Is anyone familiar with ShadowRun lore? Has it ever happened that a person or group of people (who weren't a corporation), successfully waged war on a corporation?
Is anyone familiar with ShadowRun lore...
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Depends. Is this AA or AAA Corp? Not a chance, they are too big.
A or B corp? A very, very slim chance of success.
>Is this AA or AAA Corp?
>Not a chance, they are too big.
That's what I was afraid of.
Alright. Hypothetically speaking, if some runner was sick of the corporations' shit and wanted to either strike a blow against them or start a movement to take one or more down or something, how would they go about doing it?
Is this a surgical strike against specific targets or is it a burn-the-world down bit?
Corporations don't do well when dealing with rampant bug spirits. Or AIs. So get working on that new Mirage.
More seriously, the best way to take out a Corp is to convince another one it needs to be destroyed. That sort of cloak and dagger dealing could be good for a campaign.
This isn't exactly true. Aztechnology is/was facing a pretty significant war against them from a primary non-corp opponent, the whole Amazonia thing.
define success
not canonically
never been done does NOT mean cannot be done man, Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance...
short answer?
It can be done, since there's some ridiculous bullshit in Shadowrun.
The problem is, AAA corps have money to buy MORE ridiculous bullshit.
The best you could do is do something to expose one megacorp's soft underbelly to others, or organize a nation-wide rebellion (like in Aztlan).
>expose one megacorp's soft underbelly
and who would report this? CNN?
it gets leaked on the matrix, 10% of the genpop take notice, the rest just shrugs and moves on because "corps are corrupt, ev'rybody knows that".