>Vlad III is Lawful Good
Is this logical?
Vlad III is Lawful Good
You have no intention of talking about traditional games, do you?
He impaled his enemies while they were still alive, right? If he just left their corpses behind mutilated and disgraced to set an example one could make a case for him being a good person, but actively torturing others for the heck of it makes you pretty clearly evil.
He impaled muslims and other undesirables in an attempt to do good for his country, so yes.
Logically he's Lawful Evil. Doesn't matter if he believed he was doing the right thing.
From D&D morally objective alignment, LE. He was a grim and terrible ruler who brutally tortured foes for little to no reason.
In everything else, depends on where you stand.
>tortured foes for little to no reason
>implying that's not slightly chaotic
He's Neutral Evil at best.
Nasuverse uses really weird definitions of "Good" and "Evil" (and for "Lawful" and "Chaotic", if I remember right).
How is that a chaotic act in a world where the Geneva convention doesn't exist and torture is a highly common practice? He neither broke his word nor took a 'flexible' approach to tradition.
Should be LE at best by D&D alignments.
Then again, Bride Nero is Chaotic Bride, Gilgamesh is Chaotic Good, and Vlad himself is Lawful Neutral in Apocrypha and Chaotic Evil in GO. Nasuverse alignment is weird.
Here's a response from someone who's clearly been thinking too hard on the Nasuverse subreddit:
>Since we don't have objective gygaxian morality to show us the way the alignments as described by Nasu work as follows: Neutral describes normal people, human beings belong on this one on both axes.
>Law and Chaos are principles- Law means you care about some likely very abstract concept to the point of total self-denial. Chaos means you feel no obligation towards anything but your own whims.
>Good and Evil are personality types, good means open, brave, honest and magnanimous. Evil means selfish, cowardly, sly and focused on self-gratification. Madness enchantment means you can't really express your personality. Obviously Gilgamesh's plan to save mankind would qualify him as good and Sasaki Kojirou's obsession with fighting makes him evil.
>See it's simple! So long as you think about it from a perspective that totally ignores human compassion and ignore all their self-delusions you can neatly stick people into nine boxes. >Easy peasy.
So by this logic, Vlad is Lawful Good because he's open, honest, and does what he does for the sake of his people and his kingdom, and cares about some abstract concept (protecting his kingdom from the saracens and heathens) to the point of going to extreme lengths.
By this same logic, Dr. Doom would be Lawful Good.
Do you know about Gigaxian Paladins? they're LG
>for little to no reason
Well usually the reason was because they were turks trying to invade his country
He didn't take kindly to being turkish
Nor to invading
He also did it for the purpose of intimidating the next wave of invaders.
>He was a pissant little shit who tried to turn a succession war against his brother into a crusade
And it probably worked, too!
I know I would be creeped out by it
He didn't only impale ottoman soldiers, he was an usurper and went into killing sprees against his own peasants and nobility as well.
"He only impaled turks" is a /pol/ fantasy
He defended his homeland by removing Ottoman flavored kebab
of course he was LG
>And it probably worked, too!
>itt people who know nothing of balkans history
His shitty little principality was an ottoman vassal state before he was dead.
Vlad III was a psychotic shitlord who murdered his way into power, tried to brew an immense war for political gain, and routinely tortured his own people to death for his own amusement.
He is the very definition of a chaotic evil ruler. A somewhat successful military action against the Turks and the fact that his impaling fetish was also sated on criminals sometimes doesn't absolve him of the atrocious shit he did for no reason but power or momentary pleasure.
Doom is Lawful Good by any logic, fool.
Doom is definitely lawful good.
He's about as good as Lex Luthor
DOOM acts only for good and all that is DOOM is law.
Aren't the alignments in Fate based off the perspective of the time-period/culture of the character they're attached to?