Did you ever had a bad experience with religious people?
Either with a new player or some random bystander?
Did you ever had a bad experience with religious people?
Either with a new player or some random bystander?
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I would expect more trouble from religious players uncomfortable with a particular scene/setting/campaign than from religious outsiders, actually.
As an atheist I doubt it due most fantasy world outright running on religion.
Nope. I've had way more problems with angry atheists.
And god damn singularity cult morons. It's just religion for atheists, and completely misses what transhumanism is actually about.
> tfw the DM brings "one true religion" into the game.
Outspoken Atheists on the other hand, are quite annoying. IF I have to hear one more guy talk about how their fantasy cleric/paladin doesn't have to be religious and there are no gods and it's all will and their own magic and they just think it's gods, then a go nuts.
Sounds like railroad bullshit mixed with being a generally awful person. A Classic combination. Surprised you stayed with something like that for so long, user.
Not really.
I played with a pretty religious-seeming korean guy who always did these very rapid and quiet prayers before meals. He was chill as fuck, never gave anyone grief about religion. All around a great human being and player.
>People who insist clerics and paladin don't need a god/religion
Regardless of their religious beliefs, I fucking hate this shit, and the worst thing is that WotC allowed it. If you're going to play a paladin without actually roleplaying one, just roll a fucking fighter or eldritch knight.
It's like playing a druid who lives in an inner city condo and drives his Toyota Prius to Starbucks every morning to enjoy a double moccha frappuchino made from beans handpicked by Eritrean child slaves.
It's not me, I just saved the screencap.
Those are not outspoken atheists, but straight-up retards.
In a world where deities are a tangible and obvious power, atheism has no place. Sure, you can have a character who doesn't care about the gods, who puts all of his faith in his fellow mortals, but denying the existence of the gods in such a setting is just plain stupid.
If they were doing it just for kicks, and it was a lighthearted campaign, then that actually sounds like a pretty funny druid.
I haven't.
Had more problems with hard core fedora players.
I've had problems with both sides of it, antitheist atheists using the religion commentary in a lot of tg as an excuse to shit on religion, and religious people shitting on the setting for "not doing religion right"
What ticks me off is when people decide to derail a game session to talk politics or religion, I'm all for a good debate but not when we are trying to get shit done and play a game, that goes double if the conversation starts to get toxic
>I had a big Monday night 40k game get delayed for an hour straight because Donald Trump got brought up and it was a 50:50 split of support for him and against him so skub flowed
Got any stories of euphoria?
Not really, but I tend to be the most religious person at my games and I'm the GM.
I don't really have an issue with atheists either, but the 10 or so people I play RPGs with tend to be very apathetic about spirituality or lack thereof.
>Implying the mechanics are inherently tied to a trope.
Even if the spirituality is in-game? I've run across some fedora-tippers who get super asspained if anything that smacks vaguely of religion or magic appears in a setting.
Words mean things, you know. The words "cleric" and "paladin" inherrently have a religious bend. If we're going to strictly separate roleplay and rollplay, we might as well just have barbarians be bookish, studious types. Because deriving your power from pure anger doesn't mean you actually have to be agressive. Maybe "rage" just means "contemplative thought derived from years of study".
I'm an atheist, and most of my religious-based RPG annoyances are because of other atheists.
Only experience like that I've had was when somebody playing a cleric made an OOC remark about "no atheists in foxholes" (the campaign had the players as members of a military unit, and I think he was explaining his cleric's reasoning for saving someone who who worshiped a different god or something, so there was some actual context for the comment), and the GM got kind of pissy about it because he considered it offensive or something.
Like I said, in regards to both spirituality and the lack thereof, they're pretty much all very apathetic. That being said they don't usually play paladins or such in medieval games, and in 40k most of them come across as only paying lip service to the Emperor. So that apathy does tend to bleed into their charatcers
This. I love playing priests and holy men and the only people who ever made a stink or gave me shit about it are other atheists.
I've honestly had the worst experiences when a person who fundamentally doesn't *get* religion tries to play a character with strong religious faith. Inevitably, it ends in an abrasive fanatic with zero ability to compromise or a wishy washy 'all faiths and interpretations are valid, despite the fact that I am playing as a religious crusader' pussy.
You realize that while we, as players, know that gods exist in a setting the characters don't necesarily do, right? And anyway someone who doesn't believe the gods are really "gods" is completely viable. High level wizards are practically gods as it is, thinking the "gods" are just mortals with powerful artifacts makes sense.
I had someone who eavesdropped on us and used the Bernie Sanders is Jesus analogy to bitch about our Randian characters for mocking socialism during a game.
Which amuses me because socialism as an ideology only works with magical bullshit food powers.
>Which amuses me because socialism as an ideology only works with magical bullshit food powers.
Ironically socialists reject the only thing that can help socialism as the opiate of the people.
Actually, "paladin" just means someone connected to the imperial palace. Nothing religious there.
What is transhumanism actually about, then?
Not a whole lot. Just a general insistence that any religious person is secretly the BBEG.
Or having all the followers of good gods be closet followers of Evil gods whenever they are allowed to gm.
Got to watch a pretty interesting debate between two atheists though. One was playing a cleric of a good god(a male follower of the goddess of stonk independent women) and a fighter/follower of an Evil god of tyranny. Sort of like divine command theory, but used to support the following of evil gods.
To be fair, the definition of a Paladin goes back to the word 'palatin' which was just one of 12 members of Charlemagne's court.
Additional definitions defines them as military leaders or leaders of a cause.
If your argument is how they are defined in tabletop, then it's moot because the setting can be anything you want it to be.
Except paladin just means a chivalrous knight. "Longsword" is a two handed sword. And barbarian has shit all to do with rage or being stronk.
Also, refluffing "rage" as focus instantly makes the class better. I would much rather play a monk with barbarian mechanics, or a nobleman boxer.
The way it is used nowadays is mostly reminiscent of Charlemagne's paladin though. It's the same as with "knight" which merely means servant if you go back far enough.
>To be fair, the definition of a Paladin goes back to the word 'palatin' which was just one of 12 members of Charlemagne's court.
Are you implying Charlemagne's paladin weren't universally depicted as shining champions of Christianity?
> Live in Faerun
> Call clerics frauds
> Laugh when they get offended
> Demand they prove the existance of gods
> "Only divine casters can wear plate!"
> Yeah, this hasn't been true for a long time. Don't have a better proof?
> They get visibly butthurt.
> They argue that arcane magic can't heal
> Point at bards and ask them to explain this.
> They start frothing from their mouths
> "Disprove this, faggot!"
> They use divine intervention class feature
> Actually succeed for once
> The ground quakes as the sun goes dim and the skies split apart
> A gigantic, fiery figure looks down on me, his voice is like thunder
> It's Talos, god of storms.
> "What he's saying is true, we are real"
> Cool illusion, bro.
> Talos gets offended.
> Strikes me down with lightning
> Die
> Get stuck in the Wall of Faithless for all eternity for being a fedora faggot
> Totally worth it
>The Wall of Faithless isn't some kind of horrid place for the damned, it's more of a soirée where the euphoric spend eternity being enlightened by their own intelligence
>"I'd call this heaven if I were mentally deficient!"
No I've had problems with hardcore fedoras though
>Are you implying Charlemagne's paladin weren't universally depicted as shining champions of Christianity?
Dude they were bodyguards and retrieved relics from smelly foreigners. They were just very specialized knights, and not much else. Also Charlamagne stole the word from Latin, in which it mean "of or belonging to the palace"
>Did you ever had a bad experience with religious people?
Only while I was still religious, since it was kind of hard to avoid them in that case. I've always been into traditional games, but if anyone in the church community ever asked me about my interests, I'd be scolded for dabbling in "Satanic" things.
Hasn't been an issue since I'm no longer subscribed to those beliefs and don't have to deal with those people on a weekly basis now. There may be the occasional street evangelist trying to warn me about the impending apocalypse, but I just ignore them. Once though, some guy approached my group playing D&D at the mall and wouldn't stop preaching about how we were all going to hell. We largely ignored him until he felt awkward and left.
Contrary to what some anons have claimed, (which I highly doubt is true) I've never been bothered by atheists. Even when I was pretty devoutly religious, I don't think anyone ever tried to de-convert me. And I personally couldn't care less what anyone believes or practices, as long as they don't bother anybody else.
Trust me the fedoras are much more annoying than any christian I've dealt with
Annoying evangelists and fanatics are obnoxious, faithful or faithless.
>> Cool illusion, bro.
>> Talos gets offended.
To be fair, you could have literally done anything at all and Talos would get offended. He's sorta like that.
>Don't sacrifice to Talos
>Talos is jealous
>Sacrifice to Talos
>Talos feels you're suffocating him
Dude you just got summoned to appear in the material plane/mortal realm/what-have-you by some followers, probably got that call while on the John too, you damn it, always the second you plop down on the seat and start pushing. You also will not be leaving without smiting someone. It just goes without saying.
Never. Not even when dealing with other religions and cultures.
>socialism as an ideology only works with magical bullshit food powers.
You mean like industrial farming or genetic engineering?
It's just a retarded boogeyman / caricature that /pol/ whines about to dismiss contrary opinions. People like that don't actually exist, at least not outside of college campuses. I've literally never encountered anyone like this before. Fundamentalists on the other hand are largely populous and feel the need to interject when they don't approve of your lifestyle.
In Europe it's the norm so they don't stand out, and in the U.S they are more annoying because they aren't accepted
How euphoric are you in this moment?
>they don't exist
They're as existent as they're annoying.
>You mean like industrial farming or genetic engineering?
Didn't help the Soviet Union out a lot. Margaret Thatcher put it best: the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. Because you know what the biggest problem is with those selfish, capitalist fatcats? They're selfish people with money. That means that if the climate becomes hostile, they will have both the motivation and the means to move themselves and their money out of the country. The SU saw a massive exodus of the superrich (the ones that weren't killed at least), leaving mostly the middle class to share their meagre means of existing with the poor. Congratulations, you now have breadlines.
Strange, that a system that punishes the wealthy fails to generate wealth!
If Socialism is so bad... why are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and all those other Scandanavian Socialist countries doing so well in terms of almost everything?
>atheist clerics
I mean if they have a relatively less-whatever-theist faith that's fine. The default henotheism of D&D is enough of a historical rarity as is. But at least have something that looks vaguely like a religion or has a reason to work like the cleric class. A Taoist or Stoic cleric is fine, for instance. A Goetic holy demon binder dude works too.
Not that I've had this experience. The most atheist folks I know like playing their clerics and paladins to the hilt. I've occasionally known the devout to balk at worshiping a god other than the jealous one. NotTao etc. are decent enough ways of sidestepping the issue, IME.
>Talos feels you're suffocating him
>Talos just going through a rough patch
>Talos needs personal space.
>Talos thinks we should see other people.
>People like that don't actually exist,
God, I wish.
1. They're not "socialist", they're social democratic countries.
2. Norway is sitting on a gigantic stash of oil, so it's doing well for the same reason Saudi-Arabia is: a resource based economy. Look up Norway's exports and compare them to, say, France.
3. Sweden is sitting on a gigantic pile of household debt.
4. You know why Sweden is taking in boatloads of immigrants and the largest number of rapefugees per capita? Because their system, which has more in common with a ponzi scheme than a functioning economy, demands an upper class to keep paying for social facilities they will never themselves enjoy. With that working class becoming ever smaller, Sweden (and the rest of Western Europe) needs to get them from somewhere. Because God forbid we reform a dysfunctional system until it's functional! Just throw stuff at it and see what sticks.
These problems would be readily apparant and more reported on if politicians looked further than the end of their term.
Considering the moral panic that used to surround roleplaying, I'd imagine the majority of religious rolplayers are open enough or flexible or whatever to not muck up a game they understand is just innocent fun, and the sort of person who
Obviously that's not gonna be everyone, but I'm spreaking broadly here.
Plus Sweden is projected to be a third world country by 2030
Good rebuttal, user, you sure showed 'em
Sources for this?
Social Democratic is still socialist though, unless you see socialism as pure communism, which again, is different.
The thing is, these Countries are doing way better than Capitalist counter-parts... from what I've seen and read of various places in the World, socialism is key for the best way of life for all members of a Country and one which can be sustained provided we did it right (i.e stop people/corporations from tax-dodging).
I think this is a good point. If you were going to be the sort of religious guy that would be bothered by stuff in game, you wouldn't be playing in the first place.
Sort of a self selecting thing.
I used to play with a religious guy and a couple pretty hard core atheists. They used to give him lots of shit for being religious and believing in God without proof. One day, after quite a bit of abuse he said:
>I could arrange a face to face meeting. It'd be a one way trip though.
And they never brought it up again. lol
You have to go back.
>TFW the Lutherian mafia is real
>Inevitably, it ends in an abrasive fanatic with zero ability to compromise or a wishy washy 'all faiths and interpretations are valid, despite the fact that I am playing as a religious crusader' pussy.
You mean how religious people are in real life?
No, I don't play in public, and most of the aggressive christfags wouldn't come near my tabletops. There's some normal christfags at my table, though.
My first THATGUY experience was with a fedorathiest /pol/tard, though. Fedoratheism is practically a religion of its own now.
>Sources for this?
Norway's exports
About 60% of their entire economy runs purely on their resources.
>Sweden's household debt
It's among the highest among European countries. Sweden is to household debt what Greece is to public debt.
>Sweden has more rapefugees per capita than any other EU country
I can't find the source for that other anons statement, but I do remember some UN report stating that Sweden's HDI will be 45th in the world by 2030. The problem with systems that sound good is that they may work for a while, but often end up being unsustainable. The step from socialism to social-democracy only delays the point after which the system can no longer sustain itself.
>look mommy, I posted the hat picture again!
Ebin fedoraposting only gives me the (You)s I want and makes me feel more and more superior to you and others, user.
Indeed I am, user, thank you.
Paladins have never been devotees of a god (except in 4e), they're devoteed of Good and Law. They can absolutely be religious, but any dedication to their God comes second to Be Good and Be Lawful.
Then how do you explain ur mom? She's the greatest paladin of my dick, and hell she knows how to smite.
>that one fedoratheist who plays clerics and paladins yet makes his characters 'too smart to believe in gods'
>that other fedoratheist who plays religious characters who flat out kill everybody who's not a believer, ruining the party's relations with multiple townships just to prove a political point
I'd much rather play with a hardcore Christain to be completely honest
My uncle is 48 and he still likes to make all kinds of comments to my 61 year old dad because he is Christian, they fight a lot.
He is the only person in real life I have ever seen use SJW language.
I'm going to run a campaign set in modern day world with mythical shit in it in the following weeks with two guys who are religious to the point of telling me off for swearing if I use any word for the devil.
Little do they know Satan is a character in the setting, running the biggest hypercorporation on the planet behind a false name, and who will at some point hire the pcs to do some mutually beneficial stuff. I'm going to drop hints about it and even give them chance to turn up on him if they figure it out.
What your anus and my mom's strap-on get up to in the privacy of her sex-dungeon is none of my business, user.
I wish you wouldn't squeal so loudly when you beg her to call you her filthy little bitch, though. It's distracting when I'm trying to work.
1-3% GDP spending on defense and scientific research supported by piggybacking on other nations, huge tax rates, debt.
I had trouble with an atheist player if that counts.
He kept going on about how his character didn't believe in the gods or the supernatural in a time similair to the early middle ages.
I'm not saying its impossible but he was playing as common mercenary and it sort of came of as snowflake.
>Play with a friend who's a youth pastor
>Plays a bro-tier drunk wizard who's always a hoot to have around
>Dies, but has his soul trappd in a skull
>Convinces the party barbarian to wear the skull as part of his armor so he can cast spells from his shoulder and make everyone think the 4 INT feral warrior is secretly a master magician who can cast while cleaving everything up
One of the most fun campaigns I've ever been in.
>I'm not saying its impossible but he was playing as common mercenary and it sort of came of as snowflake.
You sound like a douche. And pretty silly too, if you think atheists are a recent thing.
And I forgot to add, why would a mercenary atheist be so strange? Those who make a living through sheer murder without even having loyalty to a liege/the established order to pretty it up are unlikely to be people with strong moral convictions or those who take "memento mori" seriously.
My current GM is a heavily-religious actual preacher's son, and we've never had issues with him. He understands the concept of fictional worlds with fictional religions not being a threat to God. Buying into the idea that D&D has actual Satanic power or whatever would be insulting to God, and possibly actually blasphemous.
I had a religious player that had a problem with fellow players using necromancy or spells to summon evil though was fine with the DM throwing out undead and devils to smash. It wasn't just in character but out of character as well he would comment if a PC used a necromancy spells. The only problem I had was when he and the atheist got into arguements that brought the game to a stand still. Oddly enough they argued about everything but religion with the favourite topic of which political party is ruining the country more.
That's alright son, we'll keep it down tonight.
Folk-religion sometimes didn't follow the official line. There are recorded instances of people claiming to disbelieve God, the soul, whatever the conventional afterlife is, and so on. But they often do so piecemeal (disbelieving god but believing in ghosts) or believe even spookier shit (your soul is blood and you can do stuff with it, dead people reincarnate because the air is full of evil spirits that torture them).
Rational humanism and empiricism are kind of distinct things from mere disbelief. They have antecedents, but there's no reason to assume they're a more natural way of thinking once you've rejected faith.
The past is a foreign country and all that.
What a total cuntwaffle.
user, that's called roleplaying. Why the fuck wouldn't he have a problem with necromancy?
Yes. They're exceptionally annoying.
Wouldn't you think that someone who has a big chance to die each day would try to keep the gods on his side.
Also there weren't many irrelegious people before the 19th century so like I said it comes off as snowflake.
Divinity is not an objective quality. It's a title conferred on things that are worshiped.
Your 'totally real god' is no more inherently divine than the silly hats you like to shitpost about so much.
Aren't those countries close to economic collapse? Finland hasn't even recovered from 2007 yet, Norway is injecting billions into their failing banks and Sweden has some of the lowest growth in the world.
Sweden's about to become a 3rd world country m8
I can understand that certain individuals would reject certain aspects of spirituality but it makes it a bit cheap when he tries to make his character a 21st century atheist like himself.
My other player is also an atheist but he always roleplays accordingly to the setting.
Let me restate the player had not a roleplaying but an actual out of character problem with Player characters using necromancy and dealing with devils that was linked to his beliefs. I was fine with his view as thats the sort of stuff should be left to villians and very desperate players.
Social democracy is not socialist. Socialism is only about ending private ownership of the means of production. Inequality, wealth redistribution, 'social progress', etc. have nothing to do with it.