This Galaxy is a total bust and given how far reaching the bug problem is I'm not seeing the rest of the universe as any more promising! So I'm having our best Crypteks looking for a better universe, any suggestions?
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Have fucking fun.
No, seriously. Please save us.
Already been done
save you from what? you have it in hand it seems? well until we get there
Go back to sleep, grampa. Do you want me to get you some warm bolter shells to help you get back to bed?
I Don't need Bolter Shells! I have Gauss Dammit, now either help me pack or get out of the way!
how bad is it?
Which Warcraft universe?
The undead want to rape our souls, and used to be people we loved and lost.
The demons want to rape our souls, but have infinite backup copies across the multiverse.
The embodiments of nonexistence want to rape our souls, and the strongest God analogy practically went mad after observing the after effects of their presence.
Ooh, I haven't seen this one before. And it has xeno-diplomacy. Thanks user!
No no, the strongest God analogy saw the embodiments of non existence and got so scared he BECAME THE FUCKING DEMONS and decided him raping your souls forever is better than them doing it.
Szarek, save us. Free us from this nightmare, Silent King.
Necrons here, I think we'll try the neighboring universe instead, they seem to have had their God issue esolved
I can help pack. I have plenty of space :)
Sounds interesting. But not really all to different from the place we're leaving.
NO FUCK YOU, YOU're NOT COMING WITH US! We're going to the place with uhhh.... what do you think of this one, its Got Robots, no daemons, no gods, lots of squishies
Necrons should just high five the Nids on their way past as they swap galaxies. Nids just left an empty one behind and Crons have got one with too much stuff on their lawn. All the retards that want to be in fleshbags again can stay and die however.
HEY, some of us are using those fleshlings for shit dammit!
>So I'm having our best Crypteks looking for a better universe, any suggestions?
Sorry, but not now.
what do you mean not now! GOD DAMMIT WE GOT SQUATTERS!
How are babby Necrons formed?
>what do you mean not now!
At first you should help Humans, Orks, Eldars, Tau and Tyranids against Chaos.
With love
whats with the edits?
Don't really play or know much about Warcraft, but from what I've gleamed from my friends over the years is that you (the players) are the only things in the way between the status quo and eternal suffering, and the players (for whatever reason) always manage to come through.
Metagame-wise, the Warcraft world is safe, as long as people buy copies and keep playing :^)
It seems that all your problems would be solved if you didn't have any soul to rape.
>So I'm having our best Crypteks looking for a better universe, any suggestions?
Well about that...
Our last Cryptec is running around donning still bloody skin and trying to eat people.
Anyone having an idea how this "technology" works?
How about our place, little green skeletal metalic lifeforms?
Sure it's not perfect and there are troubles here and there, idaresay, but I'm pretty confident your folks can find some planets to live happy lives.
Oh, and never, EVER trust a guy named Belial.