Stat her, teegee.
Stat her, teegee
+20 slut
+20 prostitute
+20 all-access semen receptacle
Also this
That's out of 10 or 100?
How despicable. Where do I go to give a donation?
Depends, does she please 10 or 100 old men per day?
Assuming an 8 hour work day, 100 old men would require her to please 12.5 old men per hour, or one old man every 4.8 minutes. Wow what a pace.
What she does is not the best, but she is the best at what she does.
What class would a shrine maiden be? Cleric, druid?
She probably skews closest to Cleric.
Except of course, no class comes close to the bullshit that even the weakest girl she fights can throw around, let alone the shenanigans she can pull
Why bother with Raymoo when you can stat the objectively superior witchy instead.
Large fey beast
Level 8 Elite Brute
XP 700
Initiative +6
HP 212; Bloodied 106; see also stunning screech
AC 22; Fortitude 22, Reflex 19, Will 20
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7
Action Points 1
Claw (standard; at-will): Reach 2; +12 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage
Double attack (standard; at-will): The owlbear makes two claw attacks. If both claws hit the same target, the target is grabbed (until escape).
Bite (standard; at-will): Grabbed target only; automatic hit; 4d8 + 4 damage.
Stunning Screech (free, when first bloodied; encounter): Close burst 1; +10 vs. Fortitude; the target is stunned (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned
Languages --
Str 20 (+9)
Con 16 (+7)
Dex 14 (+6)
Int 2 (+0)
Wis 16 (+7)
Cha 10 (+4)
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
>4e statblock
- Rabid skirt chasing megadyke
+ Rabid skirt chasing megadyke with a harem the size of Gensokyo
LG Human with the Phantom template from Monster Manual 4. Levels in Cleric (Force domain for magic missiles), leading into the Divine Oracle PrC. Maybe an Unarmed Swordsage dip for better combat abilities and short-range teleportation.
Dump Intelligence and Charisma, but max out Wisdom and take as many "use Wisdom in place of Intelligence/Charisma" abilities as you can. Reimu is abrasive and bad at logic, but she compensates for this with keen instincts.
2hus aren't dykes, turbonerd.
Too long to post on Veeky Forums. Statted her in Legends of the Wulin
Sort of tempted to make her a Warrior instead of a Priest, but I went with what a Priest would look like. Not sure about the Quick Work when she's already a fine brawler with Eight Legends, but not sure on what I'd spend it on instead, and it gives her a little versatility in how exactly she can beat the fug out of people.
Statting Marisa is easy. Wizard specialized in evocation, ranks in Craft (alchemy), and most of her spell components are mushrooms. Maybe some feat that grants resistance to poison.
Force of nature. Basically magical girl equivalent of a Tarrasque.
>Warlock (homebrew phoenix pact?)
daily reminder that BURN EVERYTHING is not her only spell
anal circumference: 5.5 inches
throat depth: 12.5 inches
heel height: 6 inches
kegel muscle strength: >31 lbs/sq-inch
vaginal coefficient of friction (kinetic): 0.01
elastic modulus of labia: ~0.01 Gpa
thermal conductivity (aroused) 0.72 (W/(m. K))
eye color: hazel
Pyrokineticist. She didn't make a pact with anything, she's just been around a long time and picked up a few tricks. She uses phoenix motifs because who wouldn't do that if they could control fire and respawn when killed?
Though, 3.5 Hellfire Warlock's Con damage would be a decent fit in mechanical terms. Most of Mokou's strength comes from how she ignores defense and focuses entirely on attack, using overclocked attacks that harm her own body, and then relying on her immortality to negate the drawbacks.
you losers only stat the common hus
here's a rare, high-quality hu
What's the point of having a waifu if she exists in the vacuum?
I mean, just look at Touhou or KanColle or Grand Order or any other character-driven universe with little to no actual universal lore or underlying explanations.
What's the point of a setting that thrives solely upon its roster? What's the point of the characters in such a setting if their only interactions are, well, with each other and not the setting at large?
user, I've never even played Touhou but know enough through osmosis to tell you've got no idea what you're talking about.
Touhou has a pretty fleshed-out setting. It's just fleshed out in the books and manga rather than the games.
And no, I don't mean "the creators hired three different artists to create spinoffs, which are contradicted by each other and the source material". ZUN writes this stuff himself, and there are ongoing storylines which weave between game, book, manga and CD mediums.
Great taste.
Now stat Luigi
~Level 20 or so Technician with Ki Abilities built for maximum DANMAKU!
Hell, most 2hus are either Techies or Warlocks.
Meiling and Yuugi are Tao, though, because crazy martial arts.
Yukari is about the only one whose stats are WoD Caine.
And just about any of the high-tier 2hus could stomp the entire Anima universe's secret powers flat in about two seconds.
A wizard that forgot to take most spells except Fly and Magic Missile and metamagic feats to increase the number of Magic Missile per round.
>touhou doesn't have a developed setting or lore
embarrassing misconception
>he doesn'T know reimu also stacks x epic level spells that insta kill all kinds of shit through sheer damage and effects
>He doesn'T know she's also immortal shit as an epic level arch wizard
The fact that no one has posted best girl is a shame.
A shame.
Suika a shit!
Not only is Siki the best, but she can also solve all alignment arguments.
Just imagine.
She's a cleric with ogre for a racial template, and is one of the smartest demonstrated characters.
Plus that gorgeous hair that she pulls strands of to make clones.
10/10 would marry even if she smells like alcohol all the time
>all these shit-tier touhous
best girl coming through
>Posting a lame midboss for a tanuki.
having opinion this shit should be illegal
Posting the real best 2hu
You have good taste
>not one mention of Remilia
at least she pretty much has her own thread atm
nobody cares bout remilia m8, especially considering how much of an unrepentant dick she is.
So she's the strongest 2hu right?
I think we can all agree that best 2hu is definitely not this hideous piece of shit.
>start playan 2hu around Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/Perfect Cherry Blossom
>think patchouli seems kinda alright
>fall off for a while
>come back and play the fighters
>main patchouli all day every day
>annoy all my friends with spamming fireballs
And that's why she's my librarianfu.
I played Hisoutensoku regularly up until a few years ago, and still play it on occasion.
Now you've got me curious, are there any good/passable Touhou homebrews? Sounds like it might be fun oneshot material, if I wrote up some random tables or something.
Clowns were a mistake.
Were you on the /v/ soku threads?
I've not read the manga, but it has been said that Shiki >> Reimu + Yuyuko + Yukari. Does the Yama get up in Toyohime's business?
Shiki isn't more powerful than the 3 combined, it's more that she'd talk their ears off.
Moon bitches are so strong they won't appear in any game because it'd be unfair. Something like that anyway. Small wonder everyone hates them.
Only very rarely, because of latency and the fact that I'm Yuro. 98% of my playing was with my friends. We were a group of four or five regulars, and a few that would play every now and then.
It was fun, because when you play the same people over and over there's so much meta stuff, because you know EXACTLY what their style is.
Well at least you weren't part of that complete clusterfuck. I wish it hadn't gone to shit. It was really comfy back in the day.
Reminder America kicked their asses all around the moon. America fuck yeah!
It's ambiguous if Yukari means that she's capable of defeating all of them or if she's capable of just talking them to death.
There's a lot of back and forth here. One suggestion running is that Eiki's ability to see things in black and white means that she straight up counters Yukari's ability to manipulate the borders between things.
The other way goes that Eiki's ability is more mundane, but her ability to straight up categorize everything really, really grates on Yukari's nerves, given that she loves ambiguity and chaos.
Of course, this being touhou, who fucking knows which is which.
99% of touhou characters are massive dicks
99% of touhou characters have massive dicks.
i knew i would get this reply when i made that post
>Come to Veeky Forums for laughs
>Get reminded that everyone here is a cancerous secondary who has no idea what they're talking about in regards to anything.
I hate all you faggots so much.
The only people who give a shit about bullshit like "secondary" are stupid assholes.
You're a shitty hipster who can't stand the fact that the series is popular.
>but it has been said that Shiki >> Reimu + Yuyuko + Yukari
As others pointed out, probably only in the sense that even the three of them couldn't out-argue her. The whole notion of it being a powerlevel comparison is pretty stupid in the context of that SoL story, as it doesn't make sense for them to fight in the first place. They just don't want to deal with her preachy attitude, so they leave.
Yeah, I think it's because they would refuse to lose because of their pride (or because losing would be a sign of imperfection) and thus make unbeatable spell cards which is against the rules, so nobody would play danmaku with them anyway.
No, I can't stand people who pretend to like something that's popular to fit in, when in truth their "interest" in the thing is as shallow and artificial as their petty personalities.
That's what I hate about Veeky Forums, you're all a bunch of fake nerds, normies who take a superficial interest in nerd shit because it's cool at the moment. You don't know the meaning of the word investment.
Ok, so when I accused you of being a hipster, that was meant to be an insult, man.
I did not mean "Continue to do what you're doing, it will only serve to impress me."
You're trying to establish superiority in social status by the fucking hobbies you pursue, and by how dedicated you claim you are to them.
That's fucking pathetic, man.
What is a touhou primary?
Primary is someone who's played and beaten the games.
Fuggin normies, am I right?
Let's go post frogs and be unconventional together.
You realise the games have shit all with regards to fleshing out the touhou world right?
i like touhou world and characters a lot but suck at the games hard and can't even pass first stage in any of the games i tried.
does this make me secondary?
If I wanted to pretend to like something popular for sick nerd cred and all the blowjobs it would inevitably get me I'd pick something a little more mainstream than Touhou.
I'm providing the definition, I think it's a retarded little cliche bullshit term myself.
As I said before, who gives a shit?
The main thing reimu has that you'd need to account for is her ability to just "no" something on herself. Beyond that, a focus on seal / noose type attacks where it's surrounding and closing in on targets.
For other characters, and since the moon was brought up, I'd be interested in seeing hottipica and worlds angriest mum get statted.
Junko as purify could be an interesting thing- debuff removal, and maybe a thing where if she's capable of making any technique in a chain become the best form of it- purifying things to their final state.And just a load of "fuck you in particular" - she's the save or die caster compared to the standard magic missile spam.
Hottopic chan is a bit harder as she's not got as much detail given on her, beyond being the boss of shiki, and pretty much most places given her portfolio, but we've not got much concrete beyond that.
main characters are a shit
(except for this one)
I was hoping the first guy to bring it up would have an answer. It was a troll post but I had to reply.
no fanart of this, it needs to bee!!!
That's funny. You're funny.
The fact that you're so shallow that you feel you need to classify yourself as some sort of 'elite' just so you can feel one good thing about yourself is funny.
How often do you cry yourself to sleep at night, user?
That's not the definition, user.
Being a primary means your knowledge is based on primary sources (i.e. things created by the original author). Being a secondary means your knowledge is based on secondary sources (i.e. fanfic or commentary).
What about being a tertiary?
I respect your choice user(s), but I must politely disagree, if only slightly.
I'm sorry guys, but the true best 2hu is actually this epic Loremaster.
>inb4 having con as dump stat
My brethren of African decent.
It would be fun to sneak in Patchy as a backup character in the rather lethal campaign I'm currently in, but unfortunately we play with corruption rules for magic. So to be as magical as best librarian I'd have to look like a shambling mess.
Given that in academia it refers to encyclopedias, the proper definition would be "someone who's only read Strange Creators of Outer World" or something.
Since that isn't very useful, in practice it's usually "someone whose knowledge is based on fanfics written by people unfamiliar with the original work" (i.e. a recursive secondary). Though the term isn't commonly used to begin with.
The fucking games don't mention shit on powerlevel though so the only way to even be in this conversation is to view secondary material.
Op did not ask you to stat your mom.
>applying mortal stats to a goddess
I'm pretty sure the powerlevel discussion is supposed to take place outside the construct of spell card battles, because they were even used specifically to limit Watatsuki no Yorihime.
Don't mind me, just posting strongest youkai
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
Reminder who best 2hu is
wrong picture?
Ok, has anyone made a rpg system for touhous?
Ok, has anyone made a rpg system for touhous?
I'll never understand why Veeky Forums does this sometimes.
>not qt3.14 ZA WARUDO maid
The most mainstream 2hu has been statted to death already.
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield)
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
Skills Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
t. japanese goblin.