Starting a new thread to preempt the custom card autism in the other thread. NO custom cards, NO Rev for 15, NO Frontier meme.
Starting a new thread to preempt the custom card autism in the other thread. NO custom cards, NO Rev for 15, NO Frontier meme.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for based Banana man is the savior of modern.
i was going to comment that you were an hour and a half late but apparently the word isn't strictly concerned with which came first
also, TTB is a really awesome card, mechanically, artwise, and flavorwise
oh shit waddup
>tfw not going to dallas
feels really bad mang
although in retrospect it saves me hundreds of dollars to go play infect mirrors for a day
Unban when?
Probably never. Muh free brainstorm gets memed around here a lot but his other abilities are incredibly powerful and he hits the wrong decks. He doesn't really do jack dick to stop aggressive decks, he just makes midrange's life more miserable.
>Lantern is the most played control deck in the format
What's in my side as dredge for the GP?
jk it's
1x Darkblast
1x Natural State
2x Lightning Axe
2x Abrupt Decay
2x Memory's Journey
2x Ancient Grudge
2x Gnaw to the Bone
2x Rally the Peasants
but what do I add/cut?
a pistol so you can kill yourself for playing dredge
Journey and state are the two weak links for me, add another decay and another Grudge, you're going to be going through an assload of cages and any deck that can run RiP is going to do so. State seems unnecessary, sure it hits RiP but no deck that runs RiP is going to be killing you quick enough where that 1 extra mana makes an enormous difference and decay hits the exact same stuff and more, plus can't get hit with a pierce or anything wonky like that
Brutality is a good addition, keeps you from getting blown out by AN
Rally seems like a weird board card
Leyline of the void seems like a good way to auto win the mirror which I guarantee you'll face, but you'd have to make space to fit it in.
>competitive general
>getting mad about someone talking about a competitive deck
>for a competition
Modern's already struggling. The last thing you want (or maybe it's exactly what they want) is to have players shittalking the format's price of entry and throwing gasoline on the fire by unbanning Jace.
Forget everything about power. It's about the money now.
I'll take your advice on the Decay & Grudge. Run 3x Brutality main cuz they pitch hand & help a lot game 1 (kills early aggro, gains life, kills protection/wipe, dodges counters since discard is cost). Rally is there if I encounter a matchup I'd rather race than drag (control/hatebears). LLotV I'll see about replacing Memory's Journey and something else for 3 of
>Gets mad when someone gives him shit for playing dredge
Modern babies are fucking whiners
What the fuck are you talking about. JtMS is like $45
But I really want to Rev for 15!
hey guys, i need a quick judges opinion on tethered griffin, can i play him and an aura simultaneously? like say i have 2 plains. i throw down something like Ephara's Radiance and the griffin... what happens?
Believe me he will not stay that price if he is unbanned in Modern. He will instantly double.
you sacrifice the griffin before you can play the enchantment. You can't play 2 things at the same time.
You can't play multiple spells simultaneously. Everything has to be played one at a time and goes on the stack.
By the time you cast the Griffin with no enchantments under your control his trigger will happen and even if you cast an enchantment spell at instant speed(e.g flash enchantments/auras) it will be too late since its ability only checks if you ever control no enchantments. It makes no difference if you have another enchantment afterwards as it will die regardless.
recommend me a deck that
-isn't tron
-tribal theme
-lots of interaction/instant speed
Fae or Spirits
well fuck thats crafty
forget about counterspell in modern we have this
although i just realized counterspell does have a slight advantage over it in that redirect cannot deal with spells that lack a target.
wait shit im retarded i failed to take into account that it can only redirect counterspells and a few other spells into itself.
still a very good card
Im getting into modern now and have ordered elves, should be arriving soon. What decks do I have good and bad matchups against and how to combat them?
i have the similar but less powerful card swerve in the side of grixis delver. it comes in against interactive spell decks and maybe burn. it is almost the same but easier to cast, esp. under blood moon which also comes in for those decks. it's my only answer to abrupt decay and also as mentioned is fun against discard
skred is snow mountain tribal and has instant removal
>ordered deck before testing or at least researching it
Fucking why?
best mardu/bant colored decks in modern? Besides Bant Eldrazi
For the future, consult the Gatherer page if you are unsure about how cards work.
You were the only one whining, boy
Insect tribal aka Delver decks
Watch out for decks that run board wipes. UW control runs boardwipes at 4CMC. Red decks can run Anger of the Gods for 3CMC or Pyroclasm for 2CMC. Against such decks, if you know that the enemy has the time to boardwipe before you kill them, it can be reasonable to hold back a creature card or two instead of dumping your hand. If UW control boardwipes and you have no cards left in hand, you lose.
Mardu Nahiri
Bant Spirits
im looking to get into modern what are the typical u/r spellslinger decks
anything good in u/w flash
Look into UR delver
For U/W flash, look into Spirits or U/W control
Why does Wizards refuse to unban these?
Jund is already tier 1. Unbanning bloodbraid elf would push Jund to tier 0,5.
Stoneforge Mystic should be unbanned per current meta. The only imagineable reason to keep her unbanned is because she puts a design restraint on equipments in future sets; whenever WotC design a new equipment, they would have to ask themselves: "Would this be broken in Modern in conjunction with Mystic? Are we printing Batterskull 2.0?"
Modern makes it easy enough to deal with equipment in any color. Yes, SFM+BS is a strong combination but in the end it's just a very good beatstick that can be dealt with imo. Plus we already have the swords. How much better can equipment be?
Not arguing that she shouldn't be unbanned, m8, I'm just trying to put myself into the heads of WotC.
The bans are decided by a group of people who play modern between lunch breaks at WOTC. From time to time they play test these cards and get crush by them and that decides their decisions.
Not only are you an insufferable dipshit, you also have no idea about anything in modern other then spouting memes and jargon. M/tg/ modern general eveverybody
What are the chances?
Pretty low
>tfw white will never be good in modern (or magic as a whole)
>facing dredge deck
>tfw blasphemous act
I think we'll see Stoneforge Mystic before Mom.
>muh interaction
>mono white humans meme one step closer to playability
>whenever WotC design a new equipment, they would have to ask themselves: "Would this be broken in Modern in conjunction with Mystic? Are we printing Batterskull 2.0?"
Going to counter that argument with "we don't test for modern"
True, but what the other user said is their excuse. "it limits design space on equipment"
so u/r delver is just cantrips out the arse to get delver of secrets snapcaster mage and young pyromancer out.
neat i think i will go with that i already have a snapcaster so thats some of the cost gone.
suicide bloo is also an option
Don't forget bolts. At least 8 of them
so they dont take other formats into account when designing for standard (although one look at the blue enchantments in kaladesh tells you they are clearly designing for comander) but at the same time they think they will have to have design restraints on standard sets if stoneforge is unbaned in modern
that makes no sense they are contradictory statments
i will keep that in mind
Yep, welcome to WotC decision making. The only formats that Wizards officially endorses are standard, commander and limited. Because those formats are the ones that make people buy packs. They arr aware that other eternal formats and modern exist, and they kinda support them with supplementary products like MM and EM, but they don't test for them when designing new sets. So shit like treasure cruise and leldrazi happen. So they tend to go hard on the safe side and just make low power shit, and anything that is eternal playable is a mistake
Yeah, kinda. You deply a threat that can finish the game left alone (delver, pyromancer), protect it using counterspells, and clear the board using lightning bolts. Splashing white for Path to Exile and sideboard cards, or splashing black for Thoughseize, are legit variations of the deck.
Grixis delver is superior to any other form of delver for that reason
Path gives them too much of a tempo boost, which you are trying to beat them with (tempo advantage that is)
so its
4x Delver of Secrets
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Snapcaster Mage
4x Wandering Fumarole
4x Young Pyromancer
then fill the deck with a selection of counterspells, board control, burn and draw preferably cantrips
i can do that
Git probe, semen visions, maybe lava spike/rift bolt
IoK, and banana king/angler (you will be fueling delve like crazy) if you want to splash black
Fumarole is kinda iffy, maybe just run two. Tapped lands really set you back in modern, esp a deck like delver
You will need 4 tarns and vents though. There is a clear difference between decks with them and those without
That's right. Path to Exile and Mana Leak are so bad, it hurts.
You got it. You might even want to cut down on the taplands. You're putting a lot of 1-mana spells into your deck, and want to be able to squeeze as much efficiency out of your lands as possible. Remember that it's a tempo deck, not a midrange deck, so you want to deploy threats and throw your opponent off balance before they can stabilize with bigger threats. Waiting a turn for a tapped land to untap can hurt your game plan more than the tapland helps. Be prepared to invest in 4x Scalding Tarn and a few Steam Vents.
Forgot to mention Remand is better in delver decks than mana leak. The card draw outweighs the temp nature of remand. Force spike can also help if the opponent taps out.
If you splash white (which you shouldn't) mana tithe is feckin awesome
thanks anons i will think on the furmarole
Honestly, fumarole is a fun card. Two should be an alright amount, cause you can play it when you don't need the mana asap, without drawing too many. Oh and don't forget the ghost quarters
i almost considered guile but then i realised you want cheap creatures for this deck so you can get them out right away if you draw them early
is ancestral vision to slow for this deck
I'm not really sure, I'm not too familiar with actually playing delver. I do know however that you can't flashback AV with Snappy because AV doesn't actually have a mana cost
Kinda? You're not a control deck in the traditional sense, so you're not overly interested in card advantage. You want tempo; you want to interrupt your opponent from interacting with your potent threats. By the time your hand is empty, you should have sealed the game. It's the same reason why Remand is superior to Mana Leak in Delver decks: Holding their threat away temporarily is almost the same as countering it when you're planning on winning before they get to attack you with it. If you've got Peezy on the board, Remanding their threat into drawing another Remand is really, really good.
alright then
thanks for all your help guys im off to bed
I often get snide remarks because I play him but he has won me so many games. Would be great if he had 4 toughness but he's still a powerhouse. People often have trouble dealing with him and he turns my threats into even bigger threats. I know there are more powerful cards but I think he's still strong and I just enjoy playing him.
That's neat user
How could anyone have trouble dealing with him? every removal spell except collective brutality kills him
That's bait, but imma still reply.
>Have a hard time dealing with him
He dies to both path and bolt, not to mention has a slightly smaller but then most goyfs, and is smaller then thought nazi
So I've been looking at some shaman lists and seeing that some of them only run 2 or 3 CoCo.
Is there any reason not to run 4?
I meant deal with him in combat. Of course removal spells get rid of him if I don't protect him somehow.
It's honestly not bait. I genuinely like Rafiq. I like the impact he has on the board the moment he enters given that I have at least on other creature out. If he had just one more toughness he'd be my favorite Magic card.
I know that he isn't considered good and nobody runs him in Modern but he's worked well enough for me and I simply like playing him. He is fun and swingy even if he's susceptible to removal spells.
Hes literally worse than Qasali Pridemage in the format
>shaman lists
I've never heard of this.
Anyway, I think running 4 CoCo in a CoCo deck is correct 90% of the time or more.
I get what you're saying. Providing double-strike to a buddy on the get-go sure is neat. What kind of deck do you run him in?
>What kind of deck do you run him in?
It's just a midrange goodstuff Bant deck. Nothing anybody would play in a serious tournament. Geist of Saint Traft, Brimaz, Voice of Resurgence, Ajani Caller of the Pride, Elspeth 1.0, Detention Sphere, Voidslime ...
Not at all geared towards the meta or tournament play but still cards I consider good and most of all cards I enjoy playing. I know that I could make my deck much better but I prefer losing a bit more often if it means that the few times I win it's with cards I love playing.
>shaman lists
4 Atarka's Command
3 Beastcaller Savant
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Collected Company
3 Elvish Visionary
1 Fauna Shaman
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Forest
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Mountain
4 Rage Forger
4 Copperline Gorge
3 Stomping Ground
4 Windswept Heath
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Dismember
2 Essence Warden
2 Gut Shot
3 Loaming Shaman
3 Reclamation Sage
2 Sudden Shock
This is what I've been running and I was just wondering because of other similar lists, probably should've posted this in my original post.
if you want a draw 3 effect play a bedlam reveler or two. vision is too slow.
play vapor snag
I dislike Furmarole
Dying to bolt feels bad
>Nothing anyone would play in a serious tournament. Geist of Saint Traft ... Voice of Resurgence
user, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Oh I know that those are high caliber tournament cards, I meant my deck as a whole. The composition of my deck if you will. My deck as a whole wouldn't be considered viable.
Neckbeard, the post
>neckbeard as an insult on fucking Veeky Forums
I'm plain 4 remand in my version
Is it too much ?
there's a fat pack of dragons of tharkir on a lgs for 20$. Should I go for it?
Been thinking of using mana tithe as some hidden Sideboard tech in my Naya burn list. Thought on this option?
Why do I see Twisted Image in some sideboards? What matchups is it good against?
Spellskites and Hierarchs
What decks do you want to hurt with it ?
Also, a con is that it don't deal damage
>Naya burn
>Not tapping out all the turns
Probably only decks that tap out, like deaths shadow, infect, abzan, ad naus, etc.
Can't tap out against decks that don't tap out
Play rug or get out
>Can't tap out against decks that don't tap out
This is wrong, if they're gonna counter your thing you don't just hold up your spell and let them get tempo advantage from wasted mana, unless you plan on saving instants for their EOT. Just trade 1 for 1 now, unless you can play around their spell in really short order.
Why is it that whenever a deck is doing decent in modern people always cry for bans?
White will never be "good" because white already has some of the strongest splashes in magic due to all their silver bullets. Path, stony silence, rest in peace, etc. If white was actually a good color on top of these "busted" cards, it would dominate the format.
Really, the problem comes from the silver bullet meta we're in.
How necessary is Cavern of Souls and Noble Hierarch to Bant Eldrazi? Birds is a good replacemnet for hierarch, and there really isn't that much counter magic running around.
Minus spell queller which lols at cavern anyways.
So he will cost about half of Tarmogoyf's market price? For a 2 of?
>Unbanning bloodbraid elf would push Jund to tier 0,5.
How? People keep saying this but nobody has ever backed this up in any way beyond "ITS ALL THE DECK NEEDS TO BE BROKEN!"