40K would be a much more interesting and balanced game if 90% of the games and model support were for Guard instead of...

40K would be a much more interesting and balanced game if 90% of the games and model support were for Guard instead of power armor.

>Far greater variety of vehicles and infantry available in plastic already. More established reason to have a dozen different regiments with their own rules and significantly different looking infantry than chapters
>Less design space wasted on creating rules for each slightly different brands of power armor, rhino chassis, ultimate elite unit or bolter bob who decided to paint his armor a different shade of red today
>wider model range and tactics mean bring greater army variety to the tabletop
>By principle, no single units of ultimate badasses who can smash their way through the entire opposing force, have to actually use unit synergy and terrain since most of your shit is T3 Sv5+
>40K actually becomes a shooting game, with melee typically used only as a last, desperate resort

Feel free to prove me wrong. You can't.

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g48 b8 m8, i r8 8/8, no db8 or h8, now I better go before I am l8.


i agree with you, but i also recognize this thread as a bait thread.

These aren't arguments. Marinefags BTFO.

If they wanted variety rather than spamming guard instead of marines as you've preposed they would equally focus on a large number of factions and develop the small and unloved. Guard already get good support, fuck off, we need more Admech.

>melee typically used only as a last, desperate resort
>no single units of ultimate badasses who can smash their way through the entire opposing force
I feel like you miss the thematic points of 40k

>40K would be a much more nonexistent and long dead game if 90% of the games and model support were for Guard instead of power armor.
anyways just play Bolt Action if you want 40k but only with guard, you fucking dumbass


>Guard already get good support
>every army is Cadians
>even the fucking Armageddon campaign book featured Cadians with little to no Steel Legion

I think 40k would be really cool if for some reason GW got rid of their retardation and partnered up with like 3-4 other semi independent development teams like what forgeworld sort of is and have them develop new xenos races, mech, etc or break them up according to different imaginative scope like rpg/epic scale/different times like a war on heaven team or age of strife team so we can have a shitload of fleshed out factions and a lot more imaginative unique concepts pumped back into the 40k setting.

So theoretically there could be a team that handles 'regular' power level factions with regular troops and tanks, while another team could handle the spess marine bonanza.

Not every Guardsmen Army using Standard Army Gear is Cadians.

Their Arms and Armor is just a popular pattern.

40K would be a much more interesting and balanced game if 90% of the games and model support were for Tyranids instead of power armor.

>Far greater variety of Monstrous Creatures and infantry available in plastic already. More established reason to have a dozen different hive fleets with their own rules and significantly different looking infantry than chapters
>Less design space wasted on creating rules for each slightly different brands of power armor, rhino chassis, ultimate elite unit or bolter bob who decided to paint his armor a different shade of red today
>wider model range and tactics mean bring greater army variety to the tabletop
>By principle, no single units of ultimate badasses who can smash their way through the entire opposing force, have to actually use unit synergy and terrain since most of your shit is T3 Sv6+
>40K actually becomes a melee game, with shooting typically used only as a last, desperate resort

Feel free to prove me wrong. You can't.

>40K actually becomes a melee game, with shooting typically used only as a last, desperate resort
Want to know how I know you don't actually play tyranids?

it starts with f and rhymes with blyrants

How many fucking troop choices you got ig? How many different kinds of tanks? How many HQs? How many options? I bet it's a hell of a lot more than I do. So there is only one asthetic, yes that's annoying, but at least you have options for how you do your army for the actual gameplay.

I don't play competitively, I always run a swarm of gaunts end my suffering

The Empire of WFB were always much cooler than Space Marines, facing off innumerable evils by having massive balls (and without needing a commissar threatening to kill them)

This one hits home. Steel legion are so fucking cool, yet they don't really get shit lore-wise or model-wise.

40k would be a much more interest'n an’ balanced game if 90% uv ‘da games an’ model support were for orks instead uv powa armor.

>far greata variety uv vehicles an infantry available 'n plastic already. more reason ta have a dozen different waaghs wit' dere own rules an’ different look'n infantry dan chaptaz
>less design space wasted on kreat'n rules for each slightly different brands uv powa armor, rhino chassis, ultimate elite unit or bolta bob 'oo decided ta paint his armor a different shade uv red today
>wida model range an' tactics mean br'n greata army variety ta ‘da tabletop
>by principle, single units uv ultimate badasses 'oo kan smash dere way throo ‘da entire oppos'n force, don't have ta actually use unit synergy an' terrain even dough most uv yer shit iz t3 sv5+
>40k actually becomes a fightan game, wit' shoot'n typically used only as a last, desperate resort

feel free ta prove me wrong. [Spoiler]yer kan't.[/spoiler]

I say we need full support on Gaurdsmen, Admech, and Chaos cultists and less on Marines and their emo cousins

>every army is cadians
>cadians featured on almost every page in the codex
>most fluff blurbs are about cadians
>cadians the only guard regiment in video games (DoWII almost had Vostroyans)
>most artwork is of cadians
>fluff mostly talks about the exploits of cadians
>fighting tyranids or tau on the other side of the galaxy
>not just regiments using cadian equipment, but legit cadians born on and shipped all the way from cadia

And people say Ultramarines are too much

Not much of a game when both players show up only to lose in a horribly embarrassing and unfun manner against one another, somehow.

And I don't disagree with the sentiment. I want more support for armies besides marines as well, it's just if all you do is flip marines and guard that doesn't do me any good, and I do think we need the love a bit more.

>Orks vs Orks only
>Troops options are lots of boys or not a lot of boys
>some boys have guns instead of axes and swords
>both players spend two turns running towards one another
>just before the lines hit, stray artillery hits several mobs
>they fail their mob rule
>since one player is running the Ghazkhull dex, he rolls max damage and kills have his mob due to infighting
>stray rokkit hits the other guy's Morkanaught
>it goes up like a flower mill without having walked more than a foot from the deployment zone
>nobs in the 'naught incinerated
>huge mob of boys clinging to the base of the Morkanaught for the cover save are blown to bits by the shrapnel
>subsequent mob rule failure ensures the survivors finish themselves off
>first player's megaboss and his lackeys get charged by a klaw nob
>forced to accept the challenge
>both models kill eahother instantly because Orks aren't allowed to have invulnerable saves.
>stormboyz never made it on the the table to get shot up because both players decided to call it a draw

Sounds like a fun game.

>40K actually becomes a shooting game, with melee typically used only as a last, desperate resort

>What are power-fist armed veterans with meltabombs and plasmaguns

>What are Ogryns and Bullgryns

>What are Conscript tarpits with power-fist equipped Lord Commissar, Commissar, and Priest attached for maximum facefuck.

Maybe learn how to play Guard aggressively before complaining.

That being said I will say the lack of plastic alternatives to the Cadian retard-safety-helmet troopers is disappointing, even though I don't hate their models. (Except for the heads, the fact we've gone since about 1902 without new head options being added to the guardsman squad sprue is a fucking joke in an industry where the average WWII kit comes with 3x the number of heads needed.

>40K would be dead and bankrupt

Fixed that for you.

it's already a shooting game

Spess Muhreens are the cancer that killed 40k

say what you want about SM's they are the only original property of 40k

all the other races are either Tolkien fantasy or sci-fi clices. Most of you hate them because of the overplay but if you are just getting into 40k those are the first guys that stand out without thinking "just another sci-fi property" or "Tolkien IN SPACCEEEE!"

>the game would be so much better if GW just put a bullet through 90% of their model range and everyone could only play my favorite army
balanced? yes. Better? Not even close

I'm building up my Ork army. Hopefully I'll get to play something like that someday.

Part of what I love about 40k though is how varied the army you face can be. Your opponent could be anything from the aforementioned horde of boyz to a few Imperial Knights. Hell, there's something like 20+ codexes and each one has a massive amount of options. It could just be me, but I'm always excited to see what my opponent brings to the table even if it's cheese

If Guard is so popular, then why is the army always given dogshit rules and most people play Space Marines?

It's almost like the Guard is as dull and shitty as their rules.

There are quite a few games, such as bolt action, that fit into what you described. Giant posthumans in power armor fighting the enemies of mankind is more unique and cooler than a bunch of faggy gaurdsmen

40K would be a much more interesting and balanced game if 90% of the games and model support were for Tau instead of power armor.

>Far greater variety of Monstrous Creatures and jetpack infantry available in plastic already. More established reason to have a dozen different septs with their own rules and significantly different looking infantry than chapters
>Less design space wasted on creating rules for each slightly different brands of power armor, rhino chassis, ultimate elite unit or bolter bob who decided to paint his armor a different shade of red today
>wider model range and tactics mean bring greater army variety to the tabletop
>By principle, no single units of ultimate badasses who can smash their way through the entire opposing force, have to actually use unit synergy and terrain since most of your shit is T3 Sv5+
>40K actually becomes a shooting game, with melee typically used only as a last, desperate resort

Feel free to prove me wrong. You can't.

>space marines