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To be fair, user, Dabbler is literally a jumper.
>Melted Ice Cream
Whatever do you mean, user?
Hey /jc/, tell us about a time you totally derailed a setting.
Melted ice cream is wasted ice cream user
His fridge malfunctioned and he didn't have a substitute?
What are those floating plates on his left shoulder?
I...think they're from Deadman Wonderland?
Is there any way to make tech that teleports back to your warehouse?
That poor bastard
Letting ice cream melt is a waste and a crime.
I showed up as an Angel in Person of Interest. Plot got derailed real quickly after that.
Those look like Shiro's Original Sin.
>almost died in the first encounter
Vehemence was fucking bastard who grew stronger through violence occurring in his vicinity. Something so scary that even Dabbler, with decades of experience fighting and learning and exploring and beating the asses of deities, took a step back once she realized what was up.
And Maxima was trying NOT to kill him. Because, you know, PR is a thing. She made it very clear that should could have killed him, but then he pulled a new power out of his ass and beat her over the head with it. Normally crippling/mortally wounding an enemy takes the fight out of them.
It should be noted that when he had her pinned, he wasn't hurting her besides bruising her neck as he attempted to strangle her. She dumped every spare bit of energy into durability and was simply no longer was strong enough to push him away, when he was pulling new powers out of his ass left and right.
Vehemence was only able to break her nose and bruise her neck, with all his strength. She vaporized one of his arms and dropped a bridge on him.
If his power was static he'd have been toast.
You mean when she tried to punch Dabbler, but Dabbler threw up a ward? No real context there. We know Dabbler's decent with magic, but we don't know how strong the ward was. And there's no way Maxima was legit trying to hurt Dabbler anyway.
Or are you talking about how Maxima gets flustered by Dabbler's lewdness? Because that'd work against a lot of people regardless of how powerful they are.
Dabbler said it was an ability she'd only ever heard of warrior demons having. It made them nigh-unstoppable once they got going.
I now need the Sea Salt Ice Cream from Kingdom Hearts.
I don't eat ice creambecause I don't have shit taste.
No, I'm talking about pic-related. Of course we don't know the context, but still.
I have absolutely no love for anyone in RWBY except Neo. (Granted it's practically standard policy to derail the plot as far as I can tell now) Don't listen to what anyone says about Yang or Cinder, especially if it comes from a demon. Demons are notorious liars.
God if somebody was so kind to make the Tales of Zestiria jump (as fucking crapshoot as that setting was). Edna makes me gguuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Obvious bait is obvious.
Most important part really. We know Dabbler has access to a lot of magic and tech, meaning she gets a lot better with prep time to get spells and weapons and so on ready and precast/used. With lots of prep time and all her stuff ready and available could she draw with Maxima? Most likely. If Maxima decided to go for her with no warning given? I doubt it.
Why? I've always wondered. What's so good about someone who has basically near zero character shown? Is it just that she's cute?
Generic Creepypasta Jump 023 (Fixed):
CP: 1000
Original Recipe [+000]
Jumpscares [+100]
Abandoned by Jump-Chan [+200]
Foundation [+300]
Location: Jumper’s Spooky Adventure Theme Park
Origin: Drop In
And Then A Skeleton Popped Out [Free]
But Who Was Phone? [Free]
We Don’t Have A Clown Statue [-150]
Expired Pasta [-300]
Outsider Information [-300]
Non-Euclidean Mind [-600]
Pasta Recipes [Free]
Companions [-250]:
Ranma (Documenter) [500]
Steady Hand [Free]
Creature of Habit [-100]
The Last Page [-300]
Journal [Free]
Marcus (Drop-in) [500]
And Then A Skeleton Popped Out! [Free]
Creature of Habit [-100]
Outsider Information [-300]
Journal [Free]
Roselyn (Cultist) [500]
Creature of Habit [Free]
And Then A Skeleton Popped Out [-100]
Non- Euclidean Mind [-300]
Cult Documents [Free]
Ryoga (Documenter) [500]
Steady Hand [Free]
Creature of Habit [-100]
The Last Page [-300]
Journal [Free]
Misaka Worst (Cultist) [500]
Creture of Habit [Free]
And Then A Skeleton Popped Out [-100]
Non-Euclidean Mind [-300]
Cult Documents [Free]
Sabo (Documenter) [500]
Steady Hand [Free]
Creature of Habit [-100]
Don’t Go Down Without a Fight [-300]
Journal [Free]
Gun [-50]
Kazuma (Documenter) [500]
Steady Hand [Free]
Creature of Habit [-100]
The Last Page [-300]
Journal [Free]
Gun [-50]
Yumi (Cultist) [500]
Creature of Habit [Free]
And Then A Skeleton Popped Out [-100]
Unsecure, Uncontained, Unprotected [-300]
Cult Documents [Free]
Heading to bed now.
> If I let go of something, it automatically teleports back to my lab.
That sounds extraordinarily inconvenient, actually.
> Oh good my coffee's ready. I'll just set my gun down and pour myself a GOD DAMN IT
Yoda's Hut, Dagobah
Timeline: Legends
Bounty Hunter
Species: Near Human (Chiss)
Bonus History: Force Sensitive
Basic Powers
I don’t Come Cheap
He’s Dead, Right?
Didn’t He Say ‘No Disintegrations’?
Nowhere to Hide
What you can’t see can hurt you
Signature outfit
Slave Outfit
Mandalorian Armor
Wrist Weapon with all attachments*
*Broke the rules on this one - Bounty Hunters get a 100cp weapon for free, I decided that was lame so I decided to use it as a 100cp discount to buy two of the 50cp upgrades for the wrist weapon because it was cool.
Hangar Bay
Meditation Chamber
Training Remote
Companion Imports (free imports)
Import chassis: Dynamic Class Freighter (KOTOR)
Free Ship Parts
Dual Laser Cannons
Deflector Shields
Return of the jumper
Family friendly
Super hd remaster
Frozen work of art
It's because she has the best voice-acting.
Nope, correct answer is Velvet, the Tali of RWBY
Well, /obviously/ you wouldn't put it on everything, user.
I disagree, but I am incapable of finding fault in your taste
Holy shit that tearing.
I'll fite you.
I like blank slate characters because they give me more to work with in terms of "expanding room" goes. Characters like the main quartet are developed enough that I don't really feel like interfering for the most part, but with side characters like Neo I can see a lot more opportunities to actually interact with her, and "discover" things about her so to speak.
That, and she's mute too, so there's the inherent conflict between my main jumper (who can't communicate properly to save his life already and has a really bad tendency to play pranks on his companions sometimes stressing relationships) and a mute girl who is most likely just as troublesome, if not more so. I like that sort of clash in personalities.
With Yang it was just "Shit she's trying to kill me after one prank - IT WAS JUST ONE CAN OF HAIR SPRAY." It wasn't nearly as amusing as the long years spent trying to figure out how to communicate properly with this mute girl. (After convincing her to join in a not so pleasant manner, main jumper wasn't much of a technology tinkerer at the time, so fixing her with tech wasn't going to fly.)
Anyone know good genetic engineering perk that is not from Rick and Morty ?
Velvet's not bad I guess, but if I had to pick from that team I'd go for Coco instead. ...Heck after the terrible first chain with Raven, Coco would be a godsend.
Geneforge, obviously, as well as Kamen Rider, Skullman, Generic Creepypasta (Cultist capstone is genetic engineering mixed with magic), Medial and Biology Focus from Worm (technically a power but whatever), and I think Animorphs?
What /type/ of drawbacks do you find most interesting?
I admit Nora is awesome, however I think her energy level would wear me down eventually. I'd have to put a knock out spell or something on her to get some peace and quiet.
It says a lot about Justice when his harem is already that big, and he has Nora on top.
Drawbacks that add story to the jump. Like Skull Man's Battle of Black Ghost drawback, or the DeSu 2 600/800cp drawbacks. They're more then just enemies you have to fight, it's a story of its' own. Of course, I really like scenarios for that same reason, so...
Oh, and I think there's a drawback/scenario reward in the Lost Valley jump that gives you alien genetic engineering knowledge/tech for the creation of monsters/kaiju?
DUNE has some good options.
Pretty sure the Zerg chapter of Starcraft should have something for genetic engineering.
Coco is pretty awesome
She's has appreciable fashion sense, I'll say that much. I've worn the same fuggin' coat for decades.
okay so ive puzzled over every link in the OP but i have no idea what the fuck this IS
how do i play?
Go to the drive. Find a jump that you like, or go find Pokemon in the first folder. Play it like a CYOA, then go to another jump and repeat the process until you're satisfied.
Cute, but not my type.
See Writefag if you feel like it, roll for the results if you feel like it, go nuts. It's an imagination game.
it's a Series of CYOAs, unlike most CYOAs the builds from the different jumps accumulate for the same character so you can combine things from different universes.
Uh, what's this Great Game jump in the Jumps with Folders section? I don't remember it being posted.
Are there any ways other than Sacrificial Bestowment for me to give my powers to my companions or vice versa?
it was,more of it is coming.
You do one CYOA, then you take that character and do another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and anoth-
You get the picture.
It's Part 1 of the Elder Scrolls Gauntlet that Cool Cats Don't Trip was making.
Oh, okay. I just didn't remember it being posted, so I was a little confused.
Drawbacks that make for interesting stor-
-what this guy said.
Basically, things where the Jumper has to act and achieve something, rather than sit and suffer.
A Dude Who Can't Be Killed hunting me down is something not particularly interesting, because I don't really have to do anything but survive.
Having to gather a super squad of cape misfits and save the world is.
Having no companions is not particularly interesting.
Receiving a quest to rescue your waifu from a dragon is (or rescuing a dragon from your waifu, whatever).
Being stuck in prison for the first half of your jump until your companions bust you out is not particularly interesting.
Starting your jump at the bottom of Deathtrap Dungeon and having to get out is.
That said, not all drawbacks have to be interesting. A difficulty raiser is okay, too, so long as there's some variety.
I kind of vaguely recall a perk that protects stuff on a jumper from being stolen, or something like that. Maybe that would be relevant to Anyone remember such a perk, and what jump it is from?
FFTA has unlootable, but since that requires you to have the item on hand it's kind of redundant. Maybe one of the isekai/dungeon crawl jumps would have a perk like that?
Unlootable from FFTA, I think.
The upgrade to Attired Appropriately in Otoyomegatari (Bride Stories) can prevent people stealing your items of clothing, but doesn't work on other things.
I use Universal Canon from Lone Wolf to scout out a setting before I really go to work. Most notably I used it in Naruto to figure out who all the key players were before things got insane. Then I spent a few nights using teleportation, time stops, and various other bits of chicanery to put me in a position where all of the protagonists and antagonists were alone. Once alone, I drained them of their Fortune Energy, Binbougami style. That gave me enough juice and time to work to go around, collecting and destroying all the supernatural, planet busting secret technique scrolls I could find.
Then. THEN. I reintroduced martial arts. Normal martial arts.
So, long story short, I became a villain in order to rerail the plot: I made a show that was supposed to be about ninjas actually be about ninjas, not god-powered shonen capes. Pretty happy with how that turned out.
>Some Technique scrolls being removed means no one knows ninja magic anymore
You really don't know how this show works.
So, /jc/, I have a question for you; which is more likely to get me kill if I take it as a first jump: Dwarf Fortress, or Chrono Trigger? DF is it's own special little brand of messed up, but CT seems fairly dangerous itself, and there's always Lavos to deal with there.
Yeah but CT is a JRPG that has a definite resolution doesn't it, versus Dwarf Fortress where dying is essentially part of the fun as it were.
>t. Asshurt Fanboy
At least Obliviate them or something. They don't need to have the scrolls sitting around to use the techniques, and can in fact write a good number of them down from memory if they have to.
user, I don't think he knows how humans work. Removing some scrolls won't stop people knowing techniques they already do. He's just salty about the series, probably didn't even watch it.
I don't remember anyone really using scrolls at all past a certain part of the manga.
The only technique scroll I remember at all was the one in chapter 1. They use them for sealing and summoning a few times but I don't remember any technique scrolls afterwards.
>user at the library
>"Sir, you can't check out all those books at once"
>"HAHA! Now nobody will remember how to do elementary sums!"
This is funny to me
To be fair, destroying every scroll in the world (which might not even be possible) would have a pretty major impact on the setting. It would be like burning every book in the world. Obviously, the other user's belief that it would prevent anyone from using/learning ninjutsu is hilariously wrong, but it would definitely make teaching/learning it harder. Plus, there might be some techniques that would be lost entirely if no one knows them or the person who does know them can't teach it for whatever reason.
You do know that the ninja as punch wizard trope is one well supported by Japanese folklore, right? Naruto's take on ninja is just as much "real ninja" as the stealthy assassins you favor.
Well, to a certain extent it'd make teaching harder. The problem here is that most ninja learning is passed down directly from teachers to students, by word and action, rather then written down and given to them. I think the majority of ninja jutsu, stuff they use on missions and in combat, is going to survive just fine. It's things like Medical or Fuinjutsu I reckon would suffer most, since they're the most complex and heavily dealing with seals.
Eh, fair point.
That is true, though genjutsu would also suffer greatly I imagine, given that it seems to be much more difficult to learn and requires a lot of practice, knowledge, and skill. I'd say that while masters like Kurenai would still be able to teach genjutsu it would much more difficult for other ninja who are trying to learn it.
So it would hinder ninjas' use of stealthy and tricky illusion magic, forcing them to rely more on their flashier techniques. What irony.
Not sure. Genjutsu seems so rare that it might be even more of a mentor-student thing, but how much that is reality and how much is 'genjutsu is pretty boring to the average viewer, let's keep it down a lot' is unclear. Probably more the latter though.
This is great though.
The irony is indeed amusing.
See, I'd imagine at least part of it would require reading and studying, given that genjutsu affects the senses as well as being used as a psychological weapon. At least part of it would require study into the senses, how they work, and ways to trick or manipulate them, not to mention psychology books and of course the techniques for chakra control and how to apply that to genjutsu as a whole. Of course, the mentor-student thing still applies, I just assume that it would be more difficult to teach/learn it without scrolls. Then again, the masters could always just write it all down again, though that would take time and it's doubtful they'd remember everything, so a lot of theory and research could be lost still.
my build for Generic Creepypasta
A Jumpchain CYOA
Genjutsu was already pretty worthless unless you were from the Uchiha clan. Everyone and their mother recognizes the signs of Genjutsu and were able to counter it.
Wait a minute.
Naruto Ninjas are basically wizards, right? And they use and shape and release their inner energy...
What about wandless casting?
They already don't use them?
I'm not sure what you mean to lead into.
What about it? Wandless Casting removes your reliance on external focusing devices, which ninjas don't use.
Fuvk. Thought it would let me bypass doing handsigns
Even Madara had to use handsigns. There's only a few jutsu that don't and those are mainly just raw chakra manipulation or a jutsu that someone specialises in to crazy levels, like Sasuke and the Chidori given it and related jutsu make up about a third of the jutsu he uses.
You want something like gestureless casting from Anima.
How does Madara compare against Hao?
Fuck if I know, I couldn't give a shit about Shaman King.
Which Madara? Be specific.
The Chidori actually does need handsigns, it's just that Sasuke and Kakashi got so good at it that they could skip them. Handsigns are an aid, but not strictly necessary. Someone really skilled can cut down on the number they need or even avoid them entirely. Like, the Water Dragon Bullet normally takes twenty-three signs, but Tobirama can do it with only three. And Hashirama was good enough at medical jutsu that he could heal himself just by thinking about it. The reason Madara still needed handsigns for most of his techniques is just because he was using such ridiculously high-level stuff that even his ability to simplify the techniques wasn't enough to cut them out entirely.
Depends on which Madara. Memes aside, how strong he is depends on which version you're talking about. Pre-death Madara is about the same level as Hao but not Hao with the Spirit of Fire, zombie Madara is stronger and has infinite chakra and might be able to fight Hao with the Spirit of Fire. Revived Madara would probably smack Hao around even with the Spirit of Fire, and once you get into Sage Madara it quickly becomes a stomp. However, Hao with the Great Spirit is a whole other beast. I'd say you'd need Sage Madara with both his eyes and the Divine Tree absorbed to fight that, given that the Great Spirit is the spirit of the planet itself.
Before or after Hao becomes the Shaman King? That pretty much determines who stomps who in that fight.
Which version of Madara doesn't matter because all of them are vastly stronger than normal Hao and vastly weaker than Hao in the previously mentioned spoiler.
Let's see...
I'd say Edo Tensei Madara or perhaps the ressurected Madara with one of his eyes and without being Ten Tails jinchuriki?
Spirit of Fire Hao
I don't really remember, it's been a long time since I've read Shaman King. But Hao was pretty powerful, strong enough to tank the spiritual equivalent of a direct nuclear blast, and return fire in kind. Then again, Madara's about that strong, too, and only gets stronger from there. Hao could probably match him once he gets the Great Spirit, but Spirit of Fire isn't strong enough to keep up.
Important thing to remember is that Hao, both in manga and anime, could control five elements. It wasn't limited to changing element of his Spirit of Fire, he was almost a bender and could also affect Wood.
And remember that OS have higher durability against non OS attacks
Yes, that's basically what I said user.
I'd say Madara is stronger. Keep in mind, the first could create meteors and throw them, could absorb chakra, and could go Perfect Susanoo and slice mountains with casual ease, not to mention uber Shinra Tensei could level cities in the hands of the much weaker Pain. Revived Madara is even stronger, even being able to stomp all nine Biju at the same time.
And that's great, but so could Madara. Also, again keep in mind that by the final arc the big players were tossing around nuclear scale attacks like candy. Hell, if we were using Saga Madara I'd point out that he started tossing around small nations during his final fight with Naruto and Sasuke.
That's...really not that important user. Madara can control all those elements too.
Okay but no seriously Shaman King anime at the very least was better than manga in one aspect.
Manta/Morty breaking out of possession by Oversouling Mosuke in his laptop and doing it again in Finale against the Oni. The ones made by Hao
He changed his spirit to whatever element he needed at the time because he is just that OP, it is still just one spirit and he sticks to fire most of the time (probably because that is the strongest due to it being the natural state of the spirit).
Also since Chakra is spiritual in nature the Preta path would most likely translate well in that fight, good luck pre GS Hao.
And the ending. I just couldn't sympathise with Hao all that much. I get he went through some shit, but what he did in response was even worse, and plenty of people suffered worse, at his hands no less, and still became good people. So him winning was pretty disappointing, especially since it seemed so obvious that he would given the huge power difference.