How do we make vampires cool again?

How do we make vampires cool again?

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Add ice.

Or by not representing them as retarded over-sexualized lolis. Just a thought.

Ban women from writing vampires.
Ban women from being the target audience of vampire-centric media.

Twillight, True Blood and all the other shameful vampire depictions will die out overnight.

Every vampire is Remilia.

How the hell is Remillia over-sexualised?

Shit, how the hell is she sexualized?

I'd do it by giving them a number of different forms and manifestations. For examples, vampires who become demonic beasts, vampires who are living shadows, or vampires who are formed from grave soil. Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula was pretty bad, but it did this well.

I'm sorry that fully clothed young girls seem oversexualized to you, perhaps you might like to see a counselor about that before you try to act on your distorted sexual desires?

They're cool again.

Depends, is this horror vampires or just flat out vampires?
If it's just vampires, do what you want to make them cool. It's your setting so you can just make them how Bender acted in "Bender's Big Score" if you think it'd make them cool.

Is this the horror variety? Well for one, don't make them lolis. You can have them be children, but make it more like Buffy the Vampire slayer where they are still disturbing and not designed around being cute. You make them scary. It's as simple as that.