What do you like the most about the leaked races? What do you like the least?
Elijah Hernandez
First for Kenku
Gabriel Green
Why are Goliath in Volo's guide if they are in the EE players companion? If there is a reason, is there a reason why they didn't add the other races from it, like Genasi?
Joseph Hernandez
>What do you like the most about the leaked races? :3
Christopher Russell
>What do you like the most about the leaked races? What do you like the least? I like being able to play a kobold. They've been a favorite forever. I dislike the return of stat penalties. All they do is make certain race-class combinations nonviable without adding anything to the game.
Carson Ward
Because Genasi are already in a hardcover, Princes of the Apocalypse. Aaracokra aren't featured because fuck flying races.
Josiah Jones
>>What do you like the most about the leaked races? Teenage Mutant Ninja Bugbears.
Andrew Moore
How is the new ranger? I was thinking about playing the hunter archetype.
Underdark scout seems like it had great burst potential when multiclassed with assassin. My only concern is that surprise rounds are up to the DM to incorporate. My DM kinda throws encounters at us.
Ryder Walker
guys, I'm playing Curse of Stradh with a gigantic unsufferable Roll player. A real Munckin moon druid.
It's come to the point where it has started to seriously hurt my gameplay and experience, but because he kinda holds the DM by short hairs, I want to know if there's anyway I can really fuck him over in Barovia without him knowing.
I'm a predominantly social player, is there any magic item I can beat him too, a political relationship I can fuck him out of, or just, anything that tells him to fuck off with that shit?
Grayson Ortiz
>a difference as minor as the placement of a single scale is enough for two types of beholders to consider each other abominations and to declare eternal war upon each other