Mine is Bird's Opening.
What's your favorite chess opening, Veeky Forums?
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Mine's the triple basketwoven corkscrew.
No one expects it.
Except of course anyone who knows the rules of the game.
My favorite is Hikaru no Go opening 1.
Although the one for season two is also pretty great.
No frogposting here please.
1. e4
I like the I Have Not Studied Chess At All And Only Play Against Other Amateurs Opening. It works by picking a Pawn and moving it forward.
Teller's Tale, leading into Rook Fancy #4 anticipating the opponent's own Rebel's Rouse.
I move one of the knights up and out, then move a pawn up so one of my bishops can get out. It's fun.
this is rarely if ever seen in play at a high level. the reason for this is simple: it is easily refuted with a from gambit 1...e5 2...fxe5 and some brutal bishop play thereafter. it's simply not that sharp of an opening and doesnt cause nearly enough problems for black