Share your countries rpgs
the newer the better
i just got this thing
Share your countries rpgs
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Im a faggot for not including a description
Its basically a shadowrun in poland but without magic and a bit more orwell and conspiracy.
Also better pic
>Polish RPG
Neat. I have the opportunity to play Das Schwarze Auge coming up in a month or so. Interested to see how a EuroPRG plays. Shame most of them don't get English releases.
Also, I have this strange want to go visit Poland sometime. Is it a nice place? The cities certainly look interesting, and the people I've met from there have all been very pleasant.
So... Cyberpunk in Poland, then? Cover art is nice.
Not even sure if Denmark have made any rpg's
Not surprised if ther werent any.
People seemed more interested in Larp for some fucking reason
Yea it is.
Have yet to be robbed at night contrary to popular opinion.
And the football fans contrary to public opinion arent that bad. Just dont scream "polonia lepsza" when you see green scarves with Ls on drunks
Pastafag here. The only one i know is Sine Requie, which setting is "there was WW2, but on the D-Day SUDDEN ZOMBIES and now is the 50s and the world is fucked, Germany is The Fourth Reich, Italy is The Holy Kingdom of the Pope and Russia is ruled by a communist supercomputer that turns people into cyborgs." Also occult powers and lovecraftian horror. And you don't roll dice, you draw suit and tarot cards. It's cool
>but without magic
So it's not shadowrun at all and just some other kind of cyberpunk?
im not experienced in rpgs and thats the only one i knew to compare
That's the cover to about as close as my country ever got to making a serious roleplaying game. It's not very good.
Although City of Mist seems to be doing quite well on Kickstarter. Turns out that the secret to gathering funds for an Israeli roleplaying game is not to give any indication whatsoever that it's Israeli.
The budding Israeli roleplaying industry is still at this phase where they're just so excited about the fact that they *exist* that everything they make just has to scream, constantly, THIS IS AN ISRAELI ROLEPLAYING GAME, FROM ISRAEL, MADE BY ISRAELIS, BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW WE EXISTED, HUH? It's like the Israeli film industry: you can never, ever just have a stupid, simple old science fiction film, it just HAS to be about some biblical shit or the Palestinian conflict or what have you. Israeli roleplayers find it obnoxious and foreigners won't buy it because it's just silly. City of Mist is a huge step in the right direction because it shows that it's totally fine for an Israeli company to make a game which isn't ABOUT ISRAEL, or Judaism, or the history of Jews, or anything like that. It's totally cool to just make a good game.
French here.
Shadow of Esteren. It's gritty celtic low-fantasy that manages to produce a really nice atmosphere.
Crunch isn't half-bad either.
Also got a very nice OST (cd in the book) :
Cops. A cyberpunk game run like a TV series. Lots of investigations, bureaucracy, service rivalries and corruption. I've been begging my GM to start a campaign, but the other players aren't too interested.
Also you can be cops on a space station.
I'm curious, why the french title?
And of course I forget the pic.
C.O.P.S. needs a translation. We got Shadows of Esteren here in Burgerland and while very pretty, there's enough gritty low-fantasy to choke a donkey.
Any sexy pictures in that rulebook, OP?
Got anything not depressing?
I haven't got it, but over here we have an RPG who is kind of set in a dystopic Fist of the North Star/Mad Max-y world and it is all centered basically about bodybuilders being really strong guys and getting bonus points to rolls for screaming (irl) irrational battle cries akin to the ones you'd hear in a gym while they exert their strength. The main antagonists are a race of technologically advanced yet physically weak beings that are called 'chickens'.
No. It's France. Dark settings and dark humor.
In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas, often cited as a very humorous game here, had paedophiliac demons and genocidal angels as joke characters, in a satire of modern-day France.
On the other hand, you can find silly jokes about laundry printed in the most terryifying horror scenario... I guess it's a matter of how you run them, I've never thought that those settings were particularly depressing.
Seriously, the only recent really happy french rpg I can think of is the adaptation of the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, a game based on a hugely popular audiobook series about a shitty band of adventurers.
First episode subbed here :
Congrats, your country's RPG industry has finally gotten over its adolescent stage.
rest of the world isn't complainin
A Polish cyberpunk RPG? That's awesome. Does it reference Lem at all? I can totally see Memoirs Found in a Bathtub or The Futurological Congress being part of the setting.
There's a free PDF sans illustrations, in Polish here:
Unfortunately my Polish is too slow to translate it but maybe someone else could take a crack at it.
This sounds SO awesome
Where can i download italian rpgs? Or are we the spaniards the only ones that pirate everything? I am extremely curious about dylan dog rpg and its adventures
Not exactly a unique game, but the French 20th Anniversary edition of Call of Cthulhu is the most gorgeous RPG book I have ever seen or bought.
Das Schwarze Auge - Chances are you've at least heard of this. Lovely, extremely detailed setting with its own newspaper. Rules tend to be on the clunky side.
Degenesis - Recent post-apoc dystopia. I think there's an english translation.
Engel - Another post apocalyptic setting. A personal favorite. Players take the role of child-soldiers of the catholic church, brainwashed to think they are angels and infused with nanomachines the vatican had been sitting on since before the war that wasted everything. Ultra-grim.
Midgard - The grandfather. Old as sin, but still beloved. Pioneered a whole bunch of concepts, not all of them sensible. Combat can drag on forever.
Splittermond - Another new one, this one from the guys that made DSA. I don't like it very much, it feels too generic to me.
I'm very excited for the Blacksad rpg The Infinity rpg, not so much. The system seems uninspired
-Metabarons' Caste : set in Jodorowki's universe, spinoff of the Incal series.
-Nephilim : like the mascarade, just with immortal fuckers.
Trinities : like the mascarade, jsut with immortal fuckers.
Postmortem : play your dead characters in the TTRPG afterlife
Flying Tigers : Tolkien elves, megacorps and Copa Cabana fake IDs. I have no idea.
INS/MV : Like the mascarade, but with demons and angels, also God is busy playing MtG.
Polaris : global warming was real all along. Enjoy your rised sea levels and acid rain. Also jedis of the sea.
Vermin : Apocalypse with giant creepy crawlies. Also, the players give the DM XP.
Dragons' dreams : You are dreamed by a dragon. Everything is dreamed by dragons. You can summon a Noneshallpass knight to guard your belongings at night.
Retrofuture : AE Van Vogt and Phillip K Dick live in Dark City and plan their vacations to Rapture.
Qin : Fuck yeah, China !
COPS : California secedes, you get to be special police person in the new founded country.
Bitume : Apocalypse, you get to be either mad max road Viking, mad max road native American, or mad max road SJW. In France.
Te Deum for a massacre : because those filthy Huguenots got it coming.
Metal Adventures : Drakkars in space.
>Te Deum
It makes me think about the Trondheim's and Sfarr's Donjon comic series, and the two rpgs that emanated from it.
One of them is available for free on the net:
Clefs en Main was a pretty good system as far as I remember, and my first exposure to Veeky Forums material alongside Jeux & Strategie
>Jeux et stratégies.
Give link to Metabarons.
The two companies tha published the RPG tanked.
Here's some data though :
It's okay user. Open your minitel, put Yves Duteil on the turntable and an ugly pull-over on your shoulders, the best years are coming back:
They odn't make magazines like that anymore.
Now if only I could find Casus.
If you'r einterested, someone went through the trouble of scanning the centerfold games in the magazines :
Thanks, J&S had an amazing amount of content, it's nice to be able to get my hands on it again.
Ciao, paisà. We pastafags actually have a few. Italy was one of the early adopters of RPGs back in the eighties and there are some relics from the time such as Lex Arcana (alt history, what if Rome never fell) and Kata Kumbas (fantasy Europe basically). After those, for the longest time we went on by translations, until the resurgence in the last few years. The big things to come out, apart from Sine Requie, were a couple of botched adaptations of local IPs to pathfinder that went no where. there are also some small press publishers that do the usual generic crap. The other interesting things can be found in the "story-games" world, where there are relatively active communities and publishers. I have a very interesting RPG called Piombo (lead), about criminals in the 70s Rome, played with a deck of italian cards. That's very story-focused even for indie standards though, some people would argue that it's not an RPG.
Actually I do not know how I would GM a Metabarons/Incal game. Jodorosky stories are all about initiation journeys into becoming a superior/better person.
Is Cyberpunk 2020 still popular in Italy? I know some of the art came from there.
I am curious about a diceless horror french game.. could you tellme if its worth?
Spanish gurps
It kinda is, in the sense that almost all the older players have been through it and it's one of the go-to suggestions whenever one asks for non-D&D games. Of course, we're still stuck at the older editions, cause the new ones were never translated.
With the younger crowd, it's all day erryday. (5th too but again, not translated)
Das schwarze Auge /the Dark Eye
is from here. i haven't played it and heard that lately it started to include sjw-pander races.
>Retrofuture : AE Van Vogt and Phillip K Dick live in Dark City and plan their vacations to Rapture.
I want this. I want it so bad.
It's much better than most Poles claim, that's for sure. My main issue with Poland is that big parts of town and cities are very grey and sad as a leftover from communistic times. However actually nice looking areas of country are truly beautiful.
I know there's a few Norwegian ones, but I've never played or read them.
As far as I know, the "big" Norwegian ones are:
>Roleplaying in late 1800's Norway, based off history and folklore
>Itras By
>Surreal card based improv game set in a 1920s weird city, with pulp/horror tones
>D&D-ish thing from the 90s, don't know anything about it
Then there's a cadre of simple, small systems. I think I have a pdf with a collection of them. It's pretty freeform stuff, but I've only ever glossed over it.
I have the pdf for Itras By, but I've never read it. I've been thinking about buying Draug. Absolutely no one I know plays these, and I've never heard anyone talk about them IRL. I'm pretty sure Itras By and the collection of small games are the only two that are in English.
Around me, the big three appear to be D&D-variations, GURPS, and Shadowrun, though there's apparently also some 40K-RPG group(s). But I'm pretty new to the Trondheim area, so I don't know it too well.
I'd probably play Draug and Itras By if given the chance.
AFAIK, the Netherlands have no roleplaying industry to speak of.
Given the very small amount of Dutch people, combined with the fact that some 95% of the Dutch speak at least passable English, means that nobody would be retarded enough to produce an RPG in Dutch.
>Muh cultural imperialism
Has anyone tried Patient 13? I like games about madness and biased perception, but I hadn't the chance to look at this one.
>stuck at the older editions, cause the new ones were never translated.
That's a good thing, you really don't want to read Cyberpunk V3. Really.
>People seemed more interested in Larp for some fucking reason
I saw the shop in Cophenaguen, right next to the Pharaoh's Cigars comic shop. Never saw so many LARP things in Spain.
Also, here in Spain we have lots of RPGs: Aquelarre, La mirada del Centinela, Aventuras de la Marca del Este, el Capitán Alatriste... And also lots of (even) smaller RPGs.
Aquelarre: the name is a basque word used in Spanish which means a sabbath. Its the middle ages where the myths and legends of that time are real.
La mirada del Centinela: street superheroes, the main twist is that the players make up the team behind the Centinela (Sentinel). In a similar way to Arrow/Flash each takes the role of the guy in the mask, the guy who plans, the hacker, the inventor and so on, and all combined make the actual hero.
Aventuras en la Marca del Este: a D&D retroclone by retroclones fans
El capitán Alatriste: Spanish swashbucklers during the Spanish Golden Age. Based on the books of the same name.
Anima: seems to be the Spanish RPG better known outside the country. Final Fantasy styled roleplaying.
Exo: sort of StarTrek-like adventures.
Hora de Aventures: yes, the official Adventure Time RPG. I think they were planning to publish it in English.
Played this for several years
System is quite a mess, but games can be lots of fun nonetheless.
Sine Requie: a post WW2 Italian RPG where the dead came back to life.
- Italy is now a theocracy.
- Germany is the Fourth Reich.
- Russia is a comunist-AI controlled nightmare.
Official AT RPG? What's it like? I think Veeky Forums came up with some unofficial versions in the past.
>TFW Loteria.
It's my fault for being born in a shitty country where people are proud of not reading.
when your country has no single rpg...
Any RPGs native to China or India?
I'm really enjoying this thread and hearing about different RPGs.
Finding English RPGs is easy enough, but does anybody have links to downloads for these games?
(preferably for free)
Might be some links in the PDF share thread: >Finding English RPGs is easy enough
No, it isn't, not for the niche ones.
I'm interested. So you play the support team individually, and then does the GM just do the Centinela, or do you play the hero as a group? Or is one player just the hero?
This sounds pretty fucking cool. Any translations or anything?
>Jeux & Strategie
They made MEGA, an universal system where the players are psyonic interdimentional police.
It's not a bad system, and it actually has my favourite scenario ever, "Des ombres sur la lande" (shadows over the moor), where you have to find a scientist lost on a parallel earth, in turn-of-the-century scotland. It's hard to tell more without spoiling things, but it's a total blast.
So, to all french rôlistes : DOWNLOAD J&S HS2 AND READ/PLAY THE SCENARIO. You won't regret it.
Fourth edition is available online
Sounds really cool
Well Finland Has Praedor.
It's kinda like Conanesque fantasy Stalker, but goes beyond that (As in ancient hyperadvanced hivecity world of immortal wizards collapsing and the setting being the last batch of inhabitable land almost thousands years into future, beyond)
It's not. As a GM, I can tell you it has completely unbalanced mechanis. As for the setting, just make your own zombie thing, I'd give it a 4/10 just for the effort put in the bestiary - everything else is horribly written late 80s trash (which can still be fun if you are into that sort of stuff)
Berlin XVIII, Bloodlust (the Siroz edition, not the metal edition), Polaris, Pavillon Noir, Dark Earth, and Warsaw would all more deserve a translation than the very mediocre COPS.
The German edition is very nice, too.
Tigres Volants is a Swiss game, you morlock. Here's the cover of the 2.1 edition from 1994.
In the RPG field, it gets kinda rusty outside of Dream Pod 9.
So let's just start with the obvious:
Heavy Gear
Jovian Chronicles
Tribe 8
Gear Krieg
Core Command
D20 Mecha Compendium
Project Ako the RPG (the first game to use the Silhouette system)
Sine Requie was my worst experience in a con game. The GM was a creep who decided that, in order to make the game more interesting, we would only use the major Arcana. from what I gather, the game is played with a deck of tarot cards instead of a die, and the Arcana figures work kind of like criticals, or at least they put modifiers on a scene. So basically we were a bunch of strangers hoping to demo a new game at a con, and instead we found ourselves with a russian roulette of criticals and fumbles for every action. It was a mess.
The chimeric brigade (a.k.a. why are all the superheroes in the US, and what happened to european extraordinary individuals during ww2) got a rpg adaptation. No idea if it's good or not.
But I expect an autistic attention to details, knowing the authors
Who would have tought that the swiss could produce something so radical?
Here is one
-i told you to shave
and here is the colored full size version
Heres a translated piece of the rulebook titled dessert(the best parts)
GM - think of a ln italian restaurant, filled with mafia - but russia.
E: instead of ravioli there are dumplings
P: electronics use - what kind of a skill is that?
GM: it allows you to use non-computer devices
like a military radio
D: and you know how to turn on a lamp
GM: and how do you want to find him?
E: we dont know. You know the 3 step plans, we are at the question marks.
GM: no, the bikers dont have self control problems. They just dont control themselves.
E:Hit me with the daschhund!
P:this conversation has gone to the dogs.
There is a link to his blog with more of those
And here is one more
Radical? It's a weeaboo-like space opera with starships, sexy aliens, sexy blue mutants, space pirates, mercenaries, furries, space-nazi, psychic powers, space-fascists (at war with the space-nazi), big hair, and heavy metal. I don't find it radical at all.
Isn't that pretty blatantly just the Major?
Robert Adler's the name of the artist. He did a lot of guro art under the name of Carl.
also the back
Motoko Kusanagi.
Probably one of the most known cyberpunk characters.
Yea.. looks similair
Yes, of course, it's intentional.
>Polish name is Eliza Kosewska
>Kosewska means "wheat cutter" or "grass cutter"
>Same meaning as Kusanagi in Japanese
>He did a lot of guro art under the name of Carl.
Eww, no thanks.
the more you know...
A FUCKIN' LEAF! HELL o, fellow socialist comrade, eh.
Too bad aboot dem Guardians of Order, eh?
I had to check to even verify that they were Canadian. And dead.
As an american, I basically have no place in this thread, but I support it's premise, and am thoroughly enjoying researching these games that were (to me) unheard of until now.
Brazil here.
We have a local market, but I'm pretty sure there is nothing here actually different or better than american options. It works because not many players can read english and import taxes make foreign stuff expensive.
I don't really care what language it's originally published in. What I do care about is that the RPG culture here is so small, and out of +/-16 million citizens, none has tried to get something published so far
>tfw can't find games as a pastafag because i live in the middle of fucking nowhere
Also, the fact that most people only want to play translated stuff is a pain.
>Another post apocalyptic setting. A personal favorite. Players take the role of child-soldiers of the catholic church, brainwashed to think they are angels and infused with nanomachines the vatican had been sitting on since before the war that wasted everything. Ultra-grim.
Fuck I used the same thing in my apocalypse. Guess I'm just gonna change that faction to a bunch of raiders or bounty hunters, or a trigger-happy corporation.
For Frogfags, I recommend La Taverne du Jeux de Role. Thank me later.
>mfw texas hold'em
Wait it is Spanish? I thought they just had translated it. However that would explain why I never saw about it here.
Well now I'll have to buy it and support the local industry.