Have you ever created a joke PC in a serious campaign? If so how did it turn out?
Pic related, I'm thinking about making a swole wizard for the next campaign I play.
Have you ever created a joke PC in a serious campaign? If so how did it turn out?
Pic related, I'm thinking about making a swole wizard for the next campaign I play.
I've been thinking of making a monk PC who's on a pilgrimage in search for an old legend he had heard of a wise sage named "Waldo." Do ideas I haven't implemented yet mean anything?
I once had a player who made silly characters regardless of the setting, theme, or system. I only let it slide because he was a great roleplayer, and could always seem to make it work, with thought out back stories, motivations, and character development. He was, however, a massive cunt outside of the game, so I guess it evens out
>joke PC in a serious campaign
ok, as long as you don't overdo it. as long as you aren't tone-deaf, and you know when it is or isn't appropriate for your character to be in or have their goofy traits in the spotlight, a bit of comedy relief can turn an edgy melodramatic story into a less tiresome one
>joke PC ripped off a popular character from popular media or an internet meme in a serious campaign
end self
I made the scariest motherfucker you will ever meet. Min maxed like hell for intimidation. Thing is, other than being the most intimidating mother fucker in the room, absolutely useless. Like, cant fight his way out of a paper bag useless. Played him as a closet coward. I thought it was funny at least, but my dm got really irritated with me when all i ever did was run or roll intimidate, and i ended up having to apologize and roll a new character.
Isn't this a character from One Punch Man?
I once wrote up a human male fighter in response to rolling crazy stats as a sort of meta joke about the party leader always being a human male fighter who's good at everything despite primarily being a fighter.
Then he actually became a serious character... and then he became a setting important character because his backstory gave the DM a lot to work with and thing sort of snowballed from there.
Haven't seen the show, but to be fair this sort of character shows up in a lot of things. We could probably name half a dozen characters like this, i never claimed it was original. That being said i did this like eight years ago, so no, no influence from one punch man. Possible influence from other things, i honestly don't remember much other than that i did it.
this legit works in pathfinder at lvl 15 with skill trick, if you beat their dc by 20 or more you reduce them to a cowering mess
In Pathfinder I rolled a commoner called Sum Guy, his family composed by Sum Dude/Gal/Senpai and so on. He was only good in training animals. The campaign ended because the other players died killing the plot. All the while Sum Guy was riding above the enemy army on a Pterodactyl, followed by his lions (on land), killing tens.
I once created a Red Dragon with a Cannon for an arm for a group RP in a serious campaign. I said it was the only way I was willing to play. GM allowed it. I completely ruined the entire game. It was glorious. My friends and I have a love/hate relationship.
To be fair, I didn't want to play with them because I knew I would ruin it. And I did warn everyone.
Yeah its king
holy shit brah, post your build
In a Star Wars campaign, I made a joke character literally named "Mai-Rhee Soo." She is currently the most well-rounded, developed character in the game, and I don't know whether or not to be proud or ashamed of that fact.
Recently I accidentally rolled an almost One Punch Man. Fist weapon and a ton of one off Damage booster abilities. Sadly my damage was below average after my one-punch, but it was still pretty good. I Eventually died after I had to perform the finishing move, "Velocity crash" from orbit onto the christian god. He didn't kill me, the impact shattered every one of my bones. They played "The Hero" on the GM's tablet for the entire calculation process.
... story time?
Yes, we had a new player who went full on murder hobo because "lol, you said we can do anything".
To make it clear that actions have consequences I introduced Penelope Copperbottom. a 12 year old girl with a sword the size of a plough that wants vengeance for her fathers death.
The idea was that Penelope would confront the murderhobo and demand a fight to the death. Leaving the player with 2 choices. Figure out a way to solve problems without murder or murder a child in front of the whole town.
Neither of those things happened, the player fought Penelope and proceeded to roll a series of 1s. Penelope won the fight, killed the player and became a folk hero for defeating her. I decided to keep the character after that and had her reappear as a local lord a few sessions later.
Fuck that's good
Try never saying the phrase "where's waldo?" just to keep everyone waiting for it
>he doesn't have "Kanye Bloodskull, War drum Chieftain of the West", as his level one PC's mini Boss