Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way? How so?
Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way? How so?
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No, my setting is horribly eurocentric and I feel bad for it. Not even orcs are black people.
No. Arthurian fantasy.
>Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way?
>How so?
It's the current year.
The MOST RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR plies the waves of the Indian Ocean and coordinates puppet Satrapies through most of southern Africa and those parts of India not currently run by the Rakshasha Ghoulkings. Granted, a good half of the noble dynasties have significant Chinese admixture in their heritage and culture.
>Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way?
>How so?
See the map? They come from the lands around the equator.
Ok, now you're just obviously a fucking troll trying to call down /pol/ to our location. The answer, while reason and humanity still prevails, is it depends on where the hell it takes place, and what the hell your players want to be.
Yes? There are loads of black people in Exalted. And a ton of brown people. And Asian people.
White people are mostly from the frozen north, but there's a ton of them too.
>Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way? How so?
On western side of the story, there are the Polynesian nautical warrior equivalents. One of my players plays a seven foot tall female paladin from that group. Fun character.
On the Silk Road end of the setting there's a desert continent to the south of my Three Kingdoms continent. One of my players is playing a conjurer wizard from the Aladdin Enlightenment Arabia country in the southern continent.
>Circle of Friends
>Circle of Friends
They are the most conniving underhanded assholes in the setting
No. Maybe in the alternate universe where the kangz really wuz kangz they invented RPGs and are roleplaying in an Afrocentric setting with no white people, pyramids with jet engines, shamanist-tech priests, the works.
There is literally nothing comfier than my own race's many cultures, and particularly my own ethnicity's culture.
> Circle of Friends
One of our party members is black.
Well, drow I guess.
She's black in real life.
Also my girlfriend.
Is that weird?
Only if you make it weird
The closest to niggers are orcs, ogres, hobgoblins and such.
Fuck Niggers.
Post pics. Does she look anything like picrelated?
What kind of black?
If BLACK-black, there's Fantasy Songhai (players didn't get to it yet)
if /pol/-black, there are Finns, Russians, Hindu, Mongols, Arabs, Brown elves and sapient blobs of mana.
>no GamerGate
user, I...
>Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way? How so?
I run Third War for Armageddon-style Salamanders, before they were BLACK black.
Yes, why wouldn't it?
>Fantasy Songhai
My nigger.
/pol/ go home.
No, unless you count isolated Not!Negritos on small islands, and somewhat primitive races based loosely (visually and culturally) on Austronesians and Highland Malagasy—which are going to wind up being used as as slaves in a few of the setting's more advanced countries.
Some decks, yeah.
well the party has NPC's on their ship and they got bored and decided to make a black NPC named D'aquon L'darius Junior the Fourth.
Well, i have more than one setting. I run Deathwatch. Black Space Marines? Sure, why not. Needn't be Salamanders either. Shadowrun? Plenty of black people. My fantasy homebrew... not so much. As mentioned in another thread, I think the core of fantasy is mythical medieval europe. Which means any black dude on the main continent will be like Morgan Freeman in Robin Hood. I wouldnt want a whole party of black PCs under this setting (rather shift the center of the campign southwards) but 1 or 2 black people in medieval europe? Why not?
The Black Men of my setting have ink black skin that reflects no light.
The Black Men shun the color white for its associations with ice and death. Those who can afford to dye their teeth black and wear dark lenses over their eyes in order to remove all traces of whiteness from their appearance.
>Google songhai
>literally WE WUZ KANGS bullshit
fuck off.
I'm going to have a Notafrica continent, but haven't fleshed it out much. Blacks would be a subrace of trolls with tactical vuvuzelas and subrace of gnomes with ostrich cavalry.
Fuck off tumblr/ctr, we all know you're the one who makes threads like this.
Fuck off with what? An actual historical empire?
We all know wikipoodia is full of bullshit.
Furfags get upset when something challenges their fursecution narrative.
Just close your ports bro
No, because the white race cannot continue to succeed if we appease blacks at every turn.
Yeah. It's a planet, thus having a tropical area inhabited by humans that consequently have darker skins.
Do you really need black people? I mean if my setting had jews they'd start a civil rights movement of any and all lesser race anyway.
Jesus your hood is on tight if you can't swallow historical reality
It's based off sub Saharan Africa so yes
How the fuck do you get more white than actual Nordics?
>Does your setting/character/deck include blacks in any way? How so?
Yes, actually.
The only Human Ethnicities I use are basically "Whites" & "Blacks".
>omg guys I have a girlfriend
>is this normal
>did I mention she is BACK
Neck yourself
History is a conspiracy by (((historians))) to delude good Germanics into believing that the inferior races can accomplish anything close to civilization. Anybody who tells you there's been civilization in Africa before the 19th century is a liar.
You can say Black people. Blacks just sounds like somethin an old racist would say.
eurocentric black girls? Nope not weird, just an unfortunate side effect of the self-hate in this society.
Current setting is based on the mid-late 19th century, so not only are there black people, there's tons of them in this part of the world. And it's also the first fantasy game I've ever run where the N-word would actually be appropriate in character dialogue. But there's a black guy in my group, so I don't think I'll be using it.
He's gonna be playing a child of freed slaves from Fantasy Nawlins, so there's a whole weird... thing about it.
Mali, Benin, Songhai, Empire of Ghana, Cush, Great Zimbabwe, Aksum, Akan. So many more. The "World" history taught in American school is pathetic. The ignorance surrounding the history of the African continent is just astounding.
Every setting needs cotton pickers.
Why the fuck do you care OP?
Fuck yeah.
Moths fuckin cracka. Keep talkin shit like you safe in this board, you hear? Posts like yours are why I can't wait for the white genocide. We'll take over tabletop too you little docked pasty ass motha FUCKA
Yes. I don't see a non racist reason why not.
Yep they're called the Wuzwee
They were originally lobotomised slaves to the Not! Bedouin, but we're led by a great man into the other desert who said sticking nails into the head isn't good, here they married and interbred with the natives. They are more horde but can take a unit from other armies like alpha legion in HH
their name is a corruption of wuzwe, they stole this Spartacus hero from a culture they raped. They ended up in this lands because a not! Bedouin thought he found a new population to enslave but dies, the blacks escape from their cages and rape the populace, originally fertile land but they raped and pillaged until it became dessert. They claim to have originally been all the cultures and that's why they can take their units.
Reading list
/guy who wrote amazing grace
Civilopedia has good history on blacks, if biased because they want you to be this guy
>tfw never GM
>tfw never get to play in my fleshed out setting
And this is why I drink.
correction it should be 'their name is a corruption of 'we WUZ kings'
i said /pol/-tier, aka everything that keeps merry shitposting going.
Players seem to prefer having a vivid description of everything that's going on in the setting, especially the characters populating it. So yeah, I assign various ethnicities to the NPCs based on my whims.
I try to keep the distribution logical though. There might be some villages or regions that are predominantly populated by one ethnicity or the other, and kingdoms with very active commerce are usually melting pots of diverse characters.
basically, finns have a lot of blood from siberian tribes (as opposed to righteous pakistan-descended steppenigger blood), so /pol/ calls them asians.
Doesn't matter if you're some of the palest fuckers on the European continent, if they want they can declare you non-white and find some way to justify it.
Yes, as human characters. They are NPC's, and PC's can roll for skin color if they feel like it.
We're all going to die anyway, so it doesn't matter whether you're black, brown, yellow, or normal.
Hate dogma exists solely to give a reason whenever you want someone who you don't like to be gone.
It's sort of like that "do not mark this page" marked page in the Uplifting Primer. It's just an instant "I can kill you now" ticket.
all humans started out black, loosing melanin through the generations as they move away from the equator and need to absorb more elemental radiant energy
Setting's based on pre-Colombian Inuit tribes. So, no.
man thats fucking radical flayed man tier shit
dont fuck with benin
I like to come up with ethnicities for the other races too. Elves are easy, they're already gay little rainbows, but dwarves and orcs require a bit of lateral thinking.
I learned about all of those in World History though. I don't remember shit but it was there.
Our school's history of africa consisted of "Once upon a time there were egyptians, and then the slave trade happened and that sucked, and then it was now."
No Zulus, no Somalia (historical or modern), no real sense of the place as anything but slaveland.
And then people wonder where all these neo-nazis and sjws crawled out from. They're both born of ignorance.
Irish here
To the British everyone who could ride a horse was black
I went to school in the 80s (where muh grognards at?) and can confirm, this is basically what we were taught, all the way up to the early 90s.
It was shit.
I think we should all be happy that she's back, user's not alone now.
But yeah that "Is that weird?" shit has to go and stay go.
I think that was referring to the "she plays a Drow" part that the other user left out of his quotes.
I'm playing a half-orc if that counts
There's a race with dark skin, but they're more like Dravidians than African blacks.
Why do you think they are still around?
No Moors? Nor even Sir Moriaen?
My setting takes place in some bastardized sci-fi version of the Songhai based ona game of Civ 5 I played. So most of the main cast is black, with quite a few arabs coming to trade, with India being some sub-continent off the coast like Australia
I think there were a few European countries to the North based on city names, but the British ate them all.
Then I decided the elves would be jungle people, and they pretty much resemble civ 6's Kongo now.
>"Once upon a time there were egyptians, and then the slave trade happened and that sucked, and then it was now."
This is why black people have that occasional preconception that they're egyptian.
"Y'all came from Africa! And what else was from Africa? Egypt!" is all they here on the subject.
A nice study into the Kongo would be nice.
This is what i'm playing right now
so, no then?
Neat. I'm running a homebrew African Fantasy setting myself.
I tried running an African campaign once. I brought it up with my players, and they thought it sounded like a welcome change.
So I wrote up the setting, centered around a coastal city that had become rich from trading, with a backstory about a long lost civilization suddenly awakening and wanting its land back.
One guy wanted to play a fucking Viking. In fact, these players who had been so keen on the change of setting all wanted to play the same kind of European fantasy characters they usually did.
The only one who had a good idea was the mage, who had undertaken a dangerous sea voyage to investigate the stories of a lost magical college.
I mean, I can understand the Viking guy wanting to do the cool warrior race thing, but is there any reason he couldn't play a Zulu or Masai?
absolutely disgusting
There is a whole not - Africa partialy ruled by the 2nd in command mummy janissary of the Middle Eastern Super - lich immortal dictator, with the free portions financed by the not - allies and the not - German empire & friends to fuck with the lich.
The reason why the Irish were allowed to mass migrate to the US was because they were known to be White. Biologically there was no question on that they were European/White. The prejudice against Irish was doubled by the idea that Irish, despite being White, in WASPs' eyes (the Irish's traditional enemy), behaved like niggers. That is the entire meme.
The funny thing is if the Irish just converted to Protestantism there wouldn't be that sectarian divide. Maybe they'd be seen as 'rowdy', like the Scots-Irish settlers of North America contrasted to the townie civilized Anglo Saxon, but that'd be the extent of it.
>Biologically there was no question on that they were European/White
Didn't even read the pic, huh?
Be very weird for them to encounter Moors before the birth of Muhammad.
None on their current continent.
People still fight with bone and stone weapons and the most advanced boats would only be fit for rivers, lakes and coastal trips.
They're the greatest empire in the world in my setting.
(Also as someone who's favourite video game ever of all time is this, I find the meme hilariously stupid.)
Like this
My settings don't really align with real world ethncities, but most people are some shade of brown.
Yes. One of the foreign cabals to the House of Enlightened Master contained the Karekenkal, which translates to They of the Burning Crown. They are a group of men who during initiation have a burning circlet placed upon their shaved head so that a permanent ring is burned into it.
They are described as dark skinned and completely hairless, having meticulously removed their body hair.
The group itself is a organization of Bloat Mages who have learned how to mitigate the "getting massively fat" portion of the class. Instead they raise and use blood leeches, which, in battle, they keep in massive floating tanks.
They arrived to make a request of the city and to offer aid. In exchange for access to the archives they agreed to route out wax witches throughout the poorest districts who have plagued the city by magically inducing riots for months.
Your setting sounds pretty cool, user. Good job.
pretty cool
>not sexing up the delicious chocolate elf
Damn man, she plays drow, I bet she'd be willing to wear some pointy ears and everything.