Does anyone remember this movie? If so, what system would be good for running a campaign in it?
Does anyone remember this movie? If so, what system would be good for running a campaign in it?
I liked the deviantart contest more than the movie
The movie had amazing visuals and a decent plot, but the voice and characters were meh at best.
You know what removes those problems?
A campaign.
The true answer is there is no good system for it. There's no good system for any media. It's like asking for a good video game movie or a what would be a good TV show that's like a book.
Unless there's 100% something already made perfectly for it, you won't have a system ready. And even then, there are chances it'll be crap.
THAT SAID, there are plenty of approximations you could pull off with many systems.
First off are the toolkit systems: GURPS, Savage Worlds, Fate. These three will always be mentioned in a "what system?" thread. They tend to provide tools for the GM to modify, tailor, or even wholesale make their own campaign-focused game with books, advice, or general settings provided.
GURPS is the crunchiest of the three. Famous for having not only a fairly comprehensive corebook, but also many, many various sourcebooks to gather rules and runstyle advice from. Maybe it'll provide you with some rules you need. Maybe while reading it you decide you want to run a game of super-evil penguins who conquer the multiverse with guns.
Savage Worlds is less rules intensive than gurps by a massive degree. It's also massively less of a toolkit system because of that. The vast majority of content for Savage Worlds is in setting books, so it's less tailormaking a game from as many sourcebooks as possible and more like stitching a frankendress out of other settingboks. There is one setting though that is roughly at that size of the game. I forget what it's called though.
Fate is the least rules intensive and without a massive rules overhaul pretty shallow. Sometimes it works well, other times it doesn't. The *only* reason I list it with the other two major toolkit systems is because of the system toolkit book. Which doesn't give comprehensive rules for everything, but a shitton of advice to create your own rulesets and modifications for the system. It's more a homebrew advice book than a rulebook.
7 a best
Mouse Guard
It's steampunk Engine Heart. The plot is literally Engine Heart's conciet - the humans are all gone and your party is nothing but the tiny robots trying to figure out what happened to all the people. Just make the robots steampunk instead of information age and you're done.
Was watching this movie with my roommates last night. I totally saw it as an engine heart campaign. The numbers don't seem to have any defects or features though
No, it's called 9, idiot
Deviant link plz? It's hard to find anything when it's named "9".
>Does anyone remember this movie?
Aw, fuck. I do now!
Thanks a lot, OP.
I saw the movie but I barely remember it because my girlfriend and I were the only two in the theater and I was getting sucked off the whole time. I remember that evil mecha bird was pretty cool tho
Praise the Dragon.
Wasn't there a system called Robohart or something?
Enginehart, that's what it's called.
Flush your fucking gamebooks down the toilet and shit in your own mouth.
9 sucked.
Really? each one has a part of the creator's soul inside them, including its advantages and drawbacks. Take 1 for example. 1 hold's the creator's capacity of leadership, but also his cowardice. 2 has the creator's creativity, but also his foolhardiness. each has their own benefits and drawbacks, just make those defects and features
>The numbers don't seem to have any defects or features though
Second manipulatory limb, lightweight, weak, etc. There can definitely be features and defects that apply to them. You could say that all the numbers have the Lightweight defect because they're mostly cloth.