What skill is it to Smug?
Persuasion, Intimidation? Deception?
What skill is it to Smug?
Persuasion, Intimidation? Deception?
Computer Use.
It requires the seduction(imouto) feat.
It doesn't require a skill. When are you ever going to have to roll for smug? Unless you're not really smug but want to fake it. In which case, bluff.
Smug is not a skill check, it's an ability score check - in this case, Charisma, as that attribute represents your raw force of presence, something Smug needs.
It depends.
What do you accomplish by being smug, aside from being screencapped by a weeaboo and posted on Nepalese throat-singing image boards?
w-where are the classic rock albums
It's pure smug ability, the most important stat.
>he doesn't know which skill smug is related to
Its a fat nerd racial ability.
Whatever it is, lolis get a massive racial bonus for it.
Smug isn't a proficiency; it's a trait, and it gives bonuses to all of the above.
>that moment you hit a loli with an aging spell and her smug plummets
I hope that one day, all of you weebs will get AIDS.
Loli is a race now?
what are the racial stats?
They are a race that can't be pure. They only exist as a mixture. So you can have dragon/loli, vampire/loli, but not pure loli
So it's a teplate you can apply to a race or creature?
>Implying MILFs can't be smug
She doesn't look smug. She looks broken.
You look at too much hentai.
look at her eyes. They are completely fucked up. They aren't even equally open
>Otyugh Loli
>Gelatinous Cube Loli
>Xenomorph Loli
>Predator Loli
>Shai Hulud Loli
The sad part is I'm positive there's art of each of these.
that fucking baby gets me every goddamn time.
Of course. Loli is a race of fey creatures that loom superficially like prepubescent girls.
Or alternatively, it's a name for female dwarves, like how male chickens are called roosters and females hens.
>>Shai Hulud Loli
>Usul, we have 'onii-chans' the likes of which even God has never seen!
still better than the non-frank herbert books
+2 charisma +1 dexterity
>Lolis have advantage in intimidation rolls when using their smugness
>A Loli can use their reaction to force disadvantage on an attack roll against them, they can use this twice before needing a short or long rest
You forgot their negative modifiers around fat old men
Loli (template)
This template can be applied to a female or genderless creature (in the latter case, it is considered to be female after the template has been applied to it).
CR: same as base creature
Type: Creature type changes to humanoid, with the exception of undead and outsiders, whcih retain their creature type. Do not recalculate hit dice, base attack bonus, or saving throws.
Size: If the base creature is Medium or larger, decrease its size to Small. The creature does not gain the benefits or penalties to ability scores that arise from decreased size.
Abilities: Str -2, Dex +2, Cha +4. Loli derived from creatures without an Intelligence score gain an Intelligence of 3.
Special Abilities: A loli retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains +2 on Disguise checks to look like human child, and can take 10 on Bluff checks to convince others it is telling the truth, so long as its story makes it appear innocent.
Skills: The creature gains Bluff and Diplomacy skills if it did no already have them.
Languages: The creature gains the ability to speak Common in addition to any other languages it may be able to speak.
>Loli derived from creatures without an Intelligence score gain an Intelligence of 3.
>the template takes airhead catgirl lolis in account
I know I drew the first one.
>Lolis have disadvantage on any strength or constitution saving throws when within 5 feet of any dwarf or characters defined as fat.
>Sad part
I know I'm gonna draw some, myself.
Don't remind me
It ended at chapterhouse and that's final
Not that user, but she's probably just tired because parenting is hard work that deprives people of sleep. Note that her hair, despite being anime, is messy in a way that suggests sleeplessness.
Smug is arrogance, which can cloud perception. It can be used to defend against false or maddening perception of reality, or can be a weakness causing misinterpretation of reality.
But yeah. Will Save is Smug.
>Apply template to the Tarrasque
>It's still a nearly unkillable superhumanely stong (although slightly less so) monster that destroys and devours all in its path, but can now pass as a cute little girl
Now do it to the neutronium golem
>Cha +4
Are you kidding me? Lolis get a +10 to Cha, minimum.
They're man-eaters, yo.
>Virtually indestructible construct forged from the heart of a dying star, which has enough power to shatter the world
>Als, it looks like a cute little girl
I get the feeling I've seen that in some anime somewhere. I'm willing to bet she's got one of those emotionless "clone of Rei from Evangelion" personalities.
The template should probably have construct as one of the creature types that don't get their type changed on lolification, so you could make a robot/golem girl.
taunt, intimidation, persuasion or seduction
depends on the context
yeah, broken
>Get hit by a lolification spell
>Become the smuggest
Sense motive. Smug anime girls are like the "yeah, right" or "are you even serious?" of reaction images. They pierce through whatever veil the enemy tries to present to you.
Sadly they make you very vulnerable to mods. I was once banned for an entire fucking weak for using smug reaction images, because supposedly that's "using avatars".
Fuck no, they do not.
Something possessed me to draw this.
Neutronium lolis are immensely powerful constructs fashioned from the super-dense material of a neutron star.
A neutronium loli is an all but invincible opponent, and is generally powerful enough to deal with even multiple cosmic-level threats simultaneously, or at the very least delay them until a time lord arrives to investigate the disturbance. Even approaching a neutronium loli is extremely hazardous for all but the most resilient opponents. Those struck by a neutralizer's powerful fists are often disintegrated with a single blow, their remains briefly decorating the construct's body before being incinerated and crushed to infinitesimal fragments by the unrelenting heat and gravity. A typical punch (averaging 225,526 damage) is fully capable of destroying a planet (an Earth-sized planet would have roughly 122,880 hp).
A neutronium loli stands 4 feet tall and 1 feet broad, and weighs approx. 2.26x10^14 tons (effectively 4.52x10^17 pounds). A neutronium loli's unfeasibly high density gives it +32 virtual size categories.
A neutronium loli does not speak.
Neutronium loli is considered to be the most powerful creation in the field of loli-crafting, although rumours say that some mad wizard once turned a black hole into a loli. However, there were no survivivors who could attest to trustworthiness of such claims.
Smug is overrated. Blinding smile is thinking man's choice.
Somebody with shit taste would think that, wouldn't they
Just kidding ya, blinding smiles are nice
I dunno user, I've done a lot of research on this subject. At least 92.3% of lolis have been observed displaying behaviors that confirm this.
Seems legit.
Shizuku is so incredibly smug in almost every single shot she's in. She's horribly underrated.
Aaand wrong pic.
Either persuasion or deception depending on whether you actually feel smug/confident.
How would such a construct retain its shape as opposed to decaying (read exploding spectacularly) once removed from the main body of a Neutron star? Without the degeneracy pressure of the entire rest of the star pressing down on it, neutronium explosively decays releasing gargantuan quantities of energy.
>Oppai loli goddess isn't on the list
It's shit.
>What skill is it to Smug?
Suzuka-sama no Geboku, I think.
Same way as the actual Neutronium Golem: magic. Neutronium Golems are supposed to be created by the Time Lords (no relation to the ones in Doctor Who), so I don't think normal laws of physics really apply.
Smug takes sacrifice.
>Complaining about weebs on Veeky Forums
question marks > smug
You have to practice!
Oppai loli isn't real loli!
No, that's just Karen being best.
posting superior mother and babby smug.jpg