What makes a hero, Veeky Forums?
What makes a hero, Veeky Forums?
Basically the opposite of whatever the inevitable "there are no heroes" grimdarkers are gonna claim in this thread.
The willingness to fight the inevitable despite knowing precisely what they're dealing with, which stems from the belief that the fight itself is worth it.
And now you know both how I know there are heroes, and how I know I'm not one of them.
>Those trip-dubs
I see Mei is up to her usual witchcraft.
Heroes I guess I can say are people who are willing to surrender their self interests and put themselves on the line if it means a better world for everyone.
Good works, everything else is optional.
Just a man who knows he's free.
Came here to post this.
A hero is one who does an extraordinary and generous act of courage which will or may result in the concious sacrifice of himself to protect the good of others.
Having what it takes to beat the fear that's in your heart, to grow up strong and undo wrong?
Some one who you're race, realigion or species is and if you're in trouble is one of the first to help you in any way they can.
A hero is just a man who knows he is free.
a willingness to do what is right despite personal costs.
i am reminded of a supers game i was in once.
a player had his superhuman spending all his down time doing things like volunteering at old folks homes, helping at soup kitchens, handing out blankets to the homeless, he also used his water control powers to set up a free public shower for people who didn't have water.
the rest of us kinda didnt think much of him because he didnt spend time developing his powers like the rest of us. he didnt do anything to make himself stronger. then one day one of us killed a street punk because he "looked threatening" what really happened was the kid didnt listen to the hero who demanded he stop, he claimed to be police (he wasn't everyone, knew he wasn't). the whole city saw. he turned around and demanded that guy turn himself into the police for his actions. that guy laughed in frot of the news cameras and flat out said he was above the law. then kicked the ever loving christ out of the guy who never worked on his powers. it was totally one sided and none of us lifted a finger to help. then it was like the entire city was out in the streets. it was like every last person in the city was after us. we couldnt fight our way through all of them. one guy who could fly got away but became one of the most wanted men on earth after.
Is that quote only from that one video or does it originate from somewhere else?
Because I loved it.
The VilIan
Cool story time, dude.
A hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle life puts in his way
Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice
And chemical X!
Don't forget the smile
Why is it hero --- heroine? Why not herolette or if sjw, xhero? English is a shityy language.
The word hero comes from the Greek ἥρως (hērōs), "hero, warrior", particularly one such as Heracles with divine ancestry or later given divine honors.[3] (literally "protector" or "defender"[4]) Before the decipherment of Linear B the original form of the word was assumed to be *ἥρωϝ-, hērōw-; R. S. P. Beekes has proposed a Pre-Greek origin.[5]
I heard the guitar riffs as I read your post. Cheers, you bastard.
A person who knows what the right thing is, and does it.
thus proof that nobody, and I mean NOBODY, likes a DICK.
your whole party demonstrated that even though they were "heroes" they were NOT heroic, and the one heroic member couldn't count on them when he needed it most.
I like this, none of those players should have bitched even slightly cause that GM wasn't punishing them, he was doing his damn job and portraying the world and it's reactions to the players.
A true hero fights injustice when he see's it before him, and does what is good and what is right, for it is because he knows what both of those thing's are that he is a hero.
The ‘Symbol of Peace’ who always rescues innocents with a smile, must never succumb to the forces of evil.
Who gives it his all PLUS ULTRA!
A pro is always putting his life on the line!
A hero is someone with courage and determination and accomplishes things far greater than what the average person can. Morality has nothing to do with it, see the many heroes from old myth and legend that do fucked up shit while also being badasses with great conviction accomplishing great deeds.
>What makes a hero, Veeky Forums?
A filled out character sheet?
I don´t know what makes a hero, cause... what´s a hero? But I know that sometimes there´s a man who, well... he is the man for his time and place. He fits right in there.
Brightly colored underwear on top of spandex with a logo
We don't deserve All Might.
It's not the sword that makes a warrior true.
If you think our muscles do, you don't have a clue.
It's in the blood, it's in the heart.
To know about what's wrong or right, that makes you a knight.
The courage to put yourself in harms way to help others you don't even know. Fighting so others can know peace, running towards a disaster instead of away from it.
Helping your friends and family are good deeds, but heroism really depends on whether you would do the same for a total stranger.
Mah nigga. Came here to post best hero
Is Skitter a hero?
That is for you to decide
The observer(s).
In the classical sense it was someone who was larger than life, who silly rules like "time" and "law" did not apply to. It's why despite being born at all different times, all the Greek heroes somehow coexisted. It's also why their stories are all about them struggling to overcome the unbreakable laws of the world: those of the gods or of the universe itself, such as death.
I don’t know who that is
The true hero of OPM
A character from a web serial called Worm, she's able to control swarms of bugs.
Lack of survival instinct coupled with a strong, plot-driving goal.
Sounds like a fucking nobody
That explains it.
Learn to read, you piece of shit. "serial", not "comic".
Then again, seeing as you can't read, maybe you shouldn't bother.
My gut instinct was to say no, but really the point is arguable. It could be said that she was a hero because her motives were pure, but her actions clearly weren't. So it all boils down to actions and intentions. Which matters more for heroics?
"Never cruel, nor cowardly."
I think ultimately slitter is heroic. Sone of her actions are deeply questionable but her motives are pure and she ultimately does more good than harm, repeatedly risking her life to fight evil and do what she sees as the right thing.
A combination of meat, cheese, vegetables, condiments, and really long bread.
>Pita wrap
>Lettuce - maybe tomato or pickle
>Tzatziki sauce
>Feta cheese
>The titular spiced meat
I mean, she inarguably saves the whole of her universe. Granted she did it in a way that pretty much everyone (at least in-setting) finds ethically and morally vile.
So... she did do a good thing, even if it was via awful means.
Is Catherine Foundling a hero? I mean, she's definitely not a capital-H Hero, she's literally the opposite of that, but is she heroic? She has a heroic goal in mind, though she hasn't executed on it yet, not really, and it really seems like she keeps drifting further from it with each passing week.
But at the same time she does good things as perceived by those around her, even if those around her aren't necessarily good people in and of themselves.
it's a web-novel posted a chapter at a time twice a week for a significant period.
it needs a massive re-edit cause it was posted without proofreading, BUT while the story is reasonably good, the world-building is top tier.
Top Tier World-Building indeed.
>Mover, Shaker,
>Brute and Breaker
>Blaster, Thinker,
>Master and Tinker,
>Striker, Changer,
>Trump and Stranger.
I cannot tell if you're being sarcastic or not...
and in that world as built you can easily have a hero who is also a "villain".
maybe some day..
they will see..
that a hero...
Is just a man...
who know's he is free.....
we really don't
That's actually a pretty good summary, Satan.
TLoZ lays it down pretty well
>Power, Wisdom and Courage.
>Courage and Power without Wisdom, makes you a despot
>Wisdom and Courage without Power, makes you an academic
>Power and Wisdom without Courage makes you someone that will never fulfill his full potential.
>Only through those three you can become a true hero.
I like it
What becomes of someone who has none of these?
Is it just "Level 1 Commoner" or something more metaphysically profound?
>tfw Japanese's PLUS ULTRA sounds like the Spanish pronunciation
-Personally-, I would think that it's someone right at the other side of the balance: Mislead, weak and a coward.
I consider that there's an inherent nobleness to the idea of a hero since it's someone that seeks self improvement or was born with those characteristics from the beginning, but that doesn't mean that a hero can't come from a humble origin. If someone doesn't seek to improve himself, the person is vain and won't really transcend beyond history, but you can also consider that the person didn't even have the need to -become- a hero: If the person hears the call of the hero and doesn't answer it, then the person isn't a hero at all.
We should also remember that courage isn't being fearless: Courage means to be scared shitless, and still fighting forward.
Power isn't about fighting against forces: Power comes from working with those forces as if they were your own.
Wisdom isn't about indulging about your own ideas: Wisdom means to understand different voices and discern the truth behind them.
Thats no mistake user
Now, let me ask you another question.
If something can be crushed by the weight of a feather, could it ever bear a stone atop it? It may sound like a silly question, but I'd very much like to know.
Most likely yes, but it depends on the placement and structure of the thing in question.
For example, if you have a solid iron pillar it will stand so much weight until it bends. But if you use that same mass of iron to build a hollowed out iron pillar, it will stand much more weight before it bends.
While it's true that not everyone is made the same, I want to believe that everyone can make a change if they try hard enough.
His all and more! Every punch is more than 100% of his power! A hero always finds a way to overcome!
Has anyone said an above-average sized penis yet?
>came up with this exact definition, word by word
>satan beats me to it
You can be the first.
>You can be the first.
No he can't, he clearly lacks that quality.
I read Solomon's Lines in the Voice of Ulysses from The Lonesome Road
Calm down Protoman
All of my yes.
This guy is a better Superman than Superman has been in years.
At Diversity Today, we believe it's very easy to be a HERO. All you need are:
Respect, and
Excuse me. I'm sorry, but that's not all it takes to be a hero.
A hero kills people. People that wish him harm.
A hero is part human and part supernatural.
A hero is born out of a childhood trauma or out of a disaster that must be avenged.
>open mindedness
He was open to the idea of battling and driving out Moors. That probably counts.
1. Give people a good greeting.
2. Try not to give up.
3. Sleep well, eat well.
4. If you're troubled, talk to someone!
5. You're likely to succeed if you try.
Always just short, aren't you?
>A hero kills people.
Put the wrench down, Dwight.
I'll have you know young man, I'm considered one of the classical interpretations of the anti-hero.
Having a huge cock.
Yes, women can be heroes too if they have huge cocks.
>it needs a massive re-edit cause it was posted without proofreading, BUT while the story is reasonably good, the world-building is top tier.
Only if you guzzle grimderp koolaid without reservation.
>hehehe allmight is here we can still keikaku
>wait hold up something's wrong
>he isn't smiling
It didn't get that bad until after Leviathan attacked. Everything before that was great.
Not really...but she isn't a villain either. She did what was necessary, but that doesn't make her a hero. If she is one, so is cauldron. Their reasoning is quite similar. A Hero is someone who doesn't violate certain morals, regardless of the cost. Sometimes the world doesn't need a hero though, but something else instead.
or a villain that's pretending to be a hero pretending to be a villain?
So, here's a question, Veeky Forums; at what scale do you start being hero?
I don't really consider myself a hero, for example, but I know some people do. I'm an EMT, saving lives is my job; I get paid to do it. Would I do it without the paycheck? Hell yes; I love my job, I love my work. There is nothing as viscerally *joyful* as getting a return of spontaneous circulation in a heart attack victim, or stemming bloodflow from a gunshot wound and getting the poor bastard breathing again under his own power. Saving lives is the single biggest thrill and best high I have ever had in my life, and it makes all the shit I see in this job worth it.
But still, at the end of the day I'm smalltime; I'm an EMT, I work 24 hours every 72; sure, if someone starts choking on something near me or I see someone collapse in my off-time I go and help, but who wouldn't, right? But I'm still mostly doing it while being paid to do it. Am I a hero? I don't think I am; I'm small scale. A hero'd cure cancer or go above and beyond the call of duty or some shit like that; I'm just a guy with medical training who wants to help people.
Heroism is simply excessive selflessness, Villany is excessive self interest, people consider you a hero because your work entails something that is selfless, the fact that you are happy that a fellow human being still walks among us mean that you act selflessly and that you would do your job with no incentive proves that.