How many guard regiments could this guy take out before dying once?
How many guard regiments could this guy take out before dying once?
What guard regiments are we talking? Cause if it's some backwoods fucking nowhere world, a lot. If it's kreig or steel legion, approx 0.5.
>He wouldn't do well against the most meat grinder, expendable armies.
>Steel Legion also got their shit slapped by Orks.
40kids pls
It depends on the writer.
Besides, a trait I'd expect to see in a warrior-priest who's been around for millenia is the ability to know exactly how many opponents he can handle WITHOUT dying once. Why waste a perfectly good incarnation?
In like a numerical sense, if he was pitted up against a potentially infinite amounts of guardsmen, what would the end result be, on fluff terms of course.
but again, it really depends on the regiment. Is this a mixed bag or what?
>Shit slapped by orks
How many orks do you see on armageddon? I'll give you some time to go look.
Didn't Maugan slap a tyranid hive-fleet?
>Didn't Maugan slap a tyranid hive-fleet?
No he destroyed a splinter fleet. Still pretty OP.
Out of all the Phoenix Lords, I'd expect the one who perfected the art of "murder the shit out of priority targets from a comfortable distance" to do the best against a species dependent on Daddy Brain Bug staying alive. Gotta play to those strengths.
All of them.
Well since greatest Eldar psyker was beaten by single Deathwatch squad I think not many.
from what I know about phoenix lords in the fluff, he lasts about a chapter and a half before getting punched out by a dreadnought he didn't see coming
>tfw nobody likes me because I don't have skulls on my helmet and I wear a funny hat
What's with the yin yang symbol, anyway?
There were lots of ork snipers on Armageddon user
>'What are you?' the cultist demanded
>'I am your evils returned to you,' said Asurman. 'I am the justice your victims cry out for. The protector of the weak. The light in the darkness. The Hand of Asuryan
>The sword sang as it cut the air
>'I am the avenger'.
Nobody likes him because he is such a chuunibyou.
>Nobody likes him because he is such a chuunibyou.
I thought the Eldar were a race of chuunis?
Dire Avenger is the chuuni "hero who saves the day" aspect, no surprise that Asurman would be the biggest of them all.
Is this what autism looks like?
The best chuunis around, actually.
And extra autism
Well there are millions of Nids on a single Hive Ship, so big boss Reaper could probably take hundreds of Regiments. Whereas Primarchs go to the Eye of Terror to never be seen again, Maugan Ra goes there, kills a Keeper of Secrets, stabs his God to make a new gun and then comes home. Then GOES BACK, because he forgot to bring his craftworld. Dude is the sum total of every metal album cover ever.
Nah, that's Maugan Ra.
He also single-handedly flew into the eye of terror and dragged out an entire craftworld that had been trapped in there, towing it by his massive balls
>eldar psyker in the middle of a very important ritual
>can barely take focus from ritual to defend self
>should have brought more security
>still escapes
>still survives a point blank plasma shot to the face
Eldrad was not BTFO, he was distracted. In a straight up fight Artemis would have lasted 2 seconds before a pinkish red matter that could roughly be described as goo starts gushing out of his nose, ears, mouth and anus.
There's only one way to find out.
>Stat maugan ra
>Pit him against a regiment
>Rinse and repeat
perfect balance of attack and defense?
Ork snipers took out all the Golden Lion apocatheries, don't you know?
What, you disagree?
Watch out, or you'll find an Ork sniper having shot you too.
I already sniped you a week ago.
Are you implying that anything other than Orc Snipers are what killed all those Celestial Lion's apothecaries user?
So like if his weapon is so badass why don't the Eldar just mass produce it and kick everyone's asses?
His weapon was created in the heart of the Eye of Terror from the bones and eyes of seers and forged in the heart of an Avatar. Pretty costly production method.