Hektor Heresy

Zorg-nowrimo edition

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While the Primarchs and the Legions are firmly locked down at the moment, we welcome any and all with ideas for Successor Chapters, Xenos Empires, Great Crusade Era Factions, Ork WAAAGHdoms, Eldar Craftworlds, Imperial Army/Guard Regiments, Knight Houses, Mechanicum/Mechanicus Forgeworlds, etc.

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For real though, take a look at the Imperial Army!

The forces of Lost and Damned need some love, and no one is writing for them! Get in on the ground floor!

Know what I said about grounder floor and no one writing?

Today's topic: continual development of non-legion and M41 forces by Zorg.

Actually, whatever the fuck you're doing is the topic.

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Work continues on Brutus, Ork warband tomorrow.

So is this your way of making up for NaNoWriMo?

Uh-huh. Figure I could kill two birds with one stone. reach 50,000 words without cutting into /hkh/ time.

Actually just saw the topic title, ignore that.

Someone help me name my wizard lizards. Or suggest a naming structure for Tarellian forces actually, I'm bad with names.

The Unteban. No "R" sounds, all about them guttural noises. That's how you know they're barbaric!

Cutting out certain sounds because of reptile/lizard/snake tongues sounds like a good idea.

Now to actually write to the point where Tarellian auxiliaries come into play.

1722 words. Now for the ork tribe.

Lets just rename the Tars to Lazarites.
I had some concepts on their biology and culture.

Quad-armed, somewhere between humans and space marines in terms of size.
I'm considering the concept of sexual dimorphism, in this case a female Lazarite actually being larger.

I had a concept on tattoo/scarification to signify family bloodlines.

First off, these markings are a series of names of previous ancestors, adorned with a notable deed or title, separated by line/ring.

The right arm is dedicated to an individuals Matriarchal line, refereed to as 'Totem of Honour'
To have a long list of names [rings] signifies a person to be of a long list of warlords, warriors and etc.
The warrior caste tend to stick with their own.

The left arm is from the patriarchial line, men are often accepted into a family, bearing their name as opposed to the human tradition.
Referred to as the "Totem of Kin." as it will carry many names of different families, in-other words, their relations/family allies.

The lower two arms are left for "personal accomplishment, instead the rings are filled with accomplishments and titles.
Eventually, upon reaching marriage/bonding a title/accomplishment would be chosen.

In terms of which gender is on which side, it can be switched either way.

Or warband. Or clan. Or whatever the fuck they are called.

>Lets just rename the Tars to Lazarites.
I actually don't mind changing the names, I just find it pretty lazy naming.

>everything else
Sounds good, I'll whip up a wiki page for them (if one doesn't already exist) and chuck that stuff in.

I like it. So, which arm do they use to masturbate?

You're a scholar and an inspiration to us all sir. We can make this the most content packed month in the history of the setting, by thunder!

Think I'll hammer out the first draft of the Ordo Malleus Codex tonight.

Had an idea for an ork empire. They revere their warlord, the High Brute of Angor, as champion of Gork and Mork.

Thinking about heraldry for the Ordo Malleus's Chambre Militant.

It'll be knightly heraldry, with four main icons, one for each house.

I'm thinking
>Shield for puritans
>Something hopeful for tenaciousmarines (A sun? A Star to represent a goal? The Emperor's golden penis?)
>Possibly a shadow of a snake for the sneekymarines (maybe have a light-shadow contrast in their heraldry between the sneekycheekies and the tenaciousmarines?)
>Probably a kanji or a warring-states period japanese clan symbol for the Ronin. Maybe a 15th-16th era Buddhist or Shinto symbol?

>High Brute of Angor, as champion of Gork and Mork
Setting up a Ghazkhull, eh?

>Something hopeful for tenaciousmarines (A sun? A Star to represent a goal? The Emperor's golden penis?)
A star would do. Or a torch to show the way and light up the night.
>Possibly a shadow of a snake for the sneekymarines (maybe have a light-shadow contrast in their heraldry between the sneekycheekies and the tenaciousmarines?)
An owl.
>Probably a kanji or a warring-states period japanese clan symbol for the Ronin. Maybe a 15th-16th era Buddhist or Shinto symbol?
>Zelda theme intensifies
Actually, more like an overfiend of Octarius, or Arch-Arsonist of Charadon. Like, his boyz literally worship him.

>A star would do. Or a torch to show the way and light up the night.
And to symbolize purity

>Or a torch to show the way and light up the night.
A torch, yes, that will work nicely.
>An owl
Owls are pussies.
Aint no one scared of an owl. They're also supposed to be no-nonsense ego-free warriors to solidify their opposition to khorne, so I think I'll stick with the shadow, just have their symbol be pure black. Plus that keeps a not to their history as having been started by blackshields, so that all works out.
>the triforce
How about no.

Honestly I should probably cut ronin (and possibly arbites now?) on deciding this.

Maybe we should have just grey knights.

We're actually going to have those. JUST BECAUSE YOU WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT, the Puritan branch of the Adepts is pretty much 1 to 1 Grey Knights, and since we're running each Brotherhood as being about the size of a chapter, you actually end up with something pretty much Grey Knights+1, because now they have a bunch of badass equally elite allies to call on.

Plus they get the Titansword.


Technically it's the third, so I started on the Ork Empire of Angor.

I try to look at that and it asks me to get permission. halp


I'm off to work, but I'd like to (finally) share my ideas for the Big Four, in terms of tactics, heraldry, and house culture

If I may.

Since time is short and I don't want to get burried I'll just throw this out there

So all Houses Exemplar work to drive out emotion, it's how they go about it that distinguishes them.

>House Kensei
>Stern warriors sworn and strictly adherent to a Bushido like code. Meditate and train to gain clarity of mind and purity of soul.
>Japanese theme

>House Thalamos
>Replace rage, lust, fear, and hope with smug assureness. Hawkeye: The Adept Brotherhood. 1337 snipers and sneeky beekies, slipping away from Khornate assaults leaving nothing behind but smug snickering
>Greek or arab? Either way it takes a back seat to their tacticoolness

>House Pendrakon
>Descendants of the Knights Errant host, stepped in their lore and traditions. Stuffy puritans.
>Warhammer Fantasy Empire theme/Bretonnia theme with a little polish/prussian pizzaz. The most overtly knightly Adept House.

>House Dominicus
>Take blood angels. Remove the vampire bits. Ratchet up the guilt. Add more fire. Max out the Catholic themes. They train their minds through flagellation, stripping themselves of fear, anger, desire, and hope leaving only the will to fight, and die, for the Emperor. They view dying for the Emperor is a sacred duty and are otherwise "emo" because they failed to stop the heresy earlier. It makes sense to them.
>In penance they will purge and purge and purge until they can't any longer
>Blood Angels theme, with a more realistic and more encompassing Catholic theme.

The biggest problem I can see with these Houses is that I can't tell what their specialties are from your descriptions, except Thalamos, because you literally mentioned Khorne in the description.

Right, so House Kensei, being strict adherents to law, tradition, and order are natural enemies of Tzeentch, and excel n tackling his forces. Were Tzeentch is a random, roiling flame the Adepts of House Kensei are a surging tide to put out the flames. They avoid corruption from other forces by meditation, which is a big part of their house culture. By attaining inner harmony one can stave off the taint of chaos and remain pure.

House Thalamos takes the "Don't Get Mad, Get Glad" approach to Chaos, as demonstrated by the Laughing God of the Eldar, meeting the seething rage of Khorne with a shit eating grin, a puntastic catchphrase, and vast amounts of precision fire power.

House Pendrakon are scrupulous prudes, caring more about heraldry and fancy hats than falling to chaos. Their traditions make them seem older than they are, and they appear to be medieval grandpas who have no time for this "Rock and Roll" nonsense. They are professional and chivalrous and are an affront to th excesses of Slannesh. They deal with Daemonettes and cults with good ole purging and a talk about good ole Imperial Values.

House Dominicus is going to be harder to explain, and I don't have time so I'll get to them later

>caring more about heraldry and fancy hats than falling to chaos
>What are the Emperor's Children

In any case, at least there is a more solid foundation now. I would still like to see something more complete before passing judgement though, single paragraph descriptions don't really say much. Still not a fan of a Japanese legion, but if you think you can pull it off, I have no power to stop you.

If you really need to know who's telling you this rather than some user.

Tzeentch is more than randomness. He's change. Change from chaos to order is still change. It's eye-rolling ambiguity aside, it doesn't really counter Tzeentch. It just deflects him at best, assuming it wasn't all part of his plan anyway.
That said, deflecting Tzeentches plans away from harming the Imperium is about as good as one could hope for realistically, and seems like it could work well with the projects Tzeentch legion.

>Right, so House Kensei, being strict adherents to law, tradition, and order are natural enemies of Tzeentch, and excel n tackling his forces. Were Tzeentch is a random, roiling flame the Adepts of House Kensei are a surging tide to put out the flames. They avoid corruption from other forces by meditation, which is a big part of their house culture. By attaining inner harmony one can stave off the taint of chaos and remain pure.
Order and stagnation play right into Nurgle's hands.

>House Thalamos takes the "Don't Get Mad, Get Glad" approach to Chaos, as demonstrated by the Laughing God of the Eldar, meeting the seething rage of Khorne with a shit eating grin, a puntastic catchphrase, and vast amounts of precision fire power.
Their mocking ways feed Slaanesh, who revels in their arrogance.

>House Pendrakon are scrupulous prudes, caring more about heraldry and fancy hats than falling to chaos. Their traditions make them seem older than they are, and they appear to be medieval grandpas who have no time for this "Rock and Roll" nonsense. They are professional and chivalrous and are an affront to th excesses of Slannesh. They deal with Daemonettes and cults with good ole purging and a talk about good ole Imperial Values.
Chivalry and prudishness are the realms of Khorne, god of honor.

>So all Houses Exemplar work to drive out emotion, it's how they go about it that distinguishes them.
By taking the opposite stance of their opposite number they are inviting emotion.

Well yeah, and the canon Grey Knights know any killing feeds Khorne. They still do it though, because they hurt him back far more than he gets.

It's pretty self-defeating if the other house is undoing your hard work.

A simple solution would be:

Tzeentech House - Good at seeing through his schemes and don't fall for the bait. Still adapt and use tactics, just not for schemy-schemy purposes.

Khorne House - Snipes everything, no glorious blood. Perhaps have a weapon that causes bloodless death for more lols.

Slaneesh House - No joy in purging daemons, just righteous faith.

Nurgle House - ??? I'm stumped here, how do you overcome death and stagnation without feeding Tzeentech?

>Tzeentech House - Good at seeing through his schemes and don't fall for the bait. Still adapt and use tactics, just not for schemy-schemy purposes.
Just as Tzeentch planned/

>Khorne House - Snipes everything, no glorious blood. Perhaps have a weapon that causes bloodless death for more lols.
kek good luck with finding such a weapon. And the very act of warfare feeds Khorne.

>Slaneesh House - No joy in purging daemons, just righteous faith.
So Grey Knights.

And what, other houses can feel joy in purging daemons? Doesn't the joy of three houses override the cold emotionless of one?
>Nurgle House - ??? I'm stumped here, how do you overcome death and stagnation without feeding Tzeentech?

The problem inherent with making Grey Knight houses that counter the gods is, the gods already counter eachother.
By countering one, you are aiding another.
The only real way to play the game and win, is to not play it at all, as it is rigged in their favour.

The Grey Knights don't defeat or counter chaos, they're more like exterminators; they aren't preventing or ending the problem permanently as thats impossible. They are just getting rid of a local concentration.

You want a real counter to the chaos gods? You need anti-Immaterium and anti-psyker weapons. Like Psycannons or nulls I guess.

Well the original draft called for the Slaneesh House to be vanilla GK so yeah?

The Khorne House could be psyker-based but that probably gives Tzeentech a massive hard-on.

Actually, wasn't there a reasonable consensus that the bulk of the dark white knights would be generalists, with the guys from the houses only getting called in when shit really hits the fan? That would solve the problem kinda (So what if you feed Khorne a bit by stopping a 100 year plan to destroy x system through JUST-AS-PLANNED)

>Well the original draft called for the Slaneesh House to be vanilla GK so yeah?
Can we just have Grey Knights please?
>The Khorne House could be psyker-based but that probably gives Tzeentch a massive hard-on.
So Grey Knights.

Also, if magic gives Tzeentch a hard-on, does that mean Eldar are his switch?
>Actually, wasn't there a reasonable consensus that the bulk of the dark white knights would be generalists, with the guys from the houses only getting called in when shit really hits the fan? That would solve the problem kinda
So Grey Knights.


makes a good point about the GK being exterminators, not a full solution

Still, let the guys who are excited over Houses do their thing and we'll see if they can build up the fluff to justify it.

>You need anti-Immaterium and anti-psyker weapons. Like Psycannons or nulls I guess.
Or giant fucking robots.

would they not be nulls by technicality?

unless you're talking of robotic psy-titans...

Robotic psi-titans!

500 words on Angor. Yay.

I have a great idea for tomorrow's chapter. RAF marines called the SUPERMARINES.

That was a little hyperbole, meant to illustrate their WHFB Empire aesthetic, but I want to stress that they are essentially just regular grey knights with a splash of color. They are particularly effective against Slaanesh simply through their chivalrous nature.

I know not a lot of people are too fond of a Japanese house, but the culture will simply be a stage for their training. If they were templars or celts or generic marines it would be more or less the same.

I'm not going to argue with you, because all that will satisfy you is my surrender and we go with vanilla grey knights.

That's what they are at their core. That the Kensei are adherents to bushido or that Thalamos brings the bantz on the down time is just window dressing

I was speaking in broad strokes and hyperbole earlier to get an image in your minds

But yeah Fire. And House Dominicus brings the heat.

And they have those. These are more or less Grey Knight Brotherhoods writ large.

Just realized there are no necrons on this schedule. I'll fix that.

Don't touch necrons.

We can't even agree if we want new or old

Well, I hope you figure it out in the next twelve days.

but its okay to touch grey knights though thats also not agreed?

Yep. Still ass sore?

Zorg, people like you doing Guard and IA because that's low impact. Deciding for all of us that FagCrons are the best way to go is very much so high impact.

>Zorg, people like you doing Guard and IA because that's low impact. Deciding for all of us that FagCrons are the best way to go is very much so high impact.
I'm doing Guard and IA because whenever I got in this all the legion slots actually had legions.

And Fagcrons? Really? At this point you're just deriding newcrons because you don't like thing.


Who are you again?

who decided it was agreed on?

And apparently my taste for grey knights can be sated by having one of the houses being pretty much the same thing, but you don't want newcrons even though it would let you still have oldcrons if you want.

Several people, and a small vocal minority

That's how you sound when you go
>>Muh Grey Knights
You don't like new thing because you like old thing.

HOWEVER, Newcrons are worstcrons because of two words and a theme song:
>Gottaaaa caaatch em aalll!

>Several people, and a small vocal minority
Do you have any names? Otherwise I claim the same in rebuttal.
And who are you?

This isn't a matter of WorstCrons and Necron. This is a matter of Pokéc'tan and C'tan.

As much as I hate Shitcrons (if you want an army with variety, go play a different army) I can understand how folks want to unbriddle their autism and create their own snowflake dynasty. HOWEVER C'Tan shards are stupid, and a horrible in universe fact to justify crunch.

Who are you?

Gather up a posse, if you're so against them, otherwise Josman and the others will continue on the work they're doing.

What if Malal was there?

I fully support any mention of Malal, but I don't really know of the OMCM would put too much effort into focusing on him.

Who are "the others"?

I think we should use something instead of our current chat room so we can backtrack our chat room conversations.

The Two major contributors to the OMCM are Josman and Ronin

Arbites is helping only marginally since the VII was always going to be involved.

So produce a list of those vehemently opposed and all production will cease, and Josman's OMCM Codex flies into the trash

And the necron debate which I was talking about?

>its a group project, but we're going to do what we want so fuck you and anyone who doesn't like it.
This seems like a sensible course of action that will not cause any further drama for the project or the people involved.

Not revealing your name is telling too Cap. But if that's authoritatively the way the project is now, then awesome. I'm sure a lot of us have crazy ideas we'd like to see realised!

I'm gonna say I like New-crons. They are have your cake and eat it too. Anyone that thinks otherwise haven't been actually reading them or have been listening to memes too much.

discord would be a good idea.

Oh, yeah I don't have too strong a gauge on how folks feel about them.

I know I'm going to lose the FagCron argument, but I think I may make some ground with dividing them between liberated Necron who don't have C'Tan and are essentially NewCrons and C'Tan ruled Necron that are essentially Oldcrons.

>Not revealing your name is telling too Cap
Says user.

I'm serious, produce a comprehensive petition and everything will cease, I'm sure. Because all I see is two or three people objecting and two or three people working on it and everyone else just kinda "Meh. As long as it doesn't suck."

>I know I'm going to lose the FagCron argument, but I think I may make some ground with dividing them between liberated Necron who don't have C'Tan and are essentially NewCrons and C'Tan ruled Necron that are essentially Oldcrons.
This is a compromise I'm willing to accept.

Pretty much this: I'll have the first draft of the codex hammered out today, with the lore framework built over it.

First off, sneekycheekies are mine. You want input, that's cool, but they're the brotherhood I'm guerenteed to take creative control over. They're going to have no chapter symbol or in-your-face-cultural references. They're loyal to the imperium, but they never really stopped being blackshields.

The puritans are going to have to be pretty close to vanilla Grey Knights for Zorg.

>House Pendrakon
I'm cool with this, but the name is a bit on the nose.

>House dominicus
Why are they so emo? What makes them guilty? Because if you say "they're reprentant ex-traitors" I'm going to slap you through the internet and tell you to go read the chaos warhammmerwiki page again.

Yeah I noticed their weakness to corruption, I'll work with him to tone it back.

Anti tzeench are pure and traditional, but their organizational and command structure is so rigid that you really can't do any politicking.

Anti-Nurgle are going to be very "light and hope," to burn away the corruption of nurgle, and their squad sergeants are going to be wardens (the mini-chaplains that the deathwatch use).

Anti-Khorne are going to be quiet, serious, humorless, and evasive. They don't enjoy what they do at all, but they take pride in being damn good at it.

Anti-Slaanesh are basically going to be the bastard child of 30k era imperial fists and the Grey Knights.

>The puritans are going to have to be pretty close to vanilla Grey Knights for Zorg.
You are mistaken. The only way to please me is to only have Grey Knights.

What about Grey Knights but instead of psykers they're all nulls?

What about Grey Knights but instead of Psykers they're all lolis?

What about Grey Knights but instead of Psykers they're all overpowered anime protags with harams?

What about Grey knights but instead of Psykers they're all Techpriests of the Cult Mechanicus that travel the galaxy recording and protecting all the remaining anime girls in the galaxy?

What about Grey Knights but instead of Psykers they're all anonymous shitposters who constantly go on about lolis?

It just occurred to me that this is making the GK a much bigger thing in the AU.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the GK normally arrive late, saving the day just as it looks lost?
They are primarily there to deploy with the most speed they can, and eliminate the daemons present before moving off to the next mission, as far as I am aware.
But these proposals seem to require a much more involved and larger scale battlefield, for instance using elastic defense strategies to combat Khorne.presumably while other forces are toe to toe with his bloodletters
If all it takes to combat Khornate daemons is to hit and run tactics and sniping from afar, why are GK's needed? Regular marines or guardsmen could do that...

Also, having a special group that is so rigid politicking can't occur would still leave the main force and the other 3 specialists open to Tzeentchian scheming, assuming he isn't using the counter-Tzeentchians as yet another tool for change.

It already takes the willpower to withstand Great Daemon possession to get into the GK; if Tzeentch can get his influence past that then rigid command structures aren't going to help I wouldn't have thought..

Tbh these factions would work better as part of the Inquisition, rather than the chamber militant.
Make them specialist guardsmen regiments!

Thicc lolis.
I don't like Shounenshit.
There are no anime girls in 40k.
Then they would be Exorcists, not Grey Knights.

>There are no anime girls in 40k.
well that's clearly a fucking lie

>If all it takes to combat Khornate daemons is to hit and run tactics and sniping from afar, why are GK's needed? Regular marines or guardsmen could do that...
Because other forces crumble when fighting demons. Because they just step out of the warp, there's no such thing as a battle line when fighting demons. So not only do you need superhumanly good marksmen, they have to be fast enough to peace out instantly if a demon appears nearby, and they have to use wards to keep demons from appearing ''right'' on top of them.
>Having the rigid politics group to anti-tzeench...
Yeah, this issue has been becoming more and more apparent to me as time goes on, and my solution is thus: The Adepts use wardens in place of squad sergeants (wardens are the mini-chaplains the deathwatch use).
>Tbh these factions would work better as part of the Inquisition, rather than the chamber militant.
Ah, I see, your idea is to have them be a combative house of the inquisition. Some kind of special militant force. A chambre militant, one might say. Derp.

Look, I see two big issues with the canon Grey Knights. First, they never actually help the imperium, they just hurt chaos. Grey Knights never really save a world's population or infrastructure from demons, they just show up at the last minute after most of the humans are dead and the infrastructure is fucked, and millions of souls have been sacrificed to the chaos gods, and then they drive off the demons, denying them a world. You know, AFTER they've sacrificed most of the population to the chaos gods.

The idea with the Adepts is to have them be more like the Deathwatch: there are a lot more of them, they're more spread out, and they're more proactive. They are NOT super secret execute on sight warriors. Sure, they don't exactly broadcast their existence, but they aren't going to have a planet's population wiped because ONE PERSON saw them, and they aren't afraid to get in on the ground floor BEFORE a greatr demon has showed up

And second, because I ran out of space here , there aren't enough Grey Knights. One thousand warriors across the literally millions of imperial worlds? No.

Our Adepts will have somewhere between 4-6 thousand warriors. Originally the idea was for there to be 5 thousand marines, about the size of four chapters, but as I move forward I see more and more that we're going to need some generalists in that mix. I'm thinking that elements of their command and "scout" (trainee) companies will be neutral, not really assigned to any one faction.

They're also going to be more spread out. Yes, they'll have the citidel on titan, but they're also going to have watchstations all over the galaxy, each garrisoned by a hundred warriors or so.

Fantastic. The No-C'tan Dynasties can be the counter balance to the Enslaved Necrons and their C'tan. Shoot, the Dynasties are more or less cobelligerents but the C'tan are moving against eachother vying for power, so the Necron are one of the biggest reasons that the Necron aren't steamrolling the Universe.

And you're bringing them up later in the timeline, correct? Not 30k?

Ah well I was hopping that the Shooty house would be glib marksmen and expert bantzmasters, but If you're passionate about them then you're definitely the best person to work on them, and the more creative control you have, I'd say the better, as lomg as we can fit them into the same organization.

I'm not too attached to House Pendrakon's name, as long is it evokes that same feeling of WHFB Old Empire.

House Dominicus is loyal to the core, no Ex-Traitor nonsense. No one is going to play any Unforgiven shenanigans in the OMCM (I've learned my lesson), not when so much is at stake. House Dominicus repents for not being able to save their brothers from damnation. Imagine Jesus. Now make him metal. No not that kind of metal, the hopeful kind. Okay now ditch the cross and have him suffer for your sins all the time instead. But the only way he can save you is by cleansing you in holy flame you poor, poor, heretic piece of shit. They don't take joy in this, and while they are filled with Zeal for the Emperor they don't let their rage blind them from their holy duties.

It's really the aesthetic I'm attatched to, it's like the Blood Angels but it encompasses more of the Catholic Canon.

Also this Zorg won't be sated unless all of this burns down to the ground.

>Also, having a special group that is so rigid politicking
Who said rigidly politicking?

Oh that's right, you just did. Good job making shit up pham.

>I know I'm going to lose the FagCron argument, but I think I may make some ground with dividing them between liberated Necron who don't have C'Tan and are essentially NewCrons and C'Tan ruled Necron that are essentially Oldcrons.

Is this not literally how it plays out in the current Necron fluff? Just with the C'tan slightly broken up?

>Yeah, this issue has been becoming more and more apparent to me as time goes on, and my solution is thus: The Adepts use wardens in place of squad sergeants (wardens are the mini-chaplains the deathwatch use).
I wanted to have a House that basically answers the question "Who watches the watchmen?" And act as Military Secret Police. They also watch eachother, but it's really more like how Judges in Judge Dread work. But that will work I guess.

>user: Saying things people want to say before they do and saying them better.

>Old Empire
It should be something German sounding then The Empire from WHFB was based on the Holy Roman Empire in Germany.

>Imagine Jesus. Now make him metal.

>Okay now ditch the cross and have him suffer for your sins all the time instead. But the only way he can save you is by cleansing you in holy flame you poor, poor, heretic piece of shit. They don't take joy in this, and while they are filled with Zeal for the Emperor they don't let their rage blind them from their holy duties.
Like if you took the Adeptus Sororitas and replaced their hate with sorrow. I like it. One question though, who are these guys supposed to fight?

>Zorg won't be sated unless all of this burns down to the ground.
Dude, don't take him too seriously, I strongly doubt he actually cares that much. Zorg often shitposts like this. The Puritans being pretty close to Grey Knights makes a great deal of sense as an anti-slaanesh house, because the canon grey knights have almost no sense of personality or pride, which fits.

I wanted to have a "bog standard Infantry house" that dishes out marines to Adepts that need them, like Medieval merc armies, but for free

Not necessarily. Here in AU there is a clear line between Necron who don't really appreciate that they got played by the C'tan and Necron who are the souless, deathless automata controlled by C'tan.

>I wanted to have a House that basically answers the question "Who watches the watchmen?" And act as Military Secret Police.
As I work through this, I think more and more that we're going to need a "neutral" fifth house. Both as a foil to chaos undivided, and to form command and scout elements for the other houses. I think that each of the four houses will have their own command structures, but the chaplaincy will command the fifth house and have full veto and impeachment power over the other houses to keep them in line and remind them whom they all serve.

I didn't actually mean to post any of that as an user, I just forgot to put my nametag up.
this is also me.

>Ah, I see, your idea is to have them be a combative house of the inquisition. Some kind of special militant force. A chambre militant, one might say. Derp.
No my idea is to use this enthusiasm to explore the Inquisitions beyond no witches, no aliens, and no daemons.
There is already radicals and puritan ideologies. Those ideologies dictate policy. It's like with a police force, they always do the same job, but their focus and methods change depending on the ideology of their policy makers.
So my suggestion was to move the houses up a step to the Inquisition itself, representing schools of thought on the Daemon issue.

This way, Zorg and co gets the normal GK technically, you get your special houses doing special stuff though by another name, and we get a more interesting inquisition.

>First, they never actually help the imperium, they just hurt chaos.
That is literally their entire mission. Like how Deathwatch are for combatting xenos. They are outnumbered by their foe, and literally trying to counter the machinations of gods. Their mandate is a much bigger picture than regular forces. Regular forces are for saving locals, the GK are there to smite daemons and stop them spreading to other worlds, or having a colonisable world lost for good. And chaos keeps them very busy.

Secondly, the setting is grimdark. Derp.
Having them save the day and everything go great for the good guys isn't a fit for 40k.

>They are NOT super secret execute on sight warriors.
So its okay for normal people to be exposed to daemons and the raw forces of chaos.
Given that the slightest taint of chaos can make people fall with potentially very serious consequences like daemon possession, being ruthlessly utilitarian makes sense. Especially as they are usually rushing around the entire galaxy trying to stop the endless hordes of daemons. Also grimdark again.

>And you're bringing them up later in the timeline, correct? Not 30k?
Correct. I'm sick of M31.

I just understand why this kind of distinction needs to be drawn. I feel like a couple anons just hate the idea of the broken up C'tan, even though it ultimately isn't really of consequence.

If you want soulless murder machine Necrons, you're free to write them even if we keep the canon fluff. Hell, they can still worship the C'tan even.

Thought was Nurgle, but I want to make it clear that they aren't sorrowful, just zealous. I want to make them like SoB, because SoB would be great at cleansing nurglite filth. I know where you were going with thay question.

How is House Raupert?
And how's about we move House WHFB to the fith house since their the traditions of the host of the Knights Errant, then move a more austere house to the fourth slot.

Now this is a dumb thing, but you never know: What about a secret sixth house? Like the Dimir Guild? That fights Malal. Dumb, but it might inspire something better.

Just so you know, my work in the codex thus far has been based around these ideas:

>House: The Grey Knights (working title, I JUST started integrating these guys)
>Opponent: Chaos Undivided
>Specialty: Force Weapons, Chaplains, Deep Striking (basically vanilla GK)
>Symbols: The Sword, The Book, The Holy Flame.

>House: The Blackguard.
>Opponent: Khorne
>Specialty: Jump Operations, Stealth, Speed, Shooting.
>Symbols: The Black Shield, and ONLY the Black Shield. These guys don't do glory and heraldry.

>House: The Ronin
>Opponent: Tzeench
>Specialty: Anti-sorcery, passive psychic abilities, very close or very long range combat
>Symbols: Water, assorted Kanji, (insert ronin's choices here)

>House: The Illuminators
>Opponent: Nurgle
>Specialty: Flame weaponry, tenacity, furious melee
>Symbols: The Flame, Light, The Lantern, The Torch.
(these guys might be the best fit for the catholic reprentantmarines

>House: The Puritans
>Opponent: Slaanesh
>Specialty: Boots and Bolters, Shields, Midrange Firepower, being hard to charge
>Symbols: The Shield, the Bolter.

Or here's an idea: We have a clear distinction between new and old crons with no sharded C'tan, like Zorg agreed to since he is going to write about them the most.

I agree on that front. But by making them super specialised you've neutered the whole forces effectiveness and negate the numbers increase.
Unless they all travel together at all times.
Because lets say the counter-Khorne guys go off to fight some incursion in Ultima, when another incursion happens elsewhere, who deals with it? The counter-Tzeentchians?

Having the GK be generalist makes sense because they are a small special forces group with a special mission to fill and a big area to operate in.
It means they can effectively divide their forces without losing effectiveness in their actual mission.

And again, that low numbers thing is because the setting is grimdark. Its meant to be an uphill struggle just to survive. Being a GK and fighting the most terrifying things in the universe is about as uphill as you can get.

The GK do need fixing, mainly because they come off as Mary Sue in the OU. Give them some character flaws and they'd be massively improved.

I said you have a special group that is so rigid politicking doesn't work.

I never said "rigidLY politicking". You just did. Good job making... etc
Chill out for fuck sake.


>>Specialty: Anti-sorcery, passive psychic abilities, very close or very long range combat
Wouldn't it be better to have them as nulls, like the Sisters of Silence?

These aren't set in stone, are they?