What system do you think lends itself to encourage brewing, tg?
What system do you think lends itself to encourage brewing, tg?
Assuming that under brewing you meant home-brewing and not some sort of brew-master class...
Well, there are two ways to go about it.
You could either use a system that is very detailed, so you could brew new stuff by fiddling with details, but making your own shit from scratch may take a bit long. Crunch heavy systems like HERO or GURPS and the like.
Or, you could take a system that uses a more broad strokes approach, where making new things is easy as long as they are entirely new, but there aren't enough variables to fiddle with stuff easily. Somewhat lighter, more gamist systems like Savage Worlds, or, since you used FFTA as your OP pic, Strike! come to mind.
Honestly? Fifth Edition D&D. There's comprehensive guidelines for it in both the core books and easily accessible online resources, everything runs on a (mostly) consistent logic, and the devs themselves release what amounts to their own homebrew monthly and have a platform for people to put their homebrew on the marketplace. That's not to say that it can be modified to suit any play-style or setting (it can't), or that it can be modified into something any group will have fun with (that's impossible considering the vast differences in groups). But the fact that people label the edition "Homebrew Editon" and that I currently have both a Word doc and a One Note file open with homebrew races and class archetypes as I type this solidifies that idea to me. Add in the fact that people can plunder the depths of 40ish years of history which is currently not represented in the official materials due to the glacial release schedule, and you have a system where everyone can quickly tweak their game to be unique to their table.
What kind of brewing are we talking about here, hombre?
thanks, that's helpful. I've been pointed in the direction of HERO and GURPS on multiple occasions before.
I like crunch heavy, but I'm unaware of my target audience would prefer something that's more light and fast or tactical and deep.
not OP btw.
Never played D&D, but doesn't the general pop hate 5th E? I have see more negatives posted about it than positives, but because I have not encountered 5th, or other editions, I have no idea if it's justified.
D&D 5e is by far the most popular tabletop RPG. Veeky Forums is just full of hipsters who hate on everything that is popular.
Anything modular and rules-lite is very easy to homebrew for. The more crunchy and integrated things become, the more difficult it is to change without breaking something.
Easiest systems to homebrew for in my experience were Risus and Dungeon World. The latter has a whole chunk of its book devoted to help guide the homebrewer in the right direction, though mentioning it is probably going to trigger some bitches.
>Never played D&D, but doesn't the general pop hate 5th E?
Nah, most of the board likes it. Virtualoptim shitposts against it pretty often, and there's definitely a few other folks who hate it, but they're louder than they are numerous, IMO.
5E is OK. It is just that other systems like GURPS are better.
Eh, I would argue that due to 5eg, the enthusiasts are contained while detractors are more widely distributed amongst the other threads. Same with Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG. Go in SWG, and people like the narrative dice. Outside it, I usually see people who are uncomfortable with them at best.
>Never played D&D, but doesn't the general pop hate 5th E?
D&D always was and still is, by an ENORMOUS margin, the most popular RPG in the world. Veeky Forums is hardly a representative sample of the world's roleplayers.
Pathfinder. :^)
It sucks that Dungeon World gets suck a bad rap because of Virt's constant shitposting about it when he was still more active. It's not the system for me, but I can see the appeal for closely knit groups of socially adept non-minmaxers who value Roleplay over Rollplay, with a GM that can handle the non-structured narrative style.
Lots of conversions from PF to 5e, if the Roll20 games per month stats are anything to go by (which they may well not be).
I was more poking fun at how the only serious competitor to D&D ever was basically D&D with serial numbers filed off.
With Devs who use their own untrained physical prowess as to how they should balance martial characters.
Yup. Hilarious.
Imagine if they took the same approach to casters.
>I tried to memorize latin chants combined with sign language at the same time. It's definitely not something you can just do willy-nilly, so we're reducing all spell slots to 1 per day per level with no bonus slots.
>I tried to memorize latin chants combined with sign language at the same time. It's definitely not something you can just do willy-nilly, so we're reducing all spell slots to 1 per day per level with no bonus slots.
That's hilarious, user!
>D&D 5e is by far the most popular tabletop RPG.
Any good modular RPGs?
GURPS dawg. Hit up the general thread for more help specifically
>What system do you think lends itself to encourage brewing, tg?
Brewmasters of Io. If you weren't such a newfag you'd already have a copy.
Judging by the sheer number of existing hacks, Apocalypse World.
But that doesn't mean it's easy to homebrew for, as evidenced by the sheer number of mediocre to shitty hacks.
This is basically GURPS' entire design concept.
It is *extremely* modular, built around modularity even, and also good.