I don't even know what to think of that last thread.
Luke Garcia
its ok we have to get it out of our systems
Blake Gutierrez
Don't think about it. Just let it pass into oblivion.
William Fisher
Well at least having a pseudo-Zarus back is a nice setting fitting for me so i'm happy
Carter Reed
>not!Doll edition You had one job, OP.
Benjamin Perry
user, we don't want to carry that shit to the new thread.
Besides, everyone knows homunculi are superior.
Ayden Reed
but he's not a doll
there are no strings on him
Caleb Johnson
I want to improve the Haemonculi race for the old west setting but i've got no real ideas for it
Dominic Clark
Eh, I'm partial to shambling Moreauvian mutants myself, but each to their own unnatural servant caste.
Jeremiah Perez
Care to give a refresher on it? I'm about to fall over in my chair, but I can give it a look before I pass out.
Joseph Clark
here i'll pull it up
+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Haemonculi are stronger than average and are incredible fonts of knowledge, but their lack of emotions make it difficult for them to relate to others.
- Size: Haemonculi are Medium creatures, and they have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Base Speed: Haemonculi have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Languages: Haemonculi begin play speaking Common. Haemonculi with high Intelligence can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
- Emotionless: Haemonculi's lack of emotions makes it difficult for them to read others, and they take a -4 on sense motive checks and they cannot gain Morale Bonuses.
- Artificial: For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), Haemonculi count as both humanoids and constructs. They gain a +2 Racial Bonus on Will saving throws.
- Alchemical Origin: Once per day,a Haemonculi can choose to negate a critical hit or precision damage effect against them.
- Keen Senses: Haemonculi gain a +2 racial bonus to perception checks and have low-light vision
- Ageless: Haemonculi do not have age categories, and will never gain any of the benefits or penalties of aging. They have no maximum age, are created fully grown.
Brayden Collins
In a gestalt campaign I want to make a character that utilizes throwing weapons and then engages in Melee when needed. I was going to ranger/war priest.
Is there a way I can throw 2 handed weapons like greatswords and deal their normal base weapon damage?
Luke Hall
>Alchemical Origin: Once per day,a Haemonculi can choose to negate a critical hit or precision damage effect against them.
Change this. mechanically, follow the usual clause for creatures of the abberation subtype: critical hits, precision damage and sneak attacks have a 10-20% chance to deal only normal damage.
Otherwise, your homebrew race is so damn plain. Why can't I roll an Android or an Elan? (which are also lab-grown people)
Asher Nguyen
I'm not sure I'd recommend either of those class for a 2-handed thrower. I'm pretty sure Barbarian has an archetype based around that exact thing.
Gabriel Murphy
Barbarian/Warpriest would be a better bet.
Henry Jackson
>Is there a way I can throw 2 handed weapons like greatswords and deal their normal base weapon damage?
Christian Morgan
You're a disappointment.
Jack Phillips
Aren't we all
Jace Martinez
You have to play an NPC class, but are allowed to do the following: >VMC >take a PrC when you qualify
What NPC glass do you play, and what VMC/PrC do you grab?
This is also a technique I often use to build NPCs.
Evan Price
One caveat, if your VMC grants you a class feature that grants spells (like a Witch Patron, Cleric Domain, etc.) it does so if you're an Adept.
Parker Jenkins
The last one I made was a Warrior VMC Cavalier PrC'd into Stalwart Defender. He was the leader of a garrison the PCs visited.
Jacob Taylor
Adept, obviously
still better than playing a monk...
Jayden Mitchell
Still no Avowed playtest in OP. ;-; Oh well. drive.google.com/open?id=0B5HkyGRtGZy3SWVhdWFBWERWWjg Here it is. I know there was an user who wanted elemental not-casting last thread, so... elemental pact when it's out?
Josiah Jenkins
Without a doubt, I'd play an Adept VMC Sorcerer or Bard, take the Deific Obedience feat, and then PrC into Evangelist. If at all possible I'd also ask if I could be a 3.5 Eberron Adept, which was the same as an Adept except they got a single Domain.
Thomas Kelly
In my homebrew setting I had a player who wanted to play a Monk. I wanted to encourage them and make monks fit better in a classic Euro/Medieval fantasy way and so contrived a not-Arabia region for Monks to come from; a city of humans, djinn, their offpsring, and other desert critters.
They liked the idea and so now I have to do some more work to make the Monk more Arabic. I was going to change the name to Fakir and basically have it be the unchained monk with some changes, most specifically the weapons. Shuriken, nunchaku, sai, siangham, and kama get dropped. I was going to add Scimitar to their list of Fakir weapons, any other suggestions?
Oh, and going to make archetypes stack with unchained monk. Thanks.
Jaxon Bailey
exactly why I don't like it. Its so damn plain.
I just don't know where to take it.
Ryder Taylor
For those asking for Curse of the Crimson Throne the cleaners got a copy just wait a while and let they work.
Gabriel Walker
To elaborate, I just don't know quite how to build them up to be more interesting
The important points to me are that they are emotionless and unaging, but i'm having trouble making that compelling as a race.
Hunter Flores
"For those" it's literally one faggot who won't shut the fuck up and stop throwing baby fits. Tell the cleaners to keep it.
Jordan Brown
>Shuriken Shuriken are just little chakrams
Sai's are just swordbreakers.
Nunchaku are convenient fails (like flindbars).
No real explanation for kama though.
Nicholas Torres
But I want it too.
Austin Peterson
There's a feat that can alter the visual appearance of a spell, making it harder for enemies to recognize it, but I can't remember its name. Can you help me?
Jack Ortiz
still spell?
Oliver Collins
Stylistic Spell or something like that?
Evan Rogers
No, it still keeps its somatic components but, since you change its visual appearance,it's harder to recognize by Spellcraft checks (and therefore harder to counter). What's that?
Josiah Powell
There's the Conceal Spell feat, which lets you try and hide the casting entirely.
And then there's the Stylized Spell Metamagic Feat which is a +1 metamagic which lets you raise the DC to identify it by 10. You also get to pick another spell for it to get ID'd as if they fail hard enough.
Jose Wilson
That's it, thank you!
Landon Ramirez
> Be a Sorcerer with Animal Companion and Familiar > Martial people called me cheating for rolling perception 3 times
Jonathan Gutierrez
Those martials are idiots anyways.
You already succeed on the 1st try anyways if you were smart enough to get an Ioun Wyrd familiar since they have blindsight.
If you didn't get an Ioun Wyrd, I'll also call you a moron for not getting the best familiar.
Joshua Perry
30ft blindsight != auto detection
Benjamin Flores
pretty great against anything trying to backstab your wizard while in rusty dagger shanktown until you're at a high enough level to get a shikigami or imp improved familiar.
Anthony Lee
are there any races that get a bonus to bluff?
Brody Richardson
kitsune and drow
Zachary Wood
thread's kinda slow tonight.
Its almost like we left our souls in the last thread shitting all over incompetentDManon, doll fetish circlejerking and those lewd RP anons
Colton Walker
>Doll fetish >Lewd RP anons
Man, sounds like I missed a party.
Lucas Torres
To be fair, we were sexualising this particular doll and she is pretty cute.
Jaxson Howard
You can put the Throwing weapon enhancement on it, though it will only get a 10 ft ranged increment. It's that, picking up a melee weapon which already has a ranged increment, making a custom weapon with the custom weapon rules, or using the barb hurling archetype. You'd also probably want to look at two handed thrower. If you decide to go warpriest you could take the archetype that gives you weapon training so you qualify for picking up ricochet toss. Alternatively there's also the blinkback belt which some DMs will let you take as a harness, or combine it into another item as a harness if you need to, though it would only work with one handed weapons.
I've always wanted to try a barb with a blinkback belt and the hurling charge rage power. Put greater/lesser designating shot on one throwing one-handed weapon, quickdraw to your main weapon for the actual charge attack. That or a normal full attack starting from 10 ft with the thrown weapon then 5 ft stepping into the rest of your actual melee attacks.
Matthew Allen
Fighters actually aren't bad at the Throwing gig.
Focused Weapon can jack up your base weapon dice, so you could do it with things like knives, and they have good static bonuses with things like Trained Throw.
Jason Harris
I thought they were sexualizing each other?
Jordan Perez
This was before two faggots started ERPing once the thread was on autosage.
Joseph Cruz
plain doll is not for sexualizing.
Mason Richardson
Dont over exaggerate, there was no ERP going on.
Liam Moore
Has anyone ever used Urgathoa in a campaign? What effects should herald her coming and accompany her presence?
Jack Fisher
I suppose the only way to fix the Haemonculi is to ask the question
What would you expect the abilities of a Haemonculi character to be, baseline before any class?
Josiah Fisher
Well that's the thing. A homunculus is just a small living creature, usually made by alchemy.
So literally anything.
Nathan Cruz
We're talking about an artificial alchemical human though
what would that be.
Jaxon Rogers
I'd manage it something like grim grimoire's haemonculi.
Sort of like a golem but much more 'human' and intelligent. Endlessly curious about a lot of things, potentially aware of their own souls origin and how it makes them differ from others. Fascinated by sensation, but also almost sort of slow and incredibly naive.
When they go bad they could be like Pinocchio or movie ultron. When they're good they're like Amoretta or Wisdom.
Jaxson Rodriguez
So I guess based on that, average int, penalty to wisdom, bonus to charisma? Being artificially created their creators would probably aspire to make them 'perfect' (at least physically), but due to the strange nature of souls they'd be naive / otherwise low on wisdom.
Maybe a floating bonus to a physical attribute, paired with -2wis +2cha?
You'd have to do a bit more describing *your* version of the haemonculus though.
Jacob Howard
Gavin King
In my head i'm basically seeing Ennis from Baccano. She's stronk as fuck but doesn't really like.. Get people. At all. But she has crazy knowledge
Its the abilities i'm having a problem with.
Gavin Wright
Tell us about your character for the lewd RotRL, /pfg/.
Mine's an Aberrant Aegis/Hekatonkheires Symbiat who just wants to live her life to the fullest before the Old Ones devour the world.
And she has tons of limbs for more hugs.
Matthew Young
the one that the fucking DM won't pick people for or is there another.
Jeremiah Diaz
wait i misread that
ignore me i suck cocks.
Chase Gomez
"not getting people" is a function of wisdom, not charisma. It's naivety etc.
As far as abilities - what do you want them to *do*, what is their purpose in fluff?
Were the made to be soldiers? Were they made simply for the sake of it? For pleasure?
Amoretta from grim grimoire was made because a wizard managed to get ahold of the soul of an angel, and he wanted to create the perfect waifu for himself... and he did only to find that she was *hopelessly* innocent so he ended up treating her more like a daughter than anything. He's very cautious in how he lets her interact with the world. He (and she) are especially suspicious of Advocat true name: Mephistopheles a devil and teacher of sorcery, who can smell the angel on her and knows that she's very naive.
They could be quite good with magic for example; or they could have been made for doing things like exploring the 'underdark' and facilitating trade.
Daniel Hill
Kama is a khopesh? Or do we have stats for that already?
Nolan Nelson
Half-orc with Overlooked Mastermind. They get +2 to bluff (+4 if the targets is humanoid or +6 if they are humanoid and you're feigning ignorance)
Luis Green
4e is fun.
Angel Barnes
Christian Reed
Making a Kensai for fun - going with a dex build and kind of tempted to stack Bladebound on top of it - is there a way to get keen on the black blade or another way to increase the crit range?
Zachary Davis
What are the most Boost and Ranged Friendly disciplines? Assuming I'm going to be using rays and not an actual weapon?
E.FLux is Obvious.
Ayden Sanders
Arcane Pool
Jason Wood
Everyone is asleep, user! No worries!
Adrian Butler
How viable is a grappler in pathfinder play?
Say i had Dreamscarred Press and core for play.
What would be the best option to make a grappler a viable build?
Adrian Sanders
Probably some combination of Tetori Monk and Aberrant Aegis with some Broken Blade maneuvers.
Daniel Adams
Burned myself out last night trying to catch up for NaNoWriMo and woke up with a headache. Still massively behind where I should be. 470/4800 of the words I should have by now. Being paranoid of scene flow is suffering. I wish I had been motivated to read more.
Carson White
Anywhere from utterly useless to - if built JUST right - complete, utter and absolute devastation.
It's a big start towards the latter end if you grab fools errand, but even without it there's ways of getting one-turn autokill necksnaps that can't be avoided or defended against unless you're a better grappler.
Caleb Ramirez
Mine's hardly lewd at all!
He's a Scarlet Throne Style ZweiSent prestiging into Landsknecht / Artisan who moved to Sandpoint to lead the quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of Magnimar! He will start the campaign wielding a sword cane, but as things grow dire he will realize it's necessary to break out the old Aldori Dueling Sword and paint with a different sort of brush, one more time!
I'm oscillating between him being Mivonese, Galtian or even Brevic.
Justin Cook
How would you guys build a dedicated vampire hunter? 1pp only.
Caleb Long
/pfg/ I recently found the Hunter Hybrid class and I really want to play the Feral hunter archetype. The only issue is I'm multiclassing onto a PoW Stalker and I'd rather not bother with spells from Hunter. Stances and forms are easy to keep track of, spells and Maneuvers less so.
What would be a fair trade in to my DM if possible? A bonus feat every few levels? Just full BAB?
This is homebrew, but one of the PoW devs looked it over for me and approved of it (Keledrath, if anybody's curious) so you can probably get away with convincing your GM to roll with it.
Ryder Martin
Dylan Ward
So I'm going full elf and making a Treesinger Druid, with our DM allowing Core, APG, UM, UC and ALL the bestiaries for Plant Shape. A bit megalomaniacal sort though: He kind of wants to become one with a forest or jungle someday and just become a constantly spreading genus loci ala Mordremoth from Guild Wars.
But enough of that fluff stuff. How best to play a Treesinger? The shift and fight kind of druid? A battlefield controller? Also which plant companion should help in that purpose or should I just pick Growth Domain?
I admit, Druid is one of the few classes in pathfinder I've never played so any advice in general for the class would be great. Thanks in advance!
Caleb Price
A bookworm that's lived all her life in Varisia and probably even just Sandpoint, making a living as a booklender and minor writer! Classwise she's a Living Grimoire | Tome Eater + Fighter, and racewise she'd either be a merfolk with Strong Tail to explain why she doesn't move much, or she'd be a Jiangshi-born Dhampir and probably the younger or older sister of Ameiko!
Liam Murphy
>Bringing IRC shit out of the IRC Bad, user.
Jeremiah Ward
Actually, it was over skype, in a completely unrelated situation. No IRC was involved in this particular deal.
Thomas Nelson
>Merfolk >Younger or older sister of Ameiko
I knew Lonjiku was a horn dog but this is getting bananas!
Jose Thomas
How do I create an armored, unarmed warrior?I want to wear medium or heavy armor and punch people to death, any race allowed, PoW is allowed, here's my (rolled) stats and we start at level 1 18 16 14 15 11 9 Any tips?
Liam Anderson
A tiefling shut-in native to sandpoint that desperately wants to be more outgoing and proactive, just like the heroes and champions of good in the stories he used to read and hear about. He definitely doesn't dye his hair so he better fits his own mental image of a crusader of justice.
Classwise, depends on if a conversion of Kensai and/or Bladebound to spheres is a possibility. Incanter||Magus straight, even base feels fun. I SHOUKD go for PoW stuff, but I can't drum up anything with the classes that grabs me.
Ian Jones
>Implying a bookish mermaid isn't the cutest thing ever
Luke Jackson
If PoW is allowed, I'd look at a Dervish Defender Warder with stats like those. Probably Dragon Style too.
Joshua Williams
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's nothing like what I asked for.
Jordan Jackson
How is it not? You punch things, you can wear armor. That's an armored, unarmed warrior.
Connor Morgan
>Gets literally nothing for unarmed >Gets light armor only It's not.
Eli Sanders
Steelfist Commando with a dip into Armored Hulk might be fun? Not going to lie, I LOVE the mental image of an armored brawler, but it requires either a gestalt or dip to make it tasty.
Charles Gonzalez
>gets TWF as a bonus feat >get Thrashing Dragon, and either Riven Hourglass or Eternal Guardian >gets int to AC with two weapons (unarmed) >gets Aegis to as shield bonus while unarmed If you want more just take IUS, GUS, and medium armor proficiency.
I suggested it because you presumably have shit mental stats other than INT, and Harbinger would require more work than Warder.
If you won't bother looking into the suggestions we can give you can fuck off with the "please spoonfeed me my character"
Nicholas Reed
For the purposes of bomb use compatibility and getting some early game advantage in the form of starting AC and skill boosts, just how much will I screw myself over in the longterm if I go dex polymath and sink my starting two feats into weapon finesse and deadly agility instead of just going str and taking the vivisectionist archetype?
Probably replacing solar wind for broken blade and using polymorph extracts for melee if it matters.