Just a Gnome Who Likes Clocks edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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Just a Gnome Who Likes Clocks edition
Discuss the lore and viability of Warcraft as a tabletop setting.
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There are people who really give a shit about Warcraft lore?
apparently they really like the deep story of NOBLE SAVAGES and RACES COME TOGETHER TO DEFEAT THE EVIL XEL'NAGA I MEAN EVIL TITAN.
I just want to stat up the races into various systems so I can port them to my other games.
No, it's rejects from Veeky Forums who come shit up our board with their endless waifu faggotry.
The shitposting has already begun, I see.
Well its a garbage world, full of rejects from Veeky Forums
Yeah, i wonder why this thread is garbage.
Where were you when you first realized everything your character has done is merely a piece of a plot of the Old Gods?
Eh, the Warcraft setting has lost a lot of its charm since WC3. I won't deny that.
I don't think these threads are garbage BECAUSE they are Warcraft-related. I think they're garbage because of the mixture of waifu faggotry, "orcs are dindus," "Garithos did nothing wrong," and other such shitposting elements melding into one cesspool.
General threads all devolve into memes and tripfagging, it's awful desu senpai
Except dwarves, who, while they weren't at full strength like they were before the 2nd war, certainly hadn't been hit as hard by any of the previous wars as the other races had been
After doing the first two chapters of the Insurrection quest chain, I'm gonna be pissed if the rumours about Elisande giving up and joining us instead of dying are true
Bitch is fucking holocausting her people with demon magic because "lmao Gul'dan said to" and she's gonna get away with it since there must always be a Grand Magistrix or whatever the fuck reason Blizzard comes up with
elves were a mistake
I hope that isn't the case. Maybe we'll find out later that Elisande has become a mere puppet, while Gul'dan orders murder and mayhem unopposed.
Meanwhile, fuck humans and orcs, these two should die the horriblest deaths until they're completely killed by dying.
Why do elves jump on the Legions cock so quickly anyway? It's like any time there's a story about the quantity of magic, elves are there to turn their back on the whole planet and their race for a few scraps of mana. Which is also confusing, when did mana become something quantifiable anyway? It's like there's a strike at the mana bottling depot so the elves immediately pray to Sargaeras for deliverance.
I mean, this is the same board that has at least six different threads about 40k lore.
That's not even mentioning the 2 running 40k AU projects. Two of 'em!
Alternate timelines are already a thing in WC, so why /not/ have a campaign set in one?
Which AU (if any) would you set your WC campaign in, /wclore/?
The one where Arthas was talked out of becoming the Lich King and instead matured into the King of Lordaeron and Alterac rebuilt itself into a republic or something.
One interesting idea would be the human kingdoms fracturing further into smaller nation states due to the side effects of the industrial revolution that they're currently undergoing.
An AU Azeroth created by the events of WoD, where the Orcs never managed their invasion, but Medivh is still possessed by Sargeras.
>One interesting idea would be the human kingdoms fracturing further into smaller nation states due to the side effects of the industrial revolution that they're currently undergoing
I'm seconding this.
Considering how much importance magic is given in Warcraft, it would be very interesting to see industrialized human nations developing in the same world.
Thrall never stopped being the Warchief
Considering 40k is basically Veeky Forums's blood, your post makes little to no sense.
>That's not even mentioning the 2 running 40k AU projects. Two of 'em!
Well, seeing the current state of Warcraft's lore, I think you guys should be doing the same, don't you?
the dwarves had split. aerie peak dorfs are borderline neutral and the dark iron had kidnapped the dwarf princess while invading into dun morogh proper. The dwarves were weak as fuck.
the board is called Veeky Forums not /40k/
The future where the good guys (scourge) win.
Didn't that split occur thousands of years ago?
Honestly I might do pre-Cata WoW or just a Cata WoW where things don't go down as insanely.
no, very recently as far as dwarf eras go. Post WC2 the aerie peak dwarves pretty much went into seclusion in the aerie peaks while the dark irons got their shit together enough and started to attack the bronzebeard led dun morogh.
After Arthas gets Frostmourne, he goes straight to the Frozen Throne and becomes Lich King.
>Considering 40k is basically Veeky Forums's blood, your post makes little to no sense.
My point is that a board that reveres 40K lore as much as it does really has no weight to start slamming on the lore of other IPs.
Not all IPs. Only the shit ones.
and yet, 40k
>Post tFT
>Alliance and Horde don't give a fuck about eachother because they are on TWO DIFFERENT CONTINENTS FOR FUCK'S SAKE
>In fact, Horde is just Orgrimmar-orcs, and Alliance is just surviving human nations
>Tauren, Trolls and Ogres are independent although sworn to a defensive coalition with Orgrimmar
>Thrall tries to extend an olive branch to Blackrock- and Dragonmaw-Clan because he wants all orcs under one roof, basically the start of Game of Orcs inter-clan politics and schemes.
>Gnomish minority living in Ironforge and being governed by Dwarves because they might just as well be a racial variation of eachother, seriously
>Beef between Kul'Tiras and Orcs is stuck in a cold war stalemate, Jaina tries to mediate. Basically Vanilla WoW's political situation but downscaled because FUCK
>Stromgarde-Stormwind coalition to muscle into the War in the Plaguelands between Forsaken, Cult of the Damned and official Scourge
>Gilneas has much smaller Worgen problem, currently focuses resources on an independent military offensive to muscle into Silverpine and take Dalaran's old holdings.
>Forsaken are basically a small terrorist group holing up in Tirisfal, keep Scourge out through sabotage and guerilla tactics, make deals with Gilneas to protect southern border and gain military supplies
>Sentinels are still extremely pissed at Warsong-orcs, but their main concern is still Felwood and Satyr incursion
So there's something that I wonder:
Was the scourge ever wholly undead? I mean the military fighting force definitely was undead, no question, but there's logistics and especially after Arthas conquered Lordaeron and proclaimed himself king, there ought to have been large swathes of living people submitting to his rule and acknowledging Ner'zhul as their lord and saviour?
And when the Forsaken seceded, there were large amounts of living people joining with Sylvanas because they promised a new order. This would technically enable the Forsaken to have more positive relations with the Alliance because there are living, definitely not mindcontrolled zombie people vouching for a military cooperation.
The forsaken started off with genociding an alliance army because its leader was a ridiculous strawman,
That doesn't answer the question.
Also that very strawman was about to attack them for being undead if they didn't leave the capitol. It'snot the same as having a dipomatic discourse.
Sunwell yada yada yada, world tree yada yada yada, *vague arm gestures*
I think demon cock is essentially the cold fusion of the warcraft world. Elves have this vague as fuck energy need and demons can satisfy. The other resources are either depleted or dead or something whatever.
killing a the acting commander of the alliance remnants and their sole remaining field army kills any chance of diplomatic discourse
also, despite being a meanie rude poopie head Garithos was completely within his rights telling the forsaken to GTFO from the capital of lordaeron after they took it together, he wasnt about to attack them
As an aside, I think it's complete bullshit cop-out that dreadlords just don't die, considering how much fucking effort you go through to kill them.
"Varimathras, kill your bro, balnazzar" and he does it with reluctantly, except... It falls completely flat because dreadlords just get sent back to hell or wherever.
Logically yes. Same for alterac humans being with the horde.
many members of the Cult of the Damned are not undead, usually powerful necromancers become undead through the same unexplained process as Arthas and others become liches, but most of the rank and file are just living humanoids following the orders of the nearest person who Arthas-senpai bothers to notice
The Cult of the Damned is the main group that living Scourge belong to. But once they've proven themselves useful they are usually upgraded to some form of Undead. The Vyrkul also followed the Scourge while living.
As for the Forsaken, most of the living people of Lordaeron either fled south or joined the Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn. The Forsaken's attitude towards seeing the living as nothing more hands raw materials or test subjects certainly didn't help things.
Yeah, huge vital parts of WC3 have a lot of their impact greatly lessened by the whole "unkillable outside of the twisting nether" thing
Mal'ganis, Mannoroth, Balnazzar, Archimonde, all had powerful death scenes that came at great cost and were a wonderful payoff for those who killed them. Except psyche! They're all alive!
the point of the Twisting Nether resurrection is that it means we can only win over the Legion by going on the offensive
sitting on Azeroth waiting for the Legion to come at us will only lead to defeat in the long run because the Legion is unending unless we beat them, not just pull Pyrrhic victories and pretend they matter
also skeleton Mannoroth in HFC was cool
Except they did matter before the retcon, they mattered and they were great. The victories of the past were cheapened to make future victories look bigger, and that's really shitty writing
Funny, shouldn't Frostmourne have swallowed Mal'ganis' soul?
before the retcon, Azeroth is the faggot who wins at Risk by shoving a horseshoe up his ass and then tying defensive rolls until no one else can match him. Now they have to actually try instead of just waiting until the Legion falls into the perfect trap to release MacGuffin #236
Frostmourne was forged by Demons, you really think they'd make a weapon that was able to be used against themselves?
>every warlock artifact
>you really think they'd make a weapon that was able to be used against themselves?
Yeah that would be silly right?
>you really think they'd make a weapon that was able to be used against themselves?
Demons do a lot of demon killing themselves.
for how much people complain about Warcraft getting lighter over the years, the "evil" artifacts in Legion are metal as fuck. Especially Maw
Or, you know, they could focus less on the Legion because the Legion is sort of a boring plot point.
Sargeras made a weapon that was "woven into the fabric of the universe and could unravel it like pulling a thread" just because he was butthurt over no pedorape
weapons made by yandere demons don't count
So that rules out Maw, Ulthalesh, and Thal'Kiel then.
also rules out Staff of Sargeras
still leaves Apocalypse though
unholy finally wins one
And he hooks up with Sylvanas when Jaina goes all Lich Queen.
>king of the foremost human nation marrying the second daughter of a mid tier elven noble house
Slim pickings after the undead rampage the eastern Kingdoms or the resulting wars that the Industrial revolution brings. Plus noble elf booty ain't nothing to stick ones' nose up at.
I wouldn't say that Ulthalesh was created by yandere demon, or due to yandere reasons, unless "If you won't serve me willingly, I'll make you into a weapon that will serve me" counts as yandere.
And Fangs of the Devourer also were created from a demon (favourite Felhound of Sargeras; using those is a personal insult to him) by demons (Mephistroth using his servants for the work he was overlooking) for Demon Lord (Sargeras) and were used by a demon.
You know, political marriages weren't that much of a thing there. After all, Varian married literally who, both Terenas and Llane had wives of unspecified origins, and Terenas was ready to marry off Calia to Lord Daval Prestor (who supposedly had a claim to Alterac, so it was political, but who cares, it was Deathwing influencing Terenas' mind anyway).
Yeah it's not like there's a surplus of female nobles around after the wars. Though I still don't see Good Arthas hooking up with Sylvanas.
Nah, Sataiel is the Yandere one.
Windrunners seem to last after human dick, plus it isn't like the sisters are famous for their good taste in men.
why is chromie so perfect?
Yeah but it's implied Sylvanas was banging Nathanos Marris/Blightcaller on the dl. So she'd already found her human boytoy
because gnme chicks are cute
This joke gets thrown around a lot, but considering how broken Magic is and how retardedlly strong Jaina was with her mass teleportation, Death Knight Jaina and Lich Queen Jaina would have been much more dangerous and terrifying than Arthas. The Scourge already buttfucked the Eastern Kingdoms, now imagine that with armies of undead teleporting straight into Stormwind and Iron Forge.
Not setting-wide.
But I can't not like the setting with Best Goblins.
ner'zhul wanted arthas because he was a Veeky Forums retard.
It depends. While yeah, Jaina's, individual powers would provide more than Arthas' combat ability, she would likely resist Nerzhul more inside the crown. Since its established that the Scourge didn't run rampant across Azeroth because a small piece of Arthas resisted the Lich King, it's arguable that Jaina would have kept the Scourge back even more because she was more kind hearted and strong willed.
oh clocks....right
I'll just sit int his corner and try not to cry
Because she's a trap. The name's Chronormu, and, according to Bronze Dragonflight naming conventions, youtube.com
Doesn't she specifically bring this up in one of her HotS quotes?
I wouldn't know, I only played HotS for the Graves battle pet and deleted the game as soon as I verified that I had the FoS that awarded it.
It was a match made in heaven and subtly encouraged by all.
Arthas was pretty much bound to marry Jaina, with them being on and off plus she was both a powerful Kirin Tor mage and a princess of Kul Tiras - their marriage would turn Alliance into a personal union of at least two kingdoms and rally the rest around them. Terenas actually looked forward to it and it was mentioned in one of Uther's letters that he saw it as a good union too, her tempering him and lending extra power to Lordaeron. Arthas going undead was what stopped it and by canon, she was hoping to rescue him as late as assault on Icecrown.
One of the books has an alternate history, in which Arthas and Jaina end up fleeing to Stormwind after some shebang and have kid there.
>4 ▶
>Doesn't she specifically bring this up in one of her HotS quotes?
>"Everyone calls me Chromie, but my real name is Chronormu. Huh? No, it is not a male name. You clearly don't understand the intricacies of dragon culture."
You have 30 seconds to explain how this thread is even tangentially related to traditional games.
>setting based of D&D and plagarising ideas off WHFB
>people discuss it's fluff.
There's nowhere else for it to go.
/v/ and Veeky Forums only discuss gameplay, not lore. Veeky Forums wouldn't touch the novels with a ten-foot pole.
Fantasy. sci-fi, and science fantasy settings get discussed here all the time, and have no other home. Unless you'd rather the only 40K threads be list threads, or all D&D threads consist of nothing but character sheet posts?
>todd will charge xbots and sonyponies 60$ for this.
>elf slave, wat do
Yeah, traditional games my ass. If you really want to be fun police, go regulate other threads, there's worse shit around than this.
Much like how the Star Wars lore thread ended up on /co/.
>post a big strawnman
>"Yeah, traditional games my ass."
>"there's worse shit around than this."
>in a thread which most "lore discussion" are waifu-faggotry and dindu-posters
In short.
You. Have. To. Go. Back.
make me.
>lol fight me irl m8 XD
WarCraft has a tabletop d20 RPG.
It got two editions.
then quit whining
I may be very wrong but If I remember well Chromie used a male gnome model back on Wrath....
Not sure why the change, it could be a developer error, but here we are.
Where this come from?
Nah, she's always had a female gnome model.
Likely they didn't think ti too much when naming her. The dragon naming convention was invented by Knaak and is never directly mentioned in the game. There's a few other dragons with "misgendered" names as well, including another dragon with the form of a female gnome but a male name (one of the dragon questgivers in AQ40, called something-gos, which is a male blue dragon name).
always a female gnome, even during the redpath quest.
We already have Dwarves to do this. And they are boring as fuck for themselves.
Humanity was all about sword and magic. Sure, siege weapons are usefull (Iron Horde is a good example of that) but guns and fire weapons are not exactly usefull and dangerous as they are on our world.
(Not sure if I read that on Warcraft RPG Book or on a book of another setting, nevermind, it makes sense.. hell.. its not even the swords...there is people still using bow and arrow.)
>implying gunpowder and magic can't go well along to establish supremacy
>what is the Empire of Man
>what is the Empire of Man
Gunpower and magic yes.
Gunpower and swords no..
So in short, they were running out of ideas, and realized we had already killed off most of the big baddies, so they pulled an M. Night Shyamalan tier plot twist so they could hamfist another few years into their MMO?
If I ever do run a warcraft style table top RPG, it will be just post warcraft 3 frozen throne, or before. Each expansion post Wrath was nonsensical, and even Wrath and Burning Crusade were a bit of a stretch.
I used to love Warcraft lore, but they seem more intent on profit and rule of cool then even remotely making sense. If I want that I'll run warhammer. Except warhammer fantasy actually makes sense.