been drinking together for a decade. Whatever's in that glass on the table is some expensive coffee stout, I can't remember what. Honestly I usually just drink liquor.
>guy that is often left out can not be seen because the person who took the photo forgot to tell him to lean back or forward