Warhammer 40k General

Fagniggers forgot to remake the general - edition

>Rules databases

>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's start this general off with some Bingo! Today's free tile is: "Riptides are Underpowered"

What would be the best faction crunch-wise for creating a Vampire Counts inspired 40k army?

What's so bad about Ad Mech?

I honestly don't know, but it's one of the tiles that's up for replacement with Fresh Memes. Same with Riptides are Underpowered. I'll probably replace Riptides are Underpowered with "Riptides are Tau's TEQ"

That thing needs a serious update.

No longer relevant tier;
>Busty Rough Riders
>Raptors user/ Carnac Don't think either of them have been posting for a while
>SoB whining
>Cataphractii BIKES
>Modelling disasters
>Drop pods with doors glued on

Questionable to begin with tier;
>Oldfags bitching about Forgeworld
>Tau player bragging about 5 riptides
>Riptides are underpowered
>Nids and Orks codex defense
>Ad mech

Raptors user still posts, quite often actually. He's the guy that very frequently posts stuff with pictures of his models, such as his apothecary, scouts, or his chapter master. He also has every last one of his characters named. So if you see a batrep posted up with lots and lots of characters that have names like "Solidus" and "Valentine", it's Raptors user.

Carnac however hasn't been on Veeky Forums in a few months. The last I ever saw of him was when he announced his autism with some weird as fuck picture of some eldar worshipping carnac.

I'll replace Cataphractii Bikes with SMASHFUCKER PRIME. But for now I need some suggestions.

Hey Veeky Forums
Thinking about starting a guard army, and guardsmen are expensive as fuck. Does anyone have a guide for casting minis cheaply that they would recommend over the 1d4chan article?

Veeky Forums

This is my first ever list, have not even played a game yet but I purchased these models cause I thought they looked pretty cool. Help me out guys, what can I do to make this decent?

1500 pts


Ragnar Blackmane 2x fenrisian wolves


Dreadnought Multi-Melta, Searchlight Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter

Wolf Guard
Drop Pod Storm Bolter
9x Wolf Guard
5x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter, 5x Chainsword

Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Bolt Pistol, Frost Sword

Wolf Scouts
Camo Cloaks for Wolf Scouts
1x Wolf Scout (Boltgun)
4x Wolf Scout (Sniper)

Blood Claws 15x Blood Claw 15x Bolt Pistol, 15x Chainsword,
Lukas the Trickster
Stormwolf 2x Twin-linked Heavy Bolters,
Twin-linked Helfrost Cannon, Twin-linked Lascannon

Grey Hunters
Wolf Standard
Drop Pod 9x Grey Hunter 9x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter, Plasma Gun
Wolf Guard Pack Leader Power Sword , Storm Bolter

Fast Attack

Thunderwolf Cavalry
Thunderwolf Cavalry Bolt Pistol, Chainsword

Thunderwolf Cavalry Bolt Pistol, Chainsword,

Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader Frost Axe , Power Armour, Storm Shield

>Wolves list
>Dark Angels picture

Is this picture more appropriate?


> Be playing 1000 sons in 40k
> always play psyker heavy because tzeench mah homeboy
> use pink horrors and heralds as psyker batteries for Ahriman trolling
>Ahriman got doombolt
>Decide to try out new heretic psyker powers
>Geomortis FTW
> roll a 6 and get abillity to move terrain for my Master psyker thats unmarked
>Be playing emperors will, 1 objective on each table half
>Game begins and i start my infiltration w/ ahriman and psykers
>I go first turn because tzeench favors me...today..
>use ahriman to rape one flank of the table with doombolt blowing up vehicles
>Last 6 dice of psyker pool... itstime.jpg
>throw all 6 at abillity to move shit around because warp charge 3
>my objective is located on the far flank of my table side because emperors will and is surrounded by 4 giant ruins
>Move giant ass piece of terrain to create wall 1" apart still effective at walling off bikers and tanks becuse no windows lmfao
>terrain is gone, now to make loyalists pay for it... in blood..lolol
>AP3 bolters proceed to tear up ravenwing bikers
>Turn 2, move more terrain wall has been completed
>MFW my sorcerer was donald trump
>MFW Trump was in orlando today (where i live)
>MFW Everything Was Just as planned

What should i do to my sorcerer who likes to build walls to make him a snowflake?

If some git can loot a carnifex, whats to stop boyz looting gaunts and grots looting rippaz?

So as a brand new guard player, can someone tell me if mortars are shit HW teams? I've heard it said that autocannons are the best of all the worlds unless you need actual anti-armor. I ask because the thought of a mortar platoon makes me hard.

When I say brand new, I haven't even finished reading the rule book yet, and none of my models have even been primed.

Mortars are shit because you can find stronger, more reliable, and approximately as cheap pieplates and cupcakes elsewhere. Autocannons are pretty much the only choice in Heavy Weapons teams.

If you want to indulge your mortar fetish, look to Wyverns specifically, but also the other artillery such as Basalisks and Griffons (As well as their stationary counterparts).

>Because lootin' all of 'em robs da boyz of a good fight, ya grot!
>I'm greener, so I'm righter

It's not a mortar specific fetish so much as I would say it's an indirect fire fetish. I acquired a basilisk from someone I know who have a lot of IG stuff but only plays filthy xenos. Does artillery have a place in most lists?

So long as it's supported by blobs of guardsmen or ranks of tanks, artillery really shines. S9 AP3 Ordinance will eat everything short of 2+ armor save and AV14 alive, and even those units will feel pressured.

Wyverns excel at removing any infantry hiding in cover, which works great against everything you'd be wasting your time firing the Basilisk at.

Downsides include; minimum range requirements, Open topped chimera chassis, and target priority

With psykers, they're all good choices other than HBs. Prescience and Bring it Down turns 3-lascannon teams into monsters that WILL disable a vehicle that they shoot at.

where do you guys store all your minis when you are not using them?

What style should I follow for writing the character profiles of a KillTeam?

Got a Kill Team tournament coming up, thoughts on this list? I've got 6 points spare, unsure whether to upgrade my Champion, give some cultists Autoguns, or give the cultists a flamer/stubber.

200 points Kill Team - Chaos Space Marines


10 x Autopistol and CCW


Bikers (all with Mark of Nurgle)
1 x Champion
2 x bikers w/plasma guns
1 x bike

Any feedback would be appreciated! Pic related are some of my cultists.

I think its not 7 scatbikes.

Going for a Skitarii kill team using only one box, here's what I've got so far

Skitarii Vanguard, with a power sword and radpistol on the Alpha, and a Plasma Caliver on one of the troops

Skitarii Rangers, one with omnispex

I've got 20 points left, what should I spend em on?

Oy what happened this time?

An Arc Rifle for a trooper, and a Refractor field for one of your Alphas, I think.

You needed to post this in multiple threads because...

You're already paying exorbitant prices for minis, pay for premium storage. I'm using Battlefoam.

Any Dark Eldar players tell me what to expect with Reavers? I want to run a Realspace Raider Detachment with MSU Reavers with caltrops and blasters, could this work?

That's really weird, I got back into the hobby litterally a month ago, stocked up on cultists to get painting again, decided to go for a nurgle themed color scheme and now I want to get into Kill Team too.

I can't help you with your list but your cultists look really cool, here are mine.

>Riptides are Tau's TEQ

Getting back into the hobby. I'm the Sistersfag. Should I be building my models this close to my computer? I don't want to fuck up my PC with dust and shit.

Distance is from circle to circle.


Hope I can paint that well before too long. My first few are gonna be fugly as fuck. Definitely buying shit to practice on.

because ?

damn son

If you're not spray-painting them or being so sloppy that you're flicking paint everywhere, you'll be fine, I think.

So my Imperial Space Marine just arrived, which I am going to convert to Chaos. Any fun ideas?

coat him with cocaine and give him a big dick
make his bayonet larger

>unpainted/primed models in a game
>CSM butthurt
>40k getting Sigmared
>Space Wolves are Furries
>misunderstanding core rules
>TTS and 1d4chan are canon

I dunno about some of these, the "Orks are good" has dropped off the map, Space 0din worship isn't really common any more, and Felinids I haven't seen in a long time. IDK though, weird stuff is happening now. Primarchs, sisters, I don't even know what the hell's happening

200pts Tau Kill-Team list, please critizise.
+ Strike Team + ............... 45pts
+4 Fire Warriors .............. 36pts
+ Tau XV88 Stealth Team + ..... 90pts
Advanced Targeting System ..... +3pts
Shas'vre Upgrade ............. +10pts
Markerlight & Target Lock ..... +5pts
Fusion Blaster .................+5pts
113, 195/200pts
I could cut down on the upgrades on the Stealth Team and meat up the Strike team but i'm not sure if it's better.

I fully support busty qt rough riders
Look at old Chaos art and try to bring some of the elements along.

Hold on now, I might just be going full retard but what purpose does the Advanced Targeting System serve in Kill-Team?

>Definitely buying shit to practice on.
GW as a bunck of cheap ass push fit models for most of the factions. You won't find them in store (except for the cultists) but you can order them online and have them delivered to your local GW. It's fantastic to practice without wasting more expensive models. As a bonus you can use them to strengthen or replace some models in your units for cheap or if you need some spare bits for something else.

Who would win between a Riptide Wing and a squad of Drop Pods?

For 3 points it gives me precision shots which allows me to allocate wounds as i choose towards enemy units i've damaged. In theory this means i can kill off specific models that might be kitted to their advantage, or perhaps kill their leader. This added flexibility, theoretically, could give me quite the advantage.

This is all, again, theory. I've never played a game of 40k.

>Want to start up my armies for 40k again
>Remember 8th isn't out yet
No thanks, I'd love a 3.5ed style CSM book - but i'll never get it

Swap the rad pistol for a Phosphor blast pistol, and maybe the power sword for a Taser goad or Arc Maul if you don't fight nothing but marines. The radium pistol is barely better than a laspistol, but the PBP can put some serious hurt on nearly anything. Everything else looks nice, but drop the Omnispex as it only affects the one dude, and add an arc rifle to a ranger instead.

Every model is it's own unit in Kill Team, that's nearly the only thing different to a 200pt basic 40k game. Precision shots is literally useless. Everything else is good, but the Markerlight might not be worth the points compared to another 2 Fire Warriors, more bodies are needed and the marker only works on 1 model and cannot do much more than +1BS, and more guns is nearly always better than most upgrades in KT.

Thank you for your imput, it's very valued!
+ Stike Team + ...... 45pts
Fire Warrior .......... 9pts
Fire Warrior .......... 9pts
Fire Warrior .......... 9pts
Fire Warrior .......... 9pts
Fire Warrior .......... 9pts

+ XV88 Stealth Team + 90pts
Shas'vre Upgrade ............. +10pts
Fusion Blaster .................+5pts
What upgrade should i get for the 5 poitns? I'm thinking a support system upgrade for the XV88 is most valuabe.

Counterfire Defense System (+1bs to snap and overwatch shots) gives you pretty good cover against anyone that rushes you, and considering xv88's have short range with their main weapons (iirc) you'll probably at risk for getting charged.

I swear there was FW-related bitching just yesterday, and not cost-related.

Somehow looks slightly better than some of the new stuff GW puts out.

If I was to start a 1k sons army, there would be no helmetless marines right? This includes marines, termies, rubrick marines, but maybe not sorcerors? Would a 1k sons army include cultists?

>Modelling disasters
I would argue this one is always relevant. Rather its a new model being released that people don't like or some fag posting poorly painted models.

Aaaand... saved.

I demand all your 40k Slowpokes.

I have a few.


I know Tau are a notirously hard race to find a good paint scheme for, but do you folks maybe have a good scheme to share with me?

I honestly think they look great in murky greens. But it's a pretty fine balance to get the right tone.

Whoever designed the Sicarians legs deserve to stub their toe.

i wouldn't bet on blasters since you'll be wanting to jink 3+ over your 4+ save

I have like 9 crisis suits I really want to do this to


So deathwing is supposed to be getting a bunch of shit revealed tomorrow. Are you guys hype as fuck? I've been waiting for this exact game for a long fucking time.

I'm going to rage so hard if it sucks.


How would you kit out a Grey Knight Interceptor Kill Team? I only got 5 of them so the 70 points gotta be wargear.

Crunch wise?
Nurgle daemons, daemonic instability(crumbling), super powerful warrior wizards leading hordes of rotting minions.

You should maybe use Vanguard, but if not Rangers are pretty cool;

>Skitarii Ranger w/ Plasma Caliver (Preferred Enemy)
>Skitarii Ranger w/ Arc Rifle (Eagle Eye or Expert Shot)
>Skitarii Ranger w/ Arc Rifle (Feel No Pain)
>6 Skitarii Rangers w/ Galvanic Rifle
>Skitarii Ranger Alpha w/ Arc Maul or Conversion Field, Taser Goad

Alternatively you could drop the Arc Maul and do two 5-man Squads, that way you could do 4 Arc Rifles, that'd fuck up some vehicles. The Plasma Caliver is really good if you want something really dead.

Vanguard are best done as 15-man teams, but if you're doing ten man than just that plus Plasma Caliver, 2 Arc Rifles and pimp out your Alpha (personal advice, don't switch the pistol, it's not worth it) and have fun.

For adding on more I'd do either another box or a Dragoon, it'll expand your arsenal quite a bit.

I'm pretty excited but I know I will probably end up at least a little disappointed.

I'm a real fan of this scheme. it was shown off in white dwarf a long time ago. if I ever paint tau, it will be like this. (shit tier cropping because I just assembled this out of a bunch of pics)

I thought you were talking about tabletop and got excited =(

Was thinking about getting the game but I dont like to preorder.

Very new to the W40k scene, been wanting to play an Ork Kill Team. Would this list work ?

+ Ork Kill Team 200 pts +

(5) Kommandos ... 60 pts
1 Boss Nob ... Choppa and Slugga
4 Kommandos ... Choppa and Slugga

(10) Boyz ... 110 pts
10 Boyz ... Shoota and Heavy Armor

(1) Trukk ... 30 pts with Big Shoota

With that list I get exactly 200 points and, in a more pragmatic and practical way, don't have to spend a lot. I could get a box of 10 boyz, a box of 5 kommandos and one trukk.

What do you think ?

I think a combination of cartoony/brightly colored suits and drab, ordinary soldiers is a great look.

I understand heraldry is big in 40k, but the matching colors on everything is pretty goofy imo

Is it worth getting two more boxes of Praetorians to finish the list or should I build them as Lychguard to run with the Overlord instead.

I already have two units of five Triarch Praetorians.

WOOPS forgot the list:

Reclamation Legion:

>The Veil of Darkness, Warscythe
10x Gauss Immortal
10x Necron Warrior
>Ghost Ark
10x Necron Warrior
>Ghost Ark
5x Tomb Blades
>Nebuloscope, Twin-linked Gauss Blaster

Judicator Battalion

9x Triarch Praetorian
>Rod of Covenant
9x Triarch Praetorian
>Rod of Covenant
Triarch Stalker
>Heat Ray


If you have bits left over you should buy some cheap warriors and try making a conversion.

I bought the female necron warrior bits from warex and used them for some neat female lychguard inspired by Gaddafi's female guard called the "revolutionary nuns"

What is it, like 125 for a unit of lychguard? and like 130 for 10 more warriors.

I'd rather have another warrior squad footslogging, myself.

No way to really touch armour.
Best Ork kill teams have as many rokkits as possible anyway, tank bustas > kommandos.

Thats a good idea.

>What is it, like 125 for a unit of lychguard?
150 with swords and shields.

How sad, I really liked the fluff about kommandos.
If I leave the Boss out I can get 2 Rokkit launcher for the kommandos. Or one big gun and a rokkit launcher.
Would that be better ?

I saw a pretty good breakdown of the sword/scythe lychguard one time, I'll have to find it. Depending what you want them for, you maybe be better off w the cheaper option. They're pretty damn tough either way, especially in a decurion.

There's something very satisfying about getting your pack of warscythes at the foot of a dreadnought or even a knight and chopping it up

Astra Militarum list.... what do you guys think?

-Company CS-
+ Master of Ordnance, Officer of fleet, Heavy weapons team (lascannon), Regimental standard, vox
+ Taurox APC DT (not embarked)

-Infantry Platoon-
+1 PCC, 2x Infantry squads, Vox

-Tank HQ Sq-
+Pask in punisher, Multi-melta sponsons, Lascannon, camo-nets

+ Leman Russ BT, Camo-nets

-2x Veterans +Chimera DT-
+Vox, Demo doctrine (carapace armour), 2x Plasma guns

-2x Wyverns-



-Tempestus Scions-
+vox, 2x melta
Embarked in Vendetta


-Vindicare Assassin-
Anyway, the idea is to use the Tank sq & Veterans (and the taurox, it will move up empty) as a hunter team. Move up, engage enemy, steal objectives ect.

The Artillery, Company CS, Infantry platoon will be used as a fire base & support HQ.

Vindicare will be special support (camped @ an objective or set up to snipe special characters, warlord, ect)

Vendetta will come in as an ace in the hole/anti-air unit. Drop scions BEL and take out armour & heavy infantry.

Enginseer will just chill with artillery.

1850pts btw.
Follows the artillery doctrine.

>a box of 5 kommandos
dont do that
get another box of boys and convert 5 of them, just paint camo on them or something

Will three chimeras make me an asshole in 400 point Combat Patrol games?

Been slowly teaching my friend 40k and we are going to try a 500pt game tomorrow.

My two armies are Necrons and Dark Angels.

I will probably be playing the Necrons as he has been learning with the Space Marines.

The lists are going to be:

Overlord w/ Solar Staff - 95pts
9 Tesla Immortals - 153pts
10 Warriors - 130pts
Tesla Annihilation Barge - 120pts

Dark Angels:
Chaplain w/ Jump Pack - 105pts
6 Tactical Marines - 98pts
7 Tactical Marines - 112pts
5 Assault Marines w/ Jump Pack - 85pts
3 Bikers w/ 2 Melta Guns - 95pts

I kind of want him to win desu. Should I drop some tacticals to give them Special Weapons

Trying to keep it simple so we can get two or three games in.

Would we be alright playing on a 4x4 table?

On a scale from "no" to "I'll take you with me" : "you motherfucker"

Sorry to be such a That Guy, but what chance do I have of having my voice heard when it comes to designing new models? I have two unique ideas for two rather slim armies that would both look great and be very useful in games.

I mean you can post them but more than likely custom units fall into two categories; Overpowered and Underpriced or Underpowered and Overpriced.

Pitch them.

The worst that can happen if you pitch them is no one cares or you get called a faggot.

>getting called a faggot by Games Workshop
That'll be a raucous day, I tell you what.

I'm not sure about the HW team in the CCS. I know you're trying to take advantage of BS4 but I'm not sure if its doing to do much good during the game. Might be better running a HWS with Psyker boosting.

I usually don't have Pask as a multi-role. I usually dedicate him to one job. So I'd rather kit him out for infantry hunting and take heavy bolters all round instead.

Also not sure whether its worth taking demo or grenadiers on the veterans. They've already got a Chimera and will likely be hiding in it, do they really need carapace? I'm not sure whether they'll be using demo charges either.

I generally put demo charges in Special weapon squads and drop them out of a vendetta. But thats just me. I can see that the melta scions will be useful.

Apart from that it looks good. Looks like you have a strategy that will work.

>but what chance do I have of having my voice heard when it comes to designing new models?

Making us listen? So-so.

Making GW listen? Not until they've hired you.

4x4 is fine for games up to 1,000 points. The real issue is if you have enough things to use as terrain.

Besides my Monoliths and some fences I made it will most likely be Ghetto Terrain and Aquarium scenery.

Don't listen to the anons who'll call you a yiff, Space Wolves are an awesome army.

You might consider making that dreadnought Venerable. BS 5 with that multi-melta makes a huge difference. I'd also consider dropping Lukas the Trickster to fit some Multi-Meltas on your Stormwolf. I've used mine several times to smash people's Knights and stuff and they're tremendously helpful.

Thunderwolf Cav look fine, but I'll make one more suggestion which is that these guys really struggle to stay alive without the Storm Shields. I've survived over 100 shots of Necron shooting with a unit of 3 Thunderwolves equipped with Storm Shields and then ripped their shit up. A Storm Shield and Frost Sword on every model can make those cav into an absolute monstrosity.

Pretty sure TWC pretty much always want Storm Shields and the Dread probably wants a drop pod (that will give you three so 2 can arrive turn one).

4/10 would be fine in most casual settings

Isnt that some kind of crime in londanistan?

I meant the responses he's likely to get here. GW won't touch anything they don't have the full rights to in law.

They're all kinda... bland. I like the GW desert-camo one, the upper-right more heavily armed one with black and tan, since it stands out a bit and reminds me of one of those Tycho racing car slot toy track things, and is a bit more creative but ANYHOW

Let's say i wanted to create a small crack team, maybe some Emperor of a sub-space's personal elite, and i wanted some gold and purple red maybe as primary and secondary colors, does it give you guys any impulses? Like what stuff they'd wear and what accessories they'd bear.

Found this while googling "Tycho car". Pretty chill.